Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning glories I can see today - very strange! ?? for you Delly, just to help you feel the love!!! In answer to your question, I’m employed by Social Care but assigned to health. We have described ourselves as the children of a broken home with neither parent wanting us! That has changed though thanks to creative planning of our esteemed leader!
The magnolia is white and I shall get a pic before and after my planting ceremony and I will watch it thrive and grow with the rest of us fluffies! Xx - have some more - apparently good to plant in the dormant season - well that’s what head gardener Google says!
Bye bye Balls on Strictly and now it gets serious …
For twitchers amongst us, much excitement this morning, as I spotted a Redwing in the garden. Very pretty and I guess now all the windfalls are nearly gone, it’s time for the bird food to come out. Pigeons have stripped the holly tree bare, so I think that means a hard winter.
Love to all and many kisses. I do t want to miss anyone out so hope you are all doing ok during and post active treatment xxxxx

Right ho I have a MAJOR problem…it’s serious…why are the pom poms I’m making coming out more sausage shaped than round ???

Ooooo hooooooo Delly I’m interested in non-alchy stuff. Anyway, the least you could do in sympathy with everyone else is to have two different sized fake ones! So much for sisterhood!

Lovely to see new members of this strange thread…hey capelmum!

Evening all :wink:
Welcome back Rubycat, oh bugger that’s not good getting manflu on your weekend away! Glad the play went well.
Janey how fab to see a redwing I had to goggle it as Ive never heard of one before, lily I have a beautiful robin visiting the garden a lot at the moment too and he’s very friendly, my garden has been my sanctuary through this whole time, just pottering about on good and bad days. The colours have been brighter, the smells stronger I’ve even stayed out in the rain more. I love watching.the birds it’s so relaxing we’ve had a few starlings as well and they can be quite vicious to the little birds. My cat also.loves watching the birds she’s really well behaved and leaves them be it’s because she’s getting old and I’m sure she just looks at them and thinks can’t be bothered :smiley:
Delly I was still full of very posh champers but I’m a non faffing person in general really :wink:
Lesley and Dizzy I hope you enjoyed your Christmas markets today.
We got into the Christmas spirit today my daughter and I put up the Christmas decorations and my god I’m knackered I now they warn about fatigue but blimey it really does knock you for 6 it didn’t help that my hubby had an emergency eye appointment he’s got high blood pressure and at his check up today the Dr noticed something and made the appointment for him, I went with him in case he couldn’t drive back( eye drops) so the daughter decided it would be an opportunity to come and do some clothes shopping while we waited. She’s not daft.
So tomorrow is going to be a chill out day while I think about going back to work and how many hours / days I should do?
Oh and on a serious note how.long is my nipple going to be sore and super sensitive
Delly <3 xxxxxxxx <3 xxxxxxx <3 xxxxxxx
Lv Clair xxx

Charys I think those wonky pom-poms have decided to come out in sympathy with our wonky boobs - I’d have one to hang on the tree! We’ve gone a bit Christmas, as Mum is here (taking me to Vision Express - other opticians are available - and Acupuncture tomorrow) before lunch out. Anyway, we decided to have a stir up Monday and do a Christmas pud (thank you St Delia!). I’m a bit of a grinch otherwise. Spent too long in Germany and if I had my way would do a tree on Christmas Eve! I do love a Christmas market though. Hope you had fun. Ruby cat you’re back - yay!
I think I’m just starting to beat the fatigue now, so hang on in there Clair and Lily. I was quite sore but definitely not now. I guess I lucked out on eyes though!
The garden is my favourite therapy and I’m embracing twitching! Never spotted a Red Wing here before.
Now then Delly all those kisses and where are you, do you need more ??

Well hello everyone,  just checking in so  I don’t get lines from Charys as I’m not sure what time my leave ticket runs out.


The Christmas market was ok, nothing special though it was nice to have a good look around Birmingham city centre.  I’ve been there many times in the past for meetings and conferences but never had a chance to look round properly.  It’s a lovely city with some beautiful buildings.  Didn’t get home until 8.30 due to an accident, moved about 200 yards in an hour and a half.  Just hope no one was hurt.


Lovely to have you back Rubycat, so glad you managed to get back through the catflap.


Clair, don’t want to depress you, but my nipple was hyper sensitive for weeks and is still peeling 3 and a bit months on or crusty as Charys describes it (hers, Not mine but about sums it up)


Glad yours eyes are improving Janey.


Can’t mention everyone by name as I’m sooo tired and our numbers are growing but big hello to you all xx  

Delly, these are for you xxxxxxxxxx


Thanks janey for mentioning this thread. Lovely to be back with you all and great to read all the hilarious posts. I’ve been back at work few weeks. Fatigue not as bad. Should be starting tamoxifen any day. Just relieved Bobbie not so sore. Been to a card making class this eve to try and get my mojo back. It’s good to lose yourself in a hobby isn’t it. Driving home earlier some lovely Xmas decs. Me? I’m as disorganised as ever. Not even got cards yet. Oopsy. Have a good night. Sue xx

Omg. Sorry bobby not sore whoever bobby is. Meant boobie!!!

Humph - started a post back in 4 o’clockish time and it disappeared never to be found. One of my best too. Yeh, you only have my word on that!!

However, I’ve been absobloominlutely snowed under with kisses, which partly makes up for it. Corr, I’m so touched and glad you all took that little end of post quip so seriously. It wasn’t meant just for me/moi you know, but for all of us to give/receive some more “lovin”  man!! or woman in all your cases.

Firstly, most importantly - ladybowler - With ref to my ref/comparison to your “winterwarmer” and my thoughts to a cover for a mans wotnot. How remiss of me to leave a letter out - should have read w###y (not w###). You all knew what I meant anyway - ha.  Anyway, I’m more in touch with and interested in a Robin redbreast being a male, and it being very much more seasonal!

I don’t know why I feel a desire to substantiate my reason for being on this thread, well I do actually. It’s all you newbies and my mention of being an infiltrator.

Yes, I’m a parasitic pariah, who’s falsely wheedled my way in to feed off you all. I’m not on any form of hormone treatment,  so I’m a Vampire. My initial opening to get my teeth in, being in response to Charys’s difficulties with Tamoxifen and her feeling that it sparked off depression, causing her to withdraw from it, which I also shared 10 yrs previously. But I’ve remained here and none of you are gonna oust me out. You got that? (Cept if you pay me enough) The fact that I’m using BIG words such as “substantiate”(don’t know what it means tho’), means I’m bringing up the level of this post compared to others! And it’s coming into Panto time - “Ohhhh Yes it is” and lots of evil “Mwhahahahahaaaa’s”. I’m BEHIND you!!


Rubycat’s back. Mmmmm Sllluurp, Ruby - like blood. Mwhahahahaaa. I’ll have to finish this at some other time, when I’m sated. (Leaves thread, to the flutter of bats wings)   "  "  "  < those are fang bites !! Gawd I’m such a big kid xxx    

<Empty imported post>

Wonky boobs or bobbies, wonkey pom poms, wonkey eyes, red breasts, redwings, hypersensitive nipples (that’s making my eyes water and I don’t even have any!! hahaha, I’m laughing at myself).

Oooo Clair, sorry about your hubby’s eye. Hope it’s is ok.

See, I doooo care really.

BTW, I wasn’t being UNsympathetic the other night when many of you were complaining and comparing how your bobbies were. I do truely sympathise, even tho’ I’d prefer to still have at least one of my own, but yeh, at least I don’t have lobsidedness to deal with.

Ruby ruby ruby ruby - oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhh. What was the production/play that your son was in?? All sounded good and enjoyable.

Lovin all the birdies, and you’re thinking they’re being friendly when you’re gardening, when I know they’re just looking out for any fat juicy worms whilst you’re digging the soil. Yeh, I know, I’m just being sceptical/cynical and “dry”. Must be my vampiristic tendencies. What’s the gardening equivalent of cupboard love??  

Janey - I too noticed my Holly’s been laden down with berries this year too and that as you say, it’s sometimes a sign of a cold Winter ahead. Yippee for hot flushes then.

Too many threads to respond to individually at this late hour, so I’m not leaving anyone out when I say “Thank You, and I love you all”. That’ll bring back memories to those of my age.

Night night girlies


Hello everyone,  as Charys said, so many names now to mention all by name, but lovely to have more members to the crazy gang.  We continue to grow and soon will take over the world, so watch out all sane people everywhere.  Must say hello to Sue though, Lovely to “see” you again.  I remember yours, Janey’s and mine silly cucumber chats from the summer.  I think Bobby is probably missing the cucumber and that’s the problem.


Referencing the bird chat from earlier.  I grew up in London so the only birds I saw were mainly sparrows and pigeons so love seeing all the different ones that come into my garden here.  When I walk into town I bypass the main road and walk a path along a stream and if I’m lucky I see a kingfisher or two, always take it as a good omen when I do.  Here in this part of Bucks the most common bird is the Red Kite, virtually swarms of them at all times in the sky, so many sometimes it’s impossible to count them.  Just to think not so many years ago you had to travel miles to see one and only then if you were lucky.


 Presents all bought but not cards.  That’s the job I HATE, writing the flipping things.  Usually fortify myself with a glass or two of red vino, by the time I’ve finished my writing is illegible (it’s pretty awful to start with) and I end up writing thing like “to Carol and Carol” or “Martin and Martin” instead of “Carol and Martin”.  It’s lucky my friends know me so well!


its a glorious day here and I hope it’s as lovely where you all are xx


Delly xxxxxxxxxxx. Don’t care if you dont want singling out for XX’ s, Delicious, doing it anyway, you’re just so xxxable xx

Ladybowler, just read your post.  So sad about your partner.  My brother was diagnosed with ms a couple of years ago at 56.  Until then I always thought it was something that happened from teens upto mid 30’s, never heard of anyone in their 50’s before.  It’s horrid.  2016 certainly has been a b@@@h of a year for you as you say.  Let’s hope 2017 is better for us all.  At least we can support each other on here, and have a laugh, it’s true, laughter is the best medicine xx




Hi everyone

im having a fed up kind of day today. Nothing has happened, it’s just come on after I got up this morning. Don’t know if it’s the tamoxifen or rads but either way, it’s a ? from me today. Almost started to get upset whilst being zapped this morning till I told myself to get a grip. Good grief. 

Anyway. Tomorrow is another day. 

Beth xx

Hello gorgeous girlie’s,
What a rubbish year this has been let’s hope 2017 is a lot kinder to us all &lt;3.
I absolutely hate they way this has affected my family I had my daughter in tears this morning over something silly, I’m sure the stress is getting to her but she won’t admit it. It hasn’t help hubby’s blood pressure ethier. Christmas this year is going to be a total chill out day, I don’t care what time dinner is or when it gets cleared away. :smiley:
Charys don’t worry nothing else is sorted I’m really behind this year I’m not even sure if I’ll do cards yet It I have made my cake and gave it another soaking of brandy.earlier its quite nice in coffee too :wink: brandy that is not cake…
Janey how are your eyes today xxx
Beth I had a day like that it just came out if no where but definitely keep an eye on things especially after you finish rads, I’m finding it harder now than before. Xxxx
My darling Delly you bring so much laughter, love and joy to us even though you’ve been through a mega load of crap. Xxxxxxxx
Welcome Sue xxx
I love this time of year and it was beautiful looking out at the frosted garden. Sorry if I rambled and jumbled about but it’s been the whole theme of my day really
Lots of love Clair xxx. Xxx

Oh I made my cake last month not today it’s had several soakings :-D. Xxx I need to try and get my brain and writing finger to work together xx

Hi everyone

thank you for your kind thoughts. 

Late afternoon I thought I should do something different, make a little distraction for myself. So I made a Bakewell tart!! I’m certainly no Mary Berry but I’m chuffed how it’s come out ?

Not so impressed with the mess and washing up but it did the job and I’m feeling a bit brighter this evening. My sister has phoned and always cheers me up with the woes of being a primary school teacher at Nativity rehearsal time!!! 

So tomorrow is another day. See what they say during the rads review and hopefully I won’t get too sore as today has been bad enough. Onwards and upwards!

beth xx

Evening all!

Crikey that was a lot to catch up on, one day’s retail therapy and one tending to the needs of various workmen and I’m way behind.

Bath Christmas market was lovely, but absolutely heaving by 12, it was elbows out to get to the free gin tasting…then I got the apple and mint one that reminded me of toothpaste. Come to think of it, I have half a bottle of sloe gin left that I made last year, forgot I had that. Though I think some will have to go in the trifle, the only sherry I have in the house is way too expensive to pour over Swiss roll.

We caused half the street to be closed down today. We’re having some fencing renewed in the back garden, so that involved vans and cement mixers and a bit of commotion. Then the water board arrived to change us over to a meter, they should have done it a few weeks ago, and once they fail to meet the target your water is free. So they must have called the cavalry out, and they started digging up the pavement the fencers needed to get over to get to the garden. So I’m expecting words from 'er next door. Though my husband did go round with a box of Roses…


I’m girding my loins for the start of rads in the morning. At least, I’m hoping my loins aren’t involved…there’s been quite enough of that going on with my endometrial biopsies. I’ve locked my chastity belt. So lots of early starts from now till Christmas.

Wow! Evening all and I’m glad ? can see the thread! The lovely optician has put intermittent blurred vision down to fatigue and stress! Usual decline in vision has led to the annual new glasses purchase (ow!) and I’ve gone for pink - well it had to be done, much more visible than a ribbon! On the subject of sensitive nipples, I had to hoist the bad one above the eye test machinery, as it hurt when I leant in - the optician’s face a picture!!
I don’t want to miss anyone out but blimey it’s been a rotten year. Beth I hope you’re feeling brighter. Bakewell is sometimes the only answer to any problem. I’ve just posted some of Mr Kipling’s (other brands are available) finest to my uncle in Canada having his own fight with the big C. Clair, I reckon you may live close enough to come and be organised for me!! I’ve also had my daughter in tears a couple of times. It’s so difficult to manage everyone else as well as ourselves. Dizzybee ? We will be thinking of you tomorrow, ready to knock knockers for you when you finish. Do let us know how endometrial biopsies go. Sadly no such wonderful forum for wombs as boobs. Ladybowler the others have said it all and I’m sure Delly won’t mind a few xxx for you. A cruel blow.
Lesley, a mixed acupuncture group today with 50/50 success so far. Two of us thrilled to bits with results but others have had success but not to same extent. I came back with lots of bunches of flowers. The local Sainsburys (other shops yada yada) donates flowers at best before date to FORCE to sell on for £1 or 2 a bunch.
A smile to say goodnight with. A friend’s 4 year old asked her sister to write her Christmas list. Amongst other things, she has asked Father Christmas for a big elephant who is a superhero - I guess we could all do with one of those! Night night and kisses to all xx

PS Lily I thought it was funny too - Delly could that be the title of the screenplay of your blog?!?! Xxx

Just been catching up on the posts.  Am I right (getting old and confused) Dizzy starting rads today and Beth part way through?  Anyone else still having them?  Hope today goes well for both.


No free gin at Birmingham Christmas market, I feel robbed!  


So glad acupuncture is working fir you Janey.  None for me this week.  Got one next Tuesday thrn one a month for 3 months then finished.  Although it’s not helped with flushes or headaches I do feel relaxed after and get a short lived relief in shoulder pain.


Having a day in, supposedly to do housework, so far read the paper and done the crossword.  See how energetic I feel after my coffee.

