Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Evening beautiful people


bit of a Mexican standoff going on in my house this evening lol.

hubster on the couch. 

Mac staring. And staring. And staring at him. He is willing him to take him out for a walk (W as we have to refer to it as). 

Who will,blink first I wonder?! Lol this pooch does not give up. EVER. 

I’m leaving them to it and off to do the dinner dishes. 

Still feeling an emotional wreck so have cheered myself by spending all my Boots points that I’ve saved all year online this afternoon. Sale’s on so got tons of stuff reduced too!! And best of all its all free!! Lol



Loose knockers sounds a bit close to home for someone who hasn’t worn a bra in three weeks lol!

Nah, Helena, don’t bother with brushing your teeth, after all they’re zapping you, so feel feel to breath garlic at them.


Yes, himself said stirfry was Delicious and didn’t (wisely) remark on the last one that was minus the chicken.


Beth, let hubbie walk Mac, you’re excused tonight.  Good for you treating yourself to some treats from Boots.



Yesterday all sorts of dubious creaming stuff, today loose knockers! Dread to think what tomorrow will bring…lol

Good thinking on ‘checking it’s not loose’.

Please forgive me for not being able to comment in full, you lot all carry on chatting away as much as you like, I love seeing this thread go from strength to strength. Hey…it won’t be long to 2000 posts !!!

Grrrr, my sainsburys delivery is over an hour late… I think I’m getting a bit of my temper back ;-)!!!

They won’t care about a bit of garlic Helena, it be mostly gone anyway. Ooooo they must see all sorts. One really upsetting thing was where I had mine 50 per cent were always prostate rads hobbies, having to drink water like 20 mins before and quite a lot at that…needing a full bladder. This one poor man was a bit delayed and his bladder released fully during rt. I heard him tell his wife, he was entirely mortified.

I’m not cross lol lily, I don’t get cross, I just become impassioned to right wrongs. Keep on talking…???

Clair, don’t know if it still applies as I do Tesco online now but years ago if Sainsbury deliveries were more than 15 minutes late you got £10 off your bill.  I’ve got Tesco coming between 8-9am tomorrow, only slot I could get, so as I’m now used to laying in I’ll have to set the alarm so I’m up and presentable, unless I leave it to Himself of course xx

Ocado are pretty good at letting you know when they are running late, you can log into the account and it says how long it will be…and they ring you. It’s always nice to know when your smashed eggs, flattened bread and split yoghurts are arriving.

Hubby was on the phone for 20 minutes just trying to get through then they just said the computer went down this morning and the delivery will be up to 2 hours late!! No reimbursement or anything… Nevermind the poor driver will just have to see me au natural as I’m heading for the bath :wink: xx

Yep every week for the last 3 years!!! I’m going to ring them tomorrow and complain as hubby was just far to nice…yes please I’ll need all the support I can get or I’ll be crying down the phone and offering them something instead :-D. Xxx

I can honestly say I would have struggled so much without the support of all of you here. You are all amazing and I love you all!! Xx

Awww Bless you all…so much love on here. To think this is a bunch of women all hormonally, emotionally and psychologically often struggling. …and there’s no cross words …ever. it’s not me that’s done anything, it’s the people who have turned up along the way, without each person this would just be lonely me moaning about hormones for two posts lol

Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing? I’m sure I’ve said far more on here than I would to people face to face. But I know you’ll all understand, we’re in this together and I don’t feel that about the people in my real life, you’re all more real to me.

Oh gosh, I’m not good at explaining, just I love you all!

Ooooo now it is getting soppy. …lol Helena im really glad chatting here has made so much difference to you, I feel great pride in the strength we can all give to each other. Anyone reading this, not currently involved, you are more than welcome to join in ???

I hope life long friends can be made here x

Oh boy, I leave you lot for an hour to watch Last Tango in Halifax and you’ve all gone soppy!  Off to bed now.  Love you all, since we’re being all gooey xx

Good night all, wish you all have cool and peaceful sweet dreams…

Awwww noooo!!! Just lost another looooong post. Sorry I give up as I’ve just spent flippin ages going back 4 pages in responses.

Janey - I’m more than open to your friend pm’ing me. Hope you can gently nudge her to use the Forum. Not so sure about on this loony thread though, for obvious reasons (only teasing!).

Helena - hug of the day goes to you today, by the time you get this. Just lie back and don’t think of England. Think of us lot on here, looking out for and after you. H U G E delly H U G.

Am stomping off in another TANTRUM with steam coming out of not just my ears, but yes “that” orifice too.

See you all when I’ve camed down



What a waste of flippin time - tired of it.  Aaaaaaaaaargh.  Sorry girls


I can’t stomp off for long, I’d miss you all too much. God, now I’ve joined in the soppiness.

I’ve just been reading up from a few pages ago, and have cracked up laughing, tears rolling down, because some of the stuff on here is actually on a par with, if not better than, our dearly missed Victoria. From flippin chicken stir fries where the chicken’s been forgotten, to poor men struggling to hold their fluids in, to on line deliveries, loose knockers and buttock massages.Interspersed with humourous caption pictures. Well not all of them - Clair’s being an exception.


Bed’s now finally callin
