Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Afternoon lovelies,
Why is it that I don’t know I’ve got a hairy chin until it arrives as huge long black hairs waving in the wind. I’m a tweezer girl as I shaved between my eyebrows once in my youth with terrible results…

Well the dreaded Occupational health call went really well, I spoke to a really nice lady who sorted everything out for me re phased back to work so the plan is 3 hours a day on Mon weds and Fri to start then up it an hour each week then do more days starting the 2nd week of Jan. It’s taken a huge weight off my mind.
I’ve had a fab day with my daughter we iced and decorated the Christmas cake then settled down and watched a couple of films.

Delly have a fantastic date tonight <3. Xxx
Catch u all later xxxx

Afternoon ladies


firstly - Delly, have a really lovely evening. I’ll be thinking about you and if you’re up for sharing tomorrow I’m sure we’d all love to hear how it went. You deserve so much happiness xxxxx


so, that’s my 15 normal rads done and the first booster is due tomorrow. I am really pink now and I guess more itchy than sore. I’m rather concerned about my scar on my boob as I’ve noticed just now that the ‘join’ is very noticeable. My boosters are over my scar and down toward the nip so see what happens! Hopefully it’s all going to be fine! IF RATHER ITCHY!!!


ventured to have a hair cut this afternoon and I agree Lesley, the shops are mental. I didn’t brave any of them but just battling through the hordes was enough for me. Home now, with much shorter hair, tired and sore only to find hubby has been packing presents while I’ve been out and rather than bring everything downstairs to pack on the dining table, he decided to do it upstairs on the ironing board!!! Of course he used the paper that has glitter stuck all over it. Which is now ALL over the ironing board!! We’re going to be covered in the stuff until Easter!! How on earth do you get copious amounts of glitter off something fabric!! ??? bless him. 


Clair, I’m glad occupational health went well. It’s stuff like this that makes like easier going forward. 


Finally I’m so glad it’s not just me with hairs sprouting!!! I don’t want to be one of those ladies that goes eu naturel and leaves them grow!! There are a few I know that do that. ??


hope you’re all ok today


beth xxx



Dizzybee is off at an oncology appointment today I think ?!


Hey Beth, my ‘joins’ lol became noticeable too, surgery site and under arms, sort of dark and more deep looking. Infact they peeled afterwards kind of on their own too in a line, well I peeled everywhere…twice…yeah whats that about peeled fully one week and then again a couple of weeks later? The boosters are much quicker usually, so you are really on the downward slope now.


E-Gads Clair and Sue H-S don’t start them off again on body hair, it won’t end well…we’ve not got to anything waist down yet. Oh, actually, maybe that has been covered, as I recall Lesley and I discussing ‘caught’ epilators lol Lesley has now made up for it with her talk of unicorns, glittery unicorns I hope. Very popular aren’t they, unicorns, at the moment…lots of unicorn merchandise about this year.


Helena, I’m sure you have MANY virtues, infact I find it hard to believe you arent stacked full of virtues.



Beth, him up there with sellotape, find it removes most little annoying bits, though have to admit never tried it on glitter.


Nothing from Delicious today, guess she’s been busy primping for tonight xx

Hello all,

Now I know how noisy I am on here, you notice when it stops!


It’s been a busy day. Rads first up, then the meeting with the dreaded oncologist, who has finally noticed I’m a human being not a case, and was going out of his way to be pleasant and helpful. I’ve said I will carry on with the Tamoxifen until I have more problems (sorry, that should be unless, you can tell I’m not hopeful) They will do an annual endometrial ultrasound to check nothing’s happening which shouldn’t be. So I will still be waiting for the Tamoxifen hair thinning for the time being.


I popped into town to collect a parcel from M&S, and then got sidetracked into a whole load more Christmas shopping, suddenly remembered the car park ticket and had to go haring back to the car while hoicking four carrier bags of shopping. Got home in time for a quick lunch and wrapping two of the presents for this afternoon.


Then it was off to have coffee with the two good friends I have, a lovely couple of hours which whizzed by. It seems odd coming home in the dark when you know it’s still early.


Anyway, now I’ve caught up on all the posts, Beth, in addition to getting glitter everywhere did he use up all the wrapping paper? I’ve never seen my husband wrap anything without using twice as much paper as I would, and leaving it sort ofloose.

But I also had to explain slowly and patiently that yes it may seem fine to put Christmas cards in envelopes that are a bit big. But that means somewhere else are the Christmas cards with the envelopes that are slightly too small. This was apparently a novel concept…

I think it is time I became a surrendered wife, and said yes dear how wonderful to everything.






Now Dizzy, that’s a thought - shall we all try to become Stepford wives in the new year?  Don’t think I’d last a day lol xx

Aw Lily, you sound down, it is tough when you feel like you’re slogging away and not getting things done. Remember all the advice about letting things go? But it’s easy for someone else to say, not so easy when it’s your house that needs sorting. Sending you a hug anyway,and hoping the fairies from the bottom of Charys’s garden will come out for you tonight. No, we didn’t behave yesterday, there were all sorts of confessions of a hairy nature…

Clair, your cake looks lovely!

Sending you a big hug Lily xxx

remember we’re all here for each other, I know that everyone’s support has got me through some very tough days <3. Xxxx

Hope you’re ok lily. You are sounding quiet today. 


Charys - are you the resident IT expert? How do I get a photo loaded up as my avatar? I’ve been in to my profile, uploaded a photo and nothing has happened! Nada. Help!!


did I dream it or did someone mention getting an epilator stuck somewhere rather unfortunate earlier? I’ve heard of getting wax stuck together before but never an epilator lol

in my 20’s (lifetime ago) I shared a flat with a nurse and boy she could tell some stories from her stint in A&E!!


to finish today’s surrealism with something really funny, my sister told me last night about a conversation she heard in school on Friday (she’s a primary school teacher). She heard two 5yr olds talking to each other, when one said to the other " I know who Mary and Joseph are…but who’s Gloria?" I laughed and laughed. 

?? Gloria in excelsis ??

Beth, I could only change my pic on my lap top my phone and I pad wouldn’t do it Xx



OMG!!! Never had that inclination! Lol ?

Still can’t get one loaded, although it does say that uploaded images need to be approved before they can be used as an avator. iPad is brill, but sometimes not helpful and I never replaced the old laptop why it went on a go slow a few years ago. Never mind, I’ll remain a cartoon avatar a while longer!!

For Lovely Lilium




i had a cold the week before my rads too. I don’t think it makes any difference to rads starting which is great but it won’t make it feel any easier!!

if it helps - I did check if I was able to take Day & Night Nurse cold tablets and the nurses on here and my pharmacist said it was ok on tamoxifen. 


I hate that feeling when you know a cold s coming


look after yourself - no overdoing it. Rest!!! Be as strong as you can for rads. 


Beth xx

Lovely lady H
I’m sorry to hear your feeling under the weather I hope your feeling better soon. As the lovely O health lady said to me today be kind to yourself and take things easy. I also think that anxiety before rads cam make us feel unwell. Big hugs xxxx
Ps a yoga tip to help with colds is to do the lion’s breath which means you breathe in deeply then open your mouth wide and roar the breathe out do it 3 or 4 times. I know it sounds weird but it does work honestly. It stimulates the anti bodies in your throat apparently xxxx

Afternoon lovelies


feeling tired and emotional this afternoon. They’ve said these boosters will take their toll this week which I’m not looking forward to. Had one this morning which took even longer than the other ones and the zapping was definitely longer. 

I really can’t wait for this to finish now. 

Sadly my improved nights sleep a few days ago was a fluke but I’m persevering with tamoxifen in the morning to see if something settles down. I’m living in hope here. 

We’ve made a very grown up decision the last few days and tomorrow we are off to see a solicitor about putting Power of Attorneys in place for each of us. At least if something happens in the future hubby can act in my behalf. And Vice versa. Thinking of a living will too but we’ll discuss that further tomorrow. All feels rather morbid but it’s important especially as I’m more aware of my own mortality now than I have ever been. 

Aren’t I a cheery soul today?

anyone heard from Delly? Hope her evening was a roaring success. 

Catch you later xxx

Lady H :-D. :smiley: um giggling away at just the thought of this morning :-D.
Are you feeling a bit better today?

Oh Beth, what a terrible time your having 3 more then you can stay home and recover.
Sending you much love and a bit of hope I felt really rough and sore for a couple more weeks after rads but my body has now started to properly heal. It’s just my head I need to get sorted but there is light at the end of the tunnel my lovely hopefully just in time for Christmas. Just take every day as it comes and be kind to yourself.

It’s funny you say about the grown up thing
s we’ve decided to do our wills in the new year. I’ve got to sort my life insurance out as well. I’m not sure where I stand with it all at the moment but that’s another story!
Rest up my lovely xxxxxx

Sorry Beth just saw on another thread you have 4 left :frowning: xxxxx

We made our wills finally three or four years ago, if you do it in November (national will writing month I think!) the solicitors don’t charge and you make the suggested donation to their named charity instead. So I think we paid a couple of hundred quid for the two. We haven’t done the lasting power of attorney though. Well it took us twenty five years to make a will…


My mother has a lasting power of attorney, she didn’t use a solicitor, she did it all herself. Well, we helped, it’s a long process from memory. My mother in law did hers via a solicitor but when we needed to use it, it turned out it hadn’t been registered and by the time we found out what needed doing it was too late. So they’re only any good once they’ve been registered. But good for you Beth, that’s very organised.

Hello lovely Lily, how are today xx