Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hello lovelies, just a quick one, I’m just recovering from our Welsh trip on Sunday, blimey what a day that was! We went and managed to get lost twice while driving to find the family Christmas tree…, all I’ll say is men driving and silly sat nav! We did finally find each other and the tree was selected only to find it wouldn’t fit in the sons car so we had to remove it and put it in ours and swap passengers home!! Another family Christmas tradition started :-D. I’ll pop back later lv Clair xx

Hold on, wheres Lily and Rubycat?



OOoooo look at the Lily posted whilst I was typing my long one…hiiiiiii


Sorry all you clever people, it seems I can either post a picture or input text but not both, sigh…I’m sure Delly will put me straight.

Finally decorated the twig tree I was feeling too crummy to do at the weekend, real tree for the living room will be on Saturday. And I’m just beginning to get in the Christmas mood, though not as far as wrapping presents or sending cards goes, so I’m a bit behind there. 

Sorry it came out MASSIVE and its a rubbish picture !!! Apologies for all the scrolling, I’ll remove it tomorrow…

Hello gorgeous girls,


loved reading all your posts, and Dizzy, that’s beautiful, so creative.


Had My sixth acupuncture this morning and this time Janey she did put two small pricks in my ear!  She said that unfortunately I’m in the 20% of women that it doesent work for easing hot flushes, although I have noticed that my daily headache (touch wood) isn’t kicking in until evening time so maybe it has helped in that respect.  She she I can have one a month for next three months.


Went and got my nails done after (such a glamour puss) and overheard the girl in the next chair saying her partner was a plumber and a very good one (well, she wouldn’t say he was a bad one would she?). I asked for his number.  Told the husband might be a good idea to get a professional to sort out his rusty ballcock, stood back and waited for the explosion.  Surprisingly he agreed, said he was worried about about something going wrong and it pushing his poor defective heart just that bit too far (he does get a bit overwrought these days) if he’s still agreeable in the morning I’ll phone in the morning and hope I don’t need to take a mortgage out to pay for it.  Our friend that died suddenly last Saturday week has always done our plumbing and serviced our boiler.


Its funny, Ive gor a mental image of you all in my head.  Had to change it now I know we’ve got a magnificent six footer.  I’m five foot two if I breath in and stand up straight, always hated being so small, made my me feel insignificant, think that’s what I make so much noise lol.  The husband is a foot taller than me so we look odd xx



Charys, Im impressed, that’s so good, you are clever.  Wish I could make things like that.  Never been arty but do appreciate others skill

I forgot the advent picture for today…



Ladies, I have a question to ask. Is there an agreed abbreviation on here for spouses, partners, significant others or whatever? I feel like an idiot saying my husband or my hubby, DH is twee, you don’t want to know what his name is, so I won’t use that. That leaves OH which at least is fairly neutral. In my case perhaps it should be LSH as in long suffering husband.

Hi all,


Any room for another six footer?  I fold up well so don’t necessarily take up much space :slight_smile:


I’m doing auricular accupuncture for hot flushes too and have to say, 2 sessions into an 8 week course, it’s made a huge difference.  I was never one for wetting the bed.  Well, not since I acheived adulthood (ooh Matron!) but mine were bad enough to steam up my glasses.  I’m down from up to 20 a day to about 4 which is pretty amazing.


Otherwise, I’m 2 1/2 months post chemo, didn’t need rads, 6 weeks into Letrozole and waiting for the next stage of reconstruction.  So me and my one and half boobs are sort of in an inbetween phase.  Slightly odd place to be.  I’ve just completed a Moving Forward course which was good to do, if only because being in a room with 15 other women in the same situation was incredibly bonding.  We’re now in the process of arranging to meet up socially.  I’m also being investigated for secondaries because I’ve had persistant backache since diagnosis with no previous scans.  I had a bone scan last week and am due to have an MRI on Saturday evening.  I’ll get the results just before Christmas.  Almost certainly going to be down to the osteoporosis +/- the disc problems I’ve been having but it’s hard not to be anxious.


However, I do love the way you’re all giggling and I’m always up for a bit of that!


Looking forward to being here


Belle x

Welcome Belle!!

not many of us 6 footers around!! Has its pluses and minuses - trousers are a mare to find but you’ll never lose me in a pub or a shop!

sounds like you’ve been through it this year…you’ll get plenty of laughs on this page…and a ton of support too!


Dizzy - OH or LSH sounds good to me. I never know what to call him on here so an abbreviation is great! ?


Ive been absolutely shattered today and have slept on and off most of the afternoon. That’ll help,sleeping tonight…NOT 


Beth xx


Hi Belle. I’m now feeling small! 5’10" on my right leg 5’91/2" on my left! Actually gave up feeling like a giant when me and my LSOH (?!) got together. He’s 6’5" and his 2 eldest 6’8 and 6’7! I
'm glad I’m not the only auricular evangelist. Lesley I wonder if those little pricks in your ears are going to work some magic?! I’m hoping to book into a moving forward course but may clash with return to work sadly! How am I going to keep up with this thread when I’m not around during the day?!
Charys your amazing crocheted wreath should have been today’s advent, amazing. My talents are garden and cooking - both of which have a 50/50 chance! My friend is going to help me plant my fluffies magnolia on 16th. Do I chant your names as I dig?!
Anyway, I’ve now been shamed into embracing Christmas, so the cards are ready to write!
hugs to all - new and old xxx

Welcome Belle, and Sue, that great news about your hair, it’s looks lovely in the photo below, love your sun glasses too xx

Languishing Lily (till Delly comes up with a better one), thanks for your kind words about my crafting. I taught myself crochet in October, from scratch, and have made about a hundred things since then, from decorations to soft toys and of course lots of the ubiquitous scarves. I’m SO SO sorry you can’t see my advent spectaculars, I have no idea why not…are you alone… can everyone else see them or are you just all being polite and infact have a blank rectangle? I’ll have to do a description for you then, seeing as you are graphically challenged at your end. It was a picture of a nude father Christmas, but very fit, poking out the chimney with a rather dodgey looking ‘present’ lol Sorry you missed it.


Dizzzyyyyyy, I don’t recall seeing any consensual acronym for partners on here…why don’t you decide on one and we will all use it. There is also SO - significant other.


Belle - You are incredibly welcome to join us, space is infinite here… as is our delight in new people popping along to join in. You really have had a flippin awful run of it, so much to go through, and now is must feel odd in your ‘limbo’ period.


Braless Bakewell Beth - Sleep is SOOOooo good for you, do it all you can, your body needs it. However, a cautionary word, be careful not to end up like Delly, vampire-like, awake and doing the night shift on here.


Janey - naughty naughty, ‘little pricks in ears’! You KNOW how Lesley rises to such nuances and its not the first time you’ve poked her with a suggestive remark, things could go horribly wrong if she’s on the vino tonight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Can you see my calendar picture Janey ? (I trust you to tell me the truth)


Sue H-S - Laughter is THE best medicine !!! I truly believe it helps bring human beings back in touch with their heart and soul. I know we can’t laugh and be ultra cheerful, all the time here, life is throwing some poo poo in our directions, but you know what…whilst we can find the humour we are strong. How is your hair growing back, different to before or the same ? P.S. smoking isn’t very good for you! lol

Ha ha, I’ve just had a thought, when Delly does appear either later or tomorrow…she’s got so much to read through it’s insane. Including this wasteful post about her having lots to read through.

Naked Santa?  I didn’t see that one, I saw a pretty little star.  I was quite chuffed with it until I realised I was missing out on a naked Santa.  I think I’m getting a reputation of here for hitting the bottle.  Ok, I admit it, I did have a glass of vino with dinner.  Regretting it though, The evening headache arrived shortly after.  Having said that, I was still getting them when I stopped tippling.  Out for lunch with old colleagues tomorrow, dinner with different old colleagues Thursday night then girlie dinner party Friday night, after that I’m on the wagon until 18th when we’ve got a party to go to, then back on it until Christmas Eve.  As headaches are now only coming in the evenings I’ll see if stopping the vino helps.


Just realised, I spend more time on here talking to you lot than talking to ?  Can’t remember what I’m supposed to call him now?  Think I’ll just say Himself, or I could use my pet name for him but it’s really rude!

Thsts reminds me, last week in Knitting group one woman was saying her daughter had just had a baby and it was 9lb so was going to be very big.  I said I was over 9lb when I was born.  (They couldn’t believe it as I’m very small) I said it didn’t last long and was painfully thin as a child and mentioned the nickname I had (better not mention it on here as it might cause offence). They were shocked and One said, oh children  can be so cruel, I roared with laughter and said it was my mother who called me that!  My mum had a very wicked sense of humour xx

Ps Charys, can’t believe you’ve only been crocheting a couple of months and made that wreath.  Right, that’s enough from Lesley the Lush tonight xx

I can see your advent pics and your crafting ones too Charys - I think you could sell them. Sorry Delly another one to read, which when I think about it could be a cunning plot by Charys ? to get us to give you more to read in the we small hours. Laughter really truly is the best medicine. My favourite giggle this week on the box is watching Greg Davis on Taskmaster (Dave Catch Up). He is my not so and inexplicable secret crush! The programme is completely ridiculous and makes me snigger out loud. I am easily amused. Sue you look absolutely fabulous dahling! Xx

Welcome Belle, this thread is slightly manic, you need a mind like a grasshopper to keep up, particularly once the old vino starts coming out in the evenings. In fact, it’s usually easier to go with the flow and get a glass yourself…I was teetotal before I came on here.

Charys, I love the wreath. Apart from being very pretty, it looks like it’s quiet and not scratchy, the trouble with wreaths is you have to keep opening and closing the door. 

I don’t know how I’m missing all the fun, but I certainly haven’t seen any naked Santas. I don’t get out much, I would have noticed.

I’m opting for LSH, the only other acronym that springs to mind is SOB, but that seemed a bit harsh.

Rubycat, sounds like I’d better make the most of that normal interval if it happens. The accumulation of minor ills can rapidly add up to having a major impact on your quality of life. I get the impression that the joint and muscle pain on AIs is a major problem for a lot of people. When I had problems with Tamoxifen I was hoping I could switch to an AI but now I’m thinking it’s just exchanging one thing for another. So it’s just as well it’s not an option.


Height… we’re a tall lot on here, I’m five foot nine, that usually makes me the tallest woman in the room, but we’re all way above average here. Except I think it was Janey, it’s too many pages back to look.


Nah, I’m a tall one - albeit with one leg longer than the other. Hmmm as the older sibling I do wonder if I was the dodgy prototype sometimes, Dad’s wonky long legs and yet to find out about Mum’s wonky genes! Anyone here had genetic testing, does it take a long time to get an appointment? We’ve filled in the genetic tree.
I shall chant your names loud and proud on 16th. I’m ridiculously focussed on Spring next year. My friend sent me an early Christmas card. A white background on which magnetic fridge magnets spells “thank “bleep” this year is over, Merry Christmas”!!
Night night lovelies xx