Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh Beth, heart goes out to you.  As the “oldies” on here know, I lost my beloved Myrtle a few years ago, and like you having no children she was our family (and Gypsy before her) we still shed tears over them.  However, your Scottie is the third (and they say things come in three’s) case I’ve heard of recently of doggie lumps, the other two were fatty lumps and nothing to worry about, so sending positive vibes that same result for your doggie darling.


Right Delicious, going to try the pop up in a discussion, and if I lose this I’ll hunt you down!


Ok, it’s worked, BUT I’ve managed to do it before but when I type a second bit then do the pop up but I revert back to the first bit I typed and lost the next bit, hang on, going to try it.


im back, it kind of worked but I had to re type last few words, maybe it’s my iPad?



Anyway, what’s this Community Champion, and how do you get it?  I’ve seen a few people have it by their names and just thought they’d picked it themselves (like you can choose an avatar)



My Saturday walking friends were all busy today.  They all work full time and as it’s the run up to Christmas they’ve a lot to do so took myself off on the bus to the  where I used to work to get my Christmas cards.  It’s the only place I can get my chosen charity cards (I refuse to pay £6 p&p).  It was strange as the offices I used to work in before being made redundant  been turned into luxury apartments, really weird seeing curtains at the window where my desk was.


My battery is really gone now so going to post.  Hoping your all having a lovely day.  Catch up with you later xx

What a handsome boy Mac is.  Think he’s going to get a few more members of his fan club now his photo is on the site.  Xx

Charys, you’re a Community Champion.  Please explain why and what amazing feat did you perform to get this award?  I’m really intrigued now!


Anyway Delly Delicious, just so you can put a note in your diary - Lesley the Lush has just poured a glass of vino at 5pm whilst preparing the sauce ready for the seafood spaghetti for later?Hic…  xx

Hello gorgeous girlie’s,
Beth what a cutie Mac is, I really hope it’s just fatty tissue I’ll have everything crossed on Thursday <3. Xxx

***** whooooooo Hooooooo *****Congratulations Sue H S ****** sending you much love xxxxxxxxxxxx

Lesley my bottle of rosé is chilling as I type ready for strictly later and I think I’ll treat myself to some cheese savouries to go with it :smiley:
We’re off to Penarth tomorrow to visit the eldest. have a fab weekend everyone lots of love Clair xxx

Yay, strictly, let’s hope Danny gets his top off again xx

Sue HS …get yourself over here buddy ! We are all over here ready to wish you a warm and loving welcome, come talk, laugh, get peed off and blather ( as we do ) all you like. You are incredibly welcome as an honorary member ! Xxx

Lily I wasn’t trying to be wicked …I was being ignorant lolol

Ooooo oooops again…I’m really not paying attention . Soz

Hello Lovelies

Think I may have to give up on the catching up for the mo - too much. Spent all day in bed again today - not good. I think I saw something from a number of you about recommendations for antidepressants. Thanks for that, I shall have a closer look. I’ve tried a couple of different ones, Prozac and Citalopram, a couple of times through the years, but they tend to make me feel a bit “vacant”, jittery, loss of appetite (can’t afford to lose any weight) and various other things. Plus I have a block about taking tablets.

The WHOOOOHOOOO’s to SueH-S weren’t to congratulate her on her “Champion star”, were just to send her some of the loving created on this thread. She’s having a tough time of it at the mo’, so just thought a few surprise whoohoo Suehooo’s might cheer her up a bit. Thanks for that. I did message her to check this thread out, because I was having a loada trouble with you all !! It’s true !!


BakewellBeth - hope your doggy’s results are good. I know what you mean about pets meaning that much more when you’ve no kids or are on your own. Charys keeps trying to persuade me to get another cat after losing mine a couple of months ago, but I don’t feel it would be fair with the way I currently feel. Though it could also give me a boost, but there are other considerations such as living on a very busy main road, tho’ I have a rear garden. She was elderly, unadventurous, become more of a house cat so wasn’t interested by the front door. Miss her like crazy though. Your Mac looks very handsome and as if he’s a real character.

Lesley - I bought my “champion star”, purely to impress by having it next to my name. It really just means we’ve made a nuisance of ourselves on the Forum (some unmentioned more so than others - sssh but it’s that Ch woman). Glad you’ve at least tried bringing up the two window tabs.The other option that someone told me to do before I discovered the “View posts in a pop up” thing, which you may find easier, is to click on your email link to bring up the thread window, then go back to your email and click on it again to bring up a second thread window, which will have put the original thread window in a tab at the top of your screen. If you then click on reply to thread in one of those windows you can type your message in that one and then click on the other window tab to bring up the thread posts and keep clicking back and forth between the two. Is that any clearer?? The result is actually the same. Told you I was "persistent"x. You’re spaghetti sounds good

Janey - caught something about you having a big girlie reunion this w/end. I didn’t mean that as you all being “big” girls. Nearly caused offence there. Hope you’re all having a really good time. And where were all our invites??


Signing off before message gets signed out, gobbled up and spat out somewhere in the ether.

Hope you all enjoy your W/ends. I did watch Strictly tonight, better now Ed’s out, as someone else said on here, it now gets that much more serious and professional.

Nighty Nite girls and thanks for all the love and kisses to me and for SueH-S

Dellywelly xxxx 

Good morning ladies,


lovely sunny albeit cold morning here in Bucks.  Feeling grumpy, no sleep last night, well hardly any.  Just looked at my sleep tracker on my Fitbit, longest sleep 54 minutes, when is this flipping menopause going to end? 


Delly, I can do the copy and paste thingy fine, but my laptop died a few months ago so only got my iPad and it doesent have a word processor, that’s where I run into problems.  I figured most communication these days is done by email so not worth the financial layout for a new laptop (think of all the wine I could buy with the money)  However, now its Crimbo card time and I usually bang out a few letters for elderly peeps not on the internet that I don’t see I’ve hit a snag.  I can’t write much using a quill as have problems with my shoulders/arms/hands (I blame my knitting mistakes on that) no way can I write half a dozen letters, hand writing is bad enough to start with anyway!


Hope Janey is having a lovely weekend catching up with her old friends.  Think some of them have even come from abroad.


Enjoy your Sunday everyone.  I’ll check up on you all later xx

It’s December 4th…



Morning all! I’ve spent the last couple of days nursing my cold, but emerged from hibernation this morning to take the dog for a walk, when I got back I decided I had to sweep up all the dead leaves at the front of the house before they turn wet and rotten and wormy. So now I have a virtuous glow while I have my coffee.


Beth, hope you’re feeling better, and hope you get good news for Mac, typical that dog pathology results are quicker than ours!

I too am a devoted dog owner (me not the dog, she is an ungrateful mutt who loves everyone who gives her food , walks or a lap to sleep on.) I have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel called Daisy who looks like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but chases anything that moves up to and including a bolting horse once.

Today I’m going to do the first of the Christmas decorations, I’m doing them in stages this year, so it’ll be the artificial twig tree first.


Lesley, the arm shoulder hand problem sound like it needs diagnosing. I have problems with mine that I was convinced were due to arthritis and I’d just have to live with it, but it turned out it was due to trapped nerves in my neck and it was easily sorted with physiotherapy. I have to do the exercises again when it pops up, but mine used to be so bad I needed two hands to clean my teeth, and I kept dropping things because my hand didn’t work properly.( Which is embarrassing and liable to be misunderstood when it’s your wine glass…)


Anyway, all I’m saying is, don’t assume you have to put up with it. Oh, and don’t let your doctor diagnose it, mine thought it might be tennis elbow, which the physiotherapist thought was hilarious. And I didn’t even go to the doctor for months as I’d self diagnosed it as arthritis.


Hello you lovelies and a special hug to you Delly. Have a duvet day today and then get on the blower to GP tomorrow.
Well … so many pages I can’t keep up and I’m sure I’ve missed some posts. Anyway, it sounds like you’ve been a busy bunch.
I’ve had a lovely weekend with my friends. We met at secondary school 40 years ago and are spread far and wide, including Canada and Spain (oh and me in Devon!). We were missing one, so raised several glasses in her memory. She would have become a grandmother yesterday, so baby news was wonderfully timed. Anyhoo I was a bit of a mess by yesterday afternoon, thoroughly miserable, as throats dreadful again, fatigue hit and I was unable to have girly day at Exeter Quay with them. I had a bit of a sob on long suffering partner’s shoulder, but I needed to rest up to go out for supper later, which was lovely. Lesley, there’s truth in them there rumours - I went mad and had 2 G&Ts and slept last night, with no flushes (I guess it could have been the tonic?!) , so I may try the same when I watch Strictly the Results later. It must be an age thing too, as not one of us can remember an unbroken night!
A few more tears (but good ones) this morning saying goodbye and now catching up with lovely new friends here.
Loving the advent pics Charys. I’ve a kind gesture advent someone sent me. Yesterday it was buy a friend their favourite chocolate, but I reckon Rubycat has that covered!! Today it’s smile at everyone, so I hope you can see my virtual cheesy grin!
Lesley I think iPad is the only thing in your technical way. If I use the laptop, I can post pictures and type reams, but iPhone and iPad are very limiting. Love and smiles to all xx

Janey, so glad you had a lovely reunion with your old friends but soooo sorry you’re feeling so poorly.  Not good, you need to get that Throat sorted.  Think we’re all falling apart.


im feeling very virtuous, wrote the 48 Christmas cards that need posting.  Bern trimming the list a bit each year, used to be 100+, so expensive, Not The cards so much as the postage.  Still got lots of hand passing Ones to do.  To get over the no laptop, so no word processor prob, I opened an email, wrote a letter to the person then sent email to moi, printed out and trimmed off the top and bottom, how clever am I?


Dizzy, re the shoulders, Ive had ultra sound scan, was told fluid, tendinitis and muscle wasting plus a bit of calcium build up one side, given steroid injections both sides and physio.  Injections helped enormously but shortlived, told I can’t have any more.  Just got to do physio but getting worse and both arms and hand are now affected and adding to sleeping problems.  Apparently swimming would help but as I can only just about manage a width I wouldn’t get much benefit.  Nordic walking also good, going to look into that in the new year.


Janey I still have a glass of tonic water before bed, not sure if it helps but it can’t hurt.  Whatever I do I flush all night.   I really wish I could go back on hrt, those little patches were incredible, just a tiny little thing but worked magic, No flushes, no sweats, no pains in legs and SLEEP zzzzz

Ps, talking of Strictly, wonder who will go?  I think Judge Rinder.  He so loves it, wonderful to see the joy on his face when he dances.  Final of I’m a celeb tonight.  I’ve loved it this year, no nastiness and everyone getting on xx

Hi lovely ladies!


It’s Sunday afternoon, the best time of the week for me. Reading the Sunday paper, soppy Christmas film on the TV, a milky coffee …bliss. 

Im not feeling too bad today. Think I have an alternative nickname now - braless Beth!! Never felt so free!! ?

Have my dressings on to cover up the old nip but haven’t made it out the house today. The thought of a bra rubbing of the node scar is horrible so I sent hubby to Tesco with a list!! In all fairness to him, he got it all and didn’t come back with just beer, crisps and chocolate!!

Being an E cup means no braless shopping for me…wouldn’t put the world through all that jiggling!!

We’re contemplating putting the ?up this afternoon but we’ll see. I think these Christmas movies might keep me occupied longer than they should!

Actually didn’t sleep too bad last night. Wonder if I’m getting used to the tamoxifen at last rather than it being a fluke. I know you’ll all associate with this - the days of going to bed, falling asleep and waking to the alarm in the morning, refreshed, bright eyed and bushy tailed are all gone I fear!! Sleep was something I was good at! Not any more booooooo

anyway, hope you’re all having a lovely Sunday afternoon. 

Catch up later

beth xxxx


Sounds like the perfect Sunday Beth.  Yes, bliss to be braless when poor nips are rad sensitive.  I was ok in that I’m not that large (b cup) so was able to go braless as long as I wore a baggy top.


oh yes, I remember the days I used to sleep u til the alarm went off.  Always was a good sleeper until the menopause.


After licking 48 envelopes my tongue is feeling ugh… and I’m pretty sure that envelope glue has calories too, what a waste of them.  Think the only thing that would get rid of the taste is a glass of vino but I don’t want Delly to phone the AA about Lesley the Lush so I’ll hold until until dinner time xx

Thank you Helena (opp of gent rolling balls etc) I now have your permission to have a glass, and yes, go for both, Christmas comes but once a year, thank goodness!


Watching Songs of Praise, def turned into my mother, Im crying listening to Chriistmas Carols (used to tease her about that) xx

Done my outdoor lights today too…so pwitty…makes all the effort in the freezing cold ON MY OWN WITH EVERYONE ELSE INSIDE!! so worth it. 

Well done Charys, Beth and Helena starting with the Christmas decs already.  The husband was up in the loft this morning attempting to fit new ballcock.  Had to give up as everything was rusted up (original piping 65+ years old) so need to get a plumber with appropriate tools in.  He was soooo stressed I didn’t have the heart (or nerve) to suggest he get the Christmas decorations down while he was up there.  He just said “oh, I could have got the tree and stuff down while I was up there this morning”  I told him I did think of it but was too worried about his blood pressure to mention it, that sent his blood pressure  up lol.  So up he’s goes again tomorrow xx