Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Mornin Girlies

Yeh Charys sweetie - I’d wondered if you were going through the “Jeckyll and Hyde” change. How long DID you take the Tamox for?? It may very well be, that even if only briefly, it could possibly have kicked started it, or even that the whole physical, bodily BC experience may have. My boobs were at 46 and 47 and menopause kicked in at 50, and I only took the Tamox for probably a week, so don’t feel it figures with me - dunno. My depression probs definitely started with losing my second boob. It meant a lot to still have one of my own, albeit feeling and looking a bit disfigured. I read exactly the same from and about other women who’d experienced the same. That one boob still  had all the normal touch/feel responses and sensations. Sorry to be very personal, but I know I can be on here. I had very very sensitive nips. So much so, that they instigated many of my physical, sexual experiences. But . . . I was talking elsewhere on this beloved Forum recently, about loss of touch sensation. numbness that can follow axillary lymph node clearance, in your arms and chest area. My good news is. . . Some of it DOES come back. It may/can take  a few years tho’. AND, that it can be very much like a person who loses their sight. They develop extra sensitivity in their other senses. Their touch and hearing senses heighten. So I’m not complaining.

Ooooo, sorry, I’ve gone off track and am rabbiting again.Started this at 10 ish pm !!

Salcombe? Waay waaay out of my affordabiltity zone to move to and live. BUT. . . as beautiful as it is, I don’t think I’d want to LIVE there, Charys. A VERY SPECIAL favourite spot for us to have holidayed, and many special family hol memories. I now think “People” are more important to me. Up for adoption - but not desperate. Who am I trying to kid - yes I am.
Hey - I’m wanting to be a doting aunt. Take advantage. Any bidders??

Love yers, Dellywelly      

Lesley - Forget the circus. Come runaway with Meeeeee. New Zealand for a couple of months and then do Italy in a major way. What do’ya think?? xxx

Oh Delly, NZ has always been a dream of mine.  I’ll start packing now.


This morning I discovered another gift from rads as well as the permanent blackhead on my chest, this one is a good one!  At last the skin under my arm has healed so I decided it was ok to shave, had to put specs on (eye sight not was it was) and to my delight the hair where I burnt has vanished so just half an armpit to shave one one side now - if I had known I would have asked them to zap my chin so I didn’t have to pluck my whiskers every couple of days.


Googled soap under sheets - good for restless legs syndrome and cramp too.  Every time in the past when I tried to come off hrt as well as the horrendous hot flushes I suffered not exactly painful, but achey twitchy legs, they’re now back with a vengeance, so tonight along with chillows, cooling pads, iced water, and tonic water a bar of soap is added to the list.


just back from town, skinny latte, mooch round the shops, eyebrows waxed and tinted (first time since diagnoses) and treated myself to a gorgeous top to wear to a friends 40th birthday dinner next week.  Just need to get hair cut (currently look one of those women you see in the old black and white films in an asylum).  Feeling more like my old self than I have in months.


Enjoy your break Janey, hope the weather stays fine for you.  I feel so much better after my break away in Wales, love it there,  would move there tomorrow if I could move all my favourite people with me, its people that matter.


Going to make a cuppa and sit in the sun and listen to the birds now the builders working on a neighbours extension seem to have downed tools, hopefully until Monday morning xx


ps, you’re all so knowledgable about your results, I don’t understand mine at all - just looked at copy of letter from oncologist, says ER8/8, HER2-ve, no idea what it means, have I passed, did I get a distinction, or does it mean “Lesley must try harder and apply herself in future if she wishes to succeed in life”?

PR score, no, that was not mentioned on letter.  As I say, I’m ignorant on all this  BC stuff, before I was diagnosed the “C” word meant the end of everything.  My darling mother died of BC in January 1998, so as soon as I was diagnosed, thought that was it.  Now I know it’s not, heard since of lots of people years and years on living happy normal lives.  All I know is, today I felt happier and better than I have for many months and feel positive (not planning the funereal songs!) Glad to be alive, enjoying the sun for the first time this year, planning things for the future, enjoyed my dinner and 2 glasses of wine and looking forward to Dellys cake complete with handbag fluff later before a hot sweaty night - who gives an ‘F’, I will spend the time dreaming of travelling NZ and Italy in a camper van, doesent get much better than that xx

Morning lovely ladies,


Another poopy night, the soap didn’t help, though mixed with the sweat my sheets might become self cleaning?


Swimming with dolphins, yeah, another dream of mine, but you’ll have to hold me up Delly, I can only swim few strokes then I sink, never managed to get the hang of floating.


Started my 4th month of Anastrozole on Tuesday and this time I’ve been given Accord (previous 3 months were Teva) now, might be my imagination and reading previous comments about others suffering when changing brand, but I think flushes and sweats were worse last night, or could just be s/e are just getting worse because I’ve been taking it longer.  Got 2 months supply of Accord, if things continue to get worse I’ll ask pharmacist to make sure I only get the Teva brand.


About the comment about breasts and being single - when I said to my husband that I was terrified that I’d have to have a mastectomy, he said, why? I’ll still love you!  I said, my breasts are important to ME, how would you feel if you had to have your winky  cut off (I used a different Word) and I said, oh, I’ll still love you?  He said that’s different, I don’t see how.


Sunny here in Buckinghamshire so going to take a walk to the newsagents for the papers then sit in the sun with a coffee and do the crossword.  Got to make the most of it, missed most of the summer this year due to the wretched BC so want to catch as many rays now while it’s warm enough xx

Burrrrrrr - lost another message. What a waste of flippin time. I’ve calmly complained to moderators (becoming old friends) Anna and Lizzy, but nowts happening. 

Charys - you click on the message button and then scroll down to the red print, bottom left “View discussion in a pop up”.

I take so long to type - keep getting timed out - bu**er. And No, that’s not what you spread on your bread!!

I’ll have to try to regurgitate it - never a good thing!! Ha hee But I’m gonna have to do it in bits


Hey - Lesley, with regards to soap - Yeh CLEAN sheets, but also sweet smelling too perhaps. Glad you’re feeling a little better. Yes I will keep you afloat ref Dolphins. You can hold onto their dorsal fin and “ride, baby ride”. They’re magical creatures. I think elephants are too. Such sensitive, loving, caring, family orientated. Even “mourn” for their dead - awwww.

The beautiful cake was provided by Janey. So Lesley and Magic, you have her to thank for, not me. I’m not so sweet toothed so put in my handbag, to avoid rudeness, hence it was put up for auction. BUT . . . I’m a soft touch for good ice cream. When have been in Italy, had to have ONE a day, sometimes had TWO!!! However, HaganDaas, B and J, are acceptable. Even the Co-*p do a reeeeally good frozen yoghurt and lemon curd that goes wonderfully with chooped bananas!! Hint Hint.

Very interesting article in Thurs Mail, by Bell Mooney (sensible woman), titled “Why I believe EVERY woman could fall for another woman”. Sensitively done Bel. Have a read. It’s educating and illuminating from an honest, so called “straight” womans point of view.

DingerDelly xxx 

Strange you said that about the hair disappearing from armpits Ruby but growing more on your legs - my friends neighbour in Spain is currently having chemo for BC and has lost hair from everywhere except her legs and swears that it’s growing there more than usual.


So, I now get it about the handbag fluff on the cake.  Like Charys, wish I could get the hang of seeing all the posts as I’m typing, as soon as I’m finished I see something else that I’d like to comment on.  Think my brain is getting puddled since I’ve stopped working.


I’ll have a look at that article Delly, used to get the Mail every day when I was working, now only get papers at the weekend.   

HA!! Wish I could say “A Mail (play on words, girls!!) a day keeps BC away” !! Lesley, ref your vino. I know it may be considered plebian by some, dependent on it’s quality, but try a loooong red with soda or lemonade and ice!! Or white. Not something I like myself, but I keep meeting people who do ! 

If you press “Reply” button and scroll down to bottom of box to left red print,“View discussion in a pop up”, and press before printing your message, it will open another window tab at the very top of your screen,  in addition to your message tab. You can then click on either to interchange between previous posts and your new message. Have a play. But NOT when you’ve spent hours on a message.

Am watching ‘X’ - got into it a few years ago, on top of “Strictly”. Becomes addictive.

Loadsa loveydovey stuff

Delly xxx

And another Hey Lesley,

If you find something else you wanna comment on, just stick another message in “babe”. SIMPLES !! xxx

Afternoon all. I’m back! Blustery weekend in beautiful Dorset blew cobwebs away and a great escape. I’m have no friends sea how I’m going to catch up with this enormous thread. However, … Charys you get a prize for doing as locals do with your cream tea, Lesley, it sounds like you’re on tip top form (I left hairdressers ridiculously upset last week - having waited 3 months for a cut - just in case- I didn’t think it would be possible to leave in more if a mess!). Just hoping cooler evenings are helping all with flushes and flashes. I’ve been prescribed Acord as well. No noticeable worsening of symptoms yet, but only day 5! Delay it sounds like you have been put through the ringer more than once. Having dipped previously a couple of years ago, I went back to see a magical counsellor when diagnosed this summer for a top up and it really helped ground me for all the nonsense. Rubycat I am embracing some creative stuff too, although other half is worried I intend to pickle, prune or paint him if he stands still …Magic, I hope that red was good. Menopause doesn’t suit red for me -at least that’s my excuse for the gin. Isn’t it strange, I don’t know any of you to recognise in the street but I missed contact the last few days xxx

No friends sea??? That should have read no idea how. I must check before posting! Charys (or charts as I almost wrote!), I’m intrigued by cookie cutters!! Xx

Welcome home Janey, missed you, so glad you enjoyed your break.  Charys, you really are into the arty stuff arent you?  The best I can do is a knit a bit but it’s more a case of knit one drop two.


Delly, thanks for the iT lesson.  I’ll practice when my head is in a better place.  Think of some more places we can go in our virtual camper van.


My “good place” didn’t last long, had a bad day yesterday which is why I didn’t tick the register.  Saw oncologist today, came away confused and even more down.  Just posted on the rads site, don’t want to spoil our lovely haven on here.  Yes, Janey, we would all pass each other on the street, but feel a bond with you all.  Just had an hour chat on the phone with my bestie who now lives in Spain, but  unless someone is/has experienced this they can’t be on the  same wave length.  Everyone keeps saying to me, you’ve had your treatment, now you can forget it, if only!


Wheres our Rubycat and Magical Moon?   Do we need to send out a search party?

Lol or col? Choke out loud?! I remember ironing beads with my daughter and also making crisp packets into badges in oven … xx

Right Charys, you asked - I have avoided looking at boob closely since surgery, but noticed when creaming lately that it’s been feeling “rough” last night I looked with specs on and was horrified to see it was completely covered in a crust of hundreds (and I do mean hundreds!) of blackheads (never mind the tiny tatto I mistook for one), also all down the rad side I’m covered in raised brown mole type things and Ive never had a mole in my life.  The oncologist said he’s never seen anything like them before but it’s a skin infection caused by rads, said Ive been affected badly by rads, said swelling is there for good and has no idea if the blackheads will clear up or will be an ongoing thing.


He also said that my body is not coping with Anastrozole and I should consider coming off it as if I continue with only getting hour and half sleep each night I’m going to be ill.  I asked if I would get used to it in time, he said no, s/e don’t improve, could change to tamoxifen which is better for aches and pains but worse for sweats (which are the main problem). I said I was worried about stopping the Anastrozole in case the C came back, he said its only a very small percentage improvement, Also it’s no guarantee that it won’t come back and stopping it is no guarantee that it will come back. Going to continue for a while and think about it xx

Thanks fir the reply on the other thread Charys xx. No, the moles and the blackheads are two different things. The moley things are like sun damage things all down my rad side, the blackheads are blackheads all over boob, he said it was a skin infection caused to the pores by the rads but had never seen them before, he did seem a bit baffled though, trust me to get something different!  Just hoping they will clear up and not be an ongoing thing, I know I dont go round flashing, but really, it’s not nice!

Charys, you Darling girl xx. I just looked at the link you sent, and though this lady only had them round her nip and my whole breast is covered, it looks like the same thing and though not common, quite normal and does go away in time.  That’s my point, the so called exoerts don’t know everything, and on this site, someone will give the answer.  Thank you xx

Hello Flowers

Glad you had a good w/end Janey. This lot, well Charys and Lesley, have been running riot whilst you’ve been away. Not me Miss!! Need you to keep 'em in check, what with burning plastics - crisp packets to make bandages?? What’s that all about?? Poor Lesley and her rough, spotty nip and boob.

Having some knowledge about skin, the explanation of the, literally fried and then dried up hair follicles makes some kind of sense to me. 'cept we don’t have many hairs in that region. 

Lesley, have your breast nurses, radiologists advised what to put on your skin?? Aloe Vera gel is a favourite, lightly massaged on on a regular basis. You could also get some Teatree oil and add some to the gel, dependent on the volume of gel. I’d suggest 20 drops to every 100mls. Its highly antiseptic, antibacterial and healing. May help. Sorry your more “Up” state was brief - bu**er innit.

Janey - I didn’t take offence at you calling me “Delay” !! Made me chuckle lots, so thanks for that HaHa!!  What sort of counsellor/ing are you talkin about? and were they private or NHS?

Mucho Luvo, DellyDelay xxxx

B****r! I must must check and then click. Oh b****r again for you Lesley. I spoke with a friend today who has opted for no meds. I seem to be okayish other than feeling slightly sick all the time - trying not to pin that on the delicious ice cream Delly! - anyone else queasy and did it pass? The counsellor I went to was recommended by a chain of friends, who have all benefitted. I haven’t had NHS counselling. It’s in my field of work and I needed to separate out and get some magic outside of the norm. Now I have my dates I’m hoping to fit in some treatments courtesy of our amazing local cancer charity, including acupuncture and reflexology. Charys how are you feeling about restarting? Hugs to all xx

I need all the tips I can get. I have an aloe Vera plant waiting patiently - so patiently in fact it’s had babies! Love from me posting out of sync! Xx