Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Can I join the sore throat club? Though mine arrived along with a stinking cold, glad I get tomorrow off, the runny nose was making me nervous this morning lol!

Sympathies to you Beth re sore nip.  Nothing to suggest to help I’m afraid, mine was swollen sore and very sensitive for ages.  I know Janey and some of the others used something called Udder Cream while having rads and found it much better than all the recommended creams, might be worth giving that a go.


Yes, read Gone Girl and also The  Girl on the Train.  I stopped buying books years ago apart from recipe books as I get through 2-3 a week so too expensive, Also I’d need another house to store them all.  I just keep my favourites and go to the library once a week.  Couple of years ago husband bought me a Kobo, great for holidays, I buy about 6 then and it’s perfect as it doesent weight much more than a mobile phone.

Beth I’m so sorry your having a rough time with rads already :frowning: keep on telling them your in pain and need support. I went and saw my own gp who although doesn’t know much about rads after effects has tried to help me in anyway he can and my bcn has been a great source of advice. I totally feel your pain and soaking in a bath has helped a bit also I have to sleep sitting up and wearing my support bra in bed it is helping.
I’ve also given up hovering for a bit Im drawing up a rota. Take it easy my lovely much love Clair xxxx

**** where has Delly gone? I miss her. ****
Do we need a missing poster.?
Come back Delly xxx

Rubycat, yes, I’ve read almost all the Diana Gabaldon series and have been watching Outlander. I’ve also read all the Poldark books, 12 I think. I don’t suppose they’ll film them all. But I remember Poldark the first time round, which will definitely show my age.

Lady Bowler, this is probably tmi but I have been braless all day. Though it’s cold here in the sticks, I’m wearing a thermal vest, a thin polo neck jumper and a zip up cardy, and I defy anyone to tell what is under the vest! Specially when the cardy is two sizes too big anyway…I’m sure someone said it was good for the skin, but any excuse will do.

I have a drawerful of dressings because I had a lot of problems with my first incision not healing, my surgeon doesn’t believe in dressings so I had to get my own in the end, got fed up of changing the sheets on the bed all the time. But I came round from the second op to find they’d chopped out all the unhealed bits so that saved time. So I’m your woman if dressings are required, I wouldn’t leave the hospital the second time till they gave me a load.

But I’m an optimist, these rads are going to be okay. Everyone I meet in the real world (you know what I mean) tells me rads are a doddle, nothing to bother about.

And just to be different, I feel Christmas is more important to me this year. Christmas is family time, and we’re still in the time warp from when the children were little. They’re all grown up but they still come home and we carry on all the things we traditionally did, just adapted now they’re older. Those days might be numbered and now I know you can’t take it for granted.

If you mean it’s not about money, then I completely agree, it’s about giving time, not cash. But I’m so grateful my children are still giving their time to us, I know that will end sometime soon, and they’re welcome to do something else. But I feel blessed that at the moment , Christmas still matters to them too, and they want to come home.

Crocheted pants and wonky pom-poms? Wonderful!

Four pages  FOUR PAGES!! 

I  can’t possibly get through them ALL at the mo’, and it’s late. So I’m working back and only through page 4 and that’s all for the mo’. What on earth makes you think I’m going anywhere. You realise I’m going to be annoyingly lagging behind in what I’m saying now, don’t you. 


Apols for my absence - been in the nasty doldrum downers. Think I may possibly have to give in and try some meds, such as your Mirtazapine Dizzy, if this goes on much longer. Cannot lever myself out of it, been months now, since early May. Haven’t been keeping up with the chores either Janey.

Thank you for making my ears burn and missing me. Yes, I could hear EVERYthing. Plus Charys posted a “Missing” notice poster - thank you flower. And I must say, this thread looks sooo much nicer with all the xxx’s, feels better tooo, don’t you think, all lovey and cutchy somehow.

Lesley was struggling to keep up with threads when there were just a few of us. Can someone else please try and explain how she can bring up and view the posts on another page tab to keep flipping to refer to while she’s replying. I’ve tried a few times now, but it may be the way I’m explaining it. She’d find it so much easier. I can’t remember two posts, never mind zillions. 

Awwww, I’m touched and I’ve only read through 1/2 a page. Thank You ladies for your kind and appreciative words. Think I’m gonna have to abandon this already as I’m fading and need some zzzzz’s. And Yep, your right Charys, I deffo need to learn touch typing.


Speak to you tomorrow to catch up with how you all are.

Nighty Nighty xxxx

Hello Delly Delay and spot on Charys! I won’t say Dr Charys, ooh I just did!! … I was also going to suggest venlafaxine and trip to see your friendly (I hope!) doctor - not necessarily in that order! I don’t like to think of you struggling on you lovely woman and sometimes something to get you a boost and started is what’s needed. I don’t know if you have ever tried anything before? Not a fan of mirtazapine but glad you pioneered the way Charys. Venlafaxine can be brilliant, if it suits. A bit like these ****** hormone tablets!
Morning to all of you and I hope throats are clearing and, if you’re still having rads, then it’s nearly Saturday!
As we are also a book group, my recommendation is anything by Nicci French (if you like a thriller).
Right I’d better get my 70s and 80s music ready for my school friends later.
Big hugs and ???

Delly, what are you doing? Was there any need to point out to all our new friends how stoopid I am?  Anyway, I’ve kind of got the hang of it, BUT (notice how I’m copying your use of capital to emphasise) it only works once.  If I try to do a second look back it takes me to the first saved bit (if you get my meaning) losing the next but of typing.  Sorry you’ve been down again, expect the weather doesent, but then if you’re really down even sunshine doesent help.  Hope it’s just a glitch and short lived.


I’m def not in a Christmassy mood.  If I was rich I’d fly off to the sun and come back when it’s all over.  There’s only the two of us, and this year I can’t even be bothered to put the tree up.  Told him not to buy me anything for Christmas, just one little inexpensive to open on the morning, max £10.  Im getting paranoid about the amount of stuff I have.  This BC made me think about what would happen if I shuffled off, no kids to clear the house (took 3 months to clear my mums house when she’d died, big hoarder) News years resolution, start decluttering.


For those having rads, just remembered a tip that a lovely lady called Elizabeth gave me on this site, drink a can of Diet Coke the rads days.  There were scientific reasons (that went right over my little head) but apparently it helps get rid of some of the nasties.  Don’t know if it works, but I did swig a can when I got back each day, can’t hurt anyway.  Xx

:smiley: :-D. Welcome back Delly :smiley: I’m so sorry you’ve been spending time with the black dog. I was on prozac many years ago and have struggled on and off for years. Xx

Well my swelling is subsiding and I’m feeling a little better, I’m in two minds about Christmas because it’s always been a big family thing for us like Dizzy. But this year my eldest isn’t coming to stay for the first time in 28 years :frowning: he does have a very good excuse though his partner is heavily pregnant so we’re going up on Sunday to exchange gifts etc we’ll just chill on the day and I’m not bothered if I don’t get everything done it’s going to be hit and miss. I’m normally all sorted by now though :wink:

I’ve been on a mission today I marzipaned my Christmas cake and wrapped a few pressies for friends.
I decided to start to de clutter after I lost my nan but soon collected more but I have sorted the loft into box categories ( I can hear you all shout No!!!)
There are the kids boxes with all thier things from baby hood to the end of school days to all mine and hubby’s cards to each other and old school stuff.
The next job is to sort through the photo albums…
Sorry girls I’m just a major control freak with ocd. :wink: xxxxxx for all xxxxxx

Well done Clair, I don’t actually like Christmas cake so never make one.  I do usually make “my” Christmas cake which is a spicey apple cake, lots of cloves, nutmeg, walnuts and a whole pound of apples in the middle, it’s lush, plus lots of mince pies.  Nots sure if I can be a***d this year though.


I used to be a neat freak, everything labelled and never hoarded, house spotless (I even used to go round with tweezers picking out dog hairs of the carpet that the vacuum wouldn’t suck out) but as soon as I stopped work I stopped giving a monkeys and when I wasn’t looking turned into my mother keeping things “just in case”.  It really is beginning to play on my mind now about who will sort things out when I’m gone.  Oh boy, better stop this train of thought pdq.  Need a vino to cheer me up but it’s a bit early, even for me.  The husband promised to bring me a bottle of Pinot Grigio home yesterday, he came back with a 3 litre box of it, Im starting to wonder if he thinks I’ve got drink problem and he just wants to see how long it lasts me, or maybe he’s just being nice, think it’s the latter, or hope so anyway xx

Love your Advent Calendar Charys - but who has eaten all the chocolates?  Got a Vlogmas for you as well, no, I didn’t know what a vlogmas was either, but find out at:

2 videos so far and they are brill (no, I’m not in them as they didn’t want to scare the children).

Oooh, a fellow Outlander, everyone who hasn’t read them, MUST DO SO IMMEDIATELY.  If anyone has any unwanted Christmas cake, send it to me, I can’t eat enough, or Christmas pudding either. :cattongue::cattongue:

Delly, we all care about you so much, and others have already said so, but will add my voice, please get some help from your dr.  I know that first step is the hardest, but we are all holding your hand and will be with you.

Lots of love :cathappy:xxx

Ssshhhh - don’t tell Charys I’m on here, cos I’ve just told her in a message that I need to cash in on feeling a little better, get myself cleaned up and sort a few things, but see how addictive you all are. So this is supposed to be a quickie for now, as still have much to catch up on you’s all, and my quickies turn out not to be. See - i’ve already rabbited on.

Helloooooo all you abfably lovely women.

Sorry, if I generalise with a few of you. You rads ladies - sorry some of you are also struggling with downers and/or sore “bobbies”. Can you imagine if men had boobs and had to go through all of what many of you are and have done - “boob flu”?!! Not all of them, but probaly most (stop being so sexist Delly - slap wrist). I’m sure the world wouldn’t be half as populated if child birth were also left up to them either - it’d be “What. Go through all that pain of childbirth again - not bl**dy likely. Never again. One’s enough”!!

Not that I’d know, as like you Lesley, I didn’t have any. But I’d have loved two girls, Yeh sorry again to any fellas - two girls. Lucy and Nina or Nancy. I’d have been useless on the girly dollies and pram stuff, (don’t think they have them so much these days, do they?), but I’d have been brilliant at taking them to pantoes, daft kiddies films, out for hikes, get ‘em interested in widlife, nature, animules, messing about in ponds and rock pools, always getting wet in the process, cos I still love all of that stuff myself. Yeh, still a big kid.  Didn’t matter what time of year we went to the seaside, I always had to have a paddle, whether I came out with blue knees and toes. I used to get so carried away jumping in the waves and was a bit clumsy footed, Mum was so used to me getting wetted, that she used to always put a spare pair of knicks in, especially after one Sunday having to search around Blackpool for anywhere that sold them after me getting sodden. Don’t know why she didn’t just leave me to go “commando”. Tho’ I remember it being one of the few times she managed to get me into a girlie Summer dress, being a bit of a tomboy then and living in trews most of the time, so it was probably the respectful thing to do.


Janey - I’m glad your eye prob wasn’t anything to worry about. Hope they’re still settled. That’s how behind I am.

Lesley - I didn’t say ANYthing about you being “stupid” at all, didn’t even insinuate it. I’d actually wondered if it was down to my description of what to do. But, sounds like someone else has made it eve more confusing. Now who could that be ?? User name begins with the opposite of Gent and ends with rolling balls on a patch of green grass?? Anyone come to mind?? Mmmmm. Lesley - go back to my instructions post and follow it exactly.

Open the threadpage, and BEFORE you start reading the posts, click on the “Reply box” at the TOP of the thread before you do anything else, to bring up the Message box. Don’t start typing a reply. Just scroll down to below the message box to the pink “View discussion in a pop-up”. That then brings up the thread page, BUT puts and leaves the Reply page on a tab at the top of your screen. Which if you then click on it, it brings the reply box/screen back into view for you to type and puts the “thread” posts page into a tab at the top of your screen, which you can then click back onto to scroll up or down to whatever post you left off on or need to refresh yourself of what’s being said. Then click back onto the Reply tab again at the “top of your screen” and you can then to and fro like that. You need to distinguish as to what I meaning by “Tabs” at the top of your “screen” and NOT at the top of the “PAGE”.

Just have a play at getting up the two tabs at the top of your screen, without typing or sending a response.

Sorry, I’m probably now boring poor Lesley to death and all the rest of you with this. I’m only trying to be persistently helpful - like a dog with a bone.

Will pop back later on.

Dellywelly xxxx (And thank you all again for your wonderful support to me - Im really am touched by it)              

Delly, if I also promise not to tell Charys , can you explain why sometimes when I’m typing a reply in the box it suddenly jumps around and won’t let me type any more? I try to put something else in and the box jumps up the page.

I should warn you that I’m the kiss of death to anything technical, but I have had to abandon wonderful witty posts, leaving you lovely ladies with the dross that ends up on here. 

Helena, aka, opp of gent, rolling balls!  Only our Delicious Delly could one up with that.  No wonder we live her so much.


cracked open the 3 litre box of Pinot Grigio himself got me so not firing on all cylinders, will save pop up instructions for another day - you wouldn’t believe that until just under 2 years ago I had a quite resposible job which including training newbies IT would you?  I still help pc illiterate OAPs out with stuff online and they think I’m a genius, so there ?Lol.  Seriously though, It’s nice to be able to help doing things like renew bus passes etc which take me a couple of minutes but takes a huge burden of their shoulders.


Delly, feel the love and take advice, go to the GP, we NEED you.  So rotten for you to feel under a big cloud.  I know there’s nothing we can do to lift it, but you know if there was we would xx

right, that’s it, I’m spitting on my iPad. I wrote a really nice reply, mentioning each and every lovely lady on here…and the freaking BC page randomly closes down on the iPad. It’s been doing this now and again for the last week. So, you’ll all have to trust me that I care about you and was thoughtful. Lol

I started a whole loooong thread at 10.30 ish, knowing most of you would be in beddybyes by then cos you’re much more normal than Meeee, and I could witter on to my hearts content without being disturbed by anyone elses interrupting posts (:-)) ). But got “timed out” yet again, and the whole, somewhat Dellydelightfully amusing message GONE. Sometimes I can thankfully retrieve a message (not so much thankfully for you all tho’), then other times, as now, it just doesn’t work. So, who am I to be givin Luscious-Lesley tips on how to manouvre around this 'ere Forum. Sooooo frustrating. Another literary GEM (haha!) disappears into the E E E T H E R R - aaaaaargh.

BUT, I’ll tell you just one snippet out of what I wanted to “highlight” to you out of sheer mischievousness. It risks this Forum being put into the “Blue Zone”, as in it’s bordering on censored material. Hold on, I’ll have to scroll back through the posts to find it, and I assure you, it’s worth it, even though you’ve all already read it.

Ah, found it. And it comes from that same person, who’s name starts with the opposite of Gent and ends with rolling balls on a flat piece of green turf?!!

I quote “There’s only me and my partner at home and he’s used to peeling my bra off, under my top, when I’m having one of my tropical moments” !!! And all because . . . the lady’s been advised to allow fresh air to her armpit area, so stuff the Milktray, let’s wip that bra off!! Plus the fact was, yes, it was 9.20 in the morning, AND all after previously eulogising about the Poldark actor. Can we allow this sort of frankly shocking behaviour onto this thread?? Tooooo right. How flippin priceless!!! And she probably thought she could quietly get away with it. Well tough boobies, baby. Delly’s well and truely exposed youhoo, yet again.

I’m struggling to remember anything else I previously wrote, 'cept . . .

Could you do me a favour and send big hugs and kisses to Sue H-S. She’s an amazingly fantastic, compassionate, supportive, fandabidozee woman on this Forum, who’s also going through a rough time at the mo’, following treatment and the whole effects of BC on her life, issues at work it’s caused etc. Some of you, such as Capelmum/Fiona, will have already come across her on the threads. But she’s a bit like me, finds it easier to give out, and not so easy to talk about her own difficulties, until she gets into a “struggling” place of her own. She has a well deserved “Community Champion Star” award. Would you give her a surprise party “Whooooohoooo, Suehooooo” sometime tomorrow, with lots of extra xxx’s ?? I’ll tip her off that something’s afoot on this thread that i’m not understanding, and would she check it out for me.

Am even more “Way behind you”!! now I’ve lost tonights post. But I don’t want to miss out on any more gems such as that “Ladybowler” womans. Corrr lummey.

Deffodoolally xxxx      

Charys - at the risk of making Lush-lesley feel even more stupid than she feels about explaining how to be able to switch between Reply and View Posts, you’ve not taken note of just HOW  m a n y  times I’ve now attempted to . . .  ahhhhhh,   yawn,    zzzzzzz’s. Ooops, she VILL get ZEE hang of IT. I’m determined she’ll get it, even if I have to drive down there and show her in person. Bless your cotton gusset Lush. Awww, you are takin some stick, but all in teasing humour. If you DO go away at Xmas - can I come?? I’ll carry your suitcase and be ever so good. Just buy me an ice cream occasionally and make sure you have a spare pair of knicks for when I’m finished jumping about in them there waves. I’m such a simple soul really.  

I may be too late to say Hi to Sue255, BakewellBeth123 and Clair46 - hope you’re all doing better from and with being zapped, poked and prodded - I do feel for you.

Dizzy - what a loada commotion you caused in your road. Good job Victor Meldrew or Whatsername Bucket don’t live on your street. You wouldn’t have stood a chance, that box of Roses would have been thrown back in your face. You’re another like Ladybowler - 'cept you’re girded loins with a chastity belt as oppo to having your bra peeled off!! (No, she isn’t ever gonna live that one down!!) Hope you too are going on okay with your rads.

I’ve gotta leave off again, just when I’m in the middle of annoying you all again. xxx



Morning ladies!!!

you two are up early!!! Or was it late?!! If I’d have known I’d have joined in instead of trying to get to sleep on my zapped boobicle. Never going to happen!!

Dolly, I love my new nickname “Bakewell Beth”!! Hilarious! I’m no baker by any stretch but I can just about make a sponge and a Bakewell (bought pastry already rolled!!!). I made a chocolate cake once. No idea what happened but it was HUGE, it rose so high it didn’t fit in my airtight tin afterwards so we had to eat it. In one day!! Never again!!


can I be the first to give a whooooooooohoooooooo to Sue!! Come join this crazy but lovely bunch of ladies!! You are all my saviours every day. :relaxed:


So hubby and I are currently negotiating as to what will be the best time to hit M&S today! Think we’ve decided on late afternoon to give us a hope of parking. Might even get there for the ‘yellow label’ hunt…

who doesn’t love M&S food at a reduced price?!!! Makes me sound a skin Flint but it’s a great way to get some stuff in the freezer!! Lol


so rest of the day will be spent in the braless club at home airing the old crusty nip. Ouch!

have a fab day ladies

beth xx

Will someone please try to explain to me what the hell is going on in my life???

picked up our Scottie from the groomers this morning and she says he has a lump in his groin. Sure enough, there it is, the size of a grape. So off to the vets we’ve been and he’s had some biopsies done. Results back Thursday - quicker than mine were - so fingers crossed everything is ok. 

He’s my boy. We don’t have kids so our attachment to him is probably greater than it should be. Funny now after everything we’re automatically thinking the worst but I’m sure it will all be fine bless him. 

Booooooooo is the politest thing I can say as I don’t want to swear on here xxx