Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Beth, now I’ve calmed down about Clair’s letter Ive just read your post.  My boob as well as being red had darker red speckles all over it, these a few weeks later went black (apparently it’s burnt hair follicles) they looked like blackheads.  Finished my rads mid August and still got some.  The rash underneath, as I said earlier cleared up after using cannestan cream for about 5 days.  Sounds as if your boob is reacting like mine did, so don’t be surprised if the red turns to maroon soon, but hang on in there, only two more to go, and honestly the relief of not having to go everyday gives you such a high for a few days, like end of school term xx

Yeah likewise lily and lesley…I feel so angry on your behalf! We alk know how that would feel and how bloody unfair it is.

Was the OH a massily fat old unhealthy excuse of a person…please say they were lol maybe thry should single out the smokers and do a wee report on them , or those who drink too much etc etc

Maybe they need to do a bc course and actually look at some statistics and LEARN something up to date and sensible.

Thank you lovelies xxx
I know it’s just a general bit it’s just seeing it written down that did it. I took myself to bed and had a really good sob about everything. Still am really :frowning: xxx

Well Clair, I blame you.  Been off the vino (doing everything I can in the hope I’ll feel better) but was so incensed about your letter I opened a half bottle I had, poured it, and as it wasn’t in the fridge it wasn’t chilled so chucked a couple of ice cubes in, reached over to pick it up and have a slurp and knocked it over!  (Lots of swear words…) So something else to blame those flipping OH peeps for.  Oh well, back to Adams ale for me xx

Clair I hope you’re feeling a bit brighter and would definitely take up with your manager as a learning point. Give yourself a hug from all of us and hopefully find something to relax and treat yourself with later. There is no excuse for such thoughtless report writing. I hope your manager is more supportive than OH bod. Remember the double pact for Jan and 2017 xx
Lesley you wouldn’t have that trouble with gin - it’s the only way forward xx


my friend sent this to me today and it really made me smile. I’m thinking that your OH person looks a bit like this… image.jpeg

Helena, I WAS desperate xx

I wondered if that is put into the OH letters as a sort of protection. It’s illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of their disability, so if say, someone needed time off sick for fatigue, it couldn’t be held against them if it’s a result of their cancer treatment? I don’t know, we need an employment law expert, anyone know one? But employers are under a legal obligation to make adjustments to accommodate someone’s disability, and that includes anything as a result of cancer treatment I think. 


It is horrible seeing it written down like that, it’s a bit ghoulish for a start. But maybe it’s meant to alert employers that employees with a history of cancer may need further time off as a result of the cancer and they have to make allowances. Because if they don’t they could find themselves on the wrong end of an employment tribunal.


It’s still horrible, the tone is so patronising (“Clair has made good progress in reading this year…”) and they must know how that paragraph is going to come across. But their job is the legalese to show everyone is complying with the law. Otherwise known as covering their backs.

Charys, I agree about the overweight and unfit people, they can pick on them, but can the drinkers have a pass for a little bit longer ? Or else most of us are in trouble!


Love the photos!

'Ello Flowers

Just got back in, haven’t caught up but couldn’t wait to see what you’re all laughing about.  Very funny. The llama/Alpaca also looks very similar to somebody not far from me. I’m looking down at her. Here’s another clue - I live on my own !! Actually, that was how I looked when I got back from my disastous date night, just before I burst into tears. !!!  The other looks like me too, when I’m in a bad mood and beware. 

Janey - Ha Ha. Very funny. Well you know how sensitive Charys got about me mentioning the W**P word. Didn’t feel she could possibly take offence at the chocolate nut form of the word. 


Did you get some gel Beth???  See you in a bit


<Empty imported post>

Poor Delly, just for once your post didn’t disappear when you thought…

Yeh - that’s me all or nothing. Have now deleted my duplication

Actaully, you’ll all be pleased to know, I’m absobloominlutely creamcrackered. Gonna have a bath soak, soothe my tense knotted shoulders and go to bed with Wallace and Grommit !!! Stop those filthy thoughts girls. xxx

<Empty imported post>


I know you’re all wanting to ignore and avoid meeting me, but I’m quite harmless really. Honest??  I DO rather look like Ethel, was quite shocked at the self resemblence  – unnervingly so


Lily it was easy, I lifted it from your facebook profile lol


So whats this about Delly ?..‘Janey - Ha Ha. Very funny. Well you know how sensitive Charys got about me mentioning the W**P word. Didn’t feel she could possibly take offence at the chocolate nut form of the word.’


I did laugh at the image of that being your face after disaster date,sorry, but LOLOLOL


Hey, Dizzy, ok…drinkers are off the hook until Jan 2nd…will that suffice? I guess it will for most people, but not a regular on this thread who’s name starts with L.I’m still cross about it, the letters Janey and Clair got, its really got to me. I just feel that if Clair was asking for some change in her working arrangements (which yes Helena they legally do have to provide), like errr…I don’t know a cushion for a nap at lunchtime, then that’s fair enough. I presume though, and correct me if I’m wrong Clair, that she has had all required treatment and has been ‘dealt with’ and wants to return in a capacity she left in. I could also understand if they said along the lines of ‘Clair is a bit emotional and tired, but expects that to pass’. It’s the focus on the future which is unacceptable. That’s just guesswork.

Delly, we only have your word for it that you are harmless. :smileylol: Maybe we need to send one strong person along to check first, complete a risk assessment, and then if it all goes ok the rest can follow ? Aww you silly dopey thing!

Shaaa - Up. &lt;&lt;&lt; that’s Essex speak

Charys - You gor all sensitive and narkey a while back with me mentioning the W**P word.

Beth - try get some Lavendar Gel then if the aloe is stinging. If the skins broken it will do, Lavendar not so. But also, if the skin IS broken E45 WON’T heal it - it’s just a bland emollient for UNbroken skin, to keep it moisturised. There’s “nothing” in it to enhance or encourage healing, or to cool it down.
