Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Just got in and been catching up on all your posts - what interesting and different lives you’ve all lived, all so clever too, and rich now you’ve won the lottery Delly.


No, was not informed in writing of change in pension.  I requested a forecast a few years ago and it stated that mine would be higher than the basic due to having paid Graduated Pension back in the dark ages so was shocked to find it would now be less.  I left school at 15, and worked ever since until 18 months ago.  I worked my way up to Personnel Manager (now Called Human Resources) then decided to get qualified at the grand old age of 32, so studied part tine for five years.  I then worked as a Practice Manager of a doctors surgery for many years but that became too stressful so moved back to HR in a lesser role though did get promoted to team ader, still as stressful but less money.


Had a really great night, food was fantastic, but now have terrible heartburn, that wil.  teach me for being a pig. Listening to my old colleagues discussing their jobs tonight, complaining about unrealistic targets, crazy workloads etc I was so happy to be out of it, even though I could really do with the monthly pay packet, but who knows, might even win the lottery like Delly, but if not, I’ll manage, anything is better than going back to that stress, really couldn’t handle it now.


just having a cup of tea, decaf of course, then it’s off to bed for another fun night of sweating, twitching etc.


Hope you’re all peacefully sleeping at this moment having lovely dreams. Xx

Morning all, just read my post from last night and seen all the typos, even though I’d edited a few out.  Feeling very fragile this morning, still got the heartburn, too much rich food, two glasses of champagne and a large glass of vino probably didn’t help.


Just wanted to comment on your brother Delly, I too have lost two people I loved dearly from suicide, as well as the pain of the loss there’s alway the extra "could I have done something to stop it guilt ", I read somewhere that’s it’s the worse kind of bereavement to get over, I think you never do.  I’ve always been a “stressy” person but fortunately never suffered with depression or any other mental illness, but about 5 years ago I was put on a medication to try to control my migraines and was not wArned that one the side effects was acute anxiety.  I didn’t know what was happening to me, the fear,  dread and even a bit of paranoia.  It was only the pharmacist  who told me it was the drug causing it and would wear off in a couple of months as I got used to it (which it did).  I now have more empathy and understanding of what a horrible thing mental illness is. 


It a wet gloomy day here in Bucks, hope the sun is shining where you are,  I’m going to pretend it’s sunny anyway, put my CD of steel drum music on while I do some jobs around the house, it always makes me feel like I’m in the Caribbean :slight_smile: xx

Morning you lovely lot and I hope your steel drums are doing the trick Lesley, now that vision has made Charys’ game harder!
Oh Delly what a pile has been thrown at you - you’re stronger than you know, with all the support you’re giving us all. I can’t believe both you and Lesley have also lost loved ones to suicide. I lost my uncle 20 years ago and then 2 years ago my wonderful friend, one of the triggers for me to see the counsellor.
Going for the lighter note too. Delly I did my social work training at Plymouth. I started out originally as an interpreter and worked for East Germany selling their electrical goods - I liked to think of myself as a communist agent! I moved to Devon with my then husband to be a sheep farmer and then fell into Social Work and a divorce - both the right move! I was lucky to find a partner when I wasn’t looking who has seen me through more than anyone should have to!
Charys how are you doing with break in the drugs? The nausea is slowly going but sweats are on the up. I am feeling very lucky though as I’ve had dates through for acupuncture and reflexology with the local cancer charity. It’s sunny here today, so garden therapy and more L cooking - lasagne for the 18th tomorrow. However, were there any Ts left from Tueasday Rubycat?! I need more cake!!
Big love to all of you xx

Steel drums and housework not made an appearance in my house today after all.  Getting used to living in filth.  When I was working I had a spotless house, now I’ve got all day everyday I never seem to get round to it, at least my OCD regarding my house seems to be cured, wasn’t long ago I couldn’t sit and relax if anything was out of place, now I can quite happily slob on the sofa surrounded by dust and mess.


Spoke to a BCN this morning (not the one assigned to me, still only spoken to her the day of diagnoses).  She seems quite shocked when I told her that the oncologist had told me to just come off the Anastrozole.  Discussed switching to tamoxifen, various other things that can help with flushes ie sage but apparently a no no if you suffer with migraines.  What’s she’s suggested is I have a break for 6 weeks, keep notes of how I feel  each day then give her a call.  Said its more important at this stage that I get some sleep and my body recover a bit from all the trauma, op, rads etc, but is not happy for me to just chuck the towel in just yet with the hormone treatment.  Feeling much more upbeat and excited at the thought of the possibility of good nights sleep once my body is clear of the drug.  You never know though, as coming of hrt, though I did start cutting the patch a bit  smaller every week over the period of a month thereby weaning myself off it, then going straight on to Anastrozole it might not be all the drugs fault.  Time will tell.


Janey, again, more fascinating info!  Logging onto here is like reading a really good novel, you lot just keep on getting more interesting every day.  Delly, maybe you could use your literary skills and write a novel using some of the life stories coming out on here as material.  Can’t wait for the next instalment.


Sun has finally made an appearance in Bucks so good excuse for leaving the housework again and taking my book outside to get some vit d xx

You too a Rubycat, 28, so young!  My eldest sister at 44, she was the strongest person I knew, had been through many tough times in her life but soldiered on.  She was a real party girl, had a good job, lots of friends, her son who she raised on her own was just about to graduate from university and she was so proud, then out of the blue something happened to her, overnight night she became anxious, lost confidence then took her life.  It all happened in the space of a few months.  Then a close friend, again no history of depression or any mental illness found out her husband was having any affair.  She didn’t tell anyone, none of us that were close to her had any idea until she was found leaving a suicide note.    It’s funny, but I never tell anyone about my sister.  Only old friends that knew me at the time know about it, anyone I’ve met since (it was  29 years ago) has no idea.  


Right, out in the sun for me now I’ve got that out of my system.  Thanks for listening xx

Hi “Grills”, just caught up with yers.

Lesley - Your dancing to Caribbean (that the right spelling?) steel drums - very entertaining dear. Glad you enjoyed your night. Was it a girlie only one? Did you get the hang of, when you want to refer back to other posts whilst you’re replying. Forgot to say you have to click the “reply” button first and then, before you type your reply, scroll down to the bottom of the response box, click on the purple “view discussion in a pop up”, which then opens an extra tab at the top of the screen, which if you then click on, takes you back to all the posts, and you can then keep clicking between the two whilst you type your message to refer to what was said. Got all that??

With ref to suicide - Oh Lesley, I’m soooo sorry about your sister, and your friend. Yeh, it immediately left me with massive guilt feelings - “Had I known just how bad a state he was in, I’d have jumped in the car down to Devon, whatever time of night/morning”. I managed to turn it around after 2 wks, by thinking “Even if I had, it may not have made any difference anyway. But” . . . .your left with buts and if onlys. He’d been mentally ill for a prolonged time. His death was only two yrs after my Mums. I really do feel that that, combined with my BC, has left me Bi-Polar. It’s like Post Traumatic Stress syndrome, all of that kind of thing. I’m either “hyper” up for brief periods or “hypo” down for prolonged.

Didn’t help either, that my cousin blamed me for what he’d done. Talk about kicking me in the teeth whilst I’m down. She didn’t even know him very well, having always lived in the North and him in the S, hadn’t had much to do with him for 40+ yrs. He was very difficult to deal and cope with when dealing with my parents estate, due to his chronic mental state. Not once did I receive an apology from her, just made it all that much more awful to cope with the grief. I no longer have anything to do with her or the other ignorantly judgemental dregs of my family. Wrong and sad innit - when you need as much support as you can get at such times.

No wonder I get and feel so screwy at times. BUT - god, am I so glad my Mum WASn’t alive to have had it to suffer.

Lesley - I’ve been sitting in a dishevelled house and boxes for 3 yrs now, ever since I moved here. What’s the OPPOSITE of OCD called!! - other than laziness. Something like Chronic Depressive Dirt Syndrome in my case ! I’ll have to have a serious think on in your case.


I need to get myself back on high dose Evening Primrose again, see if it was that that helped with my hot flushes and raising my mental state. 


You’re a giggle Janey, so glad you found a good 'en to have by your side, “when you weren’t looking” too. Brill!! So sorry about your best friend and Uncle. I’m really, really interested to know whether acupuncture helps with your hot flushes etc. It’d had been something else I’d thought about training in, cos I get a kick, satisfaction from and out of helping people. Not so sure if my hands would cope now, as I don’t know how much worse they’ll get. My house would be ideal to use the front room for something alternative therapy wise. Had thoughts to set up a massage therapy practice when I first moved here, having been trained in an earlier career in Swedish massage, but again hands started to be a prob - talk about stymied every which way.I might be better of, instead of kneading flesh, sticking needles into it!!

Ruby - hope you enjoyed your musical tonight. So sorry about your Nephew. Yeh, I read a posting on a thread somewhere with ref to what you mentioned, about the young guy on a bridge and  “A helper”. I had often been at the same depths before my bruvs “happening”, and since. I can relate to what you’re mentioning. People often retort backthat it’s a cowardly thing to do, but I know, it isn’t. Takes huge massive guts to. What you said made a loada sense to me. I go out of communincation with everyone.


Sorry - I’ve brought a very serious topic into our otherwise light hearted thread. Suicide is on the increase.But maybe we CAN discuss it more easily, not just because surprisingly many of us have already been directly touched by it through people we know, but also because our BC experience frightens us and makes us question life and it’s importances more so, do you think??

Lotsa love Dellywelly xxxx

Hello flowers. Delly I reintroduced strong evening primrose and glucosamine after 1st oncology appointment and hoping it’s making a difference. The nausea seems to be passing but my old friend vertigo wants its turn now sadly. I’m hoping I’ll be fit for tomorrow. Big day with an 18th for one and Navy passing out for another. I’d like to own their height Rubycat but they are my lovely common law stepsons. My daughter and I used to think we were tall but now feel short! Good career choice for your son - or maybe not when I think of some case loads.
Will let you know how the acupuncture goes. My first session will be on 1 November but the reflexology starts the week after next. I’ve been offered mindfulness too, so hoping my mental health will get the boost it needs. I think this safe place is just as important for that and you all amaze me and thank you for sharing. Night night and I hope you get some sleep Lesley xxx

Haven’t forgotten you my friends, got some major techy problems this end. Just got on to do this quick message x

Evening all ( Dixon of Dick Green quote for those of you old enough to remember),


The steel drums did make an appearance in my residence this morning, as did Hoover, mop, duster and other cleaning agents so the ground floor at least is no longer a health hazard.  With regard to upstairs, only managed to change the sheets, at which point thumping headache got the better of me, took the “heavy guns”    Jollop and crawled into sweet smelling bed.  Woke two hours later, longest ive slept in one go for ages!  Then had a mad rush to get ready as friend had invited me to late lunch/early dinner, Linner, Dunch?  at 3.30.  Just got back, lovely meal, couple of glasses of wine and first day of not taking Anastrozole, so here’s hopi g for a better nights sleep tonight.


Delly, I keep trying to do the pop up/ view as a discussion thingy, but still keep losing what I e started typing in dialogue box.  Will keep trying.


just had a message pop up from a friend in a crisis so will stop now.  Janey, hope celebrations all went well today.  Catch up with all you lovely ladies soon, hopefully the crisis in all a storm in a teacup and just needs some Lesley  straight talking, isn’t it funny how easy it is to sort out others problems but not our own?  Xx

Flip Sue, I’m sooooo sorry.

Glad you took up the advice of the CAB. Hope they can help. And did you have any luck with contacting the MacMillan Advice? That’s so bloomin tough for you on top of everything. I hope you get some much needed help with this issue. Have you spoken to the help line on here?? Have you got some support down there flower? Sorry for all the ??'s.

Got a spare room here for you and Leo if need be. 

Please keep in touch with how you’re doing.

Loadsa love and a massive loooong hug

Delly xxx 


Whoops - posted that in the wrong thread!!


Morning all! Lesley that sounds mighty energetic - and a gleaming house too! We had a wonderful day yesterday. The sun shone at HMS Raleigh for a perfect passing out and the newly 18 was mighty pleased with a record player - don’t tell anyone but it means I can play my old albums again! The kids were hysterical in not knowing you couldn’t just fast forward to the next track!
I feel less queasy each day which is a huge relief. My flushes and flashes are on the up though sadly. Rubycat thank you for the udder milk tip off - it arrived yesterday. I don’t care if it works or not, it smells like play doh, which makes me very happy!!
Charys I hope your tech troubles are soon resolved, you may get a letter about your attendance rate!! Xx

Heellooooooooo all…

My phone and ipad both gave up at the same time, for different reasons . Got a new phone now…hurrah…so now I can access reactivating my ipad (as the code gets sent to the phone) . Ill be back tomorrow to read up on you guys. …sorry about attendance rate…am I at ‘fining level’ yet?

Udder milk is amazing. …I love it ?

Udderly amazing (guffaw) then Charys. Your lack of attendance - naa. Janey was most understanding and she’s the one to keep from telling Miss. I now have visions of you “both” lying under the back ends of cows - topless - yeh, Janey said it, I’m incorrigible. I only hope it’s worth it, 'cos other things come out of the back end of cows !! Haha. But, like meal worms, that - “IT” may turn out to be a miraculous cure. You never know!

Awww- Janey. A proud Mummy for your sons “Passing out”. I can’t remember where HMS Raleigh is? Devon? Looking forward to you playing some of the old vinyls for those of us of the same age to bop to. Or even if not the same age. We can show them what good music IS !!

Hope you’ve all had an enjoyable, peaceful and healthy weekend

Loadsa love

Dellypoos xxxx 

Really quick, rushing off to hygienist appointment, just wanted to wish Janey big lots of good luck for today.  I’ll be back later to see how much detention I’ve got.  Love to all xx

Well Charys, I think you’re going to have to put in extra posts to make up for absence!! Glad you’re back here again, we do need a firm hand with Delly!
Raleigh is at Torpoint just over the water from Plymouth. It was an amazing day and great not to be centre of concern for once! Have had great fun with record player - strange mix of music between us, with mine ranging from Chic to Led Zep, the Jam,Pink Floyd and Carly Simon. Eclectic I think is the word.
Another beautiful sunny day yesterday to get in veg and sort garden while I have energy. Now here I am armed with an NHS blue jacket ready to head to Exeter later for my first zap! Love to you all. Rubycat I think it must be maltesers today - the lighter way to enjoy rads!! Xxx

What’s Janey up to today. …I ve read back and I can’t see anything ? Delly delay you ARE incorrugiblets ( have seen the typo but it was an auto predict and it’s funny so I’m going to leave it !) …you define the word I would say. Your imagination gives better views than reality lol

Hey lesley…she of the soon to be sparkly teeth, and rubycat. Rubycat did I see you are 28?

Still using phone , so doing slow one finger typing stuff.

Extra post extra post extra post (to make up for absence)

Ahhhh just seen…first zap ! Hey I was in exeter all day Saturday for the uni open day. …lovely view across the city and beautiful campus, really impressive. Good luck Janey x