Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oooo-  Lost another looong message. Am tiring of it now. Not so much the persistent terrier tonight. Apologies. 

So am just sending my loving thoughts to you all instead. Cept Beths “crusty nipples” have been of some inspiration (Awwwww- sorry Beth, and making fun of your tenderness) and has given me another lightbulb thought for my next business venture. Cud do well bagged up and sold behind bars instead of pork scratchings!! “Two pints o’ lager and a bag of crusty nipples please” !! I know. I’m absobloominlutely awful, wicked.

BTW - it was Beth that’s the 6 ft Amazon, to all you other tall ladies.

Delly xxxx 




Couldn’t resist stayin on a little longer - you’re so addictive see.

Crikey - I’ve just met Belle. Where the heck are all you Amazons suddenly  crawling out from?? Welcome Belle, and thanks for you update on how you’re doing. Is your recon boob an implant one?? and you’re waiting on the silicon replacement to the expander?? Thats fantastic on your auricular acupunture results. Me thinks praps I need to go have pins stuck in me too - for flushes and poss depression too. Half the prob is finding a good practitioner who you feel confident in and to not rip you off. It’s expensive. Crossing everything for you that it is Osteoporosis.

Lesley - we ALL know what your husbands called - it’s rusty, spherical, and crows at dawn!! That’s really teasingly unfair of you not to give us the name your Mum used to call you. Don’t you all think girls?? Go on, tell us. Use asterixes. 

Sue - Hahaha - great photo. My heroine and so good to see her again. I miss Abfab. Was like Carry On, lots of inuendos but with drunken, menopausal women instead. Hang on a minute - that very much reminds me of this thread. Would make an excellent base for a bl**dy good sitcom. Hope someone’s keeping copies of all these posts, could be worth a fortune. Hang on another minute, it could also be another possible Delly business venture.Yes.  So I need to start weedling out who to put in the cast and who not. Mwahahahahaaa, now you’ll all have to be extra nice to me or you’re OUT. But you’re all already extra nice, so you all have to be in - shucks.

Charys - how’s about LoquaciousLily? No too innocent. Lascivious, Lusty, Licentious (Oh look 'em up you lot, I’m sat with a dictionary next to me). LustyLily. Have forgotten what yours was now - ah yes, Curvacious. Smouldering or SumptuousSue, BuxomBelle, what other lovelies. DizzyDee can keep dizzy 'cos she is. JuicyJaney, RaunchyRuby, LusciousLesley. Who else, Clair, Marydan - I’ll have to work on those.

JuicyJaney - Yeh, we should all be with you for the Magnolia planting.

So much for me breaking off, I’m supposed to getting lots of sleep, showers, hairwashing, toothbrushing etc. to get myself looking presentable and smelling sweet for a hot date on Sunday night. But I could just Wow with my wicked humour and stay smelly tho’.

Going now, honest xxxx

Charys you do make I laugh! Delly you can’t just casually mention a hot date and leave us all in suspenders… More info please!
Morning glories. Not one hot flush last night but so dosed up on lemsip I don’t think I’d notice! I’m enjoying being the kind of ill people can deal with!!
Those little pricks yesterday working their magic still and I hope you had some benefit last night Lesley?
Watch out for dodgy adverts on here. I’ve reported “doublehormones” to Lizzie today. Mind you I’d like to see them try and advertise to the fluffies! Xxx

I can’t see a pink ribbon Charys, but I can see a robin up Nelson Column.


Spoke too soon re headaches, got a stonker this morning, just taken the big guns meds, hoping they kick in soon as off out for lunch soon.


Janey, I soooo want more pricks in my ear, terrible night of flushes, maybe that’s why heads so bad.


Hot date Delly?  Hope that’s true and not a euphemism for something.  



Well, the rusty ballcock - himself swallowed his manly pride this morning and phoned the number that I got off the girl in the nail bar yesterday.  Poor plumber got a grilling.  Anyway, he’s coming between 4.30-5pm Friday. Not a good time as that’s when I was hoping to be in the bath/going backwards and forwards between bathroom and bedroom getting ready for my girlie dinner party (entrance to loft between), guess I’ll have to get ready early.


Going to lay on sofa with eyes closed and hope this headache does one before I have to leave for lunch date. Enjoy your day all, and those going for zapping, good luck xx

Ooooooooo Janey. …Lizzy has left…not sure why it’s not been announced on the forum in general. I’m hoping someone else is picking up her messages, but I sent one and it wasn’t answered last week. That’s great news about the prickly therapy…really good…something I will def. think about for the future if needed.

Hope you make your lunch ok Lesley…maybe the fact you can see the Robin is something to do with your ‘big gun’"meds ? Lol

Not sure if I should answer for Delly or not, but hey what the hell, I will anyway (bang go the morals) …but yep it’s true. She does have a Sunday date with a lovely lady. (And no its not me I’m married )

Oh Lesley that’s rotten. Do love ok up auricular acupuncture in your area. 3 of us finished yesterday and it got to the 6th session for one of the women to just say “wow”. The acupuncturist told one of us she would be happy to tell her closer by therapist where she places needles. I so wish this had been available when I had surgery for endometrial, as it was so awful. Actually I’m now sounding like one of those I’ve reported for advertising!
That’s sad Lizzie has left. Hopefully messages will be read. I couldn’t remember how to report, so I pm’d her.
Lesley you do know that Friday is going to be all about 2 men checking ballcocks in Bucks?!?! Xx

Now you have posh crackers Charys arf arf! Clair your tree is a vision. I’m feeling Christmassy suddenly. Also decided comfort food needed, parsnip and apple soup bubbling xx

Sugar mice?! ? ?


Afternoon all!!!

wow!! That was 2 pages to catch up on from yesterday!! Must say that’s is a fantastic looking Christmas tree there! Puts mine to shame ?

Between reading about plumbers ballcocks, hot dates and snakes I’m rather exhausted!!

i asked Siri ‘what can you buy a snake for Christmas’ and one answer was a snake jumper!! It looked basically like a posh knitted tubi grip!! You could crochet one Charys!! Smartest snake in the kingdom! I’m sure there’s some smutty talk in this but I’ll stay away from that! ??

We stopped off in a lovely local farm shop on the way home from rads today - full sunday lunch each and a few purchases and that’s £60 gone!! Cheaper to be in work lol

Come home to mail…for the dog!! I’ll post what it said here. You have to laugh!

lots of love to you all! Xx





Rubycat, if the fudge turns out well, can you share your recipe? Particularly if it turns out to be foolproof even when made by a dipsobrain like me? I have two friends I meet up with regularly, and every Christmas we give each other something homemade. But tbh, I’d rather buy something half the time, it would be a lot easier. The last couple of years my gift has been alcoholic (sensing a theme here girls?) Home made Bailey’s and sloe gin. So I need to come up with something this year which is minimal effort, got to fit round rads and won’t need refrigerating to keep till Christmas. It was going to be homemade jam, all the fruit is in the freezer, but sterilising jars is such a faff.

I was going to say I have more than two friends, but actually the last few months has been educational in the friend department, and not all have lived up to their billing. And others who were really just acquaintances have been lovely. So these are the two friends I tell the truth to.


Beth, your story about the shenanigans getting the Christmas tree into the car reminds me of many a trip to IKEA, including once when we spent so long trying to fit everything in to the car that the barrier wouldn’t open to let us out. Did you know there’s a time limit in IKEA car parks? No me neither.

And there was once on a cross channel ferry coming home from a Euro camp holiday in the days of duty free…let’s just say we’d bought rather more than we thought and had to sit the last child on a box of wine so we could get the door closed and stop holding up the whole line of cars behind us.



Just got back from lunch, made a cuppa and caught up on all your posts, so many, took me ages.  Head still thumping, I definitely need prick in ear!


Clair, your tree is beautiful.  Puts mine to shame, I always overdo it, still if you can’t go overboard at Christmas when  can you?


Glad there’s another 5ft 2" girlie Helena, I was beginning to get an aching neck looking up at all the others.


How, cute is Mac’s card Beth?  Any news from the vet re his results yet?


Going to take yet more painkillers and have a lay down xx

Don’t know why 2 trees appeared xx

Hope everything goes well for Mac tomorrow bless him xxx
I’m going to have to call the engineer out it’s not spinning maybe I could borrow the plumber after Lesley is finished with him :-D.
Darling Delly a date how exciting have a fabulous time xxxx
I’m not allowed to go to.ikea the OH said he can’t cope with it :-D.
Well I’m not getting involved with a snake in a tree the mind boggles
Love to you all Clair xxxxx

Beth, so sorry, just realised it’s tomorrow that Marvelous Mac gets his results, Im getting my days mixed up.  I could put it down to my headache but think it’s my age and lack of sleep.


Tbis talk of snakes on Christmas trees, pressies snakes is too much for me, I’ll have to ho,d back on the comments that spring to. mind!  Bring serious though Charys, do you really have a pet snake?  What a wonderous lot we are.  Think Delly has deliberately gathered us all together just for material for her next TV series (bet it turns out that she’s a really famous screen writer and just using  a pseudonym on here as disguise)  

I’m right there with you Helena <3.

I’m finding it really hard to come to terms with how things have changed both physically and mentally for me.

I’ve made the decision to visit the Dr for help as I’m just not coping at all.

Sending you much love and support xxxxxxx

Helena and Clair, none of us is the same, physically or mentally.  Unless someone has been through it they don’t understand.  As much as our friends and family may love us they really don’t know how awful this thing is to deal with.  If you can get help with a counsellor at work go for it.  Its one reason I’m sorry I’m not still working  because my company provided counselling for any employee that had the dreaded C because studies have shown how much it’s needed.  Sending you both a huge hug xx

Helena & Clair


I have seen a counsellor a few times now and it’s been very worth while. I don’t think I’d be in the place I am today without her support and guidance. 

Our physical wellbeing is being taken care of, but we need to look after our mental health too. Asking for help is the first step in achieving this. We don’t need to struggle on just trying to manage and get through the day. There is help out there in what ever format suits us the best as individuals.


Sending you massive support and a huge virtual hug…and keep posting!! 

Beth xxx