Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

just a quick check in as I’m feeling really poorly today :frowning: I rang the bcn as I was in so much pain with my now side swollen boob and armpit and apparently it’s a side effect from rads but they’re keeping an eye on me :frowning: I’ve also been signed off until January so I’m pretty fed up. I’ll pop back when I’m more cheery lots a love Clair xx

I can relate to you Helena, my husband had to give up work about 18 years ago due to ill health leaving me the only wage earner.  We don’t have children so there’s just the two of us.  The thing that’s got us through some tough times is we both have a sense of humour and can make each other laugh even after 33 years together.  Loved the story about your friend getting in the wrong car, can just picture it.


What pooey timing for your rads!  You’d think they’d postpone them for a week or so to let you have a Christmas.  I have a friend in Spain who started hers last week (she’s having 30) so will be going over the Christmas period, but the Spanish don’t really celebrate Christmas, their celebration is 12th night, or three Kings day as they call it, then they exchange gifts, family get together etc and fireworks galore so all the poor animals are terrified.


Make the most of the run up to Christmas instead,  which I actually enjoy more than the actual day myself xx

Just read your post Clair, so sorry you’re feeling so poorly.  I was the same, after finishing I got worse each day for about 2 weeks, more swollen, hotter and painful, then it stabilised but didn’t start improving fior another week or so.  Look after yourself xx

Oh Claire, bless you, you be been struggling for a while now. At least being signed off till January means you know you don’t have to worry about work for a while, no trying to go back while you’re feeling rough and have a million things going on at home as well.


Lady Bowler, I didn’t expect they would start anyone off on the 20 th, it’s not even the full week before Christmas. So I guess you get a four day weekend for Christmas and then a three day one for new year?

Do you have far to travel?


My first session today, nothing much to report except that the room is absolutely perishing, now I know it must be the cuts. They tried to tell me they have to keep the machine cool. All I know is my extremities will be blue…It was a fantastic drive watching the sun come up over Poole harbour, minus 4 outside. All my appointments are between 7 and 8 so I’ll be seeing that a lot.


Lesley, you definitely didn’t miss anything with the gin! I’ll stick to my own.I didn’t make any this year, the operations cards at the wrong time. The first one was on my wedding anniversary, not how I’d planned to spend it.

I’ve just eaten my first alcoholic chocolate of the evening and already I’m writing rubbish on here. My appointments are between 8 and 9, don’t think they open any earlier. But the travel time means we’ll be leaving in the half light.

Well done Dizzy, the first one is the worst, we’ll, it was for me as I was soooo scared.  Now you can start the count down.  The good thing about having them so early is they’re over with and you’ve got the rest of the day, otherwise you’re just waiting around until it’s time to go.  I had a G&T at home tonight to make up for not getting a freebie at the market.  Think I could get used to them, they come highly recommended by Janey and according to recent press, gin is good for you.  So unusual to find something Other than  brocoli or cabbage   that’s good for you, would be rude not to. Xx

Clair you’re definitely not allowed to disappear. Stick with us and we will get you through. I was very lucky with my skin after rads finished - I honestly think I shall be forever grateful to you Charys for MooGoo recommendation all those weeks ago. However, fatigue hit me with a woompf and the lovely fluffies kept me going when I was blue. Anyway, don’t forget we have a back to work pact in January!
I started shivering in sympathy at the thought of that cold rads room. I hope you can get a warm drink afterwards - not a hot one, as that makes for flushes!
Cheers Lesley, I shall clink your virtual glass. They can’t take my gin from me - even if it is only one a week and very weak!
I’m in the age 67 retirement group but supporting those who have been royally badly treated.
Happy twitching today. The ground didn’t defrost all day and birds swarmed around fat balls and peanuts.
Big hugs and Rubycat I have visions of you surrounded in wool and cardboard xxxx

Good morning lovely ladies,


Clair, hope you are feeling better today, and if not up to posting anything that you are at least able to read our posts and feel all the love winging its way to you xx


Yesterday was supposed to be a housework day.  Managed to read the paper, do the crossword, read and answer emails, messages etc and generally slob about.  Today the husband has headed out for the first time in weeks.  Although not fully better he’s much improved.  Wrapped  him up in scarf and gloves and sent him on his way like a school boy with Warning to over do it.  He’s meeting friends for a pint and dominoes but they’re a bit like the lot from the last of the summer wine (though not quite as old yet) so who knows!  Put my steel drums cd on and have tackled kitchen, bathroom and got a load in washing machine.  Bedroom next, Im feeling very saintly? He’s promised to bring me a bottle of wine home so think I’ve earned it.


We got Rubycat back in the cat flap now Delicious has gone AWOL.  Now, she could just be busy rummaging in skips but she could be up to anything, rescuing elderly gentlemen for example.  Can’t wait to find out.


Hope everyone is having a good day, rads and wonky Pom Poms aside xx

Morning everyone,
I couldn’t leave you for long :slight_smile: I’m still a bit uncomfortable and tramodal is now my best friend for a while. It’s my own frustration at not being able to do things that brings me down, I’m trying to be kinder to myself.
Have a lovely day keep warm and safe if your out and about xxxx thank you.for your hugs and love xx

Brrrrrrrrr!! My toes won’t warm up. Where’s a hot flush when you need one?! Yay Clair you came back.
Lesley where you lead I follow! OH sent off wrapped up this morning and I’m failing to do housework. Looking forward to this weekend. Celebrating 40 years of friendship with 4 school friends. We were all in the same class and met at 11. Sadly we are missing 1 friend but will raise many a glass (maybe not me!) to her. I’m worried I’ll be shattered but reckon they’ve known me long enough to let me have the odd nap!! All staying at ours - 1 from Spain and another from Canada. Still feeling tired in the afternoon but my throats is almost back to normal.

After a good start with the housework (helped along with the steel drums) I suddenly remembered the final episode of The Missing I Sky+ last night, so cappuccino made and flopped on the sofa to watch it, gripping to the last minute!


Thats sounds brilliant reunion Janey, surely one G&T won’t hurt.  Next week is my week for get togethers, Wednesday lunch with the girls I worked with when I was practice manager, Thursday night out with the people from my last job and Friday night a girlie dinner party.  I’ll probably need to spend the weekend in bed to recover.  Hope you and your friends have a great time, Im sure you will.


Clair, keep taking the pills and rest.  It is frustrating being inactive but your body has been through a lot and needs time to recover, so be a patient patient xx

I’m tucked up in a chair with the dog, nursing my cold and sore throat (now you know where yours has gone Janey) and pretending ordering stuff on Amazon counts as work. I’m glad I have three days off now, tomorrow is my walking group Christmas lunch and Monday ditto for one of my book clubs. The trouble with the cold early starts is they require a second breakfast when I get back.

Lesley, that’s a really productive day, but you’ll need another day with the crossword to recover! 

Claire, hang in there, it will be better, and then you can do everything you need to, for now you just need rest, painkillers and tlc.

The Missing. Was absolutely gripped and like getting to the end of a brilliant book, I didn’t want it to end and also wanted to know the end! Xx

Right, Dizzy, belongs to a book club and Rubycat is off to bed with a book this afternoon, so I know that two of you are readers.  I’m a big reader, at least two a week and always on the look out for book recommendations or new authors to try out, so bear that in mind if you come across something worth passing on xx

Lily, you really must watch The Missing if you can get it on catch up, real edge of the seat watching.  I read anything and everything.  Love a good thriller but like to mix it up.  After a nail biting thriller I like a nice relaxing read like a Marian Keyes for a good laugh (and sometimes  a cry).  Love Peter James, Sophie Hannah and often reread old classics.  If someone asked me what the most effect a book has had on me in the past 10 years (something that  came up in a discussion recently) I could not decide between two -  We need to talk about Kevin and Never let me go, both still haunt me.  Have you read either of them?  Gosh, I’m getting seriousl!  I only had a very small glass of the Pinot Grigio himself got me, honestly (no lie detectors allowed) xx


i really do smile reading all your posts. Much needed humour on a day where day 8 of 20 rads has ended with much pain and a horrifically sore nip. ??

think I need to try and see The Missing. Loads of people are talking about it so must be worth a go!

Books… Crime thrillers or historical fiction for me. I like a relatively easy read, one where I can lose myself in the story and relax. If I have to work too hard at it, I lose concentration and it never gets finished. On hols I can get through a book a day but sadly at home I don’t usually get much time to read. I have now though whilst I’m going through rads!! An evening read might help be beat the tamoxifen insomnia too!!! 

Anyway, thanks for all the lovely posts here, you all really keep me going xx

Oh I love books and like you Lily I have them everywhere and piled on top of book cases. I very reluctantly gave some to charity early in the year but I’ve still got loads left :smiley: I mostly love crime like jo nesbo. I can’t wait for the snowman film… Sci Fi, fantasy and biographies
But I do like a bit of Agatha raisin light reading. The book that haunted me for a while was a boy called it all three of the books in fact. See I just can’t stay away from you all lovely ladies xxxx

I love looking for book in charity shops so I’ll look out for some lily xx

Oh just saw your previous post lily, I’ve got a hydrocortisone cream and I’ve still got some tramodal painkillers but I prefer paracetamol as they knock me out the tramodal that is. I also panicked a bit I think They talked to me a lot about skin care but not so much about swelling and pain so I thought all sorts. I’ve also got a sore throat and I remembered Janey saying she had that. I don’t know if it’s the treatment or the tablets or just the whole thing that’s making me panic at the moment. I decided to sort myself out and be more mindful to keep myself calm xxxx

Lol what are we like :wink: see that’s why I love this thread we just understand each other totally, other people who haven’t been through it just don’t xxx