Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Mwahhh such a cutie!!!

Just watching “The Lady and the Van”. Read the book years ago but never seen the film. I adore Alan Bennet’s work. Very talented in his craft and his wit suits me. Also adore Lady Maggie - brilliant actress, national teasure.

Dizzy - such pretty dogs King Charles. And like children, she? Daisy?? looks so peaceful when asleep.  xxxx

Helena - enjoy your scrummy yummy sounding venison tomorrow.  xxxx


Aww gorgeous doggies xxxx
Delly my hubby is doing ok xxx
Have a fantastic day tomorrow lovelies I’ll pop in at some point
Lots of love Clair xxx

Yes, sorry, that’s Daisy looking zonked. Don’t be deceived, she isn’t your typical King Charles. My last one was so placid you could do anything with her, but Daisy thinks she’s a springer, has bags of energy and chases anything alive. And attacks the post, and loves swimming in the sea…


My son ( who thankfully did make it back from the Netherlands) is trying to persuade us we want a puppy now… 

Dizzy, she’s a beaut xx. Clair, sorry your Himself is not well too.  Bad enough the rest of the year but at Christmas, for Petes sake, you think we’d get a break this year at least wouldn’t you?  Well, this is def my last post tonight, going to take migraine meds and crawl into my pit even though it’s not a migraine, just a thumping banging headache.  Now I know I did drink half a bottle of wine this afternoon so deserve it, but I’d have got headache anyway and enjoyed wine st the time.  I know if I take the prescribed migraine jollop it will knock me out and take away the pain, it is Christmas after all so going to treat myself.


night night, love you all xx

Umph - all left me on my ownio again. I’m supposed to be in bed anyway. But you’re all such a delightful distraction that I’m not yet in it. I know, I’m being a “charm the pants off” smoothie again.

I really AM wasted on my own, you know. Sue said to me in our first phone chat “Shame I’m not gay - you sound and seem to would have been an ideal partner” !! What a lovely compliment. Cappie/Scorpio - good combination, compatabiltity wise friendship/realationship wise. As are Virgo, Cancer and Taureans to a certain degree. All very interesting really. Well I find it so.


Nitey, Nitey lovely peeps

Dellydoodaah xxxxxxx 

Just a quick check to wish all my favourite ladies a wonderful happy Merry Christmas.  Enjoy whatever you’re doing today with friends/family/cats/dogs.  Eat, drink and be merry xx

MERRY CHRISTMAS lovely ladies. May your day be happy x

Special mention for Lovely Delly, as she is alone today. With you in spirit x

Morning all you lovely ladies!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely morning, Delly , glad you’re feeling better this morning, and Lily, hope you arrive/ have arrived safely.


Love and a merry Christmas everyone.


Happy Christmas everyone <3.
love and hugs xxxxxx
I’ll raise a glass to you All at lunch time.
Delly although I’m not with you in person I’m with you in spirit my lovely xxxxx


Had a nice peaceful and reflective Heiligabend (Holy night - German name for Christmas Eve) and am now looking forward to an hour at the pub and Christmas dinner - guinea fowl, potato dauphinoise, red cabbage with apples and spices, brussels sprouts with pancetta and cream.

Opened my pressies - fabulous music cds and a fabulous might sky projector - so I shall now be able to go to sleep with a starry sky above me!

With last chemo on Sept 1 and rads finished on 26th October have come a long way…last Christmas I had just received my mammogram recall letter…

Now I am looking forward to a New Year, making new friends - and of course the visit of Delly! Down here in the distant South - so I can spoil her for her impending birthday as a Thanks for all of the support she has given me and so many others on this forum.


Hugs to all and may the New Year bring you health and happiness.

Sue xx




<Empty imported post>

I just couldn’t resist and had to have another peep on here before getting dinner on.  Delly, you are not alone, youre here in all our hearts xx 


Sue what a fabulous photo, enjoy your dinner, and that goes for all of you xx

Hi ladies. I have been reading this thread for weeks and just wanted to say what a fab bunch you are. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Lisa xx

Hey, Lovely Fluffies,


Awwwww, Thanks, but I’m absolutely fine, really. Got some lovely music playing and just rousing myself to shower, have a kitchen clear up and tidy, then make a mess again. Just been ordering some cds. Said to Sue, music’s a good drug for me.

Hey Sue, Good morning, and a Very Merry Christmas to you too. Sue’s on her ownio too, but unlike me, I think she quite likes it,  Your dinner sounds yummy. Right, am on my way down - see ya in about 4 - 5 hrs !! No spoiling required, I appreciate “time” spent with “special” people more than materialistic things. You’re looking very fab in your photo, but I did say I’m more interested to meet your beautiful Leo than yourself !! Corrr, he’s a very, VERY gorgeous boy isn’t he.


Lily - yeh, same as Dizzy, hope you’ve had a good journey. 


This is soooo lovely to have you here in spiri, no doubt with spiritst (&lt;&lt; i’ve not even had any alcohol yet!!).

Gawd, you’re all such a load of sweetiepies - honest you are.

Loadsa love to you all

Doolally xxxxxxxxxx



just wanted to say a HUGE MASSIVE GIGANTIC Christmas thank you to each an everyone of you on here. Your support, patience, humour and daily hugs have got me through this horrible journey and I’d have been lost without you all.


have a fabulous Christmas, no matter who you are with or what you are doing.  You are all my virtual ether family and I love you all!


merry Christmas ladies!!

beth xxx

Hi Tweazel, Christmas is a great time to make ñew friends, come on in, the sherry’s out and the music’s playing…

I’m glad to know that you didn’t read this thread and think we’re all completely mad! Sometimes I forget these are public conversations. 


These lovely ladies have kept me sane over the last couple of months, so huge hugs for everyone, and thank you all for being there, and being wonderful, funny, supportive and suppliers of great pictures, decorations, advice and hugs.

Done it again, think I need addiction counselling, just can’t keep away!  Can’t let Himself catch me though, he’s taking a comfort break at the moment so it’s just a quickie.  Yes thank you all, he’s much better _again, _lets hope it’s lasts this time.  We also had smoked salmon and scrambled eggs this morning but I didn’t dare have the usual bubbles today, so scared of the “Head” coming back, would love one day off at least. 


Got all teary again reading your posts.  Big hello to you Lisa xx


Delly, my sister has messaged me from Florida where she’s spending Christmas with her son who lives there. She’s sooooo p****d off, says she wishes she was at home, just her and her dog, and bottle of Baileys and a box of chocs, think she’d swap with you lol xx

Happy Christmas to all of you wonderful women. We’ve had late brunch and off to the pub; hopefully the meat will now cook itself! ???