Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

magno knickers !!! ROFL…welll I never did. 

My Ladycare magnet is the only knicker action I’m getting these days…  Sorry, I’ve lowered the tone again ?

Was he offering Dizzy? And if so was he fit?

Delly, Last Tango start tomorrow, in 2 parts, 2nd Tuesday.   Can’t wait.  Also be booking into your Spa.  I too started Rads on a Wednesday and finished in a Tuesday.


Right, going to see if I can watch your video now Rubycat, sometimes they won’t play on my iPad , 

<Empty imported post>

Helena,  m y sentinel nodes were clear so didn’t cream my armpit and it got burnt big time, skin still sore four and a bit months on, so cream it, cream it, cream it, Also down your side xx

You is indeed a clever one Ruby! Haha though. We were told use it or lose it by male and female doctors when I had the first cancer. We always do what docs say but we were in first flush of relationship! This time around I’m repeating the mantra but Anastrazole doesn’t half take some joy away! Big hugs to you Beth and Helena for starting this week. Your armpit will definitely be zapped and I thank goodness I heeded Lesley’s warnings before I started!
Delly your food sounds delly delicious and I like the sound of your Boxing Day - my favourite day. Love turkey soup and pickles. Anyway you’ve made me hungry, so scones are in my clean oven; to be served with homemade strawberry jam and clotted cream - yum!
As for presents, we are both keen Exeter Chiefs fans and I bought him a calendar on line. Hahahaha it’s arrived and each month a picture of topless oiled up team - not sure he will appreciate sentiment! Xx

Helena, I didn’t burn down my side but the skin got very dry and now I’ve got moles and brown lumps that weren’t there before.  I only creamed my boob, but very near the end armpit and right up to collar  bone got burnt, armpit was def worse, and as I say, skin still playing up now.


Janey, you’ve made me crave scones big time.  Haven’t got anything sweet in the house at all except a few digestive biscuits.  Might have one with a cuppa.



Evening lovelies


thank you for all your kind words. Remarkably mum has phoned this afternoon and she did “pluck up the courage” to phone macmillan yesterday. Finally!!

ruby - I’m so sorry to hear about your mum in law. It’s hard when family are poorly no matter what age they are. My mum is 66 so I’m really hoping she can find the strength to fight some more and still be here in 20 years time. 


Helena - they will zap your armpit!!! Without a shadow of a doubt!! I didn’t realise and it’s sore and I think I’ll be slapping on the cream forever. My red bit on my chest comes up further than parallel to the top of my armpit too!! Looks like I’ve been out in the sun too long…well part of me does anyway! My nodes were clear too but they could have zapped whatever they liked to kill off any remaining little blighters. I just wish they’d have told me so I could have spread the cream around a little earlier! 


What at on earth have I missed with all these cold flannels and unusual gift wrapping?!!! You lot certainly know how to put a smile on my face and I love you all for it xxxx


dearest Delly I did get your big hug thank you. It was very much appreciated and you are such a darling. 


So. After today I know who to contact to clean my oven, know that we’re off to Italy next year, someone has a Pervy doctor and we need to improve our buttocks!! What an afternoon!!


me…this afternoon I have become an expert in H&S and doctored Mac’s favourite toy to make it safe again after he almost pulled the soft green dinosaurs head off playing. I have removed dino’s head with scissors, pulled out the stuffing and now it looks a bit sad but Mac still loves it thankfully! What he doesn’t know is that there’s a brand new one all packed up under the tree that santa dropped off early. He will go mental!

lots of love to you all xxxx



spread it wherever you can reach!! And I’m not being rude lol


beth xxx

Janey, Charys, Lesley - it’s starting to get mucky in here again. Sort all these cream rubbers out will yers. And Helena’s supposed to be a lady. It’s that Beth that’s the mucky minded minx !!


Helena, they’re definitely zapping my armpit and I didn’t have an SNB. But they don’t choose what they zap, it’s your oncologist who draws up the plans, they just do what they’re told.

I seem to have skin as tough as old boots because so far it’s barely reacted, slight pinkness is all. I was expecting trouble because I’m very pale and freckly and burn, not tan. But my oncologist looked me over while I was lying topless as you do, and he said he thought I wouldn’t have any problems. So what was he looking at to say that? Unless he meant I haven’t got all that much left, I think it’s worse the more well endowed you are. In which case it’s a good job it’s not the other one…

Before I started this malarkey, no one ever made personal remarks to me, now I’m in this parallel universe where it’s open season. No, the doctor is not fit, but the OH was quite tickled, seemed to think he was a good GP for some reason.


I’ve just got back from my one and only church service of the year, we always go to the Nine Lessons and Carols at a local church. When we came out it was so foggy we could barely see, very atmospheric by torchlight.

Charys they’re truly incorrigible - I can’t think who may have been the instigator - nighties since my 30s of varying designs Delly dependent on situation ??! We are watching SPOTY and as emotional as Strictly. Absolutely stuffed with cream tea - we are the opposite of the athletes they’re celebrating! Looking forward to Last Tango too xx



dont you apologise! You didn’t put your foot in it at all don’t you worry. 



Delly, one last one before I go, Last Tango is Monday and Tuesday.  You just mentioned Tuesday, that’s why I’m mentioning it, would hate you to miss it xx

image.pngOoooooh Delly!!! 

You have to get a Maine c oon cat!! ( had to separate it as the system put it as a swear word).  They are truly magnificent…huge but magnificent. Fantastic company and full of personality!! This isn’t me!! It’s a random photo I found of one online!


Yeh Charys, my humour ran along the same thought Helena’s “really beautiful” was talking about Ruby’s buttock even tho’ I knew she was meaning the cathedral.  See how we’re on the same wavelength gal. 

I’m a nightie gal. Don’t mind riding up, like to get some air to the didgeridoodaa.!!


Jeepers Beth - that cat’s enormous. Is your’s that big?? I wouldn’t be able to lift one that big.


They are that size!! Largest domesticated cat in the world. I love the breed but I think Mac would have a fit!! Google them. Magnificent beasts!

time to head off for me now. Catch you all tomorrow. Time for me and my friend aloe Vera to meet again. 


Don’t tell me the ending ?my daytime treat after I see GP tomorrow! Charys it’s going to take a lot to get them in order …

Morning all

Beth finishes today, I think she has morning appointments so I’m poised to ring the doorbell for her. Helena starts tomorrow.

I’m zapped for the day, got a few odd spots that I can’t decide whether they’re from the rads or not. Under the boob almost certainly, but some high on my chest, in the area that always catches the sun in summer, it seems a bit high for the rads but it isn’t usually spotty.


Hope everyone is having a good day.
