Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hello ladies, been busy today.  Went out walking, breakfast, shopping and walking home.  Few phone calls, cooked dinner then logged in.  Flipping heck! It took me ages to read all the posts, lovely though.  Strictly is on now so everything has to stop for that.  Catch up with you all tomorrow.  Sitting here with my glass of vino, no one gave me any advice about drinking or diet at all so as far as I’m concerned a glass of what I enjoy does me good.  I did stop the wine for a while but only because I just didn’t fancy it, I didn’t feel any better for it so if I want one I’m having one xx

When I read you’re post Charys, my immediate thought was "What’s she laughing at now?!! Then realised you were giving me the explanation !! Thanks for that xxx

Well guess what I bought a Stellata! When I plant it I shall say a few words in honour of you lovely friends - clearly meant to be! I’ve been persuaded to give a glass of wine a go. It is my favourite, Cabalie, and delicious. Will see how sleep goes tonight!! Oh my goodness Danny is not my favourite but that dance was amazing. Actually all amazing so far but we are watching on delay.
I’m glad you explained pmsl Charys. I was trying to work out how to phrase it!
On a wonderfully proud note my phone has been buzzing, as our team won team of the year at Community Care Awards last night. So chuffed, even though I’ve been off so long. Hope you’re all having good evenings. Clair a special hug for you. It’s so understandable how you’re feeling. Xx

I know it’s 50/50 on the pockets, I’d never noticed before that it’s always the same side. Why would you pay any attention I guess. It’s always on the left, I imagine so if you put anything into it you would reach it with your right hand. The equivalent of the breast pocket on a man’s shirt. Though they’re usually about two inches square.

Yes, wearing bras. I had a lumpectomy but with a lot to remove so they did a breast reduction and lift, which nicely matched the other one (in size I mean, new one got much more uplift) while it was so full of seroma fluid that I glugged when I turned over! Then they had to have another go to clean upthe margins, so now I’m not the girl I was, I need a dose of swelling from the rads.

The plan is to do a matching surgery to the good side about six months after the end so it has a chance to settle down. In the meantime, I’ll have an appointment with the prosthetics people, for some kind of filler, but again, not until the radiotherapy is done.

Anyway, it’s not a bad time of year for hiding in big jumpers and scarves, I’m probably more aware of it than other people. But those pockets…didn’t ever notice how many tops have them…and buttons down the middle don’t help either.


Claire, it’s been freezing today, no wonder you needed a blanket. I could have lent you a dog, she loves cuddling up on the settee with a blanket. Hope you enjoy your evening out.

Well, I nearly pmsl reading Delly response  to Charys post trying to explain without using the P word, so funny.


Oh yes Janey, that dance was fantastic wasn’t it?  You couldn’t tell you was the professional he was so good.


My boob is bigger after rads.  Was hoping it was go back to normal but oncologist said it wouldn’t so I’m a bit lop sided now but but grateful it’s still there albeit with a  crusty nipple and still got some of those blackhead looking things though not as many.  Tonight we learned  that a friend who was fine yesterday died in his sleep last night.  His girlfriend was worried when he didn’t turn up today as arranged and wasn’t answering the phone, she went to his house and found him dead in bed.  So a wonky boob doesent seem so bad st the moment.


Clair, hope you’re enjoying/enjoyed your meal.  Now just do what you feel like doing, now is the time if ever there was one for pleasing yourself and yourself only.  You’ll probably find it all catches up with you now and you just want to rest xx

Same Charys, “bad” boob is certainly perkier than good boob, funny isn’t it. I too hadn’t thought about people looking in either, always feels like we are sitting round a table drinking coffee and having a good old chinwag.  Nice to welcome new members to the crazy gang.



Thanks Lily, yes it was a shock as he was in good health, (well, obviously not) but hadn’t been unwell and was fine yesterday.  We don’t know the cause as he hadn’t been ill at all but assume it was a heart attack.


Forgot to say thank to to Dizzy for explaining about the 30 sessions of rads, was a bit worried about her having that many before you explained.


Think I’ll try the gin again Janey, had a glass of vino tonight, first for a few nights and hot flushing like mad.  Think you might be right and wine makes them worse xx

Lesley. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve lost a friend. It does put everything into perspective.
I think I’ve got away lightly with surgery, even though they went in twice! Mind you, my duff boob is definitely perter than the good one. A slight indent. Mind you gravity did for me a long time ago!
The tablets are definitely costing me focus I my brain as well as vision! Dizzybee I live about 6 miles to the north of Exeter. Very handy but I do miss living in Exeter sometimes and just walking down to the Quay. Welcome welcome to everyone. Delly delay get those delicacies written! X

Well perhaps there’s hope for me yet, perhaps I’ll be a sweller not a shrinker! Though Murphy’s law says possibly not! Or was it Parkinson, not sure…


Lesley, how horrible for your friend, and for his girlfriend. I can’t imagine what a shock it must have been.


Janey, I definitely envy you living near Exeter, it’s a lovely city. I keep meaning to do the tour of the tunnels, but I’m usually there with my mother, who’s very game but not really good on her feet for too long at 84. My sister works in Exeter and my niece is at uni there. 

So sorry to hear about your friend, Lesley.

Well, thought you would all like to know my boob has neither shrunk or swollen & still a ‘b’ cup, yay!

As far as wine is concerned, still get hot flushes around the same time each day, whether I have a glass or not, so have concluded I will maintain my moderate wine regime.
If anyone’s interested, have found a good non alcoholic alternative to g&t - Seedlip with fevertree ‘naturally light’ tonic water - very nice on my wine free days.

ann xx

Morning lovelies,
Lesley I’m so sorry to hear your terrible news. Xx
Janey congratulations on your award :smiley: xx
I did have a really nice time out last night, great food good company and a glass of champagne so I was very spoilt.
I’m currently snuggled on the sofa catching up on strictly on I player loving Ed he’s total entertainment. As for odd shape boobies my bad one is a real odd shape it’s ok on top where the scar is but has a large dent in the bottom and I often have to re adjust my bra as it slides across to the left, I don’t knowing I can deal with the faff of a prosthetic bit.
I’m sure Bruno has an attention disorder he just can’t sit still.
Have a great Sunday lv Clair xxxx

Happy Sunday all,


So glad you eenjoyed your meal in the end Clair.  Early days for you re boob shape yet.  My dent is on the side and not as noticable 3 months on from rads.  Strictly was great wasn’t?  Wonder who will go tonight.  Yes, I’m always waiting for Bruno to hit Len in the face when he’s waving his arms about.


Hope everyone is having a good day.  Xx

Argh blurry eyes so a quick hello before they go and a serious post on hormones to follow! Hopefully back in time for tv later. ?

Hope you get some answers re your eyes Janey.  Funnily enough I started getting blurry vision when I first started having my rads.  I asked asked about it and they said nothing to do with rads so I wondered if it was the Anastrozole.  They settled down a bit though still get a bit blurry (though now where near as bad as you are experiencing) and Ive been off Anastrozole for over 7 weeks now so putting mine down to lack of sleep and needing new glasses.  


Charys, Im applying for leave of absence tomorrow.  I’m off to the German Christmas market in Birmingham for the day.  I’ll have a glass of glu vin (dont Know how to spell it) and toast all of you.


I think Rubycat must have escaped out of the cat flap and be off on her adventures.  Can’t wait to hear what she’s been up to.


Enjoy your Sunday evening all xx

It’s Gluhwein.  What did we do before google?

And I’m off to Bath Christmas market tomorrow.Aren’t we sneaky, getting there before anyone realises they’re open?

Oh lucky ladies going off to the Christmas markets I’m jealous. But I will be putting up my Christmas tree tomorrow.
Janey I really hope you get to the bottom of your eye problems really soon or must be so frustrating.
Hello Ladybowler welcome to.the gang.
I’m a bit sad strictly Ed has gone it’s all going to get serious now! Right I’ve got a date with David Attenborough talk later xxxx

Hi ladies, Charys sent me over to join you. Delly, lovely to see you in your natural habitat, causing havoc and making everyone laugh. I have had hours of fun giggling away to myself trading the posts here. Just made it through my first chemo cycle and head shaved this week so ready to take on the world. Love to you all X


'Ello Darlins

Janey - Great on the Stellata. My post sould have read “Plus, I like all the furry buds before they flower, just like pussy willows”. Did you get a white or pink one?? I feel touched. We should all be there with you for its planting Janey - a “Magnolia Madness” party. oh go on, any excuse is all right with me. Forgive my ignorance ref gardening tho’ - isn’t it the wrong time of year to be planting ANYthing.

Ref hot flushes, I often say the only consellation is that in the Winter, my heating bills are 1/2 as much, but. . . it’s sadly wrecked my longtime love of the warmer months of weather. Haven’t heard of Cabalie wine - you’ll have to enlighten me. If it’s soooo delicious, I wanna know bout it. And what’s all this on Community Care awards?? Congratulations are in order, but me thinks it’s praps because your NOT currently working and haven’t been for a while !! am teasing darlin - guffaw. I’m so naughty, take no notice. So is your work in the NHS or in the Social Services then Janey??


Dizzy - I can’t help feeling you missed out on Charys’s humourous quip about you trying on blouses and the single pocket side choice being 50/50, in that we only have two boobs, so it being a 50/50 chance and “sods law” that it’ll be over the one you DON’T wish it to be, highlighting any differences. So she was highlighting, yet another of those “bummer” things we discover, and have to cope with in our bodily changes. Yeh, I can sense and share/appreciate your frustration, shape wise. "Bummer"s the right word. But, hey, at least you still have one of your own. When do you start your RADS?? 

Dizzy - I asked you a while back, and it’s for my own personal interest. You mentioned that you started taking antipressants at the same time as your Taxoxifen. Can you tell me which ones you’re on and whether you’ve suffered any side effects from the antiD’s. I suffer with depression, but most make me feel zombified and I need to feel “sparky” to be able to address a whole loada things such as finding a job/income and being able to mentally “function” for such. Please would you let me know - thanks x

Lily - OY!!  No. My ref to funnels, hosepipes etc. was more to do with Clair’s ref to Tena ladies, 25/11, simply to do laughing around us in this thread and asking could I supply “portaloos”!! No PMSL mentioned - honest guvnor.You rotten lot - taking the ‘P’ aren’t you  haha xx


Aww flip - Luscious Lesley, I’m sooo sorry about such sad news of your friend. I do not wish or mean to sound/appear in anyway unsympathetic, and to be so serious, most of us are unfortunately at that age now, where we’re attending more funerals than weddings and christenings. And myself, having lost all 3 of my family, plus a few friends recently to BC, plus my pussycat last month, of 21 yrs, I would far rather “GO” peacefully in my sleep/bed, and be found that way, as I did my Mum, cept on the bedroom floor, and not have anyone/someone find me otherwise as with my bruv hanging on the end of a rope, or my Dad dying in my arms whilst carrying him. So, not saying any of this for sympathy. To me, it’s all a very much more welcomed way to go and state to be found in. Tho none of it is ever welcomed or nice. You know what I mean and am trying to say, don’t you.  


Lesley and Janey, I’m tempted to jokingly say your sight problems could be down to the gin!! BUT, I’m not going to, because I feel that would be in poor taste, and I’m hoping it’s not more serious. xx

Clair - glad you enjoyed your night. I can relate to Bruno - he’s so passionate. I’ve often said I think my Mum at one time had an Italian milkman, in that I seem to share the Italian passions. Would move there tomorrow ££’s permitting. I/they also share the same teasing, cheeky, mischievous sense of humour.


Over and out for now

Dellypoos xxx



Delly, you’re so right, I did miss it, can’t remember whether I was suffering from a sense of humour failure or was just on my second glass of wine!

I take mirtazapine, at the moment have the lowest dose, 15mg, you have to take it at bedtime as it supposedly makes you sleepy. So far it hasn’t made me dopey in the mornings despite combining it with alcohol, it does say it will make you more sleepy if you do. Obviously they haven’t come across a woman of my calibration before…

Tbh I haven’t noticed any side effects other than the odd tena lady moment, but Charys tells me that’s the Tamoxifen. When I googled it SSRIs generally can cause it, and so can Tamoxifen, so who knows?

I had to tell the GP that there are restrictions on what SSRIs you can take with Tamoxifen, my moment of looking like An Informed Patient.


And that was the moment that he told me I wasn’t supposed to be taking it, so not as informed as I thought…, someone forgot to mention it to me. Anyway, I think I’m a lot better on the mirtazapine, I’ve stopped the full on heart pounding and leg shaking stage, so definitely progress.