Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

OK Beth, so its definitely not a shaving rash, well yeah, why would you ey? LOl I am wondering though, if its rashy, maybe you are over using products and reacting to them now?

Charys - I made a comment before I went out today that I mustn’t stay here and be tempted by you all. To go tick off more list items, otherwise Janey will walnut whip me. She then posted her piccie of “walnut whips” !! Are you with me Mother ?? x 

I love the pictures thank you. :smiley: I’ve just woken up from a sleep must of needed it.
I spoke to my boss about the first O health person before because they were very.pushy but looking back they were right about needing more time off.
My school pay for advice to protect staff and my boss is fab.
I’m just totally over sensitive and when I’m home I just get on with things and can cope but when I see anything in writing about my Bc or go to appointments I’m a wreck because it all becomes real again. I do think.that Oh should think about how they write things up and take how the person they’re talking about might be feeling.
I’m drawing a line under it now and will concentrate on Christmas with the family.
Delly what a fab idea I’d love to meet up with you all.
Lesley I’m sorry you spilt your wine but it did make me lol…
Love you crazy lot xxxx

Charys it’s very much appreciated. :slight_smile: . I’m very glad to have you on my side I’d definitely not want to fall put with you <3. Xxxx

Oh boy, can’t keep up with you lot.  So glad you feel better after your nap Clair and glad my spilt wine gave you a chuckle.  Charys, is the L you refer moi by any chance?  I’ll have you know I’m on straight water at the moment (only had that one half bottle)?

Crikey I can’t even write now :wink: Charys I ment fall out,
Helena, my card came in about 3 weeks and I got receipts for the tablets etc I had to pay for and got the money back xx

I take it none of you lovelies live in Wales then? All prescriptions are free here, for everybody. 

Have been for many years now. 


A get together in the future sounds a scream!! I think it could be carnage but certainly something to think about for 2017!!


can you imagine!!! ???

Lucky you Beth living in Wales.  I love it.  My sister lives there.  I spent two and half weeks in September staying with her as convalescence.  Always feel better when Im there, she’s lives right on the coast, lovely long walks on the beach every day with her Dolly dog.

What part of Wales do you live in Beth? My eldest and his partner live in Penarth. Xx

I think I have a bit longer on my original certificate. Not sure how to extend though ? Will add to list for next week when I see my GP. She’s got to sign me back to work from next Friday on a phased return - in January with you Clair! A meet up may help the 2017 pact too.
Beth I’m going to carry on as an advertiser and just say udder cream! It’s still working and I’ve just bought a pot for a woman I know who has just had her 2nd mastectomy.
Wales is on our camper bucket list, I hope next Year. Just had to rescue my cat from new thug in the road - poor thing a quivering wreck. Xx PS Lesley well done keeping off booze for a couple of hours ?

Sounds lovely Beth, my son loves living in Wales xx
Definitely Janey and your not to far from me xx 2017 is going to be a much better year. I’ve just got to work on rebuilding my confidence and getting my omph back :wink:

Night lovelies,
hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I’m finally getting the washing machine fixed :wink: lots of love to you All xxxxxxxx

Helena that’s where my son lives, we walk along the promenade in the summer and all up the hill to the park it’s a beautiful place xx

Hello scrumptious girlies.


I’ve still nowhwere near caught up and deffo needed to get to the bottom of all the conbobulation ref Clair’s OH letter. That’s definitely trying to nicely cover themselves and ANY eventuality without making any offensive statement that you could then hit them back with. Totally uncommitted. Guess you’re just gonna have to show 'em girl, aren’t you and kick them in the  ***** THAT way. Show 'em just how capable you are and what a loada rubbish they’re talking??  Do ya think?   Is/would that be a possibility. 

Awwww Corr-Clair - I’m so sorry you’ve had this setback and even more sorry that it/they have upset you so much when you’re still in a fragile state. It’s even more reason we need that get together W/end party. Don’t take any notice of those who keep putting the dampers on it (name begins with C ends in S!!). Ethel lookalike here (me) thinks we could blow the roof off. Can we have Kareoke? - that’d be a scream, espesh if I’m singing. Lots of silly dancing, again a scream if it’s me.  - - Lots of hugs, laughing till the tears roll down, but most importantly . .                                                                                  e n o r m o u s     L O V E.

Please please can we do it Aunty Charys. Go on . . . . lets 


So I need to find out where you all are. I’ve already bribed Anna and Lizzy to release your addresses so I can send out the details and then come Shang Hai you all. kidnap you.

Look - - If you’re that bothered, you can gag me and put a paper bag over my head ok?  The “Benchland” girls do it you know. Get together I mean, not gag and bag ME.


Goin now before I’m removed by timing out. 'Cept to say I had a long long chat on the phone with Sweet Sue tonight. Both very giggly and serious. Can’t believe how much in common we have - seriously. Honeymoon’s in Barcelona (on both our bucket lists) for a few days, then African safari for to see more of them there Llama/Alpaca type animules and for me to swim with Dolphins in the open sea (nuther bucket list item). Interesting to speak voice to voice when you’ve communicated for so long in print. Hoping to meet in the flesh soon. Seeeee, she’s not been put off you rotten lot.  Lily n Clair are on board.


Nitey Nite, DellyGivinItSomeWelly  xxxxxxxx  


Morning Delly, I think.everything just caught up with me yesterday, lack of sleep and over doing it hasn’t helped.
Much love to all and have a good day whatever your doing xxxx

December 15th, Friday.



Morning everyone,

I don’t know what it is, but the last week I’m sensing a down feeling for lots of people here. I think the exhaustion of getting ready for Christmas doesn’t help and it being winter. Have a better day everyone. X

Good morning gorgeous girls,


in a rush to get ready to met a friend in town for an early lunch.  She lives out in the sticks, and as she wants to have a glass of wine with lunch is catching the bus. Only one bus in and out from where she lives, one back leave town st 1.30, hence the early bit.


Brth, I have visited Carmarthen a couple of times when staying with my sister, a beautiful place.  She lives in a tiny place called Burry Port, about 4 miles from Llanelli, stunning beach there, but most beaches in Wales are stunning.


Catch up with you all later, but before I go, Janey, that was cheeky!  Love you anyway x 

Hi ladies

Hugs to all of you - it will take me quite some time to catch up on all of the posts - sooooo many!

Cla46 - the OH letter… so very insensitively written! Grrrr… they should know better.

If they are referring to your cancer…I would personally shoot them! Are they oncologists? Stupid people!

The question in my mind is - are they referring to your cancer or to the side effects our treatment has left you with?

I have been left with fatigue and mild cognitive disfunction (lack of being able to concentrate for more that 10 minutes, cannot multitask, inability to deal with any kind of pressure, a type of writing dislexia [turning numbers and letters round the wrong way], forgetting familiar words, garbling words, etc.) 

My GP is handling this with me and when I asked when these things woud go away the answer, unfortunately, was 'we don’t know - it might improve over a few months or year. Everyone is different. Even when these challenges have gone away - they can come back, but we simply do not know.

Very helpful - NOT -  

However - as to employment and legislation, Equalities Act, etc. feel free to ask me or pm me - I have dealt with the lot! Do not get an employment lawyer initially!!! Expensive! Start with ACAS, the Equalities Commission and your Citizens Advice Bureau. At the CAB it would be wise to make an appointment with someone who has experience with Employment Law.

The key phrase for all of us is - that an Employer has to make a reasonable adjustment or a change of duties for us to be able to continue working. We have to request this adjustment - in writing - (evidence if required). And request the answer to be in writing, too (further evidence). Unfortunately there is no actual guideline as to what is seen as a reasonable adjustment and this is where one of the challenges lies.

The difficult thing is, that making a reasonable adjustment or change of duties, can lead to loss of income, as the employer may decide not to pay you your usual pay - they may regard you as less productive. And there is sweet f***all you can do about it. Sorry for the expletive - I have been there…

If you cannot agree on a reasonable adjustment a letter, lodging a grievance, needs to be sent - adhering to the grievance procedure in your work contract. There are templates available for this, so yu can ensure yu adhere to the legal necessities, should this go any further in the future. And so the process continues…

Macmillan can be of much help through this process, too.

Anyway - time for me to catch up on all of your posts and have a giggle!


Sue xx




I think it’s her magnolia stellata. Planted in our honour :relaxed: