Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Definitely Xxxx

Janey, thank you so much for checking up on me xx I’ve pm’d you back.  Hello to all xx

Auricular acupuncture is used with drug and alcohol services locally. Not sure who worked out it’s helpful for hotflushes as well. My BC nurse recommended it for flushes, as there’s a 90% success rate. After the 2nd of 6 sessions I started to notice food wasn’t calling me from the fridge or biscuit tin - a bit like booze calls to the alcoholic! I spoke with the therapist after the next session and she told me it is used to help with weight loss too. The flushes are definitely less frequent and intense but I’m still in shock that my eating is so changed! I realise I’m now sounding like one of those scam advertisers I keep reporting to the moderators! I certainly feel a bit evangelical! Maybe I’m just grasping at something good coming out of this, alongside you lovely lot!! Xx

I keep thinking it will wear off! I’ve booked a private session with her before I go back to work, as it’s also very calming - one of the group used to zone out completely as soon as one needle went in! X

Evening Lovelies.

This is now the 3rd attempt to post, previous two swallowed by some kind of ether gremlin. Grrrrr.

Thank you all for your kind, loving enquiries, hands and (((hugs!!))) (needed that Bethy-boobs !!) Had a lovely message from Sweet-Sue this mornin, followin my bowled over thanks to her with regards to her/my song. Thanks Sue and hoping your having a good productive day.


Charys - Your Robin is my favourite of your advent pics so far. Oy . . you can’t just drop an “Ive just been for an interview today” without elaborating. What for, and how did it go then??

Horti-Helena - Told you your Robins attention is just birdie cupboard love, looking for juicy worms and 'tit’bits (somewhat appropriate for this site!). Anyway, get back to your garden design board. I already have one customer for you - namely moi.

Bethy-Boobs - Got you on your scar tissue feeling sensitive, even tho’ it’s out of the zapping area. Takes a year or so for scar tissue to heal and whiten/fleshen - until then is very dellycat (!!). Only speaking from my medical training in such + experience with own boobs. It’s an upsetting experience talking wills etc. isn’t it? Well, I found it so, but glad to sort at the same time.

I am so so sorry about your Mum’s state. Thats EXTRA tough on top of your own struggles. I can relate to from my Dad’s diagnosis and hope like mad she pulls through. How old is she Beth?? It’s no wonder you’re effin and jeffin about 2016. Awww, darlin girl. Hope you enjoyed your drizzle and buttons - oooo-er, could be very misconstrued but then I have a warped loony imagination, don’t I. Not far off till your treatments finish.


Janey - wondrous tree photo! Certainly cheered ME up! Need a quick conflab with you ref direction to take with my mental probs. Am I right that you mentioned you have some involvement with mental health?? Was that Charys also?? Me thinks you need to bottle and sell your weightloss cure or study acupuncture yourself and then come join my/OUR biz venture. Still have rooms vacant.  Crikey - you and your hubby have produced a whole family of Amazonians. Which reminds me . . .

Bella - where are you? You doin ok??

Lily-Lovey - I think Beths drizzle and buttons diet sounds best - yey. Unlike much of the world, I’m having to put weight on (sorry to some of you girls). Don’t have much of a sweet tooth tho.Have a weakness for good ice cream

 tho’, hence one of my desires to move to Italy

Anyone I haven’t mentioned?? Yes - Lesley, Dizzy, Clair, Rubycat. Forgive me if I’ve not, but love to you.


Appointment made for next Thursday, with a doc I’ve seen before. So is it you both Janey/Charys who could poss give tips, point me in right direction, advise Mental Health wise . Had a previous not so good experience with Mental Health where I used to live, hence it put me off and my resistance.

Sent myself off to sleep last night with Wallace and Grommit’s “The Curse of the WereRabbit” !! Have seen it a few times - so funny, daft and also very clever. Put it on timer and must have zonked after 30 mins or so, but NOT because it’s boring. If you’ve never seen it - get it and do. Nick Parks is a genius and it’s not in the least a kiddies film. I need to get a list down of all my “Ups” and “Down” symptoms to refer to for when I see the doc.

Also picked up a jacket and pictures left at drycleaners and framers for almost a YEAR. So at least three things ticked off today.

Have yet to get a letter together to send to the Date woman - feel I owe it to her and to hopefully leave things in a more favourable light/end. Just feel it’s an, and the, honourable thing to do. + help ease my conscience. Poor woman.

Love to you all

Dellypoos xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Morning lovelies, hope you all have a good day, lots of love Clair xxx

Morning glories! ?Making a list and doing it not checking it twice … doh! 2 people have thanked me no for sending 2 Christmas cards!! I’m glad you’re ticking your list Delly too and so pleased you have a doc appointment. All areas work a bit differently but I did wonder if you’d had a bad experience before and also not sure what support your brother had from mental health services, so is bound to cause increased anxiety. At the very least ask for a referral to the assessment team. I don’t do much direct work anymore but PM me with any questions. I always think it’s about finally meeting someone to click with, as outcomes are so much better. Also, if no click then it’s ok to ask to see someone else! it took me ages to find someone to click with when I was struggling, but I’m glad I did, as she helped me again when I was diagnosed this time around. With the compassion you show, I think you may find compassionate mind based support brilliant - it helped me be a bit kinder to me! Anyway, I’m at risk of wittering on!!
Dizzy the marvellous needle woman is in Exeter and I’m happy to PM you contact/website details. Oh dear I really am sounding like an advert now!
Off shortly for the first gym session with an oncology specialist trainer! Hoping I can get some improved shoulder movement and some improved fitness.
Hugs to all - Beth is it only 1 more zap?! Xx

Good morning everyone,


Havent posted for while as been feeling pretty yuck, though I have been keeping tabs on you, especially wanted to know how Dellys date went.  Won’t add to what everyone has said, think they’ve covered it.  Glad you’re arranging to see someone, we all need a helping hand at times xx


Thank you to Janey for noticing my absence and sending me a message to check up on me, much appreciated as feeling pretty low.  Notice Rubycat has been keeping a low profile too, but she does have a tendency to escape out of the catflap now and then, and as I said to Janey, she’s probably hobnobbing at the palace now she’s an MBE.  Do miss her amusing anecdotes though. 


Im thinking of starting a new thread “When does it start getting better?”  as I really really want to know.  Still, as lots of you have said, 2017 is a new year, so onwards and upwards.


Wishing you all a lovely Thursday xx

Afternoon ladies


how are you all today?


completed 18 rads now and still have two to go.  I finish on Monday and can’t wait. I’ve looked and there’s not a bell in the unit so I think I’m going to have to make my own noise!

i told them again today that I’m really sore. They said there was a cream I could have which would help, but that they’d been told off for referring too many patients to the oncology nurses so they’d better not!!! What what what??? Then they disappeared for my zapping and a different radiograph came in to do me up and get me off the machine so I couldn’t ask her as she’d have no idea what I was on about and to be honest I’m sick of it all. I have bought piriton for the itching so see if that helps and just taken cocodamol to get me through the afternoon. I thought this was meant to be the easy bit! Never mind…2 more to go. 


Dearest Delly I’m so glad you’ve made an appointment. An important first step. As others have said, I hope you click with the person, but either way, lots of little steps end up in a journey that in the right direction without even realising (corny I know). Thinking of you. Xxxxx


ladies…are you telling me acupuncture can help with weight loss?!! That is my resolution for 2017, to lose weight. This year has taken its toll and I’m 3 stone heavier now than when it started. I am a classic comfort eater and boy I’ve turned to food this year. The lack of will power is pathetic so next year I’m joining a gym and a slimming class (again) to try and get myself a bit healthier. I’ve already mentioned it to my GP who said to forget all about it for now as “you’ve got enough going on”. I’m still off the alcohol for some reason and have been since surgery apart from 1 glass weeks ago. If I can do the same with chocs and cake I’ll be half way there. 


I hope you’re all having a good day today - Helena, dizzy, Lesley,Janet,Clair and lily, Delly of course, charys and I’m soooooo sorry if I’ve left anyone out. You are all incredible ladies and don’t ever forget it!!! Xxx

I’m here ! …I’m reading all you things…fighting a glue gun and half a chopped off fir tree making a wreath…well a massive green snowflake actually. . Sorry not commented to two days of things on here. X

Dizzy, thank you for hugs and little cherubs singing.  Yes, guess it’s going to take time, but as Lily will know, when youve got a continuous thumping headache everyday on top of everything else it’s draining.  Beth, I got a terrible itchy/sore rash at end of rads, GP gave me cannestan cream, it did the trick.  When Janey finished her rads I rang my front bell in her honour and it’s become a thing, I’ll do the same for you Monday, as sure we all will.


Hurrah, Rubycat is back, missed youxx. Charys, hope you don’t get too glued up, remember the stories of eplilators and home bikini waxes!


Hope everyone that hasn’t reported in yet today is doing ok and is busy doing lovely things, lunching, Christmas shopping of designing gardens (Helena), practising for British Bake off (Clair) and Delly, well, she could be up to anything! Xx




Well today started ok I was still a bit tired from yesterday family get together but felt ok in myself.
This afternoon I received my O Health letter with details of my phased return all good and achievable. Then came the paragraph that said outlook
It says… Clair has responsed well to treatment but she may be prone to further relapses of her condition and I’m unable to predict the frequency or severity of any further relapse.
I’m now beside myself! I often think about it returning, we all do but seeing it written down I just can’t deal with. Sorry I just needed to get it out.

Personally I would have a complaint to make about that letter. Are they referring to a bc recurrence ? If do how on earth would OH know that ? None of us know that ???

Woo ahhhh and Janey with a similar letter ? What IS this about…years of monitoring and fatigue ??? Makes it sound so negative and actually it’s a big embellishment too. What abput a nice report on those who eat too much and are overweight ,;or have diabetes or high BP or take no exercise or or or… makes me cross.



i can’t believe that was in the letter from OH. How can anyone predict what’ll happen in the future? They could say that about ANY member of staff, even those who have never had BC. How insensitive, not even our medical teams can predict it to satisfy an employer so OH are just being unrealistic. 

Take no notice. A lot of the time these people use standard forms where the boxes do not fit all situations. I could understand it about asthma or other chronic illnesses which will have triggers, but cancer? Come on. 

Put it out of your mind, put the letter away. As I have said before, my counsellor has said we are all in a better position going forward than those who have never suffered with BC. We will be monitored and checked so regularly. I am afraid it will come back, I’m sure we all are, but at least we will now have screening to detect any changes early on. Better that than living in total ignorance. 

I am so sorry that some jobsworth has played on your anxieties. I am giving them a virtual poke in the eye and I’m sending you a huge but gentle hug xxx

With Beth! I am freaking furious at these damned letters. I mean for flips sake what about those who are currently not checking themselves and not being monitored…Surely their risk is damned higher.

I need to go calm down …really ?

…but I can’t because I feel so furious. Lol saying things like that is like giving you a mental 'prison sentence ’ . You’ve done your time and cleaned your slate with your treatment and still some ignorate box ticking OH person, who is justifying their role , seemingly tries to make a future prediction…based on nothing they actually know. Right. …a dark room awaits…



i have aloe Vera gel that I got in Hooland & Barrett. I’ve been using it once a day all the way through, and E45 the other two times a day. I can’t put it under the old boobicle as it stings for a bit. My skin today has started to go all speckly too.  Looks like a shaving rash but obviously isn’t. It’s 100’s of small red dots all over and the ones up by my node scar are rather painful. 

I am slowly disintegrating here!!! Make be I’ll turn in to some yukky giant blister!!!

good grief. Xxxx

Clair, Im absolutely FUMING, on your behalf, and on all of us going through this …ing horrible thing.  As if it’s not bad enough to live with the fear daily as it is.  What the eff do they know anyway?  Having spent most of my working life in HR and dealing with OH people I KNOW that the majority of them are nurses that couldn’t hack the proper nursing role, and the rest are administrators just box ticking.


As advised by the others, stick it in a drawer, but that’s easier said than done.  You could make a complaint, you’ve certainly got grounds.  Sleep on it and see how you feel in a day or so.


Sending you a big hug xx