Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Errrr Delly…this is Carol…yeah…CAROL. you’ve met loads before and not that long ago , having a senior moment ? In Delly s defence we are getting a wee bit confused,;I made a mistake yesterday with Beth s rt. This thread certainly shows up who has an excellent memory and who doesn’t.

BTW your tantrum and disappearing lasted 20 mins…and you were on your own here

Carol great to see you dropping back in…glad I amused that was certainly the intention. I guess you e experienced ocado packing as you related to it so well? They are so good in most ways, but packing can be atrocious. I once had a 6 pack of dog food tins on my brioche…Can’t you imagine Carol very very upsetting lol Not brioche but brisquash…actually I tend to have to do at least two refunds each delivery. I’ve used them since they first appeared on the scene and having tried all others that deliver here, they are still better generally.

Oh no sorry…your tantrum and steaming orifices lasted 1 hour and 1 minute. So funny to read you having a tantrum, being furious, missing people ;coming back, posting a couple more times all in the space of one hour !

Good luck today Helena, it’ll be fine and it’s all so much easier once you get the first one under your belt. Or strictly above it, now I think about it!

Good luck Helena, and Dizzy, that was really, funny, too early to get the giggles, got Tesco coming any minutes, unless he’s taking a leaf out of Sainsbury book from last night.  Xx

Morning lovelies,
Thinking of you Helena xxxx.
Hope you have more success with your delivery than I did but I did get a bit refund for the delay :wink:
l really need to get up and get ready, I’m meeting up with some work friends today and I’m really nervous silly isn’t it
Have a fab day everyone xx catch up later xxx

Clair Mr Tesco arrived in on time.  Natural to be nervous, but bet you’ll soon be at ease and relax.  Enjoy yourself xx

morning Lovelies

Just a quickie before I jump in the shower and go off to my EYE test at 11.00


Charys - darlin, I read the “L” as an “I” hence the eye test!!! and hence I did but didn’t remember LORAC i.e. Carol. Sorry Carol

Yeh, tantrum, not even an hour. Thankfully I stayed on to read through the days antics and imagined it like being a tv comedy show. Had a damn good laugh which dispersed the tantrum nicely. Well, I must have spent an hour on that post. 

Helena’s probably gone now but I’ve already given her a hug.

Am trying to be organised for once, and not be rushing around like a looney so why I’ve come on here now, I don’t know 

Eye test at 11.00, bit of shopping, then off to meet bestie Karen for lunch, catch up and deliver her pressie. Barely got any sleep last night, as you probably noticed. I think I need to stop using this computer after a certain time, think it’s true that the light can stimulate you. So I’ll probably zonk out this afternoon.


Probably see you better later, when I’ve got my proper specs sorted.

Loadsa love Dellydingdong xxxxx


Hope you have a good time today Clair, I know what you mean about being nervous. You quickly start to feel out of the loop, and you worry about saying the wrong thing. I don’t know how to answer if people start asking questions about my treatment. The truth is usually too much information, but muttering vague platitudes so as not to upset people feels uncomfortable and a bit false.


Lesley, I too have a Tesco order arriving today, I’ve changed the order so many times I no longer have a clue what’s coming. I’m just hoping I haven’t managed to duplicate too many things or we’ll be eating sausage rolls till kingdom come. There’ll be five of us for a week, and four for nearly two, so it takes a lot of grub to keep us going.


Well, one more rads session to go, just can’t wait.

Love the sparkly balls Charys, hope you can keep this up till Sunday…

Dizzy’s final rads tomorrow! I’m going to have to find a different bell, I know we’ve had a bell, but we need another one now in celebration.


Helena’s back, thought you’d been gone AGESSSSsssssss, glad it all went ok.


Delly, I did wonder about the ‘L’ and ‘I’ and if that was the problem, as I saw you wrote her name with an I. Hows yer eyeballs after testing?

Afternoon ladies


yayyyyy Helena you’ve started!!! One down!! So glad that it went ok today. It always amazes me that hospitals give different advice on when to put cream on, mine said to do it from day one. I think you will know your ur skin better than anyone, so your own judgement will be spot on. 


Dizzy…one more to go!!! Big YAYYYYYYY to you too!! Almost there now. 


Today hubby and I have popped into town for a wander. Don’t know quite what we were thinking as it was complete bedlam. Took an age to park and once we’d fought our way passed the festive market tat stalls and the stalls that sell those giant knickers and huge dog beds, we’d already had enough lol

So we picked up my freebie parcel from Boots, had coffee and cake in debenhams, and headed home!  It was fab to do something that didn’t involve the 3.5 hour rads travelling and zapping process. 

Hubby woke this morning and his first words were “today is the first day of the rest of our lives”. So lovely and I could have cried. Mac has won early today so they’re out walking already lol


I’m bushed now so time to chill for me. Seeing my counsellor tomorrow afternoon which is good timing as mum is back in hospital this morning. Since she was intubated in ICU earlier in the year, she’s had problems swallowing anything so they’ve taken themselves to A&E early today as she’s not eaten or drank anything for a couple of days. The hospital in Carmarthen is crap and they’ve waited so long to see a specialist but I’ve just had a text from her to say A&E have called the ENT consultant, who is on her way. The difference in care that I have had in comparison to her is worrying. Even though we live less than a mile apart, we’ve been treated  in different hospitals - the breast unit is 20 miles away in Llanelli and that hospital is so much better. Weird as its the same health board. 


Anyway hope all you gorgeous ladies are having a lovely afternoon. 

Catch up later


PS despite everything happening with mum, I do feel really positive today and for the first time in months I’m not waiting on tests, results or treatment. I feel like I have my life back and that’s a good feeling! Let’s hope it lasts! ?

So pleased the first one went well today Helena and Beth your husband sounds an absolute gem.
Funny old day here. I had a meeting late morning with the woman acting up to my job, followed by manager’s Christmas lunch - both of which were lovely and then … I met with my Manager who really couldn’t have been less interested. Didn’t ask how I was doing, had no idea about how to support me back, still hasn’t sorted out IT (I’ve said now I will do it!) and then told me it was all so busy at work, he was so tired, he wasn’t able to remember dates I’d be working etc etc and didn’t have time to sort out what was needed for my return. I suppose I should be grateful he’s said I should plan whatever suits me. Honestly felt and still feel like crying. Everyone else lovely but am so disappointed with his lack of support. He always says he isn’t a people person and boy is he right there! I’m starting to think medical retirement may be something to aspire to!
Hey ho at least I’m not going back for a few weeks. Clair and Lesley thank you for your comments, that pact may prove useful!
Delly how did eye test go? Charys lovely decs today. Carol lovely to see you again and Ruby you sound like Terry and June!

Well done Helena, that’s the worse one out of the way, now you know what to expect it’s not so scary.  I was advised to start creaming before rads to make sure boob was as moisturisered as poss.   We all get told different things.  Bells awaiting for you tomorrow Dizzy.   Beth, reading what your hubbie said to you this morning made me all weepy, bless him. My sister live 4 miles from Llanelli and has a lot if health problems, she has had good treatment there.


DELLY CAN YOU READTHIS?  If so, you don’t need new specs so don’t let let talk you into buying any xx

Janey, that’s awful!  That guy seriously needs his interpersonal skills appraisal ASAP.  how horrible for you.  Work out what suits you, but keep a note of what he said to you, record dates times etc of all conversations you have with him in the future just in case you need it my (HR manager hat just got dusted off) xx

Thank you Lesley. Keep that hat handy! Helena I creamed twice every day of rads and boosters. Towards the end I creamed a third time too. I did burn but no peeling xx

Janey, he sounds like a complete washout as a manager, how on earth does someone get promoted with so  few people skills? But so horrible for you to feel that he’s so uncaring, and that the burden of organising your return is down to you.

I don’t know much about taking medical retirement, but if you needed to go down that line, maybe you would be entitled to some sort of enhanced retirement package? I have a friend who was really worried about being forced to give up her job but was surprised at how well it turned out. Obviously she didn’t go into details, but I think she is much better off than she thought she was going to be.

Anyway, I guess you have a little while longer before you have to think about it too much.


Delly delicious, how was your lunch with your bestie? Was this the bestie getting the necklace to match the earrings? And the eye test, how was that?


Evening lovelies,

Janey I’m so sorry your meeting with you manager was a bad one. I think managers are a breed all of their own! Most mangers I’ve encountered are pillocks.

Woo Hoo lady H first one done and dusted xxx

Dizzy my hubby put a new door knocker on today so It will get its first knock just for you tomorrow xxx

Beth, your hubby’s a keeper what a lovely thing to say. Love to your mum xxxx

Today went really well, after getting over the you’ve lost weight and what happens now questions!! We got right back into the rowdy lot we are in fact I’m surprised we weren’t kicked out :-D.
Then when I got home to find hubby just finishing off the new letter box ( glad I missed all the swearing that goes with diy)
He said let’s go and see the lights at Corfe Castle so we’ve just got back from a fantastic time. Swanage for chippy tea then free alcohol free mulled wine and biscuits from the national Trust.

Hugs and love to everyone xxxxx

Sounds like a perfect day Clair, so glad lunch went well with your colleagues.  Corfe  castle is a lovely sight in daylight and can imagine its spectacular light up.


I went to my knit and natter group today.  We had our Christmas lunch last week which was good fun.  Today not that many came so we went for coffee and cake instead, very nice it was too.  Ive taken to not working very nicely thank you very much.  So nice not to be rushing around in my lunch break trying to buy the last minute things but having all week plus time for lunch dates.


Dellys being quiet today.  Hope she remembers second part of Last Tango in Halifax tonight.


Just had a message from my sister.  She’s in Florida staying with her son for Christmas.  She’s currently laying by his pool, rub it in why don’t you Sis? Xx

Only just checking in to the WONDERWOMEN thread, so have no where yet caught up. But just wanted to somewhat selfishly give you my news of the day, prior to browsing all of your news at leisure, which I’m hoping none of which is dire.


Had eye test this morn, kept me for an hour. Appreciatively thorough - good ole’ Boots. As I suspected myself form an interst in others (my Mum included), have advanced cataract in Right, hence my recent visual disturbances of last 4 mnths with the advance of darker nights, and distinct halo’s around lights (very pretty though!). Have beginnings of in Left also. Is all very normal for my age!!! which I knew.  Sooooo, immediate referral to eye consultant, who is of my choice from probs yrs ago, and the only man I’d trust to deal with. Just inconvenience to travel to M/c as oppo to closer, but am more than prepared to for his excellence. So I’m not gonna fart about with local, somewhat provincial hosp that I’ve had such major probs and disappointments with recent tests, treatments for poss worrying secondaries etc. So all of that is good, but not so good. The ops for are so quick and that much more successful nowadays - 15 mins in/out and Edith’s your Aunty. Had to laff at Lorac’s reminder last night/this morn.

So then went on to meet bstie Karen, armed with some of her favourite edible goodies, chocolate liquer cherries (M/S particularly good ones), Turkish Delight (natural sort) AND . . . pendant. Oh dear, she broke down in tears. Awwwwwww, somewhat overwhelmed by. She is a VERY spesh person, has been through al my vagaries of BS, sooo supportive to me and very deserving of said special gift, I assure you. Whole thing was soooo touching and I have and hold a VERY special place for her in my heart. 


Soooo, I’m now gonna get down to you lot and your, no doubt, further amusing  shenanigans of the day.

Loadsa and loadsa luuuuuurv

DingDongDelly xxxxxxxxx

Dearest Delly


soooooo glad your bestie loved her gift! Very very thoughtful of you. Moments like that are very special. 

Good news re eye test too. Cataracts are easily sorted these days and it’s fantastic that you have someone you trust who can sort you out. My mum in law had her cataract sorted a few weeks ago and she cant get over the difference in her vision now. Before the op she struggled to see the tv and certainly couldn’t read. Now she can do everything and is so happy with it all.  


Clair - lovely photos!! I love things lit up at night. Always look so spooky!


catch up with you all later 
