Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Good morning all,


Thank you Delicious for double hug, I need it.  Really hope Libby accepts gift in sprit it is meant, if not, you know you’ve done the right thing, you can do no more.  Hold your head up high gorgeous girl xx


Good luck Janey, hoping fatigue is down to bug and you’ll soon feel better.  Has  your girl make it back to Padstow yet?


Helena, of course you’re not nasty, just reading your posts anyone can tell that.  When the SH 1 T hits the fan you find out who a fair weather friend/really.


Lovely post again Charys, going to miss them, only two more to go, bet you’re relieved, unless you’re going g to do a theme of the day every day.


Dizzy, Beth, Clair, Lily hope you’re all well and set up for the big day.  Sorry if I’ve missed anyone, head thumping, just waiting until 1pm until I can take next lot of meds.  Third day so hoping I’ll be back to the basic headache tomorrow which OTC meds will keep bearable as going to my friends for lunch.  Well, hope so, her daughter due to have baby end of January has just been taken into hospital to have it induced as there are complications.  Praying all ok for mother and baby xx


Charys, remember a few weeks ago I had that thingy on my arm and all I could remember was it was a something Keratosis and you asked if I could remember what the something was?  Just had a copy of the letter dermatologist sent to my gp, it’s a lichenoid keratosis.  He said the thingies that have come up on my side since rads are seborrhoeic keratosis.  Something else to thank BC for as they weren’t there before.


Just hour and half to go before I can take meds, clock watching xx

Morning lovelies,
Wow a busy few days for everyone, I really hope everyone gets home safe to their families, it’s such a worry so I’ve got my fingers crossed that planes, trains and automobiles are all good to go.
I’m really glad the drs went well Delly, first step taken and we’ll be with you all the way. I’m in Yeovil but we spend a lot of time in Dorch and The purbeck. Studland is beautiful and we often go up to old harry rocks but Swanage is my very favourite place and we’re hoping to move there one day xxx
Janey I really hope your feeling better soon and the onc appointment goes well I’m still waiting for mine to come through xxx
Charys I love a bit sparkle as you might of guessed xx
Helena sending you love and I think we all have had wobbles during rads I remember seeing the rads nurse for a review and just completely breaking down over nothing at all. Poor girl she wasn’t expecting it at all.
Hello lovely Lily :slight_smile: xxxx
Right I’m off to make lunch catch up later
Love and hugs to everyone xxxxxxx



Can you pop over to the ‘time out’ thread…and anyone else who has had the problem of posts disappearing and give Bonita the info she needs ? I’ll add something there, but have hardly had the problem happen.

Helena, I know what you mean about relatives. I last heard from my brother in July,he phoned to thank me for his birthday card, and said, “mum told me you’ve got breast cancer, I hear you’re in a bad way.” Which if I had been, may not have been the best way to phrase things… I told him that I was okay, needed surgery and radiotherapy but hoped to be fine after that. And I’ve heard nothing since.


I expect he’ll ring on Christmas day to say thank you for the money I sent for his daughters.

So he’s hot on saying thank you, not so much on the how are you?

But he never wanted to know when my children were young, or my two sisters’ children, he never gave them anything, he thought they were just a nuisance. But having arrived late at the parenthood game he thinks we should all be fascinated by everything his do.


That was nasty and spiteful, bad me. But I used to be hurt for the children’s sake, he didn’t hide what he thought of them.


So I’m totally with you on the selfish relatives.

It sounds as if your partner’s MS has progressed quite fast, you both must have been having a really rough time, it’s your turn to receive the big squishy huggles.

Rubycat, tried to mention everyone this morning and missed you,how could I?  So sorry, and to anyone else I’ve missed, put it down thecthis effing head!  Counting down the minutes until I can take my jollop and sink into oblivion.  Ha, sending himself, AKA SO into town, My himself also been despatched to get the bits I went for yesterday and mission aborted because of head.  RC, I have the same thing come up if I try and post a pic, I can take one and post if I’ve got a post open but can’t post one that I’ve already taken, get the same message, WAC (what a crock).  Hoping sons arrived from Skipol, daughters arrived in Padstow, and everyone is safely where they need to be xx

<Empty imported post>

Not sure what happened there!

Charys your so right people do not change they just got through the motions for a bit! when I was first diagnosed my sister went round to her friends saying "oh my sisters really ill, I can’t cope " and went for the all sympathy she could get!!! And if she did anything for me she’d then tell anyone and everyone who’d listen. Drove me mad… But she’s always wanted to be the centre of attention so I shouldn’t of been surprised.
Definitely only care for those who genuinely care back. It’s quite an experience finding out who your friends are when things are down.
Lovely Lesley I hope your headache is less now. Xxx
I can’t believe how windy it’s got, it was all calm earlier there be more leaves for me to clear. I’m as ready for the big day as I can be and if I’ve missed anything tough!
It’s going to be all about being together and me not burning the turkey :-D.

Afternoon ladies


its been a busy morning on here!! 


Dearest Delly - I’m so proud of you lady!!! It was a big step that you made yesterday and I’m absolutely chuffed that it went well and that the doctor was gentle and sympathetic. Have a big cwtch from me you lovely lady!!! Xxxx


 Lesley you’re really suffering with these headaches. Hubby suffers from migraines and when they come, they floor him too. We’ve worked out over the years that it’s either stress of certain smells that set his off. He has to hold his breath if we walk passed Lush in the high street. How people use those bath bombs etc from in there I’ll never know…the smell is sooooo strong. Maybe Delly is right and a head and neck massage might bring some temporary relief.


Helena - hope today is smoother for you with your rads. I suspect that being the Friday before Christmas they’ll want to get everyone in and out on time. I’ll be thinking about you.


what are we going to do without out daily pics after Christmas!! I strangely look forward to seeing what’s there every day lols. Perhaps charys can find some New Years ones for us too!!! Pretty please!!! ??


i hope one everyone who has family arriving or travelling today has a good journey. Weather here isn’t great and the wind is strong already. We’re picking my dad up later and are all heading to my sisters for supper and a giggle. Being almost 8 years younger than me, she’s my baby sis at the ripe old age of 37 ? and she’s an absolute star and I love her dearly. She’s even more black and white than I am but cracks me up with her sense of humour. Tonight will,be a scream and I’m looking forward to it even if I do have to wear a bra lols

So to make an effort I’ve been baking!!! No guesses as to what pmsl but wasn’t going to risk anything new just in case it was a disaster!!  

Who wants a slice?!!


have a fab Christmas Eve Eve you lovely lot!! Apologies if I’ve missed anyone out again but there’s so much to keep track of on here!!


beth xxx


The actor was ALAN RICKMAN !!!

Charys I’m timing the “Timing Out” and it’s now 12.18. As for when did it start, certainly since I joined this thread. can’t remember what or life before it really !!! Noticed Load/Discard at around 1.40, so say 1 1/2, but it’s a common occurance for me to be sitting reading and bashing at the keyboard for that length. + you all gossip/talk so much!!!

I’m just gonna try timing it again. Will be back later.

Janey - Sunflower, I’m so sorry to hear you’re not so good today and having a bit of a bummer day. Hope your Onco appointment went ok. I’m sending you an extra hug, just need to change the bulb again from Lesley this morning - she  and I popped TWO bulbs!! It’s all that electricity in her head. 

Lesley - Hope you can get your head shifted soon - the pain I meant. You poor woman. Must be horrible/dreadful having a stonking headache for 3 days. I’m feeling extra loving, emotional  and generous today so sending you an extra hug also.

See you later xxxxx

Okey Dokey Delly…I think I might try a ‘time out’ test and see if my load/discard thing works. Keep a jotted note of your findings and we will add them to the ‘time out’ thread.


Lily - You are SOOOOoooo right, gosh you get this ‘craft’ thing don’t you! I’m so entirely ready, with everything done, that I have just made countless white silver and purple tassles to decorate my daughter’s presents.


Beth - THAT my friend, is a simply AWESOME looking bakewell tart. Who would expect anything different from you? My absolute favourite, I am particularly fond of the costa version, which they call something else of course.


Helena - He’s back…but not before we had a ‘conference’ shopping experience at Pets At Home. 5 minutes with me talking him up and down the aisles and describing boxes and their positions. Kind of ‘remote shopping’ :smileyfrustrated:

Blimey I don’t know where to start on this thread, you’ve been having a right old gossip! I shall have to find a picture of Scruffty - our cat who likes to sleep on anything other than her bed! Both Rubycats are obviously lovely!
Charys I love the gnats arse empathy comparison. That is going in my book of phrases to use!
Did you do a Noddy up there in the Midlands Helena?! I hope it wasn’t loud enough to reach Lesley and make head worse!
Clair we live ridiculously close to each other and are going to have to add coffee to that pact! Please send the bakewell here Beth! We are out with lovely friends tonight and I promised a pud. I’m doing banoffee pie, as it’s simple! Having a sit down now though, as it’s tired time!
It was a usefulish appointment today, although very brief. I’m going to swap to taking Anastrazole in the morning, in the hope the woosh of tiredness will hit in the evening instead. She suggested I consider working part time. Not sure she appreciated the need to pay a mortgage though!
Dizzy these jetsetting offspring! Daughter now safely back in Padstow and about to bring pudding joy to anyone with room left after their fish! I think she may think twice before getting cheapest possible flights again! Hoping she has some money left to get some delicious thinks from the deli to bring back, although I should probably fast for a while!
Delly all sounds very positive and thank goodness for a GP that listens. My big news today is that I am now on leave rather than sick leave, so a positive thought. Off to find a pic and hope I haven’t missed a thread! Xx

Oh Delly we must have posted in unison. That seems a bit of an over reaction from date woman. I don’t think she can have looked at your apology. I hope you’re ok.
Carol your cat is lovely. I am craving a dog, but our cat is so timid xx

Afternoon everyone,
Sorry, I lost the message that was to accompany the photo of Patch. He’s 17 & we’ve had him for 4 years since his previous owner died. He’s a great character with a big personality & an appetite to match!

Happy ? Friday everyone and stay safe xxxxx

So, Scruffy is one of those cats who you buy nice beds for and he choses…piles of washing…etc. He looks like a big boy…is he?


I’m loving the cat pics they are all so cute :slight_smile:
We brought Blinx a advent calendar last year and she turned her nose up so she didn’t get one this year she does have new toys for Xmas though.

Janey that is a date :slight_smile: hopefully changing the time you take the tablet will help.

Delly you’ve had a lucky escape from that woman, I’m with Charys on this she’s the one with the problem xx

Right I’m off to sort through the fridge and see what I can.throw together for tea
Hugs and love to everyone
Beth I still Iove Mac too xxxx

Dearest Delly

i think her response says far more about her personality than yours!! What a way to react! I appreciate it didn’t  to plan on the day but her response shows a complete lack of compassion. 

Youve still got all of us on here!!!


She’s 9 and about average I guess. She’s missing the empty nest ones, so took to sleeping on a dirty t shirt belonging to the eldest boy! X

Agree with everyone else on here, Delly…think you’ve had a very lucky escape there. What an OTT reaction. Call the Police??? and tell them what exactly? Don’t allow her to get you down ok? XXX ?



Not long come round from meds and what a lot has been happening, both  on here and here (like out and out out).  Himself is in bed with chest pains, won’t go to hospital, says he’ll wait until after Christmas.  Last time he was like this was when I was convalescing in Wales early Septmber and in ended up in the heart ward for four days.   No reasoning with him so given up.  Friends daughter still I. Labour after being induced yesterday poor thing.


Delly, can’t believe that woman!  As everyone here has already said, she’s got a big problem, think youve had a lucky escape!


All those pics of beautiful cats.  I’m a dog person myself though did once have a cat called Chopper Wilberforce who I loved dearly.  I left him with the parents when I left home and he lived to a ripe old age.


Now I pain free though woozy I could just eat a slice of that Bakewell tart Beth.  Nothing sweet in the house except box of Quality Street young couple from next door dropped off when they asked us the keep an eye on their house while they’re away over Christmas.


Saw mention of Alan Rickman,  He must have lived quite near here as he always used to be in the parade when they turned the Christmas lights on, and though I never saw him personally he was often spotted drinking coffee sitting outside Costa in the high street.


Logging off now, eyes had enough.  Catch you all later xx