Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hi Laurac,


this isnt my territory, im trespassing…but was trying to track down the illustrious,  but unreachable,  Charys, and spotted lovely Patch!


What an adorable cat…do you think he might have a little bit of the ‘upper class’ in him? He looks as if he has a lovely ruff…I had a beautiful rescued maine **bleep** with a similar ruff, once! MaineCoon…no bleeps!


Keep toasting - ‘up yours’ everyone, and have a great Christmas…




Here Moijan ! Have I missed something ? You aren’t trespassing AT ALL…you are most welcome to join the crew.


Okayyyy, just seen (on pc now, not phone), you left me a PM. Have replied.


There’s no territory here honestly, well occasionally a few ur**e  leakages take place (I won’t name the culprits so publically, even though they’ve already named themselves)…but don’t let that put you off. They aren’t deliberate territory marking, but loss of bladder control LOL

Nothing really…Charys, … but actually, I dont think I could cope with this thread full time!,??


(have just seen Cla…had some mainecoons too…luvverly)


 I know everyone will agree here…animals are even better at loving us than human beings…loyal souls who dont judge us…just love usxx


Delly pick yourself up, dust yourself off and heres a hug from mexx?‍❤️‍?



am off to a mulled wine doxxx




Hi everyone, just checking back in. Finally the errant son has arrived from Schipol, delay was caused by them doing a full body search of every passenger, even down to hands inside the jeans. So it needed about four hours instead of two to get through all the formalities. So finally everyone is assembled.

Delly, your lady sounds over the top, but I wonder if she’s scared herself a bit? She too has broken all the rules about meeting in a public place. Does she know your address? We can joke about bunny boilers, but she’s probably worked herself up  and adding two and two to make twenty, and maybe feeling quite vulnerable.

It doesn’t excuse the over reaction, but it might explain it a bit.

Helena, I’m so glad you had a better experience today, and now you can relax for the holiday.

Everyone else, hope you’re all well, pain free and flush free, and having a good evening.

Thanks for your comments re Patch. Yes, someone else remarked that he had a lot of Maine **bleep** in him. I googled the breed & he certainly has a lot of their characteristics. He doesn’t sit on laps is very very vocal. All the best, Carol xxx

Need to make it all one word - mainecoon x

Lesley, just looked back to your post re the chest pains…I think I would be ringing for an ambulance. I know I’m a worryguts, but you could be a long time wishing you had. It’s not easy if he’s digging his heels in, but if he already has a history… Anyway, I hope all is well.

 Darlin-Dizzy - again. Just went further back in your posts to me. Sweetheart, she was totally justified in her thinking and reaction to me. I can/could see all of why she reacted such a way, because I know/knew how my behaviour could have come across. I was there and am able to self analyze my behaviour. You and ALL of you are simply being lovey and protective, but I still think Poor Woman. BUT, albeit a bit extreme in recent reactions. Lot of it with me is simply FRUSTRATION. However, think I was just wanting to express my “shock” to it all. Not necessarily wanting/wishing a reaction. Thanks though, you’re all  absolute sweetiepies. Think you should all just come sort me out. - Yes pleeeeease.


Flip…heavy convos going on. Probably not the right time to pop in and declare my paul Hollywood frangipane xmas pies an outstanding success…but I will anyway lol Delly, I know that you felt you behaved in a somewhat erratic fashion…but…it’s the overreaction I’m commenting on. Obviously we weren’t there, and appreciate that she was clearly quite upset by what went on. Well…to be honest…I’ve nearly called the police to this thread a few times ?

Lesley …that is a massive worry for you !! That’s an understatement. Can you not even get him to speak to the useless people on the 111 call line. (;no idea what their remit is but it appears it doesn’t cover anything I or anyone I know has called about). Seriously though, even an out of hours GP call to gI’ve him a wakeup call ?

Hello all,


Just thought id better check in, don’t want to spoil anyone’s evening, you’ve all got enough going on at it is.  Himself is in bed.  He has eaten his dinner which is good as he doesen’t have much of an appetite at the best of times.  Still not well but not as pale.  Will not go to the hospital, will not let me ring anyone, but I’m not as concerned as I was earlier though still not completely happy.  If he’s not right in the morning I’m calling a taxi and taking him whatever he says, told him that.


Thank you for your concern.  Enjoy your evenings one and all xx

Nooooo. …no private convo. Much earlier today she said her husband had some ‘chest pains’ but he refused to get it checked out. …and he had a history of previous cardiac problems ?

Don’t delete anything dellydoodahdingidydongidy! If you do that all the surrounding comments will be out of context. X

Damn she posted 1 min earlier lol

Lesley I hope your hubby is feeling much better soon and that you don’t need to rush him off anywhere. Life is never simple is it xxx
Delly I’m sending you a huge squiggly hug xxx
Mmmm Paul Hollywood pies sound interesting xxx
I’m off to bed to watch a chrimbo film… Sweet dreams everyone xxxxx

Evening Christmassy ladies


back from a really lovely evening at my sisters and it was fantastic to laugh and laugh. Dad had a few beers and glasses of wine and was having a ball himself. I think we all needed it after the last few months. 

By 8.30 though I was so very sore. It’s no use wearing a bra for any length of time right now. I’m wearing a really soft non wired one but it still presses on my node scar. I can cope for a while with it (with painkillers) but it’s as if someone flicks a switch and the pain and tiredness becomes totally overwhelming, also makes me feel a bit nauseous too…so home we came. Thankfully hubby was driving (too painful for me since rads). Anyway in through the door, changed in to pj’s and off came the bra. Such relief. 

Have any of you ladies who are post rads felt like this? How long will this take to settle. I’ve got dressings still over that scar from the rads team to help protect it a bit and give some cushioning but arghhhhh. ? 

Other than being red raw underneath the boobicle and a peeling nip, both of which are manageable this node scar is the only area that is really causing me any real problem. It’s been sore since about day 3 of rads and got worse as it went on. Booooo hooooo

on a cheery note, James Bond is on and I’ve just watched Daniel Craig in that scene when he walks out of the sea in those little blue shorts. So dreamy!! Lol


hope all of you are ok this evening. Lesley - I’d call someone anyway, even if he is protesting against it. Better to be safe than sorry. 

Helena I’m so glad rads was better today. That’s four under your belt now!!! Smashing it lady!


last mission for me this evening is to see whether the flush I had after a largish glass of baileys last night was just a coincidence!! I’ve NOT had a flush for WEEKS so it was a surprise to say the least. Another poured now to test it out! Fingers crossed lol


finally…my mother turned up on my doorstep this afternoon but wouldn’t come in because of…you guessed it…germs. She just wanted  to hand over Christmas presents so I did the same back.  Then she was off. Wonder if it’s germs from her, or her picking germs up from us? She did the same with my sister apparently too. Bless her, she is unique. 


Lots of of love to you all on this Christmas Eve Eve night

beth xxx

Helloooo … you’re still gassing away! I hope you’re all ok and Lesley what a worry you’ve had again.
We’re just back from a friend’s do and i had 2 very large gins - I think same effect as some of your jollop Lesley. At 9.30 I had to ask the OH designated driver to go home. Pathetic! I have managed to keep my bra on though Beth! A lovely funny evening nonetheless. Mind you a bit cheesed off - OH’s ex forgot it was her turn to have children - well actually took one out with her and the other one was left behind, so back to ours! They are older but he’s definitely feeling unloved.
Anyway I’m away to my bed and thinking it maybe 2000 posts by the time I wake up!! Xx

Yeh, Charys - is Deffo the Load/discard option, as to whether it comes up or NOT, then all is lost. Has just happened again and my post lost. Could NOT be retrieved. I’ll let Bonita know.


Oh, Carol, how to reach Delly’s heart - post a soppy piccie of a cute, sweet, soft puddycat. You are awful. 

Have a wonderful Xmas and New Year yourself too, babe xxxxxx

Lorac…he is so cewt! Oh, will he let us kiss his tummy/chest…or will we get a scratch?

Morning lovelies,

Ann, Leo is a right cutie xx
I’m just popping by to say hi, it’s going to be a busy day for me today.

Beth my rads side effects peaked about 10 days after I finished, now 5 weeks later things have really settled I still get the odd stabbing pains but it’s all so much better so hold on in there. Xxxx

Lesley I’m hoping your hubby is doing ok xxx

Delly step by step my darling <3. your going the right way lots of love xxx

Have a fab day every single one of you hugs and love Clair xxxxx