Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

 Yes MM, that’s what mine looked like a few days after I’d finished the sessions, Charys found an thread back from 2011 where some had some blackhead looking things round their nipple and someone said it was burnt hair follicles, now youve found this.  I can’t believe that both you and Charys have found the answer to my problem when a highly trained professional claims not  to have seen anything like this before!  Thank goodness for you and this site, once again huge thanks xx

Oh dear I think I’m definitely going to be getting the “blackheads”! Maybe I should say b****r again! The counselling I had was probably best described as compassionate or interagitive (sp?). Once we had unpicked my barrel of stuff and decided what the issues were I wanted to deal with, I said I didn’t want therapy I had researched i.e. CBT, as I needed some magic. The therapist (registered with BACP) then did incredibly simple yet powerful visualisation work, which was amazing. . This time around it was mainly talking but it was the top up I needed. The key message was to let myself be vulnerable. Not very good at describing sorry. The key I think is finding someone you click with. As to the sickness, I am worried it’s the tablets making me queasy, normally a stomach of steel! Will give it a few more days. Xx

Thinking back Janey, when I first started the dreaded Anastrozole I too felt sick.  After being diagnosed I lost my appetite completely, I’m very petite anyway and didnt have much weight to spare, then after starting the pills I really struggled to eat anything and lost lots of weight.  In fact I was existing on two glasses of complan and a slice of toast a day.  It was only when I started my rads that they said if I lost anymore weight I’d have to  have my planning again.  I really panicked then.  My poor husband was at his wits end.  I had stopped having my daily glass of wine.  In the end he said, just try a small glass of wine and take a sip then a mouthful of food, then another, etc.  It worked and I was soon able to eat a sandwich lunch time and a small dinner at night.  Eventually sicky feeling wore off and appetite came back and weight went on.  In fact, I’m now probably eating too much and will have to watch it, my jeans are getting a bit snug.  Hopefully it will wear off for you too, I’ve read that in time it increases appetite and people complain about weight increase.

Thanks Lesley. I could do with losing a lot of weight but don’t fancy this way! So glad you got through that bit but sorry the rest didn’t calm. xx

Ah Charys, it was Janey and crisp packets in the oven - read “badges” as bandages!! 


Well, not having been through rads, I’m so glad Lesleys boob is in your safe hands - so to speak!! And yeh, it must make you wonder about the professionals in such a case. I can only feel thankful to mine, but my BC was a helluva lot simpler than all of yours. 

Janey - I take no responsibility for the w/end shannigans and I did NOT take charge either. Not me Mister/Miss.

BTW "Delay"Delly did provoke other connertations for me - Burlesque dancer or Lap dancer !! Sorry, I’m being very naughty and mischievous now. Plus truely WARPED s.o.h. :))

Love yers tho xxxx 

Lesley - you just provided more proof that alcohol really IS the answer to most things !!

But, seriously sorry you had to go through all of that. (when I could have told you right from the beginning). I AM sympathetic really, just pulling your leg xxx 

Shall we rename you Lady Marmalade Delly? Feeling rotten this morning - sudden realisation the feeling I have is like constant morning sickness. Combined with permanent PMT, it’s a bit of a whammy. Someone has said somewhere the sickness goes and I hope they’re right! I’ve been looking at udder milk and am going to spoil myself, so thanks for top tip. I really should cut up the credit card, as I drop to half pay next month but feel a treat is needed! Tuesday hugs to you all xxx

Hello lovely ladies,


Just popping in to sign the register.  Been out since 8am this morning,  hairdressers, bobbing round town getting essentials, like new battery in watch, popped into knit and natter (no knit but lots of natter) coffee and cake after, more shopping then  home, caught up with emails and arrangements for night out tomorrow and now - breathe …  Shattered, going to put dinner on now and suppose I’d better talk to himself for a while.


 Catch up with you all later.  Ps, hair looks  sooo much better after a good cut, it won’t look so good after a restless night, should have had it done tomorrow ready for my night out, I’m just not thinking straight these days xx

Hi Girlies

Janey - Lady Marmalade? My era of music. Would have been 13-14 when “gettin down” on the disco floor to "voulez vous couchez . . . ". Naaa, I’m quite happy with DellyDelay !! I now have visions of you lying beneath a cows back end i.e. udder end :), squirting milk onto your boobs. Could make centrefold of a glamour girl mag, do ya think??!! Let me know, I may be able to arrange, but I’d have to demand a cut of the £millions of profits you’re BOUND to provoke. I have the sleezy contacts you know. BTW - is/was there some hidden sexual meaning to “Marmalade” that I innocently didn’t know or realise?? However, if the udder milk duddn’t work :slight_smile: come and try the Dolphins with Lesley and me. In fact, I think we should ALL go. But please promise you won’t try to milk them. Sorry you’re not so good today, hope it improves soon.


Hey Ruby. So you live near or in Salisbury. When I lived in Bournemouth, had a friend who’s boyfriend lived there. Had an excellent night of their wedding at the “Haunch of Venison” pub. Do you know it? So you’re not so good either? That’s tough for you.Thanks for the “DellyDelay savoury” choice amongst your choccie faves - very thoughtful. Luurv twiglets.


Lesley - so what’s going on tomorrow? enough to have your hair done for?? And is your wine doctor going with you?

Loadsa loveydovey

DellyDelay xxx (haha, am liking it more and more Janey - gives me an air of intrigue, sleeziness?)  

Tomorrow night is an ex colleagues big 40 birthday bash.  We all worked together for many years and went through so many things together.  Our company decided to relocate the head office where  we all worked to Birmingham 18 months ago and we were all made redundant.  I decided to call it a day even though I don’t get my state pension yet, I had just started to get a couple of company pensions.  The others being mere toddlers compared to me (youngest being a baby of 25) have scattered all over, but we continue to get together every couple of months for drinks and meal.  Last time was on 1 July when one of the group got married.  Really looking forward to seeing them all.  Have to say, after working full time since I left school without a break (I did take annual leave of course) the only thing I miss about work is my colleagues and the daily banter, I certainly don’t miss the stress, love the freedom and not having to be smartly dressed every day if I don’t feel like it, being old does have its benefits xx

Sounds good Lesley - have a good night xxx

Thank you girls, really looking forward to it.  I too love history Rubycat.  I’m a big reader,mix up my reading, switch between a good thriller, contemporary novels, re read old favourites and historical novels.  In May (week before my diagnoses) we went for a long weekend to Weston Super Mare and went to Welles for the day and visited the cathedral there.  Being originally from London of course been to all the capital has to offer, visited York and and a few abroad.  About religion, I went to a convent so had it crammed down my neck, prayers before every lesson, mass twice a week, weekly confession (used to have to make up sins to confess) so once I left I’d had enough.  Not sure now if/what I believe, but old habits die hard and still says my prayers every night, just in case.  I really do hope there is something after this though, love this thought of everyone having a brilliant party somewhere and reuniting with loved ones.  Sorry, getting a bit deep, need to end on something witty but  can’t think of anything except  really rude jokes which wouldn’t be allowed on here, really don’t want to be banned, need my friends on here.  Night night all xx

Lovely cathedral Salisbury Ruby, and a very nice small city. Always enjoyed my visits there.

Roll on your pension year then. How long?

You’ve reminded me to get a forecast for mine. I’ve always kept up my minimum voluntary contributions since ceasing my business (12 yrs now!!) but have no idea what they’ll entitle me to. Not expecting it to be much, but presume I would have the option to “top them up” to fill in for the missed years of full contributions. If I can do, Now is the time to do it, whilst I still have inheritance funds to do so. I keep leaving stuff like this for when I feel better mentally and more hot to do it, but I haven’t felt better yet!! and months go by. Could do to get some kind of job, bring something in. Keep trying but not much around in this area.

Lotsa love

DellyDeeelayer ! xxx 

Hello flowers! Still feeling grotty but a good day ordering udder milk (after Rubycat gave me permission!) and pottering in the garden. Dellydeelay you are incorrigible. I wouldn’t make much money in a mag but I can milk a sheep - and lamb one!! I did get a pension forecast, even though I have to wait till 67. Short at the moment but should be ok in a few years. The leaflet said how to boost contributions if needed.
Lesley have a wonderful time tomorrow. I’m missing work banter but you lot are filling that gap brilliantly. I’m due out with colleagues next Wednesday but if still feeling queasy, I’m not sure The Ganges will be a good idea!!
Rubycat what delicious chocolates, cakes and savouries are planned for Wednesday?! The only food I’ve enjoyed. Night night all and thank you xxx

Good morning lovelies,  the sun is shining, yay!  Didn’t sleep with head hanging over bed to save the hairdo, but did walk into door frame in night on one if my many trips to the loo so now have a lovely bump.


When I was feel sicky Janey I used to take one of my anti sickness pills prescribed for when I get my migraines, they did help.  Hopefully this is only a temporary thing as. I’ve was and will soon pass, but if it persists ask GP about prescribing anti sickness pills.


With regard to pension forecast, I’m due to get my pension in December 2017 at age 64 years 3 months, I paid in over 44 years full NI contributions.  Recently requested a forecast so I could work my finances out, and what go you Know? I  will be getting a REDUCED state pension because for 11 years I was in a  final salary pension scheme provided By my employer at the time!  I’m furious but can’t do anything about it so have to let it go and not get stressed.


enjoy your day - sorry can’t think of any chocs beginning with W, you’ve used them all up, I’ll make us a walnut cake for later if I get the time jnstead. X

Hello lovelies

Ruby, what are you like with your chocs. Enjoyed the Wensleydale, thank you very much.


Charys - I was a State Reg’d Chiropodist/Podiatrist for 22yrs - in private practice for 20. Have a degree, loads of medical knowledge and people skills,certain biz skills, compassionate nature etc. Am 57 now so it’s too late to retrain at length in anything and my practical skills are hampered with a progressive hand prob that’s kna**ering anything that involves being very dexterous. Haven’t “worked” for 12, though after having to give up the practice, I did get involved in property refurb for a few years, but the market and mortgage market crashed so that went “tits up” (was going through BC too) - stymied. Like you, I also acted as carer to both Mum and Dad, who were both disabled by then. It’s hard breaking into the job situ at such a late stage. I’d really love to find some sort of business I could invest into, get my teeth into and generate from for the next 10-15yrs,if I felt it was a viable, profitable one, but all this on-line biz is putting the dampers on a lot of things. Not to mention destroying our high street shops and towns, therefore face to face communities. Don’t get me off on that one.

I’d take something in a supermarket, store, B&Q, Boots, anywhere. Prefer something a bit more juicy and full time. Missed a position when I first moved here, 3 yrs ago but wasn’t geared up well enough CV and application wise so missed the deadline for it. It was as a NW rep for the company that makes the anatomically shaped silicon implants!! Only chanced on it when doing some research for my own recon surgery. I may have stood a good chance with it. Anyway . . . .  


But, hey. The wine’s on me tonight girls. Won a tenner on the Post Code Lottery - WhoooHoooo!! It’s better than a kick in the pants - innit

Janey - I like being incorrigible. Hope you get your ickiness settled down

Lotsa love DellyTennerWinner xxxx


Pipped to the last walnut! I went off piste today and had to do with L, as in lemon drizzle with lemon curd - special request of 17 years and 363 day year old. I tried to say it wasn’t possible on a W day but he’s 6’7 and likes lemons - this nausea thing is good though, as I wasn’t tempted to lick the bowl!
Mine and other half’s pensions reduced without us being aware! I’m lucky to have a local gov pension but another 9 years to go for that one and going to hope I am around in 2032 for the state one, although it will probably have changed again by then!
I have got frighteningly used to not being at work - wasn’t able to continue, as it can be a bit unpredictable at times, until signed back. Thinking I’d like to stop now and bake cakes, run a B&B and study history without the essays!
Hope you’re having fun out on the razzle Lesley and hair look old fab!
Nausea a bit better today, so hoping it’s going away - just as well, I’m about to swoop on that wagon wheel I’ve spotted amidst all the whispa and walnut whip wrappers! I shall enjoy with a bit of Wednesday Mel and Sue! Xxx

Jinx Delly - posting in unison! I think Charys is “write”, as I agree you are brilliant with words. Failing that do go back to your old job and move Southwest! Enjoy the Wensleydale - lovely with an apple and lose yourself in spending your winnings xxx

That does sound a good game youthful Charys!! I shall give it some thought… xxx

Janey and Charys - Taaa for the writing compliment. I have no idea how I would get into it. There’s huge competition to. Can’t go back to the old job, for the reasons I had to give it up - probs with hands. Charys - I wanted to go into physiotherapy, but couldn’t get the grades.

As for the SW, I lived in Bournemouth 1970 to 1986 (27) when I graduated and was pulled back to my Northern roots and, at that time, the culture of Manchester. My bruv (older) stayed in the S, my parents followed me Northwards, wanting to be near me after my Dads disabling stroke, a few family members and old longstanding friends. After my bruvs suicide in 2012 (Mum and Dad had also gone by that time), I had to spend quite some time in Lympstone, on the river Exe, sorting his affairs/belongings. He’d rented a place there for 3 years.

I was familiar with it from a couple of previous Devon explorations when I was at Plymouth Uni and my too-ing and fro-ings between Plymouth and Bournemouth.

Lovely little picturesque village, nicely situated on the train route between Exmouth (just ok but beautiful coast nearby) and Exeter (lovely city). Great little village community, loads going on throughout the whole year, and in my beloved Devon.

I ended up spending 8 months there, was sorely tempted to stay/relocate. The job situ in Exeter is much better than up here. Had it been his own property, I may have done. But it’s that much more expensive, and I just didn’t have the strength to cope with relocating again.

I also think, had I had a good and supportive partner by my side, I’d have coped a lot better with the major batterings of the last 10-12 years. I’m nowhere near as strong, self supportive as I used to be 12, 15 yrs ago, I’m afraid. Plus have been very much hampered with prolonged bouts of severe depression along the way. Mental disease/disorders are very underestimated as to how badly they can impact someones life and how dangerous they can be, as in the case of my bruv. I’m much more empathetic and compassionate towards over the last 10 yrs or so.


On a much lighter note, thank goodness for that I hear you all say, as well as tonights vino from the £10 winnings, I bought a bar of dark chocolate. Yeh, I know, I’m fickle. But it isn’t sweet, it’s bitter. Munched the lot whilst sat here with this post. Am hopin it’ll release some much needed feel good Seratonin.

You are such a load of “sweeties”, I DO appreciate it.

Doolallydellywellydelaytennerwinningdinddong xxx