Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Good morning all,


just a quickie, firstly to congratulate Delicious Delly on the 1000th post, prize is on its way to you, and it’s a purple sparkly mini dress, lime green tights and red stilettos to wear for your date on Monday, plus a pair of my home   made wire earrings.  Secondly, I need to set the record straight - himself went out for a pint and a game of dominos with his buddies and came home at 3pm not 3am!  


Fingers crossed the plumber arrives this evening.  Promises to be here between 4.30-5pm.  I’m heading out at 5.30 as the hostess of tonight’s girlie dinner party has requested the pleasure of my company earlier than the other guests so we can have a glass of vino and a catch up before the others arrive.  Could be a bad move, I might be too tiddly before dinner.


My quickie has gone on a bit hasnt it? Xx

Hi all

Great to hear about Mac - always helps to have some positive news. Hoping all are keeping well - and Charys I just love that tree!!! You might want to think about selling something like that on Etsy or NotOnTheHighsreet!

I covered another milstone yesterday - and Delly - when you get ready for Monday’s date - I hope you feel the same.

Got ready for a Christmas dinner with some business aquaintances - first time again in a perfumed bath, first time again for glamour make up, first time again in a cocktail dress, first time again for glittery high heels - sooooooo fabulous to stand in front of the mirror and being able to say - you’ve still got it girl!

Mind you the conversation at the table was most interesting. We discussed the challenges Google translate has with some foreign websites - in this case a German one, which sells original glass blown Christmas decorations.

When looking at the site there were many Christmas balls - in all sorts of colours. We, with very stern faces, discussed how to best arrange these balls. In twos? Perhaps in threes - many garden and interior designers recommend putting three objects together in a group! But three balls??? - Then we found a nice pine cone - also glass blown - you know, one of the more elongated ones - 


Such pretty Christmas decoration on the tree - two balls and a cone - it really works!


Oh language - what can you do with it - and what does Google translate do with it!!


Sue xx


OOps - just realised I read the posts three pages ago!

Please forgive my dotty mind!

And Delly - before you ask

                                       Dec 16.jpg

Jamie Lee Curtis eat your heart out! Btw - she is only 22 days yournger than me…


Sue xx


Sue, you are a stunner!  Xx

Hello lovelies. Just popping in from my sick bed :frowning: I had a terrible night last night, hot sweats like you wouldn’t believe followed by waves of nausea!! So I’m having a day in bed to catch up on some sleep.
Sue what a beautiful lady you are xxx
I’m loving all the decorations what a clever lot xx
Have a fab day and I’ll pop back later lots of love Clair xxx

Thank you Lily x

I wish I’d stayed in bed… the water pipe from the loo is leaking, my steamer gave up yesterday and the washing machine has flooded the kitchen again!!! The repair man can’t come out until next Friday… I give up.
Mind you the lovely lady on the phone insisted I go and a have a very large glass of wine and if I didn’t feel so rubbish I would ;-).
Lv Clair xx

Oh Clair, I feel your pain.  Finally plucked up the courage to tell himself about the leak he caused in the airing cupboard a little while ago.  He was not pleased!  Told me the ceiling could have come down (how come it’s MY fault?). So up to the loft he goes again.  Thankfully he managed to stop the leak.  Now waiting on the plumber to arrive and hope I can write the end of the rusty ballcock saga with “They all lived happily ever after”. Anyway, Have The wine, My reasoning is, if you feel crap anyway  might as well, you never know it might even make you feel better xx

Morning lovelies - errrr afternoon Lovelies


Going to try and keep this to a quickie (Ha! Yeh) as need to resist the temptation to do my usual of sitting here chatting with you, which I’d much rather do, than tackling the mundanities, some of which are importances. Got to try and get more disciplined again, cos I’ve let everything slide to such a state that it then overwhelms me to the extent that I go into panic mode and then end of not doing it. All too easy to think “I’ll feel better tomorrow so I’ll do it or more tomorrow”. Look, I’m even doing it right now. See how tempting and addictive you all are !! Sooooo, I’ll sensibly come back later. 

BUT, not before I personally hand over the 1000 post prize/trophy/medal/award to my dear friend, the scrumptiously lovely, the warm and compassionate, the wickedly witty and daft, the incredibly creative, the initiator, the creator of this thread that’s brought so many other equally amazing people together to care, support, chat, laugh, giggle, tease. And all wrapped up in love.


The One, The Only, The Truely Deserving - Yes Ladies, the award is being passed to . . . .  


CHARYYYYYYYYYYS   (cue rapturous applause, finger whistles, loud whoohoos and cheering


Given to you with one of my special loooooong hugs and a big smackeroo darlin girl

Dellywellydoodah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Now I’m gonna bogoff for a while but see you all laters xxxx  


Oh dear I’m late to today’s party! I’m wondering if the floating hormones, which in my youth led to synchronised periods with flat mates now means that in middle yoof the lack of hormones leads to synchronised plumbing problems?! Washing machine kaput and shower leaking. Maybe it’s karma for all those rusty ballcock comments ?
Hey ho though it’s Friday and rad free weekends for some of you and I hope headache free for the rest. I’m feeling very uncrafty, so went out and spread compost instead.
A weekend free of young ones beckons, so a G&T soon to be made and beer poured. We are going to Exeter Market on Monday, which will hopefully be a quiet day, as I can’t bear the crush either Charys.
Where are you magical moon? You need to come polish the award too ?
Lesley I hope you’re not flashing too much as they flush and have a great night out (again, you party animal!). Clair I hope your bug goes away soon. Being poorly on top of fatigued can’t be helping at all!
Dizzy I hope you can relax this weekend and Beth and Belle and SUe and other Sue and Kary and Bowler and Lily and Ruby and as for you Delly - I would go with Lesley’s outfit idea, she’s clearly a woman of style. Two clicks of those red ? and you’ll be on the yellow brick road.
Oh dear I probably shouldn’t have gone with name checks, apologies if I forgot anyone - it’s the Anastrazole I forget everything these days ?Xxx

Good evening sisters,


So Lovely Lilium, whats up with ALL the others and their pipework/plumbing issues?..don’t know about you…but I’m all fine here with nothing leaking or broken or falling apart in the waterworks department. 


Lesley - has he been, the plumber whats the update ?


Janey - Now, you need to say if you buy anything at the market, cos most people say they don’t. Saying that I am a sucker for fused glass and did buy three hanging glass decorations today. I also hate to warn you, but isn’t it meant to rain solidly tomorrow? Mind, that’ll sort out the crowd issue lol


Rubycat - I literally LOL at your SO comment. I spotted it the first time you used it a few days ago, and I like the way he switches between the two of Don’t SO and SO. Loving your attitude lol


Clair- That sounds a bit severe to be hormonal - surely you have a bug? Hope by now you are feeling better lovely.


Sue - Yep, deffo two baubles and a long pinecone, that’s surely the way to go …to an xrated tree. On that theme, and I REALLY REALLY don’t get this; I am a frequent Etsy user, and my sister pointed out to me that a woman on there is making felt ‘ladies parts, starting with the letter v’ as Christmas tree decorations. I kid you not! I MEAN WHY ??? Why would you put that on your tree, WHY ??? You look gorgeous, and have such beautiful eyes, I mean that quite truly.


Dizzybee Whizzybee - It is tiring this rad thing, as you know a major side effect. In the last week I was literally dragging myself there and flopping back on the chair when I got home. Have a restful weekend, make sure that you do!


Lady Helena Bowler - Why is there one post on here just with my name and a smiley face ? LOL It’s your job to dust the award first ok ?


Delly welly - So, hows the ‘sorting yourself out’ process going ? Only the weekend to go now… outfit sorted?



You ARE a delicate fragrant sort of flower, except your pollen stains things of course and is poisonous to cats LOL Ok, that last bit wasn’t necessary after complimenting you, BUT… you are an outside Lily anyway so your pollen can do whatever it likes. So, tell us about your bowls, how long have you done it and have you won awards/trophies? Were you polishing them after winning them all yourself?


Rubycat, first thing…you made a typo and said Ballocks…made me laugh that you’d typed that on a public forum lol Secondly, you live in Winchester ?? I didn’t know that, have I missed you saying that ?? I had my mother with me today mind, so meeting up would have been…err…inadvisable. :catwink:

I am so sorry Lovely Lilium…it was indeed addressed to Lady Helena bowler…and I do 100 percent know it is her of the bowls and not you. I meant to start a new paragraph for her , but didn’t. Can you forgive me? I promise to be more careful in future. Heres something to redress my error…??⚘…couldn’t find a proper bunch so you’ll have to hand tie these together yourself lol.


what is that thing at the end!!!?!! It was meant to be a tulip. It will look like I’ve  given you dead flowers, and you will feel insulted even more . P…s teetotal for 18 years ?

Evening all, 


I’ve been reading these posts on and off over the last couple of days so wanted to say ‘Hi’ and thank you. This thread has made me smile, laugh and left me feeling better just for having read it! 


Charys, I’m loving the Advent snake! 


Sue H-S, pleased to see your hair is growing back. Mine looks almost identical :) 


Love to you all :heart:


Hi Lily, Thank you x

OAD…great to see you! The snake was of course specially for you. ?

Welcome On a diversion!

I remember lurking here for quite a while before I took the plunge, it looked like everyone was having way too much fun, and I needed cheering up. So it’s good you came by, hope you enjoy the madhouse…

And I’m pleased to report, no conking out on the sofa at 9pm tonight, I’m made of sterner stuff. Having a very therapeutic glass of red in front of an old episode of Escape To the Country, we grockles know how to live it up in Dorset you know. Ooo arrr…!!

Morning lovelies,
Welcome to the gang OAD :-D.
Well still hot, sweaty and ugh but I need to get some Christmas shopping so I’m going to hall my arse out of bed, shower and hit the shops for a bit wish me luck…,well wish my poor O H luck as I often fling my coat at him in mid flush… Have a fab day girlie’s and catch up later lv Clair xxx

Good morning,


I am in disgrace.  Got home at 12.30am this morning and woke Himself up stumbling around.  I did have a lovely time though, scrummy food, and lots of it, wine flowing and played silly board games.  Loads of laughs, and they all loved the Granny Laggers I knitted them and the wire Christmas decorations (that were mistaken for earrings when I put a pic on here). The plumber turned up after I had left.  As Himself had put a whole can of WD40 on the rusty bits over the last few days  he was able to do the job in 10 minutes, charged £40, which I don’t think is too bad by today’s prices. No more water gushing out of the overflow.  So, herby ends the sorry tale of The Rusty Ballcock, Amen.


Now, on to more serious things… With regard to deodorant.  I was told NOT to use any with aluminium in while having rads.  Himself took himself off to the lovely pharmacist in our local Boots and came back with Pitrok, cost him about £7.  However, it does last AGES.  I then read an article (can’t remember where) written by a BC consultant who although has no concrete evidence for it believes that deodorant with aluminium in it can be a cause if some types of BC and advises that all women use a non aluminium one. Think on this thread someone did say that Sanex had brought one out but I’ve not been able to find it so am sticking to the Pitrok.  Since July I’m only on my second one so it’s very economical really xx

Herby?  Meant hereby xx