Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

And in 41 years of married life he’s never caught you out before?

Hi again everyone,


Clair - Hello sweetie. I’ve heard really good reports about Chill Pillows. Have you got yourself some special “wicking” nighties. There are loads on line or I picked some up from Marks. The fabric’s used in sports wear or mountaineering base layers. It helps wick moisture away from the body, whereas natural fabrics tend to  retain the moisture so get more and more wet, and then make you cold after the flush subsides.

Also, do you use a top sheet with your duvet, so you can throw the duvet off your body and just be covered by the sheet??

Ruby - Oh 'Eck ref your other 'arff. What a bloomin shame your surprise was ruined. Why don’t you just buy a holiday for each other. Sounds like it may have to be SEPERATE ones!!! And yeh, “autosave”. it only saves for so long, but I shalln’t get started on another tantrum girls. No no no, after disgracing myself last night.


DarlinDizzy - You ALL need . . . . . . . . . .da da daaaa   Delly’s Dirty Oven Cleaning Services !!!


Awww, just got off the phone. I’ve just arranged my only Xmas event so far, for Boxing Day. Been speaking to Margaret and Alan, lifelong friends of my parents so have always called them Aunty and Uncle. But also refer to as my “second best parents”, after my Mum and Dad died and are very, very dear to my heart and two of my most favourite people in the whole world. So I’m really really looking to seeing them and I’m doing a big pressure cooker pan full of one of my famous soups to take with some nice part baked oven bread. People often want to calm their eating down after a big Xmas day, don’t they. If it’s a nice bright day like today, I take them somewhere pretty for a short stroll as they don’t drive any more. Plus it will get “me” out of the house. We always have a good giggle together. Alan’s got mild Dementia, but has still retained his wicked sense of humour.

Didn’t get to bed, am just having a warming Amontidil*o sherry (my affectionate name for Amontillado, and didn’t know if the alternative would be censored), to hope fully sharpen up my appetite (no it’s not just an excuse, and yes it does often work, with me anyway) ready for the roasted French Hen of Charys’s, roasted mixed peppers and not so new potatoes in garlic, olive oil and basil. First proper meal I’ve cooked myself in yonks. You can all come round for some if you like?!!

S’all for now. Hope you’re all having a good day.


DingDongDelly    < <   quite apt really  xxxx


Its Sunday 18th December and here we go for today…


Nooooooo don’t do it Dizzy…it’s another one of her hair brained under resourced schemes, and Janey’s still waiting on her porcelain tooth from months ago ! Haven’t heard how the epilatory emporium is going either…doubt it’s listed on council ‘trusted traders’ tho. Lol

I was amazed an animated one worked Delly doo dah. On a serious note, do your replies in sections for the time being until we work out how long it is to ‘time out’.

Hey rubycat and Clair ! That is really annoying when people leave answer messages like that , and it’s totally bug**red your thoughtfulness. You are right your SO doesn’t deserve anything more than a satsuma after that palaver .

I’m no good on flushing tips Clair as that was the only symptom I didnt get on tamoxifen. A desk fan in your room ?

Oooooo I know what about one of those light spritzer spray bottles filled with water ? Mist your face and neck with when it’s bad ?

Ha ha Helena …it’s not deliberate that we wait till you go out! Sorry for so many posts, but on the phone app you can’t edit.

Clair, wet flannel in a plastic box by the bed? Just don’t drop it on your other half!



ive got one of those chill pillows. It’s a flat soft gel pack which is just the right size to fit under my normal pillow, inside the pillow case. It’s about half an inch thick. You can do what I do which is to leave it there all the time so if I have a flush in the night, you just turn the pillow over to the ‘gel side’ - it’s nice and cool and does help. Alternatively you can pop it in the freezer for an hour before bed to make it ice cold and then pop it in your pillow case, under your own pillow before bed…so again if you need to, you can turn it over in the night and you’ll have a proper cool. Works for me. 

Ive also bought an ice towel - it’s one of those super absorbent types that comes in a plastic bottle. I’ve not used it as yet, but you wet it, wring out the excess and pop it back in the bottle. You then give the bottle a big shake and it apparently chills right down. There’s loads of reviews about it online. I’m planning on taking that to work when I go back so if I get a flush in the office I can put it on the back of my neck to help cool down a bit. 



Ladies…My my countdown is beginning for tomorrow. Feeling rather emotional at getting to the end of rads. Hubby asked me what happens next and was gobsmacked when I said that nothing happens. Going to be a big day tomorrow I think. 

Really itchy and blotchy today but not quite as sore which is great. No more cocodamol for me now. I’ve had enough pills to last me a lifetime.


mum isn’t doing too well at the moment and I’m trying to persuade her to speak to Macmillan for some help. She and her husband aren’t having any of it though and I’ve given up lecturing them on the fact there’s no medals for doing this alone. Too damn private their own good. She’s having some kind of magic eye in to her lungs this week hopefully. Going to have to knock her out to do it but needs to be done to see what can be done for her chest. If nothing can be done, then there will be no more chemo and that will be that. She sounds like she’s given up when you talk to her. 

So this time last year we were dealing with my father in laws terminal diagnosis, and this year we could well be facing the same with my mum. Life sucks a great deal sometimes. 

We were hoping 2017 would be better but we’re already steeling ourselves for challenges we know are coming like my husbands pending redundancy in Spring; and for those that may or may not come, like the possibility of mum not making it. 


Not feeling overly cheery today. Sorry ladies but if you don’t understand, then no one will. Xxxx

Just checking up on all you lovelies.  Clair, re chillow, I’ve got chillow pads, keep them frozen side down, when flush kicks in, flip it over to chilled side.  Also keep frozen cool pads by bed.  I’ve slept neked all my adult like, but since comi g off hrt I got a lady magnet so have to wear kknickers to hold it in place, dont like wearing them  in bed and not convinced lady magnet is doing anything anyway, however, it might be worse without it and having forked out £32 Im keeping it on.


Just seen there a Christmas special of Last Tango in Halifax, loved that xx

Beth, your description of the chillow pad makes much more sense than mine.  Sending you a hug, life is not treating you well at the moment,too much to bear. Nothing I can say will make it easier, and don’t know about you but somehow it seems worse when it’s Christmas when everyone is so cheery.  Today is the anniversary of my dads death and I can remember how I felt, everyone in high spirits and christmas  songs belting out everywhere.


Get tomorrow done and dusted, we will ring our bells, knock our knockers and at least you can cross that off, plus you won’t have that journey to do anymore.  Xx

Lesley, I’m fascinated! What exactly is a lady magnet, and more to the point, where are you putting it?? My mind is boggling full time now…

Helena, that flannel story, time to own up now!


Beth, hugs for you, I’m sorry your mum’s not doing better. And somehow it’s harder at this time of year, we’ve been there as well. What a grim year it’s been for you. But I hope you can all get together and enjoy this Christmas, will you be allowed near once you’re not bringing hospital germs?

Thank you for the advice my lovelies I’ll get a chill pillow after Xmas and I’ve always just slept in just my pants, I can’t stand pj’s or nighties as I get caught up in them.

I’m totally ashamed of my cooker but as long as it still works that’s all that matters for now

Beth I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and I’ll be.knocking my door for you. It’s 'such a weird feeling when you finish just take some time to let it sink in.
Sending you a huge hug <3. Xxxxx

Oh Bethy-Boobs - I’m so sorrrry you’re having such a hard and emotional time. i echo H’s thoughts and feelings to the ‘T’, that despite what’s happening with your Mum and hub, and however much you may not feel it “fitting”, it IS really. That’s a really nice sounding idea - cracking open a bottle. I think we all ought to join you. Give you and share an end of rads toast. I’ll stick a bott in whilst I remember. And no strictly to cheer either.

Here’s me watching Shaun the sheeps “Christmas Bleetings” from Mossy bottom Farm!! I keep telling you I’m nought but a big kid. great stuff.

Sending you a big looooong tight and loving Delly hug Beth, right now. You getting it?

With much love an deeply caring thoughts

Dellydingdong xxxxxx 

Helena am I right in thinking you start your rads tomorrow? I’ll be thinking of you too xxxxx

Blimey Helena, your OH has obviously got a better sense of humour than mine, I think the cold flannel would have got me in big trouble.


Lesley, hugs for you too, anniversaries tend to bring it all back in horrible detail, don’t they?


Beth, looking forward to ringing the bell for you tomorrow, what time will it be? The Oh and I are going out for lunch when I finish, there was no way I’m going to let that past without a celebration. Not just the end of rads, the end of treatment, it’s a long haul even without chemo.

Dizzy, lady magnet is a little thingy you place against your abdomen then put a magnetic button on the outside of your knicks to hold it in place. it’s supposed to do something to balance domething or over.  Lots of women get great relief from menopause symptoms.  You can get them on line or large branches of Boots.  Google it, it gives all the blurb.


Wet flannels, brings back memories of when my sisters and I wouldn’t get out of bed for school/work and mum to chuck cold wet flannels at us.  Our house was freezing in the winter, no central heating in those days brhhh.

Lily, sorry for taking your name in vain over the ovens, I should have guessed it was Lesley!

Don’t get me started about the things my family ask me to buy and wrap up as presents. Orthotic insoles for overpronation…! Boxer shorts? Which seem to come with a baffling array of " access" arrangements, but let’s not go there! A bread knife. I’m still wondering whether even to attempt to wrap the tool box.

MAGNO - KNICKERS yehhhhh ha. Mine have got stuck to a great big iron chain. So strongly magnetised I can’t get free. What was that . . . . . . .Just as well did someone say. Best place for me, another someone else???   xxxx