Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh my god I’m going to need some tena lady… Shenanigans I love it :smiley: haven’t heard that term in ages. On his birthday and Christmas cor he’s lucky…

Panic over!! He’s stayed in the pub thankfully!! He’s a very lovely chap and really good friend to my hubster but I’m glad he’s stayed out!!


i think this whole cancer malarkey impacts on libido to be honest. Thought of any jiggling is a worry just now!! Lol lol lol

:-D. With my.odd sizes it would be a sight to see :-D. Pmsl xxxxx

17th December…and I give you a French Hen. This is the faverolles breed, as sung about. 








I was wondering what French hens were, so did a bit of reading. Here’s a link if anyone wants  to know the background of this chicken, but I doubt anyone want any to read poultry keepers website this morning. Lol

Loving the chicken! In a previous farming life we sold point of lay free range chickens. Unfortunately we had delivery of 300 the week before foot and mouth movement ban came in and I ended up with 300 chickens laying eggs and an impromptu egg round!
Just a quick pop in, as just off to see a poorly friend for coffee. Xx

Morning all


love the chicken! Shouldn’t there be three of them lol 

watch out for bird flu now. All those poor turkeys in Lincolnshire…

not feeling too bad this morning which is good enough for me. No plans for the day so will just see what develops!

when I say I’m braless, I still have a top on lol. I’m not sitting here topless!! Pmsl that would be a step to far even for me!!

have a lovely Saturday ladies


Morning all,


Went  to bed giggling about jiggling etc.  At least I was happy then, Not so later with sweats and flushes, hey ho, that’s my after lights out activity these days.


No walking for me this Saturday’s, others are all busy, shopping, cooking etc as they work in the week.


Delly, I think lll take a leaf out if your book and write down a few notes i.e., who lives where etc, I get so confused these days.


Himself is asking me what’s for dinner tonight?  For Petes sakes, my brain isn’t functioning yet, can’t think about that yet, Im still drinking my second cuppa of the morning trying to wake up, didn’t drop off properly until about 6am when the. Flushes stopped.


have a good day all xx

Morning lovelies,
I’m loving the french hen :-D. We’re off to Dorchester for a bit of Christmas shopping and maybe a hot chocolate before the boy comes home
Hugs for everyone <3. Xxx pop back later

Me again!


had a brief splurge of energy around mid morning so you know that feeling when you start something you really wish you hadn’t? I decided to have a clear out of one of my undies drawers. Omg. Years and years of stuff in a variety of sizes and colours and I could have probably charted the aging process from my 20’s to my 30’s right through to my 40’s!! Sadly now I have a range of unwired bras post surgery ( really rather comfy!) which will mark this period of my life. 

Think I’ll leave the other drawer until tomorrow!!

hubby is in the process of joining the local gym ready for the new year. I think this year has given us both a wake up call to get more healthy and start to get fit. It’s going to be bit of a process but we will get there! After Christmas though!! Lol

knackered now and my node scar is aching from reaching in to the top drawer of the chest in the bedroom. 


Bodilly function warning… Fibrogel not really helped over night so am resorting to the bottle of lactalose I was given when I was discharged from hospital after 4 days on oramorph! Wonder if this is the tamoxifen, cocodamol or the stress of rads?!! It’s certainly not because I’m not drinking enough fluid…never drunk so much in my life as I have done since I’ve been zapped ( sadly not alcohol which I still can’t face).

although I have started think about a nice bottle of Baileys for Christmas! 

Catch you all later!!



Rubycat, hi there, we were starting to worry about you, thought you’d found a new home to go to! Cleaning cookers, hmmmph. Mine is desperate but I’ve been trying not to notice. In the new year…along with all those other things which have been postponed for so long.

I’ve had a fairly productive morning, woke up full of energy and didn’t have to go trailing off to Poole for 7.45 for once. So had bit of a lie in, spring cleaned the bathroom, framed some embroidered pictures ( bought, not made) and helped the LSH put the last icicle lights up. Then turned the place upside down to find the missing presents, and wrapped them. So not bad all in all. There’s a festive casserole in the slow cooker, venison and chestnut, if you excuse us eating poor Rudolph…

Beth, I have an underwear drawer like that, I know I have knickers that are nearly twenty years old because they came from a place I haven’t lived at for almost that long. But I expect there’s a bit more wear in them yet…I also have clothes in just about every size, being a yo-yo dieter. On the delicate subject of lactose and fibogel, I think codeine has the same effect as the Oramorph, they’re both derived from opiates. So it’s probably the cocodamol to blame.

Clair, hope you had a good time in Dorchester ( always called Dorch by the locals…) I forgot you’re really close to me, we could easily meet up some time.


Hope everyone is having a good day, with no aches, pains, flushes or headaches.

Hugs and kisses…

Helena, maybe we should have a month of '‘fact of the day’ then something else of the day for the next month, have a rolling programme of daily things? Rubycat, THE OVEN, that is serious stuff and surely one of the most hated domestic chores? Still concerned, no sign of Lily. Beth my underwear is the same, goes back to my wedding underwear twenty four years ago, and I think bras are a great way to make social documentation of change…for sure! 


i forgive you Dizzybee, as I bet its not reindeer, but fallow deer or something ? Course it’s perfectly acceptable to eat reindeer if you have access to it, like they do in Norway and suchlike, but even then you don’t know it was actually Rudolph, it could have been comet or vixen or any of them. ?


Im in Hampshire Delly, anyone else…I bet not ?

Has she STILL not sorted your toothJaney ?? well I don’t think we can blame her being busy with too many clients can we! Your underwear drawer is like the Bermuda triangle in what sense …everything disappears there or gets dumped there whilst passing through ?

Nobody is Winchester Delly doo dah…I visited Winchester and we thought Rubycat lived there but she doesn’t, she’s in Salisbury.

Meanwhile…Helena has two pairs of knickers only lol errrrr NOT bothered by your reindeer pate and warm plucked freshly slaughtered chicken. I have a snake remember…so am used to feeding it dead baby mice and often have to make them appetising by piercing them to get blood out etc.

So…the pattern here is that I post a picture for advent …and by the evening you are eating it ? You are seeing it like a menu suggestion. Okaayyyyyyyy I can use this to my advantage. …lolol

Ooooh. The undie drawer!  Mines overflowing.  To make it worse I bought soooo many new bras after surgery trying to find ones with no side seams (op scar down side) no underwire.  Kept popping out of the top of some., some seemed too tight under arms and put pressure on node scar.  Finally found some lovely Pull over the head ones, but now because of painful/frozen shoulders I can’t raise my arms high enough to get them on or off.


Loved the pic Janey,.  Intended to stay off it until Christmas Eve, but it’s the final tonight so decided to get a takeaway in its honour and sent himself out to get me a bottle, got to have a glass with a takeaway, rude not to.  Whose going to win?  Really don’t mind, think they are all great.


Youve all made me hungry talking of your casseroles, you sound like good cooks.  Never tried version.  I tend to eat more fish than meat generally.


Helena, what a lovely gift to receive, enjoy xx

Hey Lily, welcome back xx. Do t worry about cleaning the Oven, do what I do - when it gets really really dirty, put it on its highest setting for ages, then it over heats.  I then tell himself I need a new oven.  I’m very economical about most things but I’ve got through more ovens than anyone I know xx

Hey Lily, welcome back xx. Do t worry about cleaning the Oven, do what I do - when it gets really really dirty, put it on its highest setting for ages, then it over heats.  I then tell himself I need a new oven.  I’m very economical about most things but I’ve got through more ovens than anyone I know xx

Now I’m know I’m getting old and repeat myself, but, just logged on and my last post was sitting there then reposted itself.  Now you’re all going to think I’m on the bottle already.


Yes, himself often changes thevthermostat thingy but I just do it again and as I’m in charge of the finances, and as I say, so economical in almost everything I get away with it.  My bestie is even worse, she just moves house, honest, Im Not joking.  mind you, she’s on her 4th husband so that tells you something about her.  She lives in Spain now where its almost impossible to sell property at the moment so she’s recently splashed out on a man that comes round to clean the oven for you.


Delly Delicious, I never watch the X factor, but I’m pretty sure it finished last week, might be wrong, often am though I never admit it.


Reading about you all being “bunged up” snap!  When the doctor put me on amitripyline in the hope it will help daily headaches she warned me it caused constipation, and she wasn’t joking.  Taking Senokot several times a week.

Charys, re wine and headaches, being serious now (I can be now and then) I really don’t drink that much.  Do enjoy a glass of wine but only a couple of times a week.  I have stopped it for months at a time, cut out all the usual suspects, I drink lots of water every day.  My normal diet is very healthy, I generally avoid all processed food, est lots of fruit, veggies, salad very little meat mainly fish.  I keep my weight at around 8 stone or just under, walk lots.  Ive tried EVERYTHING over the years, and nothing makes any difference.  Last couple of neurologists I’ve seen have put it done to stress, but once I got made redundant and decided not to work again until I got this effing BC I was so happy and had no stress, the only problem I had was the chronic daily headaches.  Sorry, that was a long ramble, but I really would do anything to stop them.  I know Lily is also a sufferer and I feel for her, Ive never met anyone else who has them like I do.


Anyway, it’s Saturday night, final of Strictly, Beths last zapping on Monday, Christmas  is coming and we’ve all got each other now, so 2016 has brought us something good, do cheers, Im pouring a glass soon hic…

Lesley I’m so sorry , I didn’t mean to be so insensitive. …I hadn’t realised it had been so long standing. Just id heard of people with red wine allergies and wondered. Im sure you have desperately tried everything , and sorry, For both you and Lily that an answer hasn’t come up. X

Lady Helena. …that’s so sweet x

I just popped in to see how you all are :-D. Blimey what a busy lot you’ve been. I can hardly catch my breath. I love you all too <3. Xxxx
Girls with headaches give cranial osteopathy a go, I had it for my back because it was bizarrely connected to a problem in my upper neck. My friend who had migraines swears by it.
We ended up in Swanage instead and had chips by the sea, totally beautiful.
Lily I wasn’t too worried, just missed you xx
x right in off to do a buffet tea and treat myself to a glass or two of rosé and then settle down for strictly.
Catch you all tomorrow and love and hugs for all xxxxx xxxxx