Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

There’s definitely something about Christmas that makes you reflect and think on things differently. Perhaps it’s all this “Goodwill to All Men”

Something happened to me yesterday.

You all know I’ve really not been myself mentally for quite a while now. I always like to “cultivate” relationships with my neighbours - important that you get on with yeh??

Well, I’d really got my knickers in a right twist last year with certain neighbours, about a fence panel having been taken out and left removed before I moved in (They’d been accessing my garden, to do bits of tidying!! - unnecessary, BUT without permission and left this open accessible gap to all and sundry.) which then remained left out of its slot for 15 months, plus tree roots from their side cracking the dividing wall. Shalln’t bore you with all the facts. Have yet to consult a solicitor about the proper legalities of who’s wall/fence it is or isn’t. Was just summat else to have to deal with and didn’t, not being in a fit state mentally to. Went totally bananas at them when they replaced ALL the fence panels with new, this March, accessing my garden without letting me know or asking, damaging a load of shrubs, trampling all over the shop. Steam was coming out of all those orifices again. Really let rip, threatening legal action blah blah. Didn’t do anything. Had plenty of rants to myself about it, but never did “Get round to it” as per flippin usual.

But . . . .  it always really saddens me to not get on with people. (I’m quite nice and friendly really - yes really) 

So, something made me pop an Xmas card through their door, wishing and hoping they were all well. I was “in” when a hand and card appeared through my letterbox. I opened the door to catch and speak to whoever it was, unknowing that it was said neighbour returning a card. So went out to say Hi and to apologise for all my sh*ttiness about the fence etc. Explained I’d had a load of mental cr*p goin on and had been recently meaning to pop a letter of apology to them both through their door, cos I hate not getting on with people.

D’ya know what. She just gave me a GREAT big hug and said,  “It’s okay Adele, know it’s been tough for you, but thank you so much for apologising and your card, felt and sensed it was a bit of an olive branch”.

Awwwwww - so a happy ending 'ey, and another bridge built. Jeez - think I need my head chopping off or my mouth sewing up sometimes.

Nice though 'ey.  It has become a philosophy of mine, in recent years, that we really DO all need to take care of each other, not just ourselves, which I’m not very good at anyway.


Just wanted to share that lovely little “happening/warmth”.


Just a quick pop in cuz I miss you all. Lunch was a success and I’m feeling quite merry :wink: welcome Lisa xxxx
Carol Penny is so cute xx
Hope everyone 's day is going well catch up later tons of love xxxx

Yeh Helena, enjoy your chopped up reindeer casserole !! Ha bloomin Ha. xxxx

Helena - Ok, you’ve just made me scroll back through umpteen posts to find your venison dish. Hope you feel guilty now.  Couldn’t find it, but wasn’t it venison steaks in red wine with . . . .did someone mentioned shallots?? yes/no? Soooo SORRY, about saying CASSEROLE !!! I don’t reeeally care, I just want an invite next year - capische?? Somebody provide me with a word that suits someoneone who splits hairs? Like myself really, “Pedantic”. Haha. so all right then, enjoy your “slice” of reindeer steak!! xxx

Basically Helena - it all sounds fandabidozee. Just enjoy.  "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, had a  hum he hum he nose . . . . . . !! xxxx

Sorry Delly, you prodded me re cats and id not seen that…yes, am a cat lover looney…I think animals are so uncomplcated…and…family are the opposite!


i do hope you are havng a lovely day Delly…and at least you can please your bleep self if you want…


someone…was it Helena? (Sorry…was  Ladybowler) Said she was eating a late lunch at 4 something…well because muggins left the meat out a bit too long…we had to cook it twice as long to make sure! So we had lunch with the Queen and a long break…now eating the xmas pudding!..which to be honest has been steaming for a Cpl. of hours !


all too much, too much, but at least ive been able to avoid the chocolate! ( so far)


peace and hugs,





Evening lovelies!


so we’ve just had turkey round 2 because as you know you just cant eat enough for lunch!!! Hmmmm evening supper of leftovers is just perfect!! You’d swear we were feeding the street with the amount we’ve cooked lol

This evening, strictly is on the tv, hubby is playing with the little drone he had for chrimbo, watched carefully by Mac who really isn’t sure of it lol, and hubby is wearing the onsie I bought him to keep him warm as I keep turning the heating off! All rather perfect!!!


hope everyone is ok and has had a good not too stressful day


Beth xxx

As long as Penny gets fed every 10 mins (and Patch) they don’t mind in the least getting the mickey taking out of them. Only joking pet but both of them are rescue cats and food is a giant part of them being happy ? and I’m happy to go along with it. Hope u having nice day- all the best darling XXX

Ha Beth, boys and their toys, can just picture Mac trying to figure that one out.


lovely  peaceful day day, just Himself and me, now all cosy and comfy.  Tomorrow will be complete opposite at my friends, lots of grandchildren, youngest born on Friday night.  Still her and I can sneak off to the kitchen if it gets too noisy and no one will complain, that’s the one thing this year, everyone is treating me like I’m made of  fine China lol.


Hope you’re all enjoying your evenings and not suffering with idesgestion.  Why is it, the more you eat the more you want?  

Oooooo - flip. I was only JOKING when I made comments about dressing cats up and taking the mickey as to how they must feel!!?? - honest. Have I upset someone?? I’m a bit flummoxed at the mo’. No,seriously I think I’m having some kind of memory lapse. Not at all on the same plane. Spoke to Sue tonight and had a weird lapse in my thinking with her too. Am goin to bed. Everythings feeling aAll a bit weird at the mo - sorry xxxx

Good Morning and Happy Boxing Day to everyone.


Lorac and Moijan - I’ll have to scan back sometime to see what I said about cats. Was I going on about them having feelings, and poor Mac - being dressed up in a babygrow !! Poor dog. Thank You both for you Xmas Day wishes, I was absolutely fine, pretty much occupied on here, the laptop and lots of lovely phone calls and text messages. It was so lovely to see you both “on” yesterday. Had to giggle at your lunch description Moijan - the Queen n all!!


Anyway, thank You all so much, dear friends, for thinking of me yesterday. Hope you all have a lovely, more peaceful and restful Boxing Day. 

Am definitely have to get back to the doctors soon to discuss this head problem I’m having. Only way I can describe it is, I feel like something short circuiting, like a loose wire somewhere. It isn’t all the time. Am off with soup, very gooey chocolate deserts and other goodies to Aunty M and Uncle A’s today and am staying over in their residential guest room at the sheltered flats. So shalln’t be around until tomorrow.

Bye for now.

Love to everyone,  Doolally xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Happy Boxing Day to one and all,


Delly Delicious, stop worrying, Im sure you didn’t upset anyone.  And remember Mac’s  outfit was for medical reasons, and very handsome he looked too,  Have a lovely time time with aunt and uncle xx



<Empty imported post>

Delly enjoy your day, look forward to hearing about it tomorrow

Errrrr, i heard you all breathe a “Sigh of Relief” earlier, when I said I wouldn’t be back till tomorrow.  Soooo, I thought I’d catch you all out with a very cheeky, sneaky visit. So Ha bloomin Ha - tough boobies babes. That’s “Sha Up Essex” speaky again. Apologies to those of you who are actually from Essex!! Yes I AM taking the Proverbial ‘P’ again.


I’m sorry about this, 'cos I don’t want to be a “downer” on all your lovely days, so forgive me for that but I find it’s good for me to get it out on here sometimes. And thank you, in advance for your patience and allowing me to offload.


I’m in a right state today. Managed to keep myself together yesterday up until coming off the phone to SweetSue and before my last post. Terribly teary, but letting it out. I’m soooooo glad I’m going to be in the company today, of people who are so very dear to me and that I love and care so much about. Who were life long friends of my parents, have known me from being born and that I know love me equally as much. Very “special” to me in other words. Think it’s gonna be giggly, but also teary and emotional.

I was saying to Sue, last night, and I’m probably repeating myself on here, how I used to be a very emotionally retentive person, controlled, “private”, difficult to read, didn’t wear my emotions on my sleeve. Someone who couldn’t/wouldn’t cry in front of people - used to do it in my own privacy. Don’t know why, guess “stiff upper lip” n all that, right from being a child.

Well, ALL of that CHANGED, and suddenly. And it was all down to my Dads terminal diagnosis, and being given a year and a half to live. All I wanted to do from that point on, was to tell him how much I loved him, what a brilliant Dad he’d been, and make the absolute most of what treasured time I had left “with” and “of” him. How bloomin sad that it took some drastic for me to be able to be that much more VERBALLY demonstrative - speak my feelings. I’ve always been a very physically affectionate person so I did always “show” it. But, I realised, to actually speak your feelings is equally, if not that much more important. And from then on, it has extended to everyone and anyone who’s already part of, or that comes into my life. It’s been a major part in what makes me that much more of a compassionate person, not just the BC experience and loss of other family etc. I think it was Charys I said this to recently, because she kindly remarked on what a compassionate and caring person I was, but she, and Janey are almost shockingly insightful, perceptive women (thanks both of you). What she recognised, is that much of it comes from a position of “pain”, and all of that was just from stuff I’ve written in posts !! What I write, how I write, the upset stuff and even the funny, droll stuff.

All the loveydovey stuff I put down on here to all of you and ANYbody, is all very genuine and seriously heartfelt. Even though I haven’t actually met you (which I keep threatening IS going to change !! I’m determined in that it will happen someday hopefully soon, even if I do have to come and physically drag you myself !!), it doesn’t stop you feeling. As I mentioned to someone last night - I think it was Teasel - you CAN and DO actually “feel” the love, care, support, empathy, compassion, passion even. This thread literally  “Ooooozes” it. In fact, the whole Forum "oooozes it. But this thread in particular.


Sooooo, I just wanted to say all of that - verbalise it. And I’ll keep saying/repeating it, no doubt. So you all have to put up with it I’m afraid - tough, so there.


Love yers to bits and back to a whole again !!  &lt;&lt;&lt; Yerrrrr nice

Dellywellydingdong xxxxxxxxxx Now bogoff and let me get on with what I’m supposed to be doin - makin me late. S’all your faults !!! 


Errrrr, i heard you all breathe a “Sigh of Relief” earlier, when I said I wouldn’t be back till tomorrow.  Soooo, I thought I’d catch you all out with a very cheeky, sneaky visit. So Ha bloomin Ha - tough boobies babes. That’s “Sha Up Essex” speaky again. Apologies to those of you who are actually from Essex!! Yes I AM taking the Proverbial ‘P’ again.

I’m sorry about this, 'cos I don’t want to be a “downer” on all your lovely days, so forgive me for that but I find it’s good for me to get it out on here sometimes. And thank you, in advance for your patience and allowing me to offload.


I’m in a right state today. Managed to keep myself together yesterday up until coming off the phone to SweetSue and before my last post. Terribly teary, but letting it out. I’m soooooo glad I’m going to be in the company today, of people who are so very dear to me and that I love and care so much about. Who were life long friends of my parents, have known me from being born and that I know love me equally as much. Very “special” to me in other words. Think it’s gonna be giggly, but also teary and emotional.

I was saying to Sue, last night, and I’m probably repeating myself on here, how I used to be a very emotionally retentive person, controlled, “private”, difficult to read, didn’t wear my emotions on my sleeve. Someone who couldn’t/wouldn’t cry in front of people - used to do it in my own privacy. Don’t know why, guess “stiff upper lip” n all that, right from being a child.

Well, ALL of that CHANGED, and suddenly. And it was all down to my Dads terminal diagnosis, and being given a year and a half to live. All I wanted to do from that point on, was to tell him how much I loved him, what a brilliant Dad he’d been, and make the absolute most of what treasured time I had left “with” and “of” him. How bloomin sad that it took some drastic for me to be able to be that much more VERBALLY demonstrative - speak my feelings. I’ve always been a very physically affectionate person so I did always “show” it. But, I realised, to actually speak your feelings is equally, if not that much more important. And from then on, it has extended to everyone and anyone who’s already part of, or that comes into my life. It’s been a major part in what makes me that much more of a compassionate person, not just the BC experience and loss of other family etc. I think it was Charys I said this to recently, because she kindly remarked on what a compassionate and caring person I was, but she, and Janey are almost shockingly insightful, perceptive women (thanks both of you). What she recognised, is that much of it comes from a position of “pain”, and all of that was just from stuff I’ve written in posts !! What I write, how I write, the upset stuff and even the funny, droll stuff.

All the loveydovey stuff I put down on here to all of you and ANYbody, is all very genuine and seriously heartfelt. Even though I haven’t actually met you (which I keep threatening IS going to change !! I’m determined in that it will happen someday hopefully soon, even if I do have to come and physically drag you myself !!), it doesn’t stop you feeling. As I mentioned to someone last night - I think it was Teasel - you CAN and DO actually “feel” the love, care, support, empathy, compassion, passion even. This thread literally  “Ooooozes” it. In fact, the whole Forum "oooozes it. But this thread in particular.


Sooooo, I just wanted to say all of that - verbalise it. And I’ll keep saying/repeating it, no doubt. So you all have to put up with it I’m afraid - tough, so there.

Now all bogoff and let me get on with what I’m supposed to be doin - you’re all makin me late. S’all your faults !!!


Love all of yers to bits, and back to a whole again &lt;&lt;&lt; aww nice ey

Dellywellydingdong xxxxxxxxx 


Anoootherrr cold Helena ! Nooooooooo. I’m sure it was you who had one the week before you started rads wasn’t it ?

Delly-pops, just seen a really long post from you below and read it to the best of my ability on this darned weeny phone screen. I saw you said sonething nice about me AGAIN …stop it you little flatterer, or I’ll be forced to do something horrid like …errrr…push down a fence panel lol. Anyway…I do hope you are a wee bit less emotional, teary sad emotional. X

Sorry not caught up with all other posts yet…you know how it is…festive commitments and all that.

I don’t think you’ve upset anyone about dressing up cats ! Stress-ye-not…olde English wordes used there. Hey Clair amd rubycat. …happiest of boxing days to yOU.

…and to dizzybee, Lesley and lady H. I can’t edit on the phobe still…maybe there is a way ? Just hacked into the Xmas cake.

Oh no that was someone else with roaring. …Clair or Beth? I said to get out in the freezing cold and kill the germs off. Perfect its getting really cold tonight, at 0 degrees here now…I advise popping out and snorting in the air up your nozzle. Itll either help, or make you feel really rubbish. Could go either way sorry lol