Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Afternoon peeps


there were almost 3 pages of posts the catch up on from last night!! You lot have been very chatty!


Back from booster number 4 and ONLY ONE MORE LEFT!! Oh my god I’m so relieved to be almost there now as I really don’t think I could take much more zapping. Still popping the cocodamol, have dressings over my node scar now too and I got my cream! Had my last review today with the lovely Becky and she went off to get me ‘the cream’ to help with the itching and these weird raised blotches that have appeared overnight. Anyway  this magic cream turns out to be hydrocortisone cream…which I’ve had at home for years as I suffer with eczema. I could have been using it for days!!! Never mind, I have a new pack of it now. 

My dent next to the main scar is  getting deeper too but that should fill in eventually. 


The change to the time of day I take the tamoxifen seems to be working and I think breakfast time is the way forward. I actually woke up feeling ok today. Certainly not refreshed (distant memory) but better than I have felt. Only getting one flush at night which is manageable. Gross alert…Think I need to get some prune juice though if you get my drift! 


Clair - I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit more like yourself today. Don’t let the b******s grind you down.

lesley - you know exactly where my neck of the woods is then! 


rest of you seem to be flat out with christmas prep and lunches…and gardening! Did wonder what was happening with the pic of a random twig (I’m no gardener!) so appreciated the explanation. A few posts later!! 

Loved the reindeer though!! Much better than my llama yesterday!




right I’m off know to see if the old wives tale is true…if you scratch somewhere other than your itchy bit, it’ll stop the actual itch from itching. I suspect it’s not true but worth a go.

let you all know later!!

beth xxx

Hi Bethyitchyboob - sorry we’ve all been bombarding you with suggestions for your sore boob. Glad somebody’s sorted you on that one, and that you’re change of Tamoxi-tactics seem to be paying off.

The bunting with bells on for tomorrow is being put up as we speak 

I love your Llama pic, must get myself a copy to place on the cupboard above my kettle. Give me chuckle (about myself really), would be a good start to any day.

Am just popping out to drop the rest of neighbours cards through their boxes.

Probably see you later.

Hope you’re all having a good day

Loadsa love.

Dellypoos xxxxx


Evening, had a nice lunch and glass of vino, oh, ok, two glasses, might as well own up as you lot know me so well now.  Good catch up with friend before she had to rush to the bus station to at catch the last bus home at 1.30, that’s the drawback of living in the sticks like she does, beautiful but inconvenient. 


One more to go Beth, hang on in there.  Do feel for you, can remember how horrible it feels.  I was lucky in that it was baking hot when I was like that so could just have a sheet over me waist down only in bed leaving top half airing (window wide open) as even a cotton sheet on it was Ouchy.


Shrub looks lovely Janey, hope no one overheard you chanting while you planted it or they’ll be call the Witch Finder General and reporting you.


Just imagine being super rich Delly, then we could hire a spa hotel, arrange a chauffeur driven car each, all lie in a fluffy bath together round a pool having pedicures sipping champers (with pricks in our ears as recommended by  Janey) followed by a lovely meal and talk to our hearts content.  We can dream can’t we?


Delly, that’s a lovely thing you’ve done for your friend.  It’s a great feeling isn’t it when you know you’ve got the perfect gift, so much nicer than getting one.


Clair, hope you’re feeling brighter today.  Sue’s given good advice.  What a team we’ve got on here, think we could take over the world if we got together!!   Think Helena is meeting someone for lunch today?  I know you got stood up Charys.  Not sure what Dizzy and Lily are up to?  Will have to reread posts, my memory is not what it was.  Could do the pop up thing, I Have got the hang of it Now Delly  Delicious, But My head is thumping so need more drugs…  xx

Hi all

Oh yeah - let’s take over the world and paint it in rainbow colours!

The magnolia, I think - should flower with star like white flowers - no end to my knowledge. used to be a keen gardner, before I moved into my palace at the top of a manor house in East Sussex.

Delly - does your generosity have no bounds?! It was absolutely fabulous to catch up with you ‘in person’ so to speak - and keep on with your lists!!! I’ll help you with the 21st Century - after all, having dabbled in IT might be some use afer all, lol. I shall answer your mail tomorrow, my ‘baby’ needed attention today. Phew, lol. Oh - you should also have a mail from Jaquie Lawson, open it and follow the instructions…you shall see…

Loved the picture of the llama - Delly - no way do you look like that!!!

Charys - seeing your picture postings certainly puts a smile on my face, they are so lovley.

Ah - hormone tablets - I have now experienced that, should you have trouble with a specific brand, it is worth asking to be switched to another. Although the active ingredients are the same, the other stuff is not necessarily. I initially took the Teva brand of Letrozole and was switched to another one, when they coud not get it. I had such severe joint pains - I felt like a 90 year old. Now switched back - and - no more pain - no more feeling old!


Sue xx

Hello all, hope you’ve been having a good day me dearies!.

 I have nothing much to report, the speed version goes rads, book club, lunch, present wrapping, Tesco and home.

And the woman I have been giving a lift to the bookclub for over the last few years told me that the radiotherapy obviously agrees with me, I was looking a bit rough a few weeks ago. Mmm, thanks, back handed compliment or what? Must have been a no makeup day, people are always telling me I look ill if I don’t put any on.

The magnolia looks very happy, it must have been all those spells and incantations at planting time. I haven’t done anything in the garden for months, I’m a bit embarrassed by the state of it, but at least her next door can’t see it and smug at me over the fence any more…I did mostly keep the allotment sorted though, and was batch cooking ratatouille more or less straight after both operations. Note to self, one courgette plant next year…

Clair, glad you’re feeling a bit more chipper after your horrible letter, and Beth, almost there at last! Delly, you’re sounding organised and motivated, good for you and hope your friend loves her present.


Everyone else, consider yourselves namechecked, hugged and offered mince pies since I am getting into the Christmas spirit. Not literally, that comes later, in our house all alcohol is embargoed until 9pm. But mince pies are now open season, along with all the other things I’ve had to take out of the freezer to make room for the Christmas food shop.

Hi all again,

I just received my letter for my first mammogram post operation/treatment for my remaining boob.

It just had to be Friday the 13th, didn’t it!?!?! 

Not that I tend to be supersticious, but I would have preferred another date…Do you think I should call and change it?




Yeah Dizzy, courgette plants are astoundingly robust and crazy arent they…one teeny weeny innocuous plant can become a humungous creeping alien!

Hi all xx
Sue thank you so much for the info it’s really helpful. After a much more positive day I had another look at the letter and this is what it’s says
Mrs S us being treated for cancer of the breast. She has responsed well to treatment and is making a goid recovery, she may be prone to further relapses of her condition, but I an unable to predict the frequency duration or severity of any future episodes.
It was just the fact I was reminded again. The rest of the letter is all good and supportive.
Looking back on it today I think I was being really over sensitive :frowning: it doesnt take a lot these days.
As for your appointment I always have a fab Friday 13th and a terrible Sat 14th. I do like to be different.
Delly your morning hug made all the difference :slight_smile: xxxxxx
I’ve paced myself today because the eldest is coming to stay this weekend. So the wine will be flowing and chocs will be eaten. Xx

Sue, Im superstitious about not being superstitious, if that makes sense?  My mum like Charys’s was super duper superstitious.  However, as the others have said, change it if you feel uncomfirtable about it.  Im dreading mine as it is.  I was given my first year follow up after seeing BC consultant 2 weeks after my op which is daft, don’t even have next years diary or calender now and certainly didn’t at the end of June.  The thought of my poor still painful boob being squeezed into that machine ooooh.  Enough of that.


Clair, the wording of that letter is obsecure, relapse of her condition? that could mean the BC, the physical effects of the treatment you are currently suffering or the mental side of things.  Think they are just covering their a***s, still, at least you’re feeling better about it which is the main thing. Xx

I think I’ll take it to my drs appointment and see what he thinks of it. Maybe a quick word is needed to O health about thinking before they write.

Delly that hug definitely worked :slight_smile: thank you. I live in lovely somerset xxxx

I’ve been very good today and paced myself because my eldest is coming to stay for the weekend.

Beth I’m so glad you’ve got magic cream now :slight_smile:
I always have a fab Friday 13th and a terrible Sat 14th bit then I like to be different. Seriously though change it if you don’t feel right.

Oh no! I’m Sorry Charys I didn’t mean to make you cross I can just image you with steam coming from your ears… Your description sounds much better though :-D. Xxxxx

Helena they’re beautiful xx

I’m so glad to have all your support. Before all this I was just as passionate about things as you are Charys and I really hope I get that back because at the moment I crumble at everything xxxx

They’re lovely Helena,


Charys, it’s a hedgehog in the middle, or at least I think it is, eyes not what they were.  Another thing on the New Years list, eye test.

Oh, just Seen  Helena’s post, its a reindeer not a hedgehog, def eye test in new year for me.  Charys they don’t run on batteries but magic fairy dust x 

So hubby has had a text from his mate saying he’s coming over to watch the football. Hmmmm normally that would be no problemo, but we know he’s had his work do today…

the text was a hour ago and there’s no sign of him. So I have decided to stay minus the old bra and if he turns up then he’ll have to take me as he finds me. 

So this is what Friday nights have become…deciding whether or not to put ON a bra to save a poor chap from embarrassment…what happened to shenanigans with hubby taking off the old bra!!! Living the dream people, living the dream!! ?? ( ignoring the fact that life is just too sore and just too pink just now!!)

anyway I’m sitting here hoping a drunk hubby mate doesn’t turn up!

happy Friday! Xxx

Ooooo - errrrr Hello Ladies,


Had a poorly tum tum today, must have been that reindeer pate this morning !! so a bit of a write off day compared to better yesterday. Immodium job and sat here on fizzy water. So maybe that was why I got confused where Lady H lived. So who was talking about Camarthen and being near to Pembrokeshire, this morning??  Doh, I’ll have to go back n check. Aaaaah, it was Beth.

So where’ve we got then:- Exeter, Somerset, Brummieland, Brighton, Dorchester, Salisbury. Camarthen.  Where else?? I’m N E Cheshire but able to go anywhere so doesn’t matter to me - would go to the ends of the earth anyway to meet up with you girls. I know, I’m such a softie. 

Charys - c a l m   down   dear.  Eeeeeee, you do get worked up. What area are you again? Did you say Essex??

SweetSue - hello flower. Hope you’ve had a productive day. Last night - we had a good giggle. Talk about a mishmash of topics girls, architecture, Barcelona, psychoanalysis, men, work, lady bits and hormonal lubricants. Who’s Jacqui Lawson then?? You’re not setting me up on another date are you?!! Need to get me  'ed and self more sorted first. Oooo - I’m intrigued.


Janey’s eyes, Lesleys eyes, Mine, who elses. I think these computers have a lot to answer for. Mine have deteriorated rapidly in the last two yrs - nothin to do with my age of course. 

Golly - You’re all so busy.  I do have it cushy really

Hope you’re all doing better today, those that weren’t. And those that were are still, if not better. Have you got that.


Lotsa love Delly. xxxx




Fairy dust from the ones that live in your garden Lesley ?


Beth, you know, lol, life has temporarily  become choosing which cream to apply tonight or similar. It s a shock because most of us felt so well before, when we were diagnosed and then suddenly you are plunged into dressings, comfy vest tops, and the like. Things do certainly change. I find walking with your arm s over your chest stops movement, though it certainly looks obvious you are doing it due to a lacking bra. 


Clair, the definition of relapse is…
(of a sick or injured person) deteriorate after a period of improvement.

it’s a misuse of the word in this context. Is she referring to another primary diagnosis? Yeah, we all know we have a SLIGHTLY increased risk of that. However, you don’t have a chronic deteriorating condition that you know of like MS so what condition is she referring to. THeres an article on this very site referring to recurrences  or new primary diagnoses…it needs treatment again …that’s it. It makes me angry because we need to work mentally quite hard to release ourselves from the fear, and many of us have been built up by our bcnurses or surgeons or oncologist to be positive. Statistically the woman writing the very report might be at higher risk, and I don t think wish this on anybod incidentally !!! But because you/we have had the misfortune to be one of the one in eight people it’s like a chain round our necks. Rightho…I best stop…I’m starting to sound obsessive and a bit loopy. Lol

Mm where’s lovely lily dissappeared to? Sending out lots of love and hope your ok xxxx

So Beth, did the husbands friend turn up and find you swinging?  Loved your comment about Hubbie not peeling it off these days.  When I was having rads a chap in the waiting room had us all in fits one day by saying that he’d had a chat with the nurse who warned him that rads affected your libido, he said “Told her, Havent got a birthday coming up and Christmas is a way off yet, and that’s the only two times a year she let me have any so no problem”


Yes, my fairies supply the fairy dust, and don’t think I haven’t noticed that you pinched my unicorn from behind my shed, don’t deny it cos I saw his pic you posted on here the other day Charys.


Delly, if you’re putting up a map with pins in marking where we all are, Im In Bucks, don’t like being left out, I go into a sulk.


Also noticed Lily not posted, maybe she gone out of the cat flap with Rubycat.