Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

I get so confused when people use acronyms ( thank god for predicted text) I then have to Google it to figure it out, my favourite though is Pmsl which often happens quite literally :-D. Xx

So Clair and Lily do we tell them yet that we are planning a Westcountry coup - Mwahhahaha… ?! Delly the siren ? - blog title?! Charys I think this thread on a par now with Ed Balls on Strictly, something we all needed in 2016 ? ?
Can I put a plea in for an avocado tooth - I reckon it could set a retro trend in dentistry and a nice touch of irony, as I was eating avocado when the tooth broke … Clair, how was supper?! Xx

:-D. Well I might get shares in tena lady being around you lot :smiley: :-D. I might need more than teeth from Delly I wonder if you’d be interested in suppling portable loos too :wink: xx

Crikey, you go off to watch the TV for an hour and have to skip two pages! Delly, my loo needs to be champagne, that’s the posh way of saying cream, like my teeth. The ones that are still original, that is…


Claire, I’m in Dorset, sort of the same end of the country, westish. But I have various rellies near Taunton/Honiton and offspring in Bristol. So we do a lot of cross country trips, there are no straight routes from Dorset to anywhere else. Thanks for the explanation about the manhandling, my mind was running riot…I don’t need to worry about anything disappearing under my arm, now I’m nine weeks since my second op, my boob has shrivelled up like a collapsed souffle. I need to investigate a sock for that cup…


Lesley, I’m having 15 sessions, which seems to be fairly standard in the UK unless people are having boosts as well. In the US they get 30 at half the dose. It costs a lot more and has worse side effects so I’m glad not to be there. Though I’d be a lot richer, my completely useless insurance is going to pay me a hundred quid a day, it’s an ill wind as the cliche says. 


So the drinks are on me ladies, what’s your tipple?

Shh we’re not ready yet Janey… I’m completely stuffed with pizza I gave up on the wine and had a nice cup of earl Grey instead I live the high life :smiley:
I get the posh tea tomorrow. I was eating toast when mine broke :frowning: I’ll have an avocado one please Delly, it’s a back one so no one will notice xxx

Well Dizzybee we now have a full house on Westcountry maids, so I’ll have a G&T please! Mind you the acupuncture seems to have dulled my gin cravings as well as the hot flushes ?

I’ve been putting the pmsl down to the Tamoxifen. Or maybe the antidepressant I take to cope with the Tamoxifen…

Wot no alcohol cravings? I should buy shares in an Aussie vinyard. Red, naturally

I thought I was the only one, I trawled through the list of side effects and didn’t find that one! 

Noooo Lily, you can’t take my wine away. I think there are loads of phyto oestrogens, I promise I won’t eat any of them. Unless it’s chocolate, I’d have to make another exception there too.

PMSL ?? What’s that then. And where have you suddenly have all crawled out from? I could hear you all talking behind my back. Can’t keep up with yers.

Dizzy - whereabouts in Dorset are you? I lived in Bournemouth for 16 years. No to portaloos, funnel in the knickers connected to a hosepipe down the trouser leg I can do? Doesn’t quite work with skirts tho’. On a serious note - what antidepressant are you taking and have you experienced any probs with it ??

Lily - am near Manchester so 30 miles from the sea. Bath can be brought up the Mersey, then M/c Ship Canal. Just tricky from there to here.


Delly the Siren for a blog title? - I’d come up with Delly’s Delicacies. Drink - yes please. I’ll have a Prosecco, make it a gallon. Hang on, I’ll just have to recover the funnel from my knickers to put in my mouth. Right - I’m ready - just pour thanks.


Actually, I’ve never had any lifestyle advice at all. I expect someone’s given me a healthy eating booklet or whatever, but no one has ever discussed anything face to face. Even when the oncologist asked me if I drank alcohol and I made some crack about drinking more now than I used to, he just said he’d put me down as a moderate drinker then. No questions, I could have been on half a bottle of whisky a day. I expected them to talk about weight and exercise, but nothing. Maybe they think it’s too late now, the damage has been done.

Though I do remember seeing research that weight and exercise make a big difference to outcomes.

Delly, I’m just outside Dorchester, where everything is named for Thomas Hardy. We moved here a few years ago when we got fed up of living  in the midlands, living close to the sea is still a novelty to us. On the other hand, it’s a shopping desert, a severe culture shop when you’ve had the shopping centre at Milton Keynes on your doorstep for a couple of decades.

I get the train to Southampton or drive to Exeter to go shopping proper.

Dorchester’s a lovely little town.

Right - I’ve towelled off the scaley tail and am going to bed. So you can talk about me all you like.

Nighty nighty Nutters from Dellywelly


Dizzy I’ll gave a large rosé please :slight_smile: I’m not giving up my wine and it was one of the first questions I got asked at my first appointment "how many units? " never got the hang of units except in the kitchen where I find the glasses!! I live in Yeovil Dizzy and spend a lot of weekends in Dorchester mostly charity shopping and driving round Poundbury wishing I could afford to shop in waitrose. :wink: night all lots a love xxxxx

well, lifestyle advice from the onc when I was discharged back to the surgeon, was to avoid gaining weight & not to overdo the alcohol, so moderated my wine habit a bit.
bottoms-up, ladies! ?? x

Units are easy. Look at the alcohol percentage, that tells you how many units per litre. So a bottle of wine is 70 or 75 cl or three quarter of a litre. So a 12% bottle of wine is 9 units.14% is tennish…

Afternoon oh lovely ones. I’m just back from coffee in Exeter. I can’t bear shopping other than on line but lovely to chat with a friend, although a bit buzzy from the caffeine!
Rubycat is off watching her son in a play and was granted leave ? Such a lovely day here, I’ve persuaded OH to come to garden centre with me. I’m after a magnolia to look forward to Spring next year!
No wine for me either, unless I want to sacrifice a night’s sleep. I’ve converted Lesley to Gin though! I’m embracing the upside of hot flushes though - t shirt in November!

Hi all!

I made the mistake of trying clothes on today, my lopsided look is not great in anything fitted, but why do they insist on putting a pocket slap over the nipple on the bigger side!!! I don’t need to draw attention to my David and Goliath look. Or maybe that should be French and Saunders…

Janey, another West Country resident, how far from Exeter do you live?

Just popping in to say hello <3.
it’s s been freezing here and it didn’t help that hubby left the bathroom window open ( he’s decorating bless him ) most of the day! So I’ve been extremely lazy all day and just curled up in a blanket on the sofa. I feel totally exhausted and quite down today and really wish I wasn’t going out now :frowning: and I’ll miss strictly oh well I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ll have a large vodka or 2 and go with the flow
Good job I’ve stocked up on tena lady :-D. Lv Clair xxx