Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Afternoon all,
More chrimbo shopping this morning for me Charys and then home to tidy the garden up a bit while my cat sat on the bench looking most annoyed that I was paying more attention to the robin following me around than to her.

I’m now totally shattered as I find it really difficult to pace myself.
Oh well an early night again and least I can rest up tomorrow.
Wish me luck I have my occupational health phone appointment tomorrow, I’m determined to be in control this time and not let them take over.

Beth I’m really glad the change in time is helping you I take mine in the morning or I’d forget I even brought a weekday pill box so I can check I’ve taken it.
I didn’t notice underarm hair changes but I’m finding more hair from my head on my pillow and in my hand when I wash my hair, I’m going to get it checked at the hairdressers because I’m convinced it’s thinning. Not sure if it’s the Blooming tamoxifen!!!
I’ve also been really teary today for no reason at all,…anyway Lady H have you anymore pics of you dressed up?
Oh dear I’ve just seen the apple advert, I’ve no idea what is about lovely singing though and I’m off again :frowning: right time to pull myself together and get some tea
Lots of love to everyone Clair. xxx xxx

Evening all,


Beth, the hair  vanished in the lower half of my armpit and is still gone 4 months post rads, so only one and Half armpits to shave.  As I said on here a while ago, if I’d known it had that effect I’d have got them to zap my chin, would save me the bother  of tweezing every few days.


My BCN, well! Only met her the once when I was diagnosed.  She was far too jolly, seemed very excited that the date of my op was her daughters 4th birthday.  The two times I’ve phoned for  help/advice she hasn’t been available but one of her colleagues has been.  She’s never contacted me.  Most disappointed with her.


Havent poked my nose out of gage doir today despite it being a lovely sunny day.  Think the past three days of partying have caught up with me, I even nodded off on the sofa earlier.  Hot flushes have been particularly bad today, theyre not usually much of a problem in the daytime, usually start in the evening but really kick in st night, but been on and off all day  and very intense.  Hope it’s not the start if a new pattern.


On a more positive note, all pressies wrapped and under the tree.  Just food shopping to do, and now I’m not working that’s not a problem, plus, not got hoards of people coming, just me and Himself on the day, out Boxing Day and probably the odd person popping in for a drink and snack, easy peasy xx





I’m glad that it’s ‘normal’ for the hair to fall out but I just wasn’t expecting it! No one has actually said how much of me is being targeted by the rads and of course being the obedient patient I am, I’ve just done what I’m told and not questioned any of it. In hindsight, I probably should have asked far more questions than I have done.


i didn’t think they would do my arm pit area as my nodes were clear, but I’m glad they have. I think I’d let them zap as much as they’d like as an extra safety net for me. Weird that it’s only half my arm pit too!! 


Still feeling ok tonight but hubby has drawn the line at me making food this evening so we’ve had a takeaway. Wasn’t going to argue!! I’m really hoping that last nights improvements weren’t a one off and that I sleep more soundly again tonight. It really makes such a difference. 


Almost time for Strictly! Wonder who will go tonight. Hope the gymnast and Ore stay. They were superb. 


Beth xx




So how was your lunch in Exeter Dizzy, where did you eat, did you do the market? I hope you got home before this peasouper set in?!
I can’t keep up with the threads, so shall add my apologies if I miss anything. The Anastrazole is definitely messing with my memory and concentration.
As ever though I’m easily distracted. Far too lazy to lift my top in front of the mirror, I’ve been feeling my armpits to a backing track from OH “what are you doing?”; and can confirm I am a one and a half pitter too!
Lesley I share your sentiments re wishing they could zap my chin!
Shattered too after a busy weekend. My sister and her husband were here and last night a work do for OH - I even managed a dance! Struggling today and looking forward to zoning out in front of the box and willing Ore on in Strictly.
Delly your date is ticking all the boxes and I so hope tomorrow a success. If you head to Devon on your road trip, you will not be allowed out of the county unless you say hello! I’m craving a hit of East Sussex. Most of my family are there (not far from Sue’s) and it’s the longest I’ve gone without visiting.
Well you’ve all shamed me into a bit of Christmas. The tree is ready for decorating but I have to wait for stepdaughter to get here tomorrow evening, so we can decorate together. OH and I doing last bit of shopping in Exeter first. My daughter normally directs proceedings, but her galavanting has now taken her to Canada, so she forfeits decorating fun!!
As for those waiting for it to hit, I think it did hit me a couple of weeks ago and thank goodness I kept posting. I still feel knackered every afternoon (panicked about back to full time work) and have a slump. Tears come - often on a Saturday - but generally better, so hang on in there. I’m still using MooGoo on zapped boob, as it feels a bit leathery but almost back to slightly wonky normal, with a light tan.
Ooh Charys a woman after my own heart. I love a list and a spreadsheet! I wish I shared your creativity though.
I’m a bit anxious now I have a genetic counselling appointment through for the end of January. Whilst I hope Mum and I have just been unlucky - and her cousins, I’m worrying about potential impact for my daughter, sisters and neice. I’m sssuming they wouldn’t have offered an appointment, unless testing indicated?
Ruby an MBE, that’s so fabulous and congratulations. Do you get an invite to. Garden party at the Palace?
I think I’ve rambled long enough, my email tells me 3 more posts since I started this ramble! Love and hugs xxx

Ps my hair frizzy and thick too - Crystal Tips but less glamorous!! Xx

I’m so disappointed Claudia hasn’t made it through. I thought she was excellent and Danny is kind of cheating as he’s had previous dance training. Shouldn’t be allowed!! 

On a positive that’s another year without a second of X factor in our house!!


PS I was emotional with Ore too!! Definitely the pills!! ?

Mac and I are watching Planet Earth now. Almost lost him through the tv at the monkeys! 

Our Sunday night routine is Countryfile ( Mac loves it) and planet earth (he’s glued to this too). I have never known a dog watch so much tv and if you happen to stand between him and a program he’s watching, he will move around you for a better view. 





Yep strictly had me in tears too along with Ore and Kevin and Louise. What a shame Claudia has gone, Danny is to big headed for my liking.

Let’s see if I can.get through Planet earth xx

Ps it’s definitely the pills xxx.

I cried watching Strictly too, and I  Havent got the excuse of hormone pills as stopped taking the Anastrozole weeks ago, putting it down to menopause, my age and the crappy year  I’ve had.  


Funny, Im a thick haired curly top too.  Have to have it thinned out when I get it cut.  I have it shoulder length though as I need to pin it up to keep cool, plus gives me a Croydon face lift lol.  I do straighten my fringe though, need a fringe as can’t afford Botox. 


Janey, your daughter is a real jet setter, good for her, sounds like she works long hours so deserves it.

Beth, loved the photo of Mac watching the telly.  My sisters dog Dolly (a Westie) loves the telly too.  Her favourite programme is The Night Garden.  A few years ago I got her an Uppie Daisy ((one of the characters from the show) for Christmas.  She went crazy, whimpering in delight, it’s still her favourite toy.


Im Not watching Planet Earth, last week I got too upset when the lions were attacking the buffalo, then when he escaped I got upset because the lions went hungry.  Himself got quite cross with me, kept saying it’s nature, I know, it’s just too brutal for me to watch xx

I used to have long hair but I cut it short not long before I went into hospital. I’m so glad I did as its much easier now. I must have had some kind of sixth sense as I’d fought having but cut for years. 

After surgery my shoulder was stiff and sore for weeks so short hair was a godsend. Now that rads is well under way I don’t have to fuss with it if we have an early start. 

It doesn’t get as frizzy either thankfully! Thick unruly hair that I used to straighten and now I just show it the tongs and it’s fine! I was wondering whether tamoxifen would impact on my hair but I’ve not noticed anything as yet. Having a haircut tomorrow so will see what the hairdresser says. 

Dizzy, Im too scared to shave mine in case they grow more.  I have to put my glasses on and use a magnifying mirror.  I’m very dark haired though noticed one or two are coming through grey now.  I’m 63 but still only got a few grey hairs at the temples whereas my sister has been grey since her 40’s though she has it dyed every few weeks.  She hadn’t got any whiskers on her chin though, think Ive got her share as well, plus her hair is dead straight while mine is really curly.  I find it cooler to have it long and pinned up rather than short.  When I was younger I used to have it really short but my face is too saggy now.  Oh boy, the things we talk about on here!

I used to have my hair long, the extra weight meant it stayed smoother. Shorter layers have a tendency to stick out sideways ( you can tell that hairstyling has never been my strong point)

I had it cut short about three months ago, it is easier to manage. The hairdresser cuts it, does the blow-dry and then cuts it all over again, slicing into the layers to thin them out, it takes her hours, poor girl. More chance to ask if I’ve been doing anything interesting recently…or my favourite, did I have a good summer? And yes, she does know.


Beth, love the photo of Mac, does he bark at the TV?

I love Jack in the Green - our first date there! Amazing food and service. Yum! Sniffles through Strictly but looking forward to the final. I am a complete hair product tart and will try anything and everything to tame my hair. Guess what though … MooGoo do hair stuff, so I’m trying there’s now but have to go a long way to beat honey and oat.
Bed for me now. Night night xxx

Janey, my sister also has an appointment for genetic counselling in Exeter. At least, she filled in a questionnaire and a family tree, and they’ve sent an appointment through, but it doesn’t really explain what will happen. When I told the surgeon that my sister  was diagnosed six months before me, and my mother’s sister also had BC, he said he thought it was just chance and not worth looking into. But when my sister went for her oncology appointment and told the oncologist about my diagnosis, he started the referral process.

We both have a daughter each, so it is something I think about.

Oops theirs - not there’s - my appointment is in 6 weeks. I completed family history and they’ve booked me in with a genetic counsellor - fingers crossed for our girls that we’ve just been unlucky x

Deellllyllllyyy…warrrghhhhh…they are talking about unsavoury things that sprout out of them.? I only wanna talk about bunnies, glittery nail varnish and scented candles. Next thing you know they’ll be saying that women produce ‘solid waste’!!! 


Keep challenging those female misconception boundaries ladies ?

Hi all,

Lol - did the glittery nails and scented bath and candles a few days ago - soooo wonderful.

Sprouting chin hair - AAAARRgh - can certainly identify with that! Took to waxing recently after trying to make the worst go away with my nail scissors. But I did not like the slightly stubbly feeling. So I got myself some Veet facial wax strips - painful, but worth it! After all - I am not too keen of turning into the bearded lady!

And yes, underarm hair on side of rads, although not aimed at armpit - not there! 

Loved the picture of Mac in front of the telly - my cat Leo has very similar habits - so funny to watch the head following any movement…

As to the dreaded tablets - I am on Letrozole. Initially started in February, before my operation and, of course, now where active treatment is finished am back on them. Initially was given the Teva ones in February and when I restarted, which seemd to be ok with me. As they are prescribed on a monthly basis - ended up with the ones from Actavis the last time. And now joint pains,lost my ‘mojo’ completely, problems sleeping and hot flushes increasing.So I started researching…as I do so often and much to my surprise - although all of the various manufacturers have the same active ingredients - whatever they put with it… varies! And it does appear that different brands have therefore a different higher occurance of some of the side effects! 

So guinea pig again…Now I do not know whether my downers are due to the brand of Letrazole, or whether it is the effect the diagnosis and treatment have had on me. Perhaps it is a bit of both.

I am starting counselling at the newly opened Macmillan Horizon Centre in Brighton tomorrow and have two weeks left of the current brand of tablets. I pray they have the Teva brand again, when I pick up my next prescription.

But by all accounts - the Actavis brand seems to cause the most challenges for most .women.

Once I got myself sorted - it will be glitter, scented baths and candles forever!

Delly - shall be tinking of you tomorrow! Have the most wonderful time - you so deserve it!!


Sue x

My Dear Sue,

Sent you a pm earlier to this. Ref chin hair - do you not ever use tweezers??

Good day gorgeous girls, whiskery ones and smooth ones, all included,


Just got back from town, phew!  Got the 10am bus, just needed a few bits.  Have I missed something?  Is the apocalypse coming or something?  Everyone and their mothers were in the shops, queues to the door at the tills, panic buying at it’s worse, surely it can’t just be because Christmas is coming?


Well, tonight is the night Delicious.  Don’t forget to wash behind your ears (only the oldies will remember being told that). Really hope it goes well tonight for you, and as you say, if not  a partner then hopefully a lovely new friend, can’t have too many of those.


Charys, as we whittered on about hairy chins last night I’ll mention the fairies at the bottom of my garden and the unicorn that lives behind my shed.  I’m sworn to secrecy and shouldn’t really mention them, but I feel I owe  you, and I know I can trust you not to tell anyone else.  If too many people know about them they’ll move out xx