Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

 Back again. 

Yes, thank you girls. I did say Sunday, but it is definitely Monday. i think you lot are more excited about it than I am.

As you’re all so interested,  

Lady Helena - The issues that I felt it important and only fair to let her know were more about my mental state and not feeling so great physically, as in run down - not the actual physical appearance of my body, which I’m not quite so conscious of with the expanders giving a lot of improvement. But will somebody keep whipping me about getting the silicon and nipple recon ops sorted. No use at the moment with crimbo hols coming up and the whole world grinds to a halt. Can still get down to my docs and get the wheels in motion though can’t I, as I need to be rereferred with it having been 2yrs since I saw the surgeon. Shall add it to the 6 page list. Awww, what a lovely relationship you two have.

Janey and Lesley - you both flatter me with your compliments, but we all have to be realistic about this, as we havn’t yet met or even seen what each other’s like. And as you all know, I could charm the pants off anyone with what I say in writing, jumpers off snakes even !! Not so easy in person, especially as a developed a huge wart on the end of my nose. But . I can cover it up with a flashing red Rudolph nose. Maybe friendship if nothing else, which can sometimes turn into something more deeper. Who doesn’t fall in love with their best friend a bit. We certainly seem to have loads in common and both massive teasers. But don’t any of you go out and but a hat. 

Mmmm, yeh still got to decide on which outfit for the date, can’t decide between the red leather one or the cream pearlised latex one. Both exude air of sophistication. Perhaps better send you some fotos first. Mind you I think the zips rusted up on the red leather one, it’s been that long since I wore it out on a date.

Great idea on the shop for Charys - I could have my bath and sink tooth cosmetic dental lab in a backroom, plaster the walls with pictures of Edith, + one on the ceiling for customers to gaze up at whilst I’m demolishing err designing their new teeth. Have a good night Lesley



All these lovely trees. Yeh I like the pallet one too Charys, very Scandinavian. Did “you” make it?? Told you Sue and I were compatable, even in our shared appreciation of pallet Xmas trees… I’ll shut up about that now before she gets fed up and slaps me on the thigh. Yes Charys, I  know you know my reputation for proposals, but no-one else on this

thread did, until you just opened your trap.

Sue - Thought you had your tree up - or was that pic from last year?? or someone elses. 

LustyLily - Thanks for the love and hugs. Sending some back to you too.


Am clocking off now and going to have a long soak in the bath, get rid of the mould

Have a good day everyone, or as good as can be expected with some of you, especially you Dizzy.

Lots of love

Delly xxxx 

(Sidles in to the room, very sheepish)


Morning, all you lovely, lovely ladies, I promise I’ll never do that again. Delly, can I hug you back, I was afraid to log back on this morning, but you were wonderful, and everyone else. I’m not used to having people who understand what it’s like to be googling another set of surgery options for another cancer, and wondering how it’ll fit round the rads.

Hmmmph, anyway, this morning the meeting with the oncologist could have been with another person, it was so different. He didn’t quite apologise, but did say there had been a communication problem, so I guess that’s as close as it gets. He’s left with me with a dilemma, which I’ve posted on a new thread so as not to tangle this one up any further.

I said to my BCN that I felt I’d become invisible, I couldn’t make anyone hear me. Well, I’ve just checked back over my complaint to PALS, the last message was to acknowledge receipt of my email and say that they would write to me about the complaint process. That was 21 November…

It must be me, I ended up having this bizarre to and fro with the radiotherapy unit where they kept insisting my rads would be starting in few days, the letter would be in the post with my starting date and I kept saying didn’t I have to have a planning session first,  the oncologist said it would be a couple of weeks before the start of rads. And they kept saying no, you don’t need a planning session, we’ll do it on your first day. And suddenly they rang one afternoon and said can you come in at eight o clock tomorrow for your planning session? So I think I’ve been an afterthought all the way along.

But anyway, by hook or by crook I got there, day six of rads done and so far, so good.



No sheepish behaviour Dizzy - did I mention I was a sheep farmer once?! I’ve responded on other thread, but not sure to any great benefit for you. Oh for those days of ignorance when I thought all breast cancers the same.
Delly oo er latex?! You will wow whatever you wear I’m sure. Luscious and I are very discerning you know and flattery very well placed!
Charys I would definitely commission one of those pallet trees. You’ll all have to wait until next weekend for my tree pics! I have to wait for the galavanting daughter and step daughter to be here at the same time.
Hugs to all xx

Lovely lady from Knitting group has just dropped off my £2 brand new 4.5 tog duvet.  Went to the airing cupboard to get a duvet cover out and everything on the top shelf is WET.  Himself mucking about trying to loosen his rusty ballcock has caused a leak.  It’s only a small trickle running down a pipe (thankfully) so I’ve wedged towels up against it.  He’s out with the Last of the Summer Wine lot having a pint and playing dominoes so won’t tell him when he gets back about 3pm or he’ll be crashing about in the loft again, Not a good idea after a couple of pints.  Will wait until tomorrow morning and fingers crossed that plumber turns up as promised.  The ballcock saga continues…

Afternoon lovely ladies

it has taken a whole cup of coffee to read through all today’s posts!!!

Dizzy love, I am so glad that your consultant was more professional today and acknowledged that there has been a problem and that you’ve been left in the lurch with all of this. I do wonder though how they expect us to make decisions that have long term implications for us. They are the ones with the medical degree and we put our faith in what they say. I hope that someone from PALS has kicked butt and now they will realise you are not a push over. I made a complaint to my mums GP earlier in the year as the level of care she’d had from them was far below what I thought was expected. I won’t go in to too much detail (change for me I know!) but mum is a frequent flyer in the surgery having had alcohol issues when I was a teenager which left her with a few health problems. When she first became ill in sept 2015, she was back and forth and they just kept giving her antibiotics. Anyway she kept deteriorating and was diagnosed with a rare lymphoma on my birthday in March. All her symptoms were classic signs apparently and the delays in taking her seriously reduced her survival chances to around 20%.  I complained that they’d fobbed her off as she was a frequent flyer and the response I got was shocking. Pages and pages of medical jargon to try and shut me up, but with google, Wikipedia and my hubby we translated it into something we could understand! As much as it can’t change anything, they do now treat her with more respect and as a real person which makes HER feel better. I’m sure all we want most often is time, Honesty, to be listened to, believed and treated with respect. I think some of the professionals forget that there is a real person at the centre of everything they do, and every now and then they need a reminder. I so hope Dizzy that your consultant has now had his reminder and from now on will be less dismissive and find his bedside manner again. 


Delly, I do LOVE ready your posts every day. I think for your date, you should have a statement look so I think the red leather number has to be the one!!! who ever this lady is, she is one lucky lady to meet and have a date with you. The way you are with all of us is nothing shy of incredible and any one would be proud to call you a friend, let alone partner. I cannot imagine a more supportive and caring person and I hope she realises what she will have in front of her!! Right enough soppy stuff…


my wee boy Mac has had his results today and he’s FINE!!! It’s just a fatty lump which will grow as he gets older but for now, they will leave it be! I am so relieved. That really would have finished us off this year and even my hubby was emotional about it all. All so daft really and perhaps we are hyper sensitive because of all the other rubbish this year but I’m relieved all the same!! yayyyyy!!!


i have realised today that my posts are generally huge so perhaps I need to shut up! 

Catch up with you all later

beth xxx

Beth so happy about Mac,  as the day wore on and nothing from you I was getting concerned.  It’s true that things come in threes, Mac makes the third much loved dog in the last few weeks with a worrying lump that turned out to be a harmless fatty lump.  Celebrate tonight xx

Dizzy sending you massive hugs and love. Xxx

Beth I’m so glad Mac is ok xxx

I’m loving the festive trees xx

I’m totally knackered from being out Christmas shopping all day but feel so much better for getting out and doing something
Much love to you all Clair xxxxx

Delly you’ll be stunning what ever you wear xxxx

Thanks Lily, just dosed up as off out for meal with ex colleagues, they seem to come on in the evening so now which is better than having them all day long, grateful for that.  Enjoy your evenings everyone, expect I’ll misbehave as usual, but my old workmates would be disappointed if I didn’t xx

Okkkayyyyyyyyy, so here we are at the end of 8th December and NOBODY has noticed that I forgot to do an advent picture. I was testing you all to see who was observant and not a jiggly piggly one of you noticed ! LOL I tried hard to create the Christmas spirit for you all, and when the spirit is missing you don’t even spot it. :smileylol: :smileylol::smileylol:


Juicy clementine Janey - (I’ve revised your name to something festive) I wish I had a pallet tree to make and give to you, but I only had one pallet and the other side was naff so I burnt it. It’s everso easy, go to the garden centre that lets people take a pallet (they are darned heavy) get a pallet , mark it out with a long ruler and use your electric saw thing and whiiizzz up it.


Lesley Lush - LOLOL You now have a ‘sad little trickle’ going on…what more can I say ???


Braless Bakewell Beth - TOTALLY delighted to hear that Mac just had a fatty lump. That must be a tremendous relief, being a doggy person myself I entirely understand your fears…it just feels like that final bad piece of news could push you over the edge doesnt it. However, now you can just be happy and cuddle Mac and know all is well.


Lady Helena Bowler - I swear you live in a different era and are typing from a castle somewhere hundreds of years ago. lol Not that tapestry is old-fashioned you understand, but I kind of imagine you as a historical character and the tapestry fits perfectly.


Limp Lily - you called yourself that and not me! I was going to go for a far more sophisticated name than that , like …errrr…what did Delly suggest, I’ve forgotten? I know how about Duchess Lilium (thats the Latin bit). No, thats still not quite right. Still need to think. Oh and don’t be ‘gentle and non-bullying’ with Delly. I suspect you can’t help it as you are so nice, but she needs a firm hand.



Delly welly doo dah - NO to the whips, I will not be making any, period. As for the ‘something a bit more biting’ for after Christmas, just Ewwwww, you nearly made me scream with yukkiness. lol You do realise we are all going to want a full run down of your Monday outting lol


Belle - Crikey, you came back, well done you, not everyone does! Initiation test passed, tick. So, what name would you like ? You can make a request, but then Delly is in charge of the names so you’ll get what her brain churns out. LOLOL


WhizzyDizzybee, I’ve attempted to message you back.


Hope I’ve not missed anybody…




Hi to Rubycat and Sue HS also, but not spotted them on this thread today. X


So, it’s what youve ALLLLllll been waiting for…


8th December.


I warn you now I’ve nearly used all the best ones up, so it’s going to become more tenuous and probably less festive as we go along. Like an advent calendar in reverse, rather than the Windows getting bigger with better pictures, this one will go the opposite way and be an anti climax. Mind not that ANY Of you would notice if I repeated the same picture everyday. Lolol I’m not offended, really, it’s so funny. 




I’d definitely cover the old boobicle behind a Bakewell as its pink now and looking rather sad ( too much info I know). I don’t think Mr Kipling is quite up to the task and I don’t have the energy to bake after 13 rads (ouch) so any donations gratefully received!! 

Need to get a grip on the food front through as stress really brings on the munchies and at this rate I’m never going to fit back in to my work clothes in the new year. We’ve not even had Christmas yet. Even my dad said I looked like I was eating well !!! Thanks Pa! 

He is right though bless him. 

Despite having mac’s brilliant results today, I’m still feeling miserable this evening. I mentioned it on another thread, but I’m tired of being sore. Tired of being tired. Tired of hospitals and flashing my chest to every one who asks. Tired of painkillers and E45. Tired of spending hours on the damn road everyday battling to get in to a city which is flat out with jovial Christmas shoppers heading the same direction as me. 

I want the old cheery carefree me back!!! She’s hidden there somewhere I’m sure!! 

Right. Time to get a grip and stop wallowing. There are people worse off out there. 



Wow 985 now! Delly I think I’ll stick with a walnut whip, Rubycat can sort me one out virtually, as I am also fighting pre Christmas bingeing!
Beth a gentle hug from me too I’m not surprised you’re tired. When’s your last zap?
Lesley hope you are ready for tomorrow?!

PS love the dove - what can you see Lesley?! X

Charts you do know you need to stay up all night to make the 1000th post! Xx

Or even Charys!

Just got in after a fantastic night.  Great catching up with all my old colleagues who have all (being youngsters) moved onto new jobs in new organisations.  I’ll be the only one not getting up at the crack of dawn in the morning heading off to work, lucky me.


Well, after two glasses of vino, I cannot see a dove,  but I can see two frisky reindeers who should know better.  Really, they should save that kind of thing for after lights out! 


Havent told himself about the leak in the airing cupboard yet, will save that delight until the morning.  Hopefully plumber will arrive on his white charger tomorrow evening as promised and sort out leak and rusty ballcock and not demand a kings ransom in exchange.  Night all xx



You’re all bonkers like me - Probably why I love you all so much xxxxxxxxxxxx

Corr - I didn’t mean it to me. I was jump bumping it up for whoever got there first. How on earth did you keep a track of the number as it was going up??

Anyway - Whooohooo - Parties on at mine girls !!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We can all beat Lesleys 3.00 am Winer lot, can’t we. May have to tuck Beth up somewhere quiet if she’s not up to.

Lotsa love

DellyDingdong xxxxxxxxxxxxx  

Did I slip in there, where Charys should have been?? Bit slow at cottoning on, combined with slow typing. Sorry Charys, hadn’t caught the previous

No party then :((( You all gone to bed . . . . Nighty nite then . . . . . zzzzzzzzz


Lovely Lilium, thanks for marking the occasion with the various noises. How can you see afterwards which one was number 1000… or were you just watching the post count ? 


Wheres Clair? Here’s today’s advent picture, it’s to go in your Christmas trees, an old German tradition for those who’ve not been following the pages and pages before this…lol

