Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Helena, for your thoughts I’m doing ok. I still have my down moments but I’m focusing on the good things. I’m also trying not to panic at everything and not think everything is linked to the tablets or worse :slight_smile: catch you later my lovely xxx

Good morning gorgeous girls, and a happy Christmas Eve to each and everyone if you,


The good news is himself is much better this morning.  Chest pains have  stopped.  He still doesent feel like dancing on tables but looks a better colour.  Keeping my eye on him.  Bad news is head is thumping, but you can’t have everything can you.  Thanks for all your support last night.  Strange how  Ive come to need you lovely lot so much,  seems odd that I turned to you first when I was so worried about Himself last night and didn’t pick up the phone to someone nearby for help/reassurance, guess that proves how important this group has become to me.


Just going to read through all your posts and check up on you all then I’d better get cracking.  Not going to mention you all by name as need to get on,  but massive thanks, massive hugs, and wishing you all a lovely healthy and happy Christmas Eve xx

I December 24th, a special day full of busy anticipation…and no doubt everyone has loads to do, places to go, things to get ready. Wishing you fun and happiness throughout Christmas Eve.



You saved the best till last Charys. Beautiful picture. Lesley I hope today is a better day for you and hubby. A busy one here. Parents arrive shortly and hoping daughter and partner get let out early for good behaviour from restaurant tonight, she still wants a stocking!
Happy Christmas Eve from me too, may your onions be pickled and tipples on tap xx

Morning all!

Delly, sorry, I fell asleep on the settee last night, was out like a light till I woke up and went to bed, then couldn’t get to sleep. But I will think about what you said about brothers, you’re right that it’s easy to moan and be annoyed, when maybe we should try to make things better. So thank you for reminding me about what’s important.


Charys, that is an amazing picture, it takes me back to being a little girl, we had snow globe that came out every Christmas, the kind you have to shake to make it snow. I don’t know whether they still make them.


Lesley, I’m so glad himself is looking better and you don’t have to worry, just keep weather eye out for him.


Love and hugs to all, busy day today with happy jobs for once.


So glad you all like the picture, I thought it quite symbolic - you know ‘being at sea’ ‘lighthouses’ and so on… ‘finding our way’ and ‘being kept safe’ etc and so on. Sorry it made you weepy Lady H, but in a ‘good’ way I’m sure. :smileyvery-happy:


Your soup sounds lush Delly! Right up my alley that. More lovely catties today. Gotta dash but wanted to pop on again and say Hi.

Merry Chrismas everyone!!! 


Today feels all calm here which is lovely. Hubby has gone to watch football so many ive had the tv to myself and currently watching harry potter. I made the stuffing for tomorrow earlier on so we’re all sorted for an easy Christmas Day. We’ve been lazy this year, but acceptable in the circumstances, and Christmas lunch is courtesy of M&S. Everything is prepared so all we have to do is pop the prepared turkey etc in the oven & put veggies on the hob. No peeling, no mess, no effort. Hallelujah!! 

I wasn’t sure how I’d be feeling after rads so we ordered everything early In December. I’m so glad I did as my node scar is damn agony today. A stress free Christmas lunch! 

My sister has 18 at hers for their Christmas dinner tomorrow!! 18!!! Good grief! Her in laws are a large family and cancer has rampaged through that family this year too so they’ve got good reason to all get together. 


Delly you are spot on about my mum. I love her dearly but she’s a challenge at the best of times!! She fights her demons every day, most of which stem from years of alcohol abuse when we were kids. She’s been sober for 25 years but the guilt weighs heavily on her. 


I’m loving all these cat pics!!! Been trying to find one of our old moggie but no joy. He was called Nigel and was a 3 legged black and white cat at lived to the ripe old age of 18!! He was a star. He never left our garden as he couldn’t climb the fence so spent most of his time sunbathing on his back or watching the birds from the deck. Such a happy cat and followed me around everywhere at home. He LOVED strawberry milkshake and peach yoghurt for some reason! Was also known to like keema rice from the Indian takeaway too!! Lols 


best news of the day…Baileys doesn’t give me flushes!!! There is a god after all lol ?


As as its now officially Christmas, the chocolates and nuts have been opened!! As hubby asked me this morning “is it Christmas now? Can I open the chocolates?!!” Bless him! 


Sending you all festive wishes and love…try not to overdo it this year and let others take some of the strain! 

Love beth xxx

Hi all,

not a hope trying to catch up on pages and pages of chat…Thank you for being there, when I needed support - love you all

I wish you all the Merriest of Christmasses!




Sue xx


Christmas disaster! (of a kind)


Ok, lets go back to October, as most here will know you have to fulfill a min order value to secure your delivery. Not knowing what I wanted to order three months in advance of Christmas, I did a search for ‘turkey’  and plonked into the basket the most pricey and biggest I could find, best quality and highest value in £ to make the order min. Obviously I’ve done lots of edits since then, including adding the ONE duck breast for the one meat-eater here on Christmas day, the rest of us are vegetarian.


So, the order just arrived…with this mahoosive turkey I forgot to remove!!! All nicely boxed up, with cooking instructions and a free meat thermometer (giving you an idea of the ridiculous price I paid here). I was so shocked I denied having ordered it, however, it was confirmed by the driver that I most definitely had. I’ve never cooked a turkey, but it’s currently in now cooking as no space in the fridge for it. I can’t believe it…what a mistake to make !!

Oh Charys that is hilarious :-D. Sorry shouldn’t laugh :smiley: :-D. Xxx

Thank you Helena xxx

Darling Delly thank you for your extra hug. Xx I am a bit all over the place at the moment not really sure why though. Xxx

Well my daughter has now finished work and everyone is home <3 so I’m going to pour myself a large G &T

Charys, you must use a better class of supermarket, if it’s Tesco you just say you don’t want it and the man takes it away again. It doesn’t matter whether you did order it or not. That’s how you get round the problem of getting four 1kg bags of parsnips instead of four parsnips…!


If you have room in the freezer you can save the meat and feed your meat eater for the next year, cooked frozen turkey would chuck into any vegetarian meal, it keeps well if it’s properly wrapped and put in Tupperware.


I’m just starting to get hot and a bit itchy so the husband and daughter have volunteered to finish putting the trifle together. Their combined age is 89 but I’m still worried about them whipping the cream…



my scar is doing my head in. The one where they removed the he lump is ok, it’s much wider and dark red after rads but it’s not really painful. The other one is blood red and sore but the really painful bit is this dark purple/red area that’s come up under it. It’s about an inch wide and follows the whole length of the scar and about an inch further into my armpit. I’m guessing it’s a kind of rads burn and will settle but OMG. 

Today I remembered that I had a crop top/sleep bra that I wore after surgery and wearing it has helped a bit. I thought that because it was going braless, it was pulling on the scar and making the area even more sore. I’ll try anything at the moment!!


Dizzy - thank you for asking after my mum. They discharged her from hospital Thursday evening as medically they said she didn’t need to be there any longer. She still cant eat solids and is managing a couple of those high calorie shakes and some smooth soup but that’s about it. I think the more she worries about it the more worked up she gets and eating anything then becomes even more difficult. 

I’m not taking cocodamol now as it was bunging me up so its ibrupofen and paracetamol now. Can’t wait till I don’t have to take pills anymore…apart from tamoxifen of course!!


looking forward to Grantchester later! Who doesn’t love a bit of Robson green! Lols


pass me a chocolate someone…???


Merry Christmas Eve Evening gorgeous girlies,


Just couldn’t stay away from you could I?  Oh dear Charys, so sorry about the turkey but dud make me laugh. Beth also sorry about the nip, and node soreness, can so relate.  Four months on mine still not complete recovered.  Dont worry though, nothing major, nip just a bit crispy though not at all senistive anymore, thought at one time it would never heal.


Had a lovely lunch at my friends, superwoman.  While I was reclining  nibbling food and swigging wine she managed to prepare from scratch  three different types of stuffing, red cabbage and apple, white chocolate cheescake, sprouts with chestnuts and bacon, coleslaw and a batch of mince pies ready for tomorrow.  When I left she gave me a beautiful wrapped gift, I said we don’t exchange Christmas pressies, she said it’s not a Christmas pressie, it’s a gift because youve been through so much and been so brave this year (I really haven’t been brave) cue more tears.


Himself is in bed poorly again.  Just took my head off when I asked him if he was all right, so Ive decided he’s big enough and ugly enough (to use one of my mothers sayings) to make his own decisions.  Had a message from my sister in Florida, she’s had a row with her son over his awful OH treatment of his daughter so she’s upset.  All in all not not feeling the love at the moment.


Right, whinge over, soon be time for painkillers and bed.  Beth, can I request a picture of Mac please?  That would cheer me up,  like cats but LOVE dogs.


Have a great evening all of you and enjoy your sherry xx

Delly, just seen your post, Is that our Sue? Xx


this is especially for you!! Th was last Christmas when he was recovering from a leg operation - we had to put him in a babygro to stop him chewing his stitches!! It was the vets idea and it worked!! Xxx


Oh Beth, thank you, he’s sooo  beautiful, lucky you don’t live near near me or there’s every chance I’d dognap him xx

There’s plenty where that came from! Other people have children…I have a dog so you can imagine how many pics we take lol

hope things settle down in the morning for you Lesley. Always here if you want to vent or chat 

Beth xxx

Thank you Helena xx Beth, who needs children when you got a dog that lovely?  Still cry over my two long departed mutts.  Delly, that’s so wonderful, so exciting xx

Lesley, not the peaceful way to spend your evening, but your friend sounds wonderful. Like we’ve said, you find out who your real friends are at times like this. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.

Lily, have a good journey tomorrow, hopefully no traffic problems at silly o clock!

Delly, that sounds like a great plan for your birthday, nice to have it to look forward to.

Beth, hope you’ve had some Bailey’s, I’m sure it’s medicinal in cases of Radiated Nip. Mac looks gorgeous, I wish someone had suggested that to us when Daisy had to have surgery on her leg, she had one of those huge plastic collar things. The babygro would have been so much better.

Charys, one turkey sandwich down, 999 to go…

Helena, just hi there!

