Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Wow Clair, beautiful photos.  Delly, so glad you had a nice time with Bestie and she truly appreciated your gift. Hope you remembered LTiH.  Just watched, so sad it’s finished, like saying goodbye to dear friends.


Rubycat, how do you knows how many peeps are peeping?


Right, off to bed now for some hot action, unfortunately it’s flushes and sweats.  Night all xx

'Eck, lovies

Think my meet with bezzie, being one of the few I have left, plus todays eye results and impending ops for, has set me off. Served as a TAP. Just had a massive, major sob sesh. Have no one at hand but you’s and this 'ere thread all a bit lonely Dellywelly too. Yeh, think I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself BUT. . . I sooo miss . . . I’m off again . . . . ‘em all. My Mum (mostly), Dad, bruv, booooobs, biz, puddycat, meee as I used to be, purpose, profession, direction.So, along with my Dads, Mums and what my bruv probably looked like, I’m even also haunted by my cats face as I literally HAD to watch her die out of kindness ?? ALL so ffffff- in painful and tearing my heart to bits right now. Got tears rolling down and am literally pouring my big heart out right now. - I’m feelin so much pain. Massively grieving. Tis soooo good for me that I have you lot, of, oh so dearly beloved people to me, to talk to, with, at. Witter on to, at all hours of the night/morning.  I’ll be ok in a bit. Bit like my tantrums but painful. Just needed and wanted to talk, even tho’ your just currently in the ether. Which, btw, I’m determined to do something about. Hope you know 'm seriouslyI coming after you for and about. Hopefully soon, Praps??  It’s important, it is to me, in the same way I’m determined to meet SweetSue. Cos we all know that old addage so much more now don’t we "Life’s too fffffff- lippin short. So will you humour me and let me Kareoke and dance till ‘I’ drop, then you lot can all get on as norm.


My hug nomination is still Juicy-Janey, but think I need one myself at mo Please can you supply. Don’t wanna be demanding or owt too much. I’ll even switch the red nose hug indicator off. Uuuumph


Aww Aww Delly, sending you the biggest squishiest sloppiest hug in the world! It’s  so hard to lose everyone, and everything, and specially your cat as well. You are doing so well to be functioning at all, let alone being the lovely warm funny caring person you are. So sending you massive hugs, the first of many.

Morning Darling Delly, sending you a huge hug where I’ll hold you tight for a while xxx
I really hope tomorrow goes well with your Dr and if you find it hard to talk about certain things then write it down and give it to them to read.
I’m a great believer in writing your feelings down, my middle son has aspergers and suffers terrible night terrors but one of the ways we can head them off is to write his day down and how he feels. He’s often up till 2 /3 o’clock in the morning and writing helps to settle his mind and get off to sleep.
Have lovely day and be kind to yourself lots of love Clair xxxxxxxx

Delly that Delly hug is coming right back to you today. So sorry you had a sad night, especially after yesterday’s happy time with your friend. My friend was so happy after her cataracts were sorted out but it must be a rotten thought to think about more surgery. You’ve had a bellyfull of stuff to deal with and I have everything crossed you get some good support tomorrow. You’ll have all of us in there with you - although if Ruby is right 200 maybe a bit of a squeeze!
Clair those pictures are wonderful. Corfe Castle is beautiful.
Thank you for support re manager. He has been a visionary at getting our service right but people skills are a problem, which he does admit to. Anyway, I’ve slept on it and going to email him with a summary of what we discussed yesterday, includingdetails of days I’ll be working and limitations of work. At least it will all be in writing. Hopefully will get more of a steer on Friday when I meet oncologist about whether fatigue will go eventually. My GP really clear I would be daft to come off Anastrazole, as oestrogen has got me twice now. Anyway, I’m at risk of rambling on. It thank you for listening and you’re all fab xxx

Ooh Dizzy thank you and no I’ve had no discussions yet about alternatives, so your message perfectly timed as a prompt for discussion on Friday. My Mum had tamoxifen years ago for BC so I will see if she struggled with fatigue and ask oncologist. Especially if only additional risk from tamoxifen is not a problem for me. Thanks so much xx

Morning Lovely Flowers.

Ooooomph, think I just needed some strong but gentle arms to cuddle me. 'Eck, just broken off from here yet again - sobs, sobs and more flippin sobs. Just been having horrible haunting images of my bruv just hanging there. I’m so sorry to put all this nasty stuff on all of you’s. Feel it’s good catharsism for me to get it all down - is it? Or is it damaging to all of you and am I’m just being selfish?

Thank You so much girlies for hugs and huggles. Soooo good to know you’re out there - and care. “Oh yes you do” (oh no we don’t) - tis panto time after all !!!

Janey - i’m gonna have to track back through posts and check out what your current issues are about. Have missed what’s going on with you. Did NOT catch up last night.


Loadsa loveydovey stuff

Dellywellydoodaa xxxxx


Thank you Janey, love the doorbell as well as the ding dong bells! Yes, so glad to be done and escape so lightly as well, hope it lasts.

Delly, I’m fine with you writing about your brother if it helps, sometimes it’s good to get things down rather than bottling everything up. But feel free to pm me if you like. Sending gentle hugs…


Helena, that’s two crossed off already, you’ll be an old hand soon.


Hope everyone is having a good afternoon, many thanks for all the bells, hope Lily’s is intact this time. I’ve just had a huge lunch out to celebrate, and now need an afternoon nap to recouperate. One glass of wine at lunchtime and I’m out like the proverbial…

I’ve knocked my door loudly for you Dizzy <3. Xxx
Hope everyone is having a good day
Lv Clair xx

Hello lovely ladies,


Just quickie from me.  Dizzy, rung my bell for you, so glad you’re all done and dusted.  Hope you’re celebrating tonight, even if it’s just a chilled evening at home braless with your feet up.


Well done Janey taking control.  Keep a copy of the email.  Make a folder and keep all emails to and from him in it, log all conversations, phone and face to face, noting dates.  If he says ANYTHING that upsets you or you think could have been better phrased note it.  All these things come in useful if it does come medical retirement.  Sometimes if they think you have a case for compliant they offer a better deal.


Delly, so sorry you’re in a bad place.  Get it out, doesent do any good keeping it in.  It’s always worsethis time of the year.  I know I’ll be glad when it’s over.  Would be different if I had children but as it is just feel sad thinking about Christmases past.  


It was our friend who died suddenly with no warning a couple of weeks ago funereal today.  The funereal was private, just family but there was a big wake.  Couldn’t go as last nights headache morphed into a migraine during the early hours so I’ve been laying in bed with curtains closed all day.  Finally jollop has taken pain away but got all the other symptoms, just hoping it’s a one day and not a three day one.


Hope everyone else is ok, eyes hurting so I’ll stop now.  Wishing you all all lovely evening xx

Afternoon one and all


how are we all on the shortest day of the year? So looking forward to the longer spring & summer evenings. Does wonders for the soul I think. 

I ignored my mothers orders today and visited her in hospital after seeing my counsellor. Definitely the right order to do things in! She looked better than I was expecting and all her tests today have come back normal. They think this throat issue may be psychological which I can quite believe as she has been through a great deal and has had mental health issues since I was a child. That sounds rather blasé I know but but her issues have been difficult for her to deal with for years so nothing would surprise me. 

I’m glad I went as its put my mind at rest at least even if she freaked out at the ‘germs’.


is there a law as to how many gingernut biscuits you can eat in one go?!!! Having a coffee and a munch now catching up on all you lot and realised I’d got through 5 with out realising!! ?


Dearest Dearest Delly…my heart went out to you reading your posts from last night. I’m sending you a huge Welsh huggle (watch the itchy red boobicle) and please please remember we are all here for you. Hope you’re feeling the love from everyone today. 


Chilie con carne for dinner tonight!! 


Catch you you later alligators

in a while crocodile


beth xxx


Yummy teas your having tonight lovelies, we had spag bol and I had a very large glass of wine.
I think I’ll have another one later while watching a chrimbo film :slight_smile:

Hugs, love and gentle head rubs for everyone who needs it xxxxx

Spaghetti Bol for us too! Lesley I’m so sorry you weren’t able to make the funeral and I hope the jollop is doing something to help. Very gentle hugs xxx

Hi all,

Had a bit of a day, nothing related to me…family ill health. JuSt got in after 12 hours of paramedic /:doctor /:111 stuff. All much improved now. Have had no time to read anything on this thread,;really sorry bit hope to catch up tomorrow. Congrats Dizzy!


Charys - hope you’re ok as you sound like you’ve had one hell of a day. You must be worn out xxx


Delly - I should have said earlier, instead of a Welsh huggle, have a big Welsh cwtch instead!!! Cwtch sounds so much better than a hug!


sat here watching that god awful program ‘this time next year’ and the hospital in Carmarthen was on it! Remarkable that was the first time I’ve seen the main entrance (right next to maternity) with out any smokers puffing outside. The number of heavily pregnant ladies you usually see sitting on the concrete steps Smoking away is horrific. The health board are looking to install this speaker system, where visitors/patients can push a button outside the entrance and a message will play though the speakers telling people not to smoke in a sort of public health message kind of way. Fab idea!! It’s a hospital!!! I’ve nothing against smokers but don’t do it at the entrance of a hospital!! 


Almost time for In Plain Sight on ITV. True story which makes it even more scary. 


Shattered tonight. Think the adrenaline fueled post rads euphoria has worn off this evening. Hopefully will sleep a little more soundly tonight after seeing mum for myself today. 


Love and cwtches to all you beauties




Helena, I thought that was just me with the cold and my scar aches in the cold too!! Tamoxifen has a lot to answer for I’m watching home alone and cried at the carol service bit!!!
Charys love and hugs for you xx xx

Charys and Lesley, you both sound like you’ve had a rotten day, love to you both.

Beth, that’s much better news about your mum, now you can relax and enjoy things. Though maybe not weepy films…

Hope everyone else is enjoying their evening. Thanks for all the bells, doorbells and assorted clanging, I could hear it in Dorset!

The second lot of pics are Corfe Castle village Delly xx



counselling was good today. Talked a great deal about the ‘what now’ feeling since rads is over, and about my mum. It’s the best use of an hour each fortnight that I’ve ever had. I did a course in counselling skills about 5 years ago so I know the process but you can’t counsel yourself! I know what I should be doing or thinking, but having that one person who understands exactly is invaluable. Before I know it we’ve talked for an hour and I’ve decided on my own solutions and off I go for another fortnight. I have them via a local cancer charity so there is no limit as to how often or for how long I see her. 

I think in the future I would like to be able to help others in similar situations. It’s something that I have always been interested in and when I was 18 I was in the process of joining the navy, with the aim of providing support to the families at home of serving members of the forces but it never happened as my parents divorced and I stayed home to help my dad bring up my sister who is much younger than me. 

I have never been so aware of the importance of counselling as I am now. The time will come when I can give something back. 

So glad you’re feeling the love here!!

beth xxx

Delly, I hope your appointment today goes well, and you have a sympathetic doctor. A quick pop in for me but back later. Wishing you all peaceful days xxx