Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Ok - I’m gonna try using kitchen towel to iron over and hope it absorbs wax. Worth a try. Charys, your a mine of info with your info links - thanks darlin. x

Lesley - I’m somewhat disturbed at you saying to Clair, you’ll “ring” the door bell for her finished rads treatment, when you know full well, all else are knocking their “knockers” !!


Don’t make me laugh, my head hurts too much!  Yes Charys, walked John Wayne style supporting épilation into the kitchen for scissors.


Delly, I’ll ring my bell for Clair as I did for Janey, then I’ll knock my knockers too.


The super strong painkillers haven’t helped today so just waiting for a safe gap before taking the strong guns migraine jollop prescribed by neurologist.  The husband has just said playing on that @@@@ing iPad doesent help your head you know.  He doesent understand, Im not playing, I just need my fix of my lovely ladies, Im addicted to you all xx

Lol :-D. I’ was reading the posts waiting for rads and giggling away I had an odd few looks from the others!!! but I had many visions of wax in all sorts of situations and scissors and teeth. Ladies stick with a Bic it’s your safest option :wink:
Only 1 more to go so think.of me tomorrow at 3.40 and I’ll finally be done, I’ll be listening out for the bells and knockers, then I’m going to get a takeaway and a bottle if wine go home and chill.
Lesley have you ever had cranial massage? I had it done a few years ago for a back problem funnily enough but she was amazing and said that the positioning of bones in your head can cause all sorts of problems and it can be traced back to birth! Sorry rambled a bit then. Hope you’ve all had a good day lv Clair xx

Are we giving out lines or detention for the AWOLs?  Magical Moon often disappears for long periods, I think she goes off spreading her magic all over but not like Janey to go missing, hope she hasn’t flipped because the house rules have been broken and she’s been put under restraint.  Expect Rubycat is off on one of her Mindlessness courses or observing a silence period.

Yep, Carol wins.  It’s lovely and sunny here but nippy.  Watched Mary Berry on the BBC news last light turning on the lights in Marlow,  there were snow flakes whirling round in the air.  That’s only a couple of miles from here.  I peeped out of the window to make sure it wasn’t snowing here, Not a flake in sight.


Good luck this pm Clair, bells and knockers at the ready.  Getting worried about our Janey now, Not like her to go on the missing list.  Hopefully she’s busy doing nice things, if so she will have to do her punishment, whatever we decide, and put proof on here that’s she’s done it.  I’m thinking 30 pressups instead of lines, that will teach her xx

Thank you for message Charys and I’m back - hopefully in time for knocking knockers for you Clair!
Having given Rubycat time off for thespian support duties, I am very apologetic to you lovelies for going AWOL. Not sure what happened but my vision went. Not blind but so blurred it was scary and I felt dreadful (and sorry for myself!). Could be an extreme reaction to any of the drugs but has slowly resolved and now I can see my screen! GP now monitoring and eye test next week. I have got a condition in my eyes, which can cause problems, but I felt so ill it can’t have been that.
Have missed all of you and have clearly been missing out also on epilatory sharing!! I would have got partner to log on but this is my special place!
Good news is that my skin is all healed and the underwire is back on. Still very fatigued but trying to walk more and now I can see weeds again, I’m going to get out in the beautiful Devon sunshine later (with sunnies on!).
I hope you’re all ok and Lesley how is your head? Hugs to all xx

No meds stopped yet but good GP monitoring, so I’m feeling reassured and absolutely fine as time goes on thank goodness. Are you home yet Clair?
I’ve missed lots on the thread but a definite yes to a blog Delly. People make money through advertising … just think what all those waxing companies would pay! You never know Gary Barlow and Andrew Lloyd Webber could make a film of it! Calendar Girls so 90s. Reading your Blog would very definitely bring it into the “naughties”! I loved reading about the man you helped in the rain xx

Oh Janey how awful :frowning: I’m so glad it’s come back we definitely missed you xx We’ve just got back there was a accident on the 303 so had a diverted drive home I hope the people involved are ok it just shows how precious life is. I had a few tears when we left the hospital but I’m ok hubby is ordering a takeaway, my wine is chilling and we’re going to have a chilled evening. My sister is taking us out for a meal tomorrow 2 nights with no cooking :-D. I’m going to spend the next few weeks just trying to get my head around everything xx
thank you lovelies <3. Xxxx

Oh Janey, how frigthening for you, let’s hope it’s just a little glitch in the recovery process and a one off.


Bell rung and knockers knocked for you Clair.  Enjoy your takeaway and wine and meal tomorrow.  It’s a big deal when it’s done and dusted.


Head still thumping.  Looks like the amitripyline aren’t going to work, I had such high hopes for them. Looked st cranial massage Clair.  Osteopath for headaches is all that came up locally.  Might give if a go in the new year, thing is all these things cost so much.


On Monday I’m going to the German Christmas market in Birmingham.  I’m determined to get there this year even if I’m spaced out on painkillers.  I paid to go last year and went down with the flu and couldn’t go.


Hope to be walking tomorrow, again, even dosed up with painkillers.  I need to get some fresh air and exercise.

Hello ladies!

I’ve looked in through your front window a few times, it seems only polite to knock on the door and say hi. Though maybe knocking and scarpering would be more appropriate…

Claire, I saw on the November rads thread you were talking about your boob being manhandled at the beginning, now I’m worried, didn’t realise any of that is involved. Day 1for me is Wednesday… hallelujah.

(Thank heaven for predictive texting for once, I was wondering how to spell that.)


Congrats for finishing today, you must be in my corner of the country if you use the 303.

Hi Dizzy welcome to the mad house :wink:

Please don’t worry I didn’t mean they manhandle your boobs it just sometimes you have a gentle helping hand or 2 to get your body into postion my boobs tend to.go under my arm ( age thing) so sometimes it needed a prod in the right direction but I promise it’s all gentle and as dignified as it can be lv Clair xxx

Dizzy I’m in lovely somerset where abouts are you? Xx

Hello Dizzy and welcome.  How polite are you, knocking first?  Good luck for Wednesday.  How many are you having?  A friend in Spain had her first one yesterday, she’s having 30.  Haven’t heard of anyone here having as many as that have you?  My sisters friend was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago and just been told that her surgery, mastectomy (I know that’s not the correct spelling but auto correct doesent seem to be able to find it) won’t be until February.  She lives in Ireland.  That’s seems a long time to wait.  Think we are pretty lucky here, I only had to wait 16 days for my op after diagnoses.

Charys, our posts seemed to have crossed.  Yes and induction/initiation seems appropriate, will have to think of something.  And sorry, forgot to say hello and welcome to Lily xx

Helloooo Lovelies


Lorac - Yeh, close up Edith photographs. I’m concerned she/it will crack my camera lens!!

Janey - missed you. Sorry you’ve had a nasty shock time with your eyes, but soooo glad you’re feeling better . . . . and you’re back with us. Hope they stay settled. I’ll give you a ride under my umbrella anytime flower, as I would any of you. The kiss, however, is obligatory. Don’t do owt for nowt you know.

Clair - Whooo-hooooo and Knickyknacky K N O C K E R S  ! ! Your tears are so understandable. Weird how all this “stuff” just gets to you sometimes, it just bloomin does. You just relax and enjoy your couple of chefs nights off. You have my permission. 

Thought I saw someone loitering outside the window. You’ve got some fans Clair - Dizzybee and Lily.

Charys - Stuff an induction ritual. Scootch up on the sofa and I’ll go get another couple of glasses to welcome our new visitors. Cheers. Hope you’re both doing okay, are you? Good luck for your rads Dizzy.

Much love

Dellypoos xxxx

Hey girls, take no notice of Charys. She thinks she’s boss because she started this thread off, and it was NEVER serious. Loada flippin loonies on here. I’m the only serious one.


Charys - Me “Fluffy” ?? And since when did you learn to spell “shannigans”. Love yer darlin girl, as I do all of you. Aww Shucks, I’m going all gooey wet eyed again. xxxx

Don’t be taken in by it. I’m like one of those “Sirens” in Greek mythology, that draws the sailors in to only be shipwrecked. Cept you aren’t sailors. You’re fellow BC women. If that were CB, it’d stand for Completely Bonkers!!


Charys - “Donate” it to us all !!! What you really mean is you find it so embarrassing, you really just want to disown it and wash your hands of it. xx

Yeh Charys, Lily did, and spelt laughter right too. And what the heck does ROFL mean?? x

Thanks, I was just about to google ROLF, now I know.  You learn so much from this site, very educational.