Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning lovelies,
The weekend has totally wiped me out! We had a fantastic time but now I’m shattered so a quiet day today I think.

Go Beth, your last one today I’ll be knocking my door for you later xxxxxx

Catch up later when I feel more human
Lv Clair xx

Morning All,


Loving the ding dong bell Charys.  Horrendous night, as well as the flushes, terrible pain in upper arm, getting used to functioning on no sleep, though my face is def showing it.


Beth, hoping last zap is now over, but hanging back on ring my bell until I know for sure.


Charys, I didn’t watch Victoria last night, but have seen it before, such a huge talent, so sad.  Caroline Aherne, another comedy legend lost this year far too early.


Right, going to rub some gel in this arm and do some stuff in the house as himself is going out to play lunchtime with his Last of the Summer Wine friends.  Xx

Charys, that bell is brilliant, I can hear it from Dorset! Looking forward to my turn…

Lesley and Clair, sending you hugs and hopes for a restful day to recover. And Lily, have a good morning, don’t do too much, it’ll only need doing again later. That’s always my excuse…

Right, I’m off to have a shower, just got back from a very muddy walk and had a damp dog on my lap, lovely…

Ding dong merrily on high!!!


i did it!! I made it through to the end!! I honestly never thought it would be this difficult or painful. I had the ‘it’ll get worse before it gets better’ talk, but I don’t care. It’s done. It’s finished. Yayyyy!!

Got in the car with hubby and had a little cry which set him off too. Bless him. 


Home now, with a few goodies to celebrate in the fridge for later. 

Feeling exhausted and emotional but also VERY HAPPY!!! 



WooHoo Beth, you’ve done it xxx. Bell rung.  So happy for you.  I know the feeling of relief, it’s joyous.  Just think, tomorrow NO MORE RADS, hurrah.


Delly, thanks for the compliment, however, you’re either being kind or need to go to Specsavers (over opticians blah blah). BBC2 tonight 9pm, then same tomorrow.


Just had a phone call, friend popping in for a quick cuppa.  Damn, I knew I should have done what I said and pushed the vacuum round.  Never mind, just one look at me and she’ll be sooo sympathetic she’ll understand. At least I’ve had a bath and washed the Brillo pad xx


Oops, BBC1 not 2, sorry Delly, dont want you to miss it.  I can’t wait.  Himself has already been warned, do NOT speak for one hour or suffer the consequences, and they won’t be pretty!

Ding along Beth, so happy for you it’s over! All done, and from here on you mostly get to keep your clothes on when you meet people…! Unless it’s become a reflex, hope the vicar doesn’t come calling…


Noooo Delly, it isn’t me, I’m showered and primped, just been out for a posh lunch with canapes and twiddly bits, so stuffed I need an afternoon snooze. Rads finish on Wednesday, it just can’t come fast enough. The nearer I get, the more wobbly I feel about this whole thing, I nearly burst into tears in the middle of the carol service last night, dunno why it’s making me all emotional now.











Your lunch sounds yummy Dizzy, made me peckish.  Doing a chicken stir fry tonight.  This time I’ll try to remember the chicken!  Last time I dished it up on the plates, said to himself, doesent look much, he went to the fridge to get some water and found the chicken breasts sitting there, oops, and I hadn’t even been drinking.


So, is it this Wednesday you finish Dizzy?  If so, another bell ringing.  And Helena starts tomorrow, think we’re all done then?


Clair, hope you’re enjoying your day of rest and feeling a bit more perky.


My friend came for her cuppa.  She came with some bits and pieces left over from the food parcels left over from her church annual handout.  Just a tin of tomatoes, tuna and a packet of biscuits, said they had far too much stuff so shared it out amongst themselves.  Himself came in and saw it, took great exception to it, he said, does she think we’re on the bread line or something?  Got in a right old huff lol.



you will be fine tomorrow I promise. You will be amazed how quickly you get in to the swing of things and after a few sessions I wasn’t that bothered laying there for all to see. Was a bit off putting  seeing my chest being reflected back at me from the lense of the machine though! Didn’t realise I looked like that from above lol


I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow


beth xxx

Helena, as Beth just said, once you start it goes really quickly and you get Christmas off.  Beth, I didn’t know you could see yourself!  I kept my eyes closed from the second I lay on the table to the second they came back in the room and lowered the table, it was the only way I could cope, eyes closed and either go for a walk in the woods or lay on a beach or recited poems in my head.  Every time I was put in place I got an itch, every single flipping time, that also kept me occupied trying not to move and scratch it xx

Lesley, your story about the chicken stir fry reminded me of the Christmas I was rifling through both ovens looking for the tray of sausage meat which was supposed to be roasting away and ready to dish up. And turned out to be sitting in the fridge covered in foil just ready to pop in towards the end of the cooking time…I have an son who doesn’t eat the turkey but is big on the sasagemeat, so we usually have at least a couple of different flavoured ones along with the pigs in blankets, but it does mean you have to remember how many different dishes are waiting for space in the oven. Luckily this year himself will be doing the cooking, and he’s big on lists, so that should turn out a bit better!


Lily, I wish I’d been there to see your poor delivery man, what with Helena roaring away we’re doing a good job of scaring away all comers!


I still haven’t got the hang of posting photos, hope this one works. We accidentally bought a set of blue and white icicles and didn’t find out till it was too late.


Woop woop woop Beth ??? ? ??My knocker is knocked and my bell rung, I even flashed some out door lights! So pleased for you and your turn Weds Dizzy and we will be there for you in the New Year Helena.
With you on Victoria Wood. Very mixed emotions, although it doesn’t take much to set me off at the moment. I’m shattered after what felt like a busy weekend and looking after my poorly friend’s adorable but exhausting boys today.
I had GP first thing. She’s happy to sign me back to work but was making warning noises about fatigue and potential long term issues. Definitely doesn’t want me off Anastrazole, as I’ve had 2 oestrogen cancers now. I trust her implicitly, as she’s been GP for years as well as a colleague. She said she wants me back, but also mentioned possibility of medical retirement if fatigue doesn’t improve. It hits like a sledgehammer every afternoon. I love my job but am very worried about being full time and also not remembering the legal bits!
Delly I’m awarding you a great big :star: for your 15 minutes.
Clair I hope you’re feeling more Human and I’m about to watch humans now.
Lesley it sounds like a comedy version of Ready Steady Cook at your house! I’m stuffed after lunch with the boys and feeling a little guilty I sent them home on sugar highs!
Charys my favourite advent picture. Maybe it could he our emblem. Can you all send some positive fluffy vibes for another friend who has just had her 2nd mastectomy in 5 years. I think Delly you probably know more than all of us what that means. I’m trying to get her to use the forum but she’s in a difficult place.
Hugs to all of you and Ruby I hope you are maintaining decorum befitting your award today rather than seeking out massages!! Xx

Loving the lights! Xx

Hello my darlings,
I’ve knocked my door very loudly for you

Beth, I remember crying on the way home too xxxxx

Lovely lady H, the first one is a bit of a let down really :wink: you get jostled about a bit then zap and it’s done. I too am blaming the tablets for the fact I can burst into tears at any time and for the silliest reasons. Christmas adverts seem to be a trigger at the moment, my daughter was telling me she’d watched the new Petes Dragon and I started to tell her about the original and that was it I was in floods… Blooming tablets I’m sure I’ve lost weight just from the amount if fluid I’ve lost crying and sweating xxx

Dizzy the lights are beautiful, I’d have twinkling lights up all year round if I could xxx

Lesley thank you for thinking of me I’m in a much better place today xx I decided to forget the letter Shh don’t tell Charys she’s only just calmed down… It’s only that persons opinion not a fact.

Delly darling I missed my hug from you this morning so I’ll need double later xxx

I’ve finally finished the Christmas shop and hubby did the booze run earlier and got me a couple of cans of G&T can’t sat I’m not classy.
Right I’m off to sort tea before the smoke alarm goes off catch up later before Tango is on
Love and hugs to you All Clair xxx xxx xxx
Ps sorry if I missed anyone I can’t keep up xxxx

Loving the lights Dizzy.  Made me laugh about delivery boy Lily.  Think all our neighbour must be worried about all of us opening our doors, ringing our bells, knocking our knockers then  going in again, still gives them something to talk about.  Janey, if you can go back to work on reduced hours to start with and see how it’s goes, and if worse comes to worse, just take medical retirement then you can do as you please.  You do manage financially somehow as Ive found out, just means I’ll have to clean the oven instead of replacing it, and who needs a holiday anyway?


Just managed to do chicken stirfry WITH chicken.  We ate early as neither of us had breakfast or lunch.  Now just counting down the hours until Last Tango in Halifax xx

remember our pact :wink: we can do it bit by bit and a day at a time.
I’m starting to practice my signing as I’ve forgotten nearly all of it and although I’m sure the staff will forgive me the kids will just think I’m even more daft than before. Xxxx

Ps I forgot to shut eyes and thought oh dear am I really this attractive when lying down?!?! X

Rubycat are you sure it’s bottom and not booby bits :wink: x

I’m fact we could All say we’ve got MBE’s

Massaged boobybits everyday :smiley:

There are so many things to reply to on here I need a pen and paper. Lesley, roflmao re having to clean the oven! NOT pmsl, bit of a sore subject! But I have dug out the kegel8, got to do my exercises and I don’t think the doctor’s prescription is likely to work soon enough…

I don’t know why we both felt the need to fill the house with lights this year, the weather has mostly been dismal, but there’s something very cheering about Christmas lights, it takes us forever to switch everything off when we go to bed. Eight things with lights indoors and the icicle lights on a timer outside. I think they’re all low voltage or the bill is going to be painful. I think putting the lights up was a way of cheering ourselves up, there’s so much we can’t do anything about.

Beth, you’re right about wanting lights up all year, we have two wooden beams in one room and last year wound lights round, it took ages to do so we’ve left them and use them all year round. But all our lights are static, I can’t look at moving ones or I start to go cross eyed!

Janey, I should think you’re exhausted looking after the boys, other people’s children are always such hard work, you’re very good to your friend. Ànd I’m sending hugs to your other friend, it puts all my concerns in perspective. I hope her treatment goes well.