Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Arrrgh, for cryin out loud,

Just lost yet another loooong reply. What is it, sometimes I can retrieve them/other times NOT. My last has certainly gone. and I can’t remember everything. Incredibly frustrating waste of more time, thought, effort… blah blah. 

Why can’t this Forum get it sorted. Am too frustrated and ANNOYED right now, to post any more.


Charys, you weren’t being insensitive, I know you were trying to advise.  Clair, you mentioned cranial massage before, I did google it but nothing anywhere near me comes up.


Delly,  maybe  you should read some of the lessons you gave me lol.  Seriously, I know withbthe pop up thingy, sometimes it works and sometimes I lose everything, and sometimes, I type a long message and it won’t let me post it, just keep saying error, then I give up.


Watched strictly final, didn’t really mind who won, thought they were all good, just sad it’s over.  We should have gone to a social thingy tonight but I didn’t fancy it and neither did himself so indulged in a takeaway instead.


Hope everyone us having a good evening xx

Dearest Delly

you poor thing. What are we going to do with you? Apart from give you a HUGE hug and tell you not to worry. Take a deep breath and count to ten. I wonder what the optimum time is for concocting a post? Perhaps if you get to 10 minutes, pop a “cont…” At the end and post it. Start your next post in the same way to continue it. May be worth a go to save you some of this stress. Don’t be angry dearest Delly…we are all still here for you!!! Xxx


what about the strictly final!!! Sooo happy with the result!! He deserved to win and I’m so glad Ore did. Blubbed the way through the last 30 minutes. What’s that all about!!! Could cry at the ending of an envelope these days!!!


what exactly am I meant to watch on a Saturday night now??!!!


Hey that’s good Ruby. BTW - it’s Gluteus xxx

Sorry Delicious I was only teasing xx. So Rubycat, you’ve got a soggy bottom as Mary Berry would say lol. Well done to you doing your physio exercises.  I keep trying to do mine fior my shoulders but give up because they hurt, but I know, no pain no gain.  I had injections before which really helped but not sure if I can have them on left side now (BC side).  


Off to bed with book now.  Night all, wishing you all flush free sweet dreams xx

Sorry, will now only be watchin on the sidelines, lookin in. I don’t even dare type a lengthy text any more. I now need all of you’s to canvass/support my complaint.


So Delly what happens you get a ‘time out/expired’ kind of message …what leads to it …are you typing continuously for a long period and then you go to poSt and you get that message ? Or do you go away from the computer and come back to the message some time later and get it ? Trying to work put what’s happening as I’ve not had the message. If I’ve left the website logged in and come back to it some time later I get a session expired type of message, then have to log in again.

Wondering if the length of time fir you to type…as I know you say you find it really hard and slow. …means that ots timing out. When does the message appear exactly …at what point? If it’s when you press post, then simply select and copy your message as a way of saving, then if it does fail to post you can easily paste it back into the reply box.

Confession time…I have this tab permanently open and just refresh when I need to. I have text that jumps around when I’m typing, but I don’t lose anything. And if I go away half way through composing a reply, it’s always there when I come back.

In fact I have several tabs  for this site permanently open because I click on the view discussion in a pop-up tab, which opens a new tab as well.

So I’m a complete idiot when it comes to computer things, but this works for me. But my poor tablet usually has about twenty open tabs. Maybe it’s Chrome, it seems to cope with my horrible misuse.

So I never get session expired notices, don’t have to log in again. Which is lucky because I’m not sure I’d remember how. I’ve been logged in here for weeks without a break.

Goodnight Helena!


Delly, don’t give up on us, we need you!


Dzz xx

No  No  No  

I’m not typing on ANYthing to copy, Charys.

I’m at the end of, or close to, my typing page and “Authentification is ???  something or other”. 

I discovered if i then click send and go back into the post and click reply - I get “Load or Discard” to my post. If I then click on LOAD, my post then SOMETIMES comes up.  BUT . . . . it doesn’t always come up with Load/discard so is then lost.

And . . . it shouldn’t matter how long someone takes to post, should it??? After all, “geniuses”(??)  like me, who don’t touch type, need ALL the time they can get!!  I’m joking. xxx


No it shouldn’t matter, I’m just trying to understand what is happening so we can see if anyone else has the same problem. I know that there appears to be a function on some devices, maybe it’s just on the phone app, where if it’s been idle for some time then presumably as a personal security thing you have to 'get back in '.
So you are typing along , near the end of what you are writing , and the post disappears and you get some sort of ‘authentication failed’"thing come up …BEFORE you press ‘post’… just randomly appear. Right ? At this point your writing has gone and sometimes you can load or discard ? (I get this message sometimes too but I’ve not worked out a pattern to it ) .

I can see why you are horribly frustrated , the computer world can be so glitchy.

Delly…heres an idea…put a brief post on the cc page about this authentication failed thing . This makes it obvious that support is needed from the person in charge of such things , it can’t be ignored on there either ! Then also you can canvass opinion about anyone else having issues.

So you aren’t going off and leaving the post on the page for a while…you are sat typing it all in one go with no breaks ?

And the hug of the day go’s to . . . . . . . . . .

Charyyyyssss - red flashing nose light hug monitor is going beserk !!!

What you doing up so late/early?? Couldn’t sleep? I’m sitting here eating mozzarella and olives. Went to bed after my TANTRUM at 1.00. Zonked out til now. switched on to apologise to everyone. Sorry girls.

I did send a stinking message for Anna to pass on to someone. In all my time using this forum 2+yrs, I must have lost the equivalent of 24 hrs of my life in lost posts and emails.

I don’t know how long it takes to “zone out”. I’ll time it. And yes, sometimes I may have been sat typing ALL the time, or popped off to make a cuppa tea and come back with it. Go back to it. At some point, I notice the page jump, which I now recognise as a sign. I’ll have to time it next time. I Go to the top of the page and the message in a pink strip has come up “authentification required”. So whatever else I’ve typed following that, hasn’t registered.

Sooo o o o o, I’ve found out by trial and error, if I then press SEND, then go back to page and press on the reply button, the LOAD or DISCARD band comes up. I press on LOAD and my post comes up.

BUT . . .1/2 the time, the load/discard doesn’t come up and that’s when I’ve done/tried everything to bring a message back and nothing works. And it’s ffffffffflippin fffffffffffrustrating  Aaaaaaarrrgh.    Anyway, have you got it now.

I don’t have internet on my phone, don’t have a tablet.  Just a laptop.

I’m not understanding what you mean by place a post on the cc. What’s the c c ??

Anyway, I can’t even remember what that post was about. I’ll have to scroll back and refresh myself. Was pretty darn chocka blocka full of wit - I’ll have you know. The BESTEST post I’ve ever written of all my two yrs of pesteriing errr being on this wonderful forum!!!

I’ll check back in a bit


Hope you all have a good day

Love to Everybody

Delly xxxxx


OHhhh Delly , lol, thanks for your nose flashing going beserk stuff. Yes, you did have a tantrum, and Lesley might need her own personal apology. However, it was borne of really deep upset…you put your heart and soul into some writing, I know, and then it gets wiped in the flick of an eye. I think we need to find out what is happening, and find out from a proper webmaster type of person…what isn’t this time out thing that going on and why. I might stick a post on the general forum problems but of the site…I’ll do it later…if a start it off you need to CLEARLY add your description of what happens. I think there is some set time allowed for posting, to disallow Non members from reading accessing stuff. Kind of like the bank that logs you off after a period of time. As you are reading and flicking between two windows, due to the pop up thing, then it presumes you’ve gone or something ? I think that might be what is happening. SUe might have a better idea? 


Ill come back and set up that post later, dog walking first. CC is our community championi forum. Remembe though, we are your buddies, don’t be angry with us…?

Oh my eyes! Disappear for just a few hours and now I’m seeing double after reading all the posts.
Delly what a complete pain with computer. I have lost stuff a couple of times but we don’t want to lose yours. I know I can’t post pictures from my phone though. I very much like your breakfast menu though and perfect for rotten teeth! I quite like the retro colour idea for the new tooth you’re making me, a nice nod to my yoof!
Lesley I laughed out loud at your cooker replacement scheme! My treat when we moved in was a self cleaning oven. Actually it wasn’t my treat really. My daughter was working at B&Q (other brands etc…) at the time and had to stay there until we had used her staff discount! I wish they did parent’s discount where she works now though!
I feel for you and Lily with those heads of yours. A friend has been completely debilitated and no longer works, due to pain.
I was soooo happy Ore won, although that Samba was even more amazing 2nd time around. I had to watch on a bit of a delay, as we were teen taxi into the deepest darkest bit of Devon in thick fog last night. The teen had fun though and only slightly sozzled at pick up!
We did eat a walnut whip in honour of Len’s pickled ones as we watched the Final.
I don’t know what happened with my online delivery but sure I didn’t order a 3kg gammon! It’s too big to start off with a boil but kids will be happy with a meat fest!
Helena that’s such a lovely thing to say - what a lovely bunch you all are xxx

Good Morning

No I wasn’t angry with anyone on here. But my apologies to Lesley. Just didn’t want to explain all the ins and outs. Sorry Lesley, humble apologies - didn’t mean to snap your head off. 

And i was joking when I said it was the best post I’d ever written. Charys, I can put the post up on the Community Champion area, but thanks.

Am sat composing my letter to Datewoman to pop in her letterbox today with an Xmas card. No expectations from it whatsoever, but to leave things in a more settled state. I shalln’t be contacting her, but she has my no’s should she wish to me.

See you’s later xxxx 

No one needs to apologise to me.  Right Delly, that’s the problem I have but in a minor way as I don’t write such long and jnteresting witty posts,  I can Load/DiscRd, but it only works a couple of times before losing chunks of typing, then I sometimes get an error thingy.  I’m on an iPad, laptop passed away few months ago. 


Had a long lay in this morning, flushes seem to stop at about 6am and I’ve upped the dose of amitripyline so I’m groggy in the mornings, as nothing to do today I stayed in bed and I dropped in and out of sleep until gone 10am, bliss.  Thinking maybe I should become a night owl and sleep during the day as only get a couple of flushes then.


Catch up with all you girlies later xx

Poor Rubycat, that is so frustrating! You got a warm glow from your brilliant Chrissie present idea and had it torpedoed all round. I remember deciding to get my OH a 3G tablet for his 60th, he has to stay away from home for work quite often and can’t always get WiFi. But I should have stayed well clear of trying to do techno stuff, it turned into a right nightmare. My husband’s Christmas list reads tool box, windscreen cover, renew the Private Eye subscription. Exciting stuff or what? I think the socket set was last year…


Oven cleaning…I bought the Lakeland oven cleaning kit about eighteen months ago, still never used it. So my three year old range cooker has been cleaned exactly once. Though I did put silicone liners on the floor of the ovens, don’t dare to lift them up to see what it’s like underneath lol!