Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh 'eck, am on the night shift again

Janey - glad you enjoyed your w/end with old friends, despite your weepy breakdown. Awwwww. But also received your cheesy grin and thank you for it - no spinach but ermmm, slightly blue stiltonish. Like the occasional mouldy cheese though. Have to give the tonic a try, with a touch of gin praps.

Lesley - Ok, thats a really good excuse you using tablet. Am tempted to say I give up on the , but I’m a bit of a terrier. And what d’ya mean, you don’t want me to criticise your or anyone elses dwinking. I’m all for it.  Not so sure about calling the AA tho’. No doubt everyone else reading on here thought your carburettor needed attending to. Then you go and add to it, telling us all about your husbands rusty ball cock and having to get a plumber in with the “appropriate” tools. - I’m behind in working upwards through posts, but felt certain Charys would pick up on that one. Which she did do!!. Hahahaha. Bless you Charys.  Shared schoolgirl humour I’m afraid!! Just like those farces  that some of us used to regularly get on tv in the 1960’s. What was his name? Him and his wife?   And I don’t have the excuse of Tamoxifen. It’ll come back to me if no-one here jogs it first.   Brian Rix! (had to google it) Full of inuendos (such as ballcocks), same as “Carry On” films. Get yourself into soaks in the bath - get your shoulders under woman.

Hey Lily - thats a very sexist present. ‘I’ could do with a bellybutton warmer.

BralessBakewellBeth - go jiggle those “E” cups baby.

As for the “lady who supposedly bowls” - I’m giving up now.

If I haven’t mentioned you - yes it was intentional, 'cos you’re all incorrigible but very very lovable.

Love to everyone

Dellywelly xxxx


Ha BralessBakewellBeth sounds like a busty, low-bloused woman serving beer in a Tudor pub. What do you think of your nickname Beth?


LadyBowler, see now I feel bad that you are out there scraping your car OUTSIDE this morning in the minus temperatures and I am INSIDE. So, as I feel the need to identify with you, I shall go to my study window (the car is outside it) and use a credit card up and down the window so its almost like I am there in person doing the car. Mines clear already…how are you doing ??


Delly, it makes no difference Lesley being on an ipad…same thing applies you press the ‘view pop up’ thing and then a new tab opens with the conversation on there. You then flick between the two tabs, easy peasy. However, to give Lesley the benefit of the doubt…is she using an app for it (if one exists for the ipad, I know it does for the phone).


Lily, you made me a look a word up - requisites! You are good with vocabulary aren’t you, wanna play scrabble online (I’m a bit addicted to it)…no you’d win…I dont need opponents who are likely to easily win.





Ooh did someone say scrabble?! Wordfeud or words with friends. Completely addictive. What a dimpsy day in Devon. Stinking cold, so I think Christmas decs will wait a while! I’ve giggled my way through your ballcock posts, especially your rust problems Lesley!!
Daughter about to pop in on her way to New York, so I’d better get the kettle on. Lots of love to all of you INSIDE and OUTSIDE xx

Help… he’s up in the loft now armed with WD40, can hear lots of banging but no swear words yet.  Don’t know about his blood pressie but mine is on the up.


Talking about rude sounding  plumbing words, husband was a builder back in the day, tongue and groove always got me giggling…

Ha ha ha ha 

I loved reading these this morning!! I have really laughed out loud!! Isn’t all this how one of those dodgy films start?!! Knock at the door, man says “hi gorgeous, I’m a plumber and I hear you need your pipes sorting”!!! Not seen one honest gov, but sure that’s what Joey did in Friends one episode!! LOL

Charys - the Nick  name is perfect lol. In my 20’s and early 30’s I was known as Big Bird as I’m 6ft so I’ll take bralessbakewell Beth over that any day!! We could shorten it to BB Beth to save on the typing. Loving the  Historical association - can feel a Mrs Miggins outfit coming on!! God I loved Blackadder 


So so back from an early rads and all strapped up now with various dressings. Have a lovely blister coming up now too!! Oh the joys of having proper celtic west wales skin!! We’re lucky around here if it stops raining long enough so we’re not paddling everywhere ( we have inbred gills and flippers!!) so I have no hope dealing with a sunburn type reaction from rads!! What is the sun? Is it that bright yellow thing in the sky that only appears for a week in May each year??!!! Lol ??:umbrella::umbrella::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


been trying to persuade hubby to put up OUTSIDE lights this Christmas. He’s not having it!!! He has drawn the line at my 2 ft tall penguin that lights up the hall in a kind of blue neon light way - from the drive we look like a tanning salon once it’s switched on lol ??. I have struggled to explain what exactly a penguin has to do with chrimbo, other than it lives in the North Pole with Santa!! I have smuggled in 2 light up small reindeer though so I will christmasfy our house by hook or by crook! 

Clearly I have far too much time on my hands at the mo. ?

Have a fab day ladies and I’m looking forward to catching up on everyone’s exploits later xx


Ouch Beth, blister, That’s not nice!  I got burnt though burns didn’t come out until after I’d finished.  I never burn in the sun EVER.  I can lay in it all day and just go brown so thought I’d be alright.  Girl I travelled with to and from rads had very fair skin and used to have to use sun block so was really worried about rads just went a bit pink, so there’s no telling how it will affect you.  Hope it clears up quick.


The husband managed to loosen some of the bits up and has left the others soaking (for want of a better word) in WD40 and is going to have another go tomorrow.  That’s ok cos I’ll be out.  Acupuncture first thing then knit and natter.


Feeling very smug, went to the local post office and sent off cards, tree now adorned and few Christmassy things put around the place.  Can’t claim to have a two foot penguin though.  I do miss having a real tree.  Always used to until the dog got a pine needle in her paw and we didn’t notice until it got infected.  Invested in a really good artificial one and it still looks good about 15 years on.


Going to make a coffee and soak in the bath with my book.


Hope everyone is having a good day xx


Just popping by to say hello, and have a giggle have a fab day everyone lv Clair xx

Charys, just read you post re the pop up.  I can do it now. Delly will be proud of me.  Sometimes though it does seem to lose a bit of typing if i go back too many times (even if I haven’t been hitting the bottle)


Helena, feed your OH, having been to work and shopping while I’ve been lounging around is no excuse ha xx

Hi all

Just got back from my book club Christmas lunch, I’ve been missing all the fun and the innuendoes. The tongue and groove really made me giggle.  Beth, Father Christmas lives on the North Pole and penguins on the South Pole and never the twain can possibly meet unless Santa gets lost on the way home.

I got in to the radiology unit today to find queues of men and nowhere to sit. The hospital had new emergency generators  fitted at the weekend so all the power was off, and this morning they couldn’t get the machines to turn back on. So it was nearly an hour and a half before I got called, only one machine was working. Still, if there is a power cut at least the hospital can still function, unlike the last time, which is when they discovered they needed a new generator.

Need a bit of a snooze now to recover from my three hour lunch, many more of these and they’ll need to redo my scans, its a good job there’s a bit of give in these jeans.

Gosh Dizzy, you’re knowledgable, knowing the difference between the poles!  All I know is that their both flipping cold.  No, CHarys, ive tried and tried, it’s the only way I can do it.  Think I said earlier, my laptop passed away (peacefully) a few months ago and I’m not willing to fork out for a new one, iPad does does fine for me.  Only thing it doesent do/Have is a word processor and these days most communication is done by email, very rarely do I have to send an actual old fashioned letter.


Im dreading the rest of week, too many things in the diary.  Acupuncture and Knitting group tomorrow, lunch Wednesday, night out Thursday and again Friday.  It’s funny, until less than two years ago I was working full time, had a busy social life (and kept a clean house and cooked healthy meals from scratch every night) and didn’t give it a thought, now I struggle with everything.  maybe I should have kept on working, they say it keeps you young.  I’ll just rely on you lot to do that, nothing like a good laugh xx

It’s a hard life when you have to fit your work, family and home into a busy bowling schedule!

Yes, I know ones at end and one at other, but penguins at only one?  That’s takes knowledge beyond mine, big up to you.  Just woke up from nap on sofa, never do that, think not sleeping at night is catching up with me.  Mind you, last night I increased the dose of amitripyline as instructed by the doctor.  Thought I might get a better night last night, didn’t but feeling sleepy now.  Hoping tonight might be better.  Will be an early one with my book now I’m a celeb has finished, plus eary start tomorrow, well, early for me these days.  When I was working I was up at 6am and out the door at 7.20am.  I would have continued working but my company decided to relocate and made everyone redundant.  Couldn’t face the thought of starting all over again.  Might have but my job had become so stressful and in the end I hated it, though did like my colleagues, In fact I’m out with them on Thursday night. Xx



Hi ladies,

Thank you sooooo much for the whoooooooo Hoooooooo…Delly organised - she is such a fabulous lady!

Yes, I have been struggling a bit, since finishing chemo on Sept 1 and rads on 26th October. 

Spoke to another lady, who went through this journey about the same time as me - I am not unique (thank goodness) with feeling as I do and having the challenges I have. Yesterday we decided - we have to start living again - what the heck did we go through all of that for otherwise?!

Ok - so I feel as if I am 80 sometimes, because I get tired so quickly, I can’t trust myself yet to be productive for 1/2 day - every day yet, cannot deal with more than one thing at a time, have become forgetful, even developed slight dyslexia, etc., etc. - but I got through it all. HURRAY!

Not sure whether it is the hormone killer tablets or having to digest the many things, which happened over the past year, which has caused me to crash emotionally - at a guess it is a bit of both. But i am getting there - the forum, Delly and many others have and are helping a lot. So bizarre to feel like this, when I am usually such a stron person and Mrs Positivity, lol. Fingers crossed the worse is now over.

Onwards and upwards to recovery!

My hair is growing like crazy, one should think it’s on steroids! I just wish it would not do so on my face!!! - Thankfully I am blond, so it is only visible against the light! Mind you, the head hair has come back dark with lots of silver - very fashionable these days… Eyebrows back , too - but Denis Healey style?! - aarrgh!


Sue xx


Flippin 'Eck Sue, 

Bout bloomin time you cottoned on to my message and took a dip into Charys’s ever bubbling over thread. Don’t let the “fluffy cakes” put you off. She blames ME for that, don’t have a clue why. Thought this lot on here were suitably bonkers, more importantly sooooo incredibly loving to give you a bit of a lift. A little surprise “Whoohooo” party in your honour. Knew they would come up trumps - thank you girlies. Some of you have already met Sue in other threads, many of you not. But, she’s such a very exceptional, lovely, beautiful person, as you ALL are. Awwww, I know, I’m so full of BS!! Ha - just joking!! But you all are, you know. Don’t ever forget Delly said, told you so.

Hair - told you Jamie Lee curtis was sporting a shawn grey/white bonce, and looks abfab bloomin gorgeous in her now late 60’s/early70’s.


Sooooo, just how are all you’s doing?? I don’t want to know anything more about Lesleys dry tongue from licking Xmas card envelopes. She’s still got a rusty ballcock to live down, or UP - depending on how rusty her or her hubby’s apparatus is!! And don’t think you’re “tongue and groove” remark went unnoticed either.

Oh don’t dare get me on steamy again, LadyHelenaBowler’s  bra “peeling” private life is steamy enough. You must already know we’re all dead jealous, well maybe not so much myself in the male respect.


Charys - got your point on Lesley and her ‘I’ pad - I know, she’s just politely ignoring me now with ref to the ins and outs of the Forum techniques. Stop tittering at the inuendo’s YOU, you’ll set me off. Hahahee.

Dizzy - where’ve you gone?? Come back, with or without your snuffles. Hope you’re feelin better. We don’t mind if you’re a bit snotty!! Well I don’t. I’m not big on dogs unless they’re good looking pretty ones (Yeh, I know I’m superficial that way, but I’m a cat woman thru and thru) but the sound of your mutt, Daisy, and being a King Charles, along with BralessBeths Mac, could possibly turn me.

JiucyJaney - what a high follutin family you have. Daughter dropped in on her way to the big NY just nonchalantly dropped into your conversation. Oooo-errr. 

Lily - haaa, am loving the sound of your penguin and now two light up reindeer…Crikey, a 6ft Amazonian woman. Get the girls on here to put you in touch with the famous Udder Cream for your bobbies. Supposed to work wonders, but don’t blame me if you start moo-ing. They’re all a loada moo’s already, in that they’re as daft as one!!

RubyRubyRubyRubeeee - How’s you??

Clair- How’s you??

Have I left anyone out? Apologies if so

Loadsa loveydovey stuff, Dellydoodaah xxxx


Morning all,  and helloooo Sue, welcome e to the madhouse.Normal Dizzy, I’ve never been normal so can’t answer that question.  Seriously though.  I’m suffering a lot but it’s non BC stuff, daily headaches, menopause (had to come off hrt) and generally feeling yuck, probably due to lack of sleep.  My Bobbie is still enlarged with blackhead looking things, still get shooting pains though not as many, and emotionally still scared.  Hoping 2017 is going to be better.


off soon for acupuncture.  Decided to give knitting a miss and get nails done instead.  Husband has said he’ll leave the ballcock until tomorrow morning g when I’m at home “just in case” - now I’m worried.


Have a good day all xx

Morning glories and a helloooo to you Sue HS and where are you Sue255? Marydan I hope GP can help. My bowel habits (oh what I share with you lot!) definitely changed when I started Anastrazole but thankfully back to my kind of normal now!
I’m glad your hubby only worries about his ballcock when you’re around Lesley but watch those nails!
I’m just about to have my last session of acupuncture - prize to first one to mention little pricks - this thread is getting very Carry On! Feeling sad to be ending but I’ve booked privately for a session just before I head back to work in January. Still not sure I’m going to manage full time.
Not yet very Christmassy at home, will wait till we have some teens back with us to get into festive spirit!
We is very high fallutin Delly! Daughter obsessed with travel and spending all she earns on trips. I hope there’s some left for a pressie for her old Mum! Shouldn’t complain really she works 80 hours a week at the restaurant.
Still full of cold and hoping why I’m sooo tired, not just because I don’t sleep. Off to meet one of my colleagues later. They are recruiting a new member of my team while I’m off and I’m hoping I can have an input into who we get.

For me the acupuncture has been a marvel for flushes, mood and anxiety but know it hasn’t been as effective for luscious Lesley. The one I have is auricular - 5 little needles in each ear, in a group, which China is therapy in itself! I think Lesley has them in different places. It’s what they use for addiction services locally and 90% success apparently. I still get flushes, but fleeting and far less intense. I am just a little bit in love with FORCE, our cancer treatment charity. I wish I could work here but don’t think volunteering will pay the mortgage!! Xx

No idea why China appeared in that post, maybe predictive text wants me to nod towards origins of acupuncture! X

Don’t you just love predictive texting? And for those of us who don’t check back before we post, what embarrassing things appear under our name! On another BC site I was replying to someone called Nopoli, and was horrified to find by the time I posted I’d called her Nipple.


Sue HS and Marydan, hello to both of you. I’m afraid this is sometimes a bit frivolous on here, good to see you’re already hot on your double entendres! And watch out for Lady Bowler whipping her bra off at every opportunity ( though I’m doing a bit of that myself at the moment, day 4 of rads and counting down to Christmas…)


I haven’t noticed anything either stomach or bowel related with Tamoxifen, but it isn’t doing my bladder any good. And that is tmi definitely. I’ve had it for two months now, but may yet be stopping it, I’ve got a slightly awkward meeting with my oncologist coming up.


Lesley, I can see why your husband’s worried about his ballcock and wants you there to help him sort it, he’ll need someone there to hand in case he needs help…

In my case I’d be more worried my husband was either going to soak the loft or put his foot through the ceiling.


Anyway, I’m in the middle of making soup for lunch, having a healthy day today (except for having two breakfasts on rads day, toasted muffin and honey when I get back in, very restorative!)

Have a good day lovelies, talk to you later!

Morning all!! 


Marydan - I had a few tummy and bowel issues in top he first few weeks on tamoxifen but it’s all settled down now. I took peppermint oil capsules for a few days which really helped (did check with BCN & GP first) and now I find that one yakult drink each day keeps everything moving as it should. Never had tummy cramps and trapped wind like it before and never want it again!!!


Welcome to the crazy gang here Sue!! We do cover all sorts on here and the support from all the ladies has been incredible and I will be eternally grateful. Sending the love out here!!


GP has now signed me off until the 22nd January and doesn’t want me to return to work until I go back and see her again that week.  She has been brilliant with both me and my hubby during all this. Hubby has been feeling the strain recently so she saw him yesterday and has signed up him off until after Christmas. It’ll be good to have him home and make sure he recharges his batteries too after such a rubbish 2016. 


What has it been with 2016? It seems to have been horrendous for sooooo many families. 


Tired after rads today so I feel a sofa snooze coming on this afternoon. I’m trussed up like a turkey in all these dressings which I cringe at each time when I unpeel them to moisturise!! Sure the old nip is going to stay attached to it one of these days!!! Ooooooooooooouch. ?


Have a relaxing afternoon everyone & catch you all later
