Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Morning lovelies, have a good day and good luck Delly xx

Thanks for your thoughts guys, you are all so sweet, all is improving here…a close family member had a bad reaction to coming off one medication quickly and going onto another one. Had a call very early am and had to dash off and was there all day, all very stressful and a lot of care and monitoring required with assistance from paramedic for a few hours. Today, however, will be a better day :smileyvery-happy:


Delly, ‘looking forward’ to hearing how your doctor copes with your list lol After saving things up for a few years, I wouldn’t be surprised if they want you to go back for more time, as your 10 min (or 7 mins in some areas) slot might not cover it all.


Lovely Corfe castle pictures, magical, makes me want to drive there…I might look how far away it is. Seriously.


So, its December 22nd…thanks Janey for taking on my duties yesterday.


Its great to read everyone making positive comments about their counselling, to find a really good counsellor can make a world of difference to people…BUT…you know what you as the patient have to be receptive to working with them and so well done to all who are gaining from it! Its hard work having counselling. All counsellors are not born equal :smileywink: but it seems that the very best seem to be in the cancer counselling sector from the annecdotal evidence on here, which is great news.


I’ve looked back and can’t see the problem Lesley had yesterday, can anyone help?

Great to have you back in charge of the decs Charys! I hope your day better today. Lesley had a humdinger of a head yesterday - hopefully better today?
You’re spot on with the counselling. Finding someone you can build a therapeutic relationship with I think is key.
My daughter - the intrepid traveller on her way home from States, has just called me from Iceland to say she has missed connecting flight to Gatwick due to a snowstorm! She has to be back at work in Padstow tomorrow! Oh dear she was teary and fed up - starting to sound like trains planes and automobiles! Xx

Good morning lovely ladies,


Thank you for hugs.  Unfortunately terrible night, both arms/shoulders really painful and with flushes meant longest sleep in one go 49 minutes (fitbit tracker confirms this) head today, Not headache, Not migraine but horrific pain.  I can’t lay about another day so taken strong painkillers and going to venture into town for last minute bits on bus, probably end up getting taxi home, buts it’s Christmas, blow the expense.


CHarys,  hope you’re over yesterdays dramas, and good luck today Delly.  Wishing one and all a good day xx

Afternoon lovelies


how are we all today? Sun is shining here and it’s a bit chilly. Calm before the storm I think that’s due in the next few days. Just in time for Christmas!!!


decided to try being in a bra all day today as I’m feeling that I need a bit of support. Don’t know how long I can last as its not great but my chest muscles are aching so worth a go - for a while anyway!


still feeling positive today which does feel like a revelation. Maybe the old me is starting to force her way through, ready to become the new me? I hope so.


sending lots of love and cwtches to you all & hope everyone is doing ok

beth xx

Hi Beth,
I’m so glad your feeling more positive it does make a huge difference, I feel so much better than I have in ages and it’s only when I look back I realise just how poorly I was. Although there’s still a way to go.

I hope everyone’s heads are a bit feeling better and Delly hope it went ok xxx

I’ve been gardening this morning the leaves have been raked ready for the storm to bring me more :smiley: but it helps get my strength back.
Right I’m off to pick up the daughter and we’re going Kingston Lacey to see their Christmas lights
Love and hugs Clair xxxx

Rubycat, is your cat a reddish colour, or just called Rubycat? Ah well, you can’t blame the errant ‘time out’ forum issue this time ey! Have you repeated your IMPORTANT stuff or shall we imagine what the important things were? LOL


Lesley, hope your pain killer has worked and you’ve managed a day out. I honestly don’t know how you cope with such pain all the time…even a mild headache would cause me to feel like not moving.


No sign of Delly yet, with feedback.


Clair - GARDENING !! AGAIN, its SO cold out there, I just don’t know how you’ve got the energy or inclination a few days before Christmas.


Janey - Has your daughter made it back yet???


Beth - I heard that too, that we are due a very mild and very windy Christmas Day. Wonder if we will ahve snow this year? We had none down here at all last year, which was VERY sad indeed.


Hello to Lovely Lillium, Lady Helena and Dizzywhizzy bee…x Hope you are all well and HAPPYYYYYyyyyy today. I bet your rads are getting quicker to set up now Helena.

Evening all, sounds like feline Rubycat is as naughty as human Rubycat.  Made it into town but had to come straight back.  Too bright, too much noise and too  many people for my poor head to Cope with.  Migraine meds taken and zonked out in bed until laid on shoulder and pain woke me up.  How do I cope with it Charys? Practise lol.  Never get a two day migraine, always one day or three day guess tomorrow’s gonna be written off too.


Hoping everything went well today Delly, but guess you’ll have to wait a while for  wheels to be set in motion I guess.


Sending hugs, huggles and cwtchs to all xx


ps Fitbit is to track steps/miles walked, calories burned etc, it also logs your sleep, when you wake up, are restless.  Before I got so yuck I was walking on average 8 miles a day and between 8-12 on a Saturday when I was walking with my friends.  All gone to pot now.  New Years resolution, get back walking.

Evening all you lovelies.
Lesley you’re the one needing hugs in all languages (I like your word best Beth but can’t scroll down to check how to spell it!) and I hope tomorrow breaks that headache cycle.
Delly I hope you had a good appointment today.
Helena as you leave your appointment tomorrow you are allowed to shout ? it’s Christmas? In fully Noddy Holder screech as you take a break from zapping.
Ruby your cat just wanted to join in! Wouldn’t it be lovely to get to 2000 for Christmas. Charys you’ll have to break out the big gun pictures for that one!
So Lily, Dizzy and Clair I hope your bits of the WestCountry were lovely too today. Unlike Iceland where blizzards kept my girl captive till 5! She’s just landed at Gatwick and I’m worried about her driving back to Padstow she’s so tired. She thinks she may drop in here to sleep for a bit, which will make me a bit less worried.
On a brighter note Sainsburys (other supermarkets …) delivered the Christmas food shop. I’m always a bit worried, as a friend once did a small shop to secure a delivery slot, then topped up, smugly telling us all she had shopping sorted. At about 6pm a Tescos (see I told you there were other supermarkets!) van arrived with a bottle of squash, 3 loaves of bread and some jam - she’d forgotten to checkout!
I sense us all getting busier as we lead up to Sunday. Family arrive here tomorrow. Mixed feelings, as I’m so knackered I’m not sure I’ll be able to stay awake!
From tomorrow I’m officially on leave rather than off sick, even though I’m seeing my oncologist first thing.
Anyway I’m about to club watching About Time - Bill Nighy is sooo lovely. I don’t think I’ve mentioned you Sue. I hope you’re ok?
Love to all xx

I think this thread in need of its own plumber! Helena I had a blub too on a day of delays and then re-positioning. I had a jigsaw, scrabble and sudoku on the phone at the ready for delays.
Daughter landed at 8 with a 2 hour delay in getting her luggage! My brilliant sister who lives near Gatwick has picked her up and now she needs to decide whether to drive back tonight or first thing tomorrow.
I had my Christmas present early from OH - a lemon tree for all that gin!

Glad your girls on terra firma Janey, you’ll sleep better I know if she decides to stay at your sisters tonight.  Ive just blurbed too, watched The Royale Family, The one where Nana died.  Barb and Nana sing Que Sera Sera, that was my mums favourite song, she was always singing it, set me off, Also seeing Caroline Aherne knowing she’s no longer here, hasn’t done my head any good,  crying flipping hurts.  Only allowed to take my migraine meds every 12 hours, can’t remember what time I took them, getting forgetful in my old age.


Going to go to bed and hope to get a bit of sleep.  Wishing you all a peaceful night, dreaming of mince pies, beautiful twigs and lemon trees xx

Coooey delly, we are all waiting to hear if your appointment went well ?

Huuuuge big massive hug today from me goes to Lesley. You ready for it? Tell you, it;s bloomin MASSIVE ((((((Ooooo)))))) Have you got it?? ((((((((Ooooo -Oooo - Ooooooh))))) You’re definitely softening Lesley. 

Hope you have a good  day everyone

Love you ALL

Dellywellydingaling xxxxxxx

Huuuuge big massive hug today from me goes to Lesley. You ready for it? Tell you, it;s bloomin MASSIVE ((((((Ooooo)))))) Have you got it?? ((((((((Ooooo - Oooo - Ooooooh))))) You’re definitely softening Lesley. 

Hope you have a good day everyone

Love you ALL to bits and then back to a whole again

Dellywellydingaling xxxxxxx

Oh my word …I can’t believe you risked such mahoosive posts ! You need to write these in word before posting, as I’m not surprised you get so upset when they disappear. We still haven’t had an answer on this time out issue have we. So…a very constructive docs meeting. …was he running very late for the rest of the day ??? Lol I think you have done SO well to take control of things Delly, only you could take this step forwards and you’ve done it, which was certainly no easy thing to do. Know what you mean about the head thing and bring in tune with yourself. …

I’ll be back in a bit for advent and to finish reading up. Morning all !!!

Hold on…where is everybody. …it’s nearly 9.30 am and nobody here ?!

Morning glories! A quick one from me, as just out the door to see Oncologist - woohoo! So pleased it went well yesterday Delly. Hope it helped having all the ether friends with you. I’m feeling rough as rats and wondering if worsening fatigue this week was absolutely nothing to do with treatment but going down with a bug! Helena don’t forget to be Noddy today!!! Hugs to all and speak later xx

Morning all!

Hope your meeting with the oncologist goes well Janey, good time to discuss whether anything else might suit you better than Anastrazole? I hope it isn’t a bug, that is not good timing, though on the plus side it will go away again.

Delly, thank you for putting us out of our misery! That sounds like a really constructive meeting with the doctor, I am so impressed that you got so many issues into one appointment. I’m not big on putting labels on mental health issues, you need to be seen as you, not a diagnosis, but it certainly helps to get things moving with the mental health team. Biiigggg hugs to you for doing this. And I hope your lady Libby accepts her gifts as a peace offering.

Helena, hope you have a good day, and hope the appointment ment doesn’t get horribly delayed today.

Charys, morning, hope we’re going to get some pretty moving pictures today, you have a certain role to fill here, and our expectations have been raised. No pressure! But pretty, sparkly, tinselly, you get the picture.


Edited to correct autocorrect!

It’s going to be one of those days…Elder son has just texted to say he missed his plane from Schipol, is trying to find another flight. That sounds expensive, particularly as he’s a student living off savings.

Janey, how did your daughter get on last night, hope she spent the night safely at your sister’s.