Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning all you lovely ladies


i ventured out last night to my work Christmas do. I lasted until 9.30 and by then I was too sore and too tired so came home. Such a wuss! It was lovely to catch up on all the gossip that there inevitably always is but I was also glad to come home. 

Planning a weekend of rest I think, with no travelling and a couple of lay ins too before it all starts again next week. 

Hopefully I’ll conjure up some much needed energy to start wrapping some presents for Christmas this afternoon. OH has offered to do it but wrapping paper is not his forte!! Lol 

hope you’re all ok and having a lovely relaxing Saturday morning

catch u all later


So sorry, it’s me again, back to rads.  I was told to Cream Bobbie 3 time a day which I did (cetraben) but no one mentioned under arm or down side.  I never burn in the sun but after finishing rads burns came out, especially under arm, still giving me gyp, and down my side I have a lot of raised brown moley things that weren’t there before.  So cream not just Bobbie but up to collar bone, under arm and down side xx

I don’t know about relaxing, we’ve just finished the annual sport called Christmas tree wrestling. This year the angel is scraping her head on the ceiling, maybe we should have got a smaller one! But they were all the same price so we thought we might as well go for it, took the 7 seater to bring it home.

And suddenly after all that exertion the legs went wobbly and I came over all dizzy,  so I’m just recuperating with a cup of coffee and a mince pie.


Lesley, sounds like a good night out, hope you’re not in the doghouse this morning! I’m glad the rusty ballcock is sorted, despite all the hilarity, An airing cupboard of wet stuff isn’t funny, I had the same problem once and spent days trying to dry all the spare blankets. (Which I probably should have got rid of, I don’t think they’ve been used since.) 


Beth, I’m glad you’re feeling better, hope you have a really restful weekend ready for the last week. It’s nearly over now, we’re looking forward to ringing the bell for you. (My unit has a big one in the waiting room and people have their photos taken ringing it…) I seem to remember earlier on this thread there were people discussing ringing on doorbells and doing a runner, obviously people with a misspent youth. You know who you are…


Re the antiperspirant, I was surprised it was allowed. They accidentally gave me an earlier version of the information leaflet, which said antiperspirant had to be metal free. But the correct version had that bit removed, and it specifically said you could use any unless it caused irritation. The question about whether aluminium causes cancer was one of those things that used to do the rounds, along with plastic drinking bottles, I thought it was meant to be an old wives’ tale. But if there are good alternatives it’s something to think about, I don’t suppose half the chemicals we use are good for us. I remember reading that using antibacterial sprays are as bad at creating microbial resistance as antibiotics, if you kill all the weak germs you’re encouraging the stronger ones.


Anywayyy, time to investigate another mince pie before the LSH eats them all…

Helena, love the picture! And you know how to put text and pictures in the same box, I totally failed on that!

I’m trying to imagine you bowling in that dress, but think bending that far over might have been a tad risky??

So Dizzy living up yo your name, coming over all Dizzy with the Christmas tree exertions, sure it’s looks lovely and worth the effort.


Helena, you look Fab U Lous, you must have been lady of the manor in a past incarnation as you wear the gown so well.


Havent done a thing today so far except to watch last nights Gogglebox eating toast and marmalade and drinking frothy coffee.  Might start wrapping pressies in a minute. Beth, your comment about OH not being good with wrapping paper, Himself only has mine to wrap, he wraps it like they do fish and chips then uses loads of sellotape, quite endearing.


Dizzy, don’t want to alarm you, but my skin held up really well during rads, burns came out after, but as I said, I wasnt creaming under my arm, and that’s where it was worse.  I had a quite bad skin reaction to rads but oncologist said it was unusual, I was just unlucky, strange as I never burn in the sun.  Lady I travelled with every day for rads used to burn in sun badly so was really worried didn’t burn and had no skin problems at all so no rhyme or reason.  Sure you’ll be fine.  Whatever, I was so just happy when it was finished and I didn’t have to go anymore I could cope, just kept Bobbie out on display in the air as much as poss xx

There’s a reason for the name! I’m usually disgustingly healthy, but I tend to have low blood pressure (100 over 60 ish) which gets me gold stars at check ups, but if I’m ill, dehydrated, dieting etc then it dips and the knees go wobbly. I only occasionally outright faint, mostly I just have to hang onto something for a minute. But on bad days it’s harder to do anything strenuous.It’s hereditary I think. It means I can use as much salt as I want, it makes it worse if I don’t get enough. So it actually doesn’t normally cause any problems, maybe it’s the rads causing dehydration?


Okay, I’m off to help the LS H put up the icicle lights outside, then I’d better cream all the bits I’ve been neglecting, thanks for the advice Lesley.

Humph - lost a long post again. Will try again.Workin back from Page 3 - here not The Sun.

Morning Lovely Ladies, Mac, other mutts, puddycats and the snake (don’t know it’s name)

Managed to get a few things ticked off yesterday evening, Thank You for asking and nudging. Car insurance, tax and a bit of shopping. Struggling to tempt the tum, but bought some mussels and did a Moules Mariniere - slipped down nice and easily. Lots of protein and minerals + tons of garlic. Been up all night again though, but I’ll explain a bit about that later. Mad innit.

Clair and Beth - I hope you’re feeling better to day and managing to cope with the ravaging rads effects. You still very sore Beth? Clair, your broken down gadgets sound the perfect excuse not to have to do a few chores and rest yourself up more. Hope you got the loo leak sorted though.

Dizzy - it’s so good to hear you seeming and sounding back to form on here again. Giving out your wry witty banter. With ref to date being “hot”, it was referring to her sounding and seeming lovely from her profile and emails. We haven’t actually seen each other yet, no photos posted on our profiles. But read on further down. 

Sue - lovely pic and you look very glam daaarling. I was tempted to cancel Mondays date and head down your way instead. So glad you enjoyed your night out. how did you know Jamie Lee curtis was 22 days older than you. Google her?

Ruby - Stop eating your fudge

Lesley - You party animal. Where were you when no one came out to play for the 1000th post. I’ll also be sorry to lose the rusty spherical farm bird that crows early morning. I’m glad the Winers time was 3 p.m. as I was beginning to wonder what on earth they were doing til 3 a.m., whether there was one of those late night clubs nearby where ladies take their clothes off that they were slinking off to.

JuicyJaney - hope you enjoyed your muck spreading and that it was all in the garden and not the rumour type!!

Carry on in a bit



Hi again everyone


Sorry - didn’t want to lose another. Now on Page two !! So to continue

Golly you’re all busy with your shopping. No cat for me buy for this year sniff, sniff and roast chicken or duck treats. Just exchange token gifts with neighbours here, and a few friends dotted around the country, usually books, cds or some nice bulbs for their gardens or a Christmassy fresh flower table arrangements, summat so easy peasy for me. Haven’t done cards yet, do those next week.


I love Lilies (and our Lily)  One of my favourite flowers, only the white ones though as the heavy scented Oriental/Stargazer type give me a migraine.


Ruby-Ruby-Ruby-Ruby - i didn’t know you lived in Winch either. I have good friends there. Lovely city. I’m threatening a catch up with my friends in the South hopefully Somerset, Devon, Bournemouth, Chichester and E.Sussex for Sue. I’ve already discussed it with hers and she’s up for it. Don’t think she knows what she may be letting herself in for mind! I’m surprised too that you could rollballs with your trigger thumb (Oy you lot!!!) - How is your thumb?? have they not offered you surgery to straighten it??

CurvaciousCharys - Priddy flowers. Very cheering.

LadyHelena - Why was I expecting you to talk about rolling balls at length !! This is getting more and more "Carry On ish or ABFABBISH material !!! Wow I impressed with your standard and awards - a very proficient B,R.then!!


OAD - A very warm welcome to this bonkers thread from me too. I’m the ONLY sane one by the way !!


Am going again just so I don’t lose post xxxxx 

Afternoon lovelies!!!


i did it!! I have packed every last chrimbo present. Not gone to the extent of putting ribbon on everything this year but I have stuck on the traditional bow! Even managed to pack the OH pressies as he’s gone to a friends house to watch/discuss/rant about football. Job done on the present front. 

Still not written a card though. Will save that for tomorrow I think. Only doing family this year and I hope all the rabble will understand when they don’t get a card from us for the first time. 


Omg Helena!! I love that photo!!! Fantastic! I’ve ALWAYS wanted to go to a fancy dress party and never have but if I did, it would either be as a chicken or something medieval/Tudor!! Really don’t know where the chicken thing came from, I think it may be the big feet you wear which always make me smile when I see them on tv. Maybe I started losing my marbles decades ago lols


right, painkiller time after all that packing. Have a boob like a grapefruit this afternoon. Apologies for the description but it feels weird having one squidgy one and one that’s hardened up (both original). Maybe it won’t disappear into my arm pit when I go to bed tonight!! Good god, this is what life has become…boobs and wrapping paper!!


catch you later alligator ??



Nearly caught up with yers now - phew

I never had to have rads. It was one of the benefits of a full mastectomy over lumpectomy,plus a lumpectomy on my first one would have removed 1/2 the breast so advised that would not lokk good cosmetically, better to have whole removed. But it amazes me the difference in reactions to it, skin wise you all and other people have to it, whether that’s during or later. so what do they advise you to put on the skin when it’s burt and sore then?


DarlinDizzy - hope your stays comfortable throughout.That’s very true on the anti bacterial sprays as has happened with the antibiotic situation as you all know. Plus we need a certain amount of dirt to keep our immune systems boosted. Not the Botulism variety found in soil of course.

LadyHelena - Good for you on the tree. Can understand you feeling different so now you’ve got it up early, you’ve longer you have to enjoy its cheer can’t you.

LushLesley - Glad you had ANOTHER great night with the girls. What the heck are Granny Laggers?? Knitted wooly knickers?? I have to go and get a tissue - am already missing Rusty the BC - boooohooooo.

LadyH - That’s a great piccie. Look at your waspish waist (put waste first)


BuxomBakewell - hope you enjoy your restful weekend recouping. Must be very uncomfortable to sleep with sore boobs all you rads.  I too was always told not to use aluminium deodorants. must be quite a nasty metal because they releted a lot of dementia to using uncoated Aluminium pans years ago. My Mum used them for yrs before non stick and stanless ones and Im convinced it’s why I’m so Doolally !!! Yeh, Yeh, I can hear you all agreeing. I use a Dove one that you tend to only get in the bigger supermarkets, and one by Clarins for special occasions as I wear the same perfume, but it’s a bit pricier at £12ish but smells lovely. Corr lucky you having your own Xmas dinner chef - yeh!! womens lib n all that.


Very Sorry, I’ve dominated so much of the post. Please forgive me. I’m all up to date. Speaking of which - to give you an up date. I was still up and undisturbingly sending “Liz” an email on the dating site, when one pinged back at 3.30 a.m. followed by a flurry of chatty giggly exchanges, followed by a chat on the phone for the !st time. For FOUR hours !!!, some of it serious and more giggling thrown in until she had to get ready to take her Mum on a special Xmas treat day on the Orient Express. Cor, what a lovely pressie. Her Mum had bowel cancer 10 yrs ago so Liz makes the most of her and gives her frequent nice enjoyable treats. She sounds to be an incredibly lovely woman, sooooo will keep you posted.

Hope you all enjoy your weekends and Strictly,

Lots of love to you’s

DoolallyDelly xxxxxxx



Rubycat, MBE, seriously?  Oh boy, well done and big up to you.  I’ve just downed second glass of vino (living up to my Nick name of Lesley the Lush) so please excuse any mistakes hic!  But, really, well done.  You must be even more amazing than we realised.


Just eaten tonight’s offering, spag bols.  Not quite upto last nights feast but very tasty non the less.


Delicious, your lady sounds like a caring person, fingers crossed you click in person as you obviously have done online and on the phone.  But if not she’s not “the one” youve made a new friend, and you can’t have too many of those.


Going to go now, think I need a  coffee, though think I’ll stick with decaf tea, get little enough sleep as it is.  Looking forward to first night under the 4.5 tog duvet tonight though it will probably be kicked onto the floor as soon as the first flush kicks in xx


Am I the only one who finds wrapping Christmas presents angst- making? First there’s the things that I know I’ve bought but can’t find anywhere despite scouring the house. Then there’s the person I’m sure I got something else for, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it is. Or where it is. And finally there are the presents I can’t remember why they seemed a good idea, now I’m convinced whoever gets it will think I’ve gone slightly bonkers, got no taste, got no imagination or just generally haven’t got a clue.

My family goes big on the present giving, so it’s not just a case of one present each, it’s usually two or three at least. And that’s not the children ( now aged  between 26 to 30) that’s my mother and my sister’s family. It’s lovely, it’s not about money, nothing’s wildly extravagant, but it stokes my inner anxieties.


Anyway, rant over, I spent three hours this afternoon in the bedroom with the wrapping paper (sounds more like I’ve escaped from Cluedo!) And unlike Beth, I’m nowhere near done. But at least I came down to find Himself had done the roast chicken, despite struggling with the cold I kindly shared with him.


Delly, she sounds like Lovely Liz, it’s always a good sign when people are kind to their Aged Parent. I have the brownie badge this year as we took my mother on holiday to Croatia with us. We were supposed to be having a romantic week away to ourselves in Malta in October, till my re excision scuppered that.


Rubycat, you’ve kept your light under a bushel, your MBE is something to be so proud of. What sort of ceremony did you get?  With 600 of you, that is a big presentation.


Goodness aren’t we a chatty bunch! By the time you finish writing your post there are another half dozen messages so you’re always replying to messages that are long past. It doesn’t help when you’re a really slow typist, and you have to keep going back to correct everything that predictive text has turned into gibberish.

It’s never my fault, obviously…






Evening all, just a quick one as strictly is on

blimey you’ve all been busy, Dizzy searching for then wrapping pressies, you sound just like me I 'm always forgetting what we’ve got so now I write lists and put them in my undies draw ( or I’ll lose the list) for years when I did the after Christmas clean up i’d find 2 or 3 pressies all wrapped and have to tell the kids that I found them behind the chimney :smiley: I think they became just as excited about what I might find later…, xxx

Wow that’s fab Ruby an MBE well done xxx

Lady Helena,
I love the Picture very regal xxx

Delly, Liz sounds just lovely just like you xxx

I had a successful shopping day and I’m feeling a lot better I definitely think it was virual. I’ll pop back later and love to All. Xxxxxxx

Hi all,


Wellll, present wrapping here too as it happens. Sorry Dizzy, but this won’t help you - or it might as if you do it next year it will reduce the anxiety. Every single year I keep a word document (table format) where I have everyone listed as I too have lots to buy for and multiple things for each person. I start with my ideas as they occur to me through the year, as its easy to forget those great ideas you have. Then as I order things, or buy things I log them next to the name, and then ‘tick off’ when they arrive or are bought. When I have completed buying for a person/s, in another table box I have that noted. This is brilliant when it comes to wrapping, each person has their items listed! You can add all the colums/rows you like and have a section for ‘not sure who it’s for’. You do have to be disciplined about updating it before you put things away in the cupboard after buying, or the system falls apart. You know if your skin is doing well at this point Dizzy it will probably be pretty good at the end, I BET it is! My red burn (mostly on the END lol) came out in the last week and didn’t get any worse after that, except for the END bit, you know…the word I just can’t say. All the moisturising made sweet diddly difference and to be honest a damp cool flannel was my saviour. Seems we are all different, not only in diagnosis but in bodily responses.


Sue I think the alumimnium thing in deodorant is about not using it through rads through isnt it, you aren’t meant to use it during that process as it can alter the ‘beam things’ lol However, it does seems from what others are saying that advice is conflicting on this anyway. All so confusing. Lets be honest , I guess, a touch of aluminium is the least of our worries in the age we live in and the concerns we’ve all had recently. You are very well informed about health current affairs!


Beth, I have the same Boob issue, my rads one is ‘much improved’ to the other non rad one in terms of holding-up-iness. It is larger and firmer, quite significantly so, and also brown…yep, I have retained a brown suntan look which seems that it will be permanent along with the size and firmess change. 


I’m really sorry everyone, I’ve lost track of all the posts today…I’ve just seen a great picture of Lady H in her tudor gown. That would be such a flattering type of outfit to wear wouldnt it, for most people, impractical though. Oh Rubycat MBE !!! What the flip, that’s awesome !!! So, you don’t live in Winchester, so when you pick up my PM all about Winchester and so on you can disregard it lol


Dellypops, ‘Liz’ sounds awesome. If you can talk to someone for 4 hours non-stop then thats a darned good sign !!! :womanvery-happy:


I’m so sorry to scoot off quickly, I know I’ve missed responding to things I wanted to, so sorry if I offend anyone. x

So milady Helena, I gather you were a flasher? I hope there some frilly bloomers under there!

I’m suspiciously fine. Every now and again I have a niggly fear that I’ll come crashing down all of a sudden, but it’s all gone well so far. And I have a nice day tomorrow, off to Exeter to my mother’s birthday lunch. She and I started a load of hospital tests at the same time, as soon as we came back from on holiday. I had a mammogram planned, she had routine blood tests. Only neither came back normal. So she was having tests all through the summer/ autumn, including a bone marrow biopsy. She’s refusing to have any more tests now, at 84 she said if she feels fine, that’s good enough, and if there’s something worse going on it’ll have to take its course. So I have the sense we have to make the most of the good times with her now. I’m feeling glad we had the holiday together, we had a brilliant time, and everything went pear shaped as soon as we got back.

I’m not sure you can head things off that way, though I think it’s a good idea to have the counselling. But we can hide our feelings behind the jokes and the chitchat, and underneath we’re struggling.

So don’t pretend with us, we’re here for the bad times as well as the jokes.

Mornin Ladies -

Ruby - Just a quick one. Hey girl, I somehow missed the news on your award. No matter how small a share, well done. Think that’s bloomin fantastic. Yeehee


Missed Strictly 'cos somebody phoned again and another long long conver + change of plan for Monday eve. Having an easy prep paella + salad n things and a bottle or so of something spesh. And the kind offer of the spare room so I can enjoy a few bevvies without driving. !!Oooo-errr


Hopefully catch you laters flowers. Have a good, hopefully not to sore Sunday for you rads girls.

Dellywelly xxxx 

Mornin again!!

Went to bed, still not slept,but feeling hungry (Yippee) so have come down to feed myself, speak to you’s and go back to beddybies.

Thank you ALL so much for all your kind comments with ref to Mondays date. Awwww, I’m touch and love that your all gunning and excited for me. Yes it would be great to have a good partner by my side again, but equally a good friend.

DizzyDarlin - Thank You so much for your lovely pm. Just so glad you seem and sound to be feeling better.


Laters Dellywelly xxxx


Afternoon lovelies!


as baldrick once said “I have a cunning plan”. Or was it Blackadder? Anyway I can’t  remember who mentioned it on here but I’ve taken their advice and switched to taking my tamoxifen in the morning yesterday and today. I actually slept better last night!!! My god I woke up feeling like a new woman. Can’t say I slept straight through but I certainly woke less and tossed and turned less which is a huge improvement. So far today, I’ve had a lovely leisurely shower, bit of pampering painting toenails etc, done my hair all tidy and slapped some makeup on; ventured to tesco with hubby and made some cookies! Visiting my sister and her family later too. So it’s either a MASSIVE coincidence and I’m going to come crashing back to earth this evening with a bang, or the tamoxifen is giving me a burst of energy during the day, that was keeping me awake at night. I soooo hope it’s the former. Wonder if that’s how I managed to pack all the presents too yesterday?

I’m even planning on making soup later!


Changing the subject somewhat…I’ve been very obedient and not shaved the armpit on the effected side once rads started but in the shower today my one sided European hairy look has gone!!! The hair has fallen out!!! When did that all happen then? I didn’t realise they were zapping in to my armpit too. I wonder if it will ever grow back? Not a bad thing if it doesn’t ? Apologies for the detail!


hope all you lovely ladies are having a fab sunday afternoon. Going to watch Miracle on 34th Street before heading the my sisters mad house! Nephew of 11 who’s a complete sporting cool dude and a niece of 14 going on 24! Brilliant intelligent kids. Can’t wait to see them.


catch you all later 
