Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh poor Helena, hope it’s just one of those 24 hour thingies and you’re better by Wednesday.  Nurse Lesley prescribes a day in bed for you tomorrow, lots of hot toddies.


Not long back from spending day at my friends house.  She’s is super woman personified!  Works full time as a nurse, huge house (always perfectly spotless) 5 grown up children and 12 grandchildren, every single one of them there today.  She laid on a magnificent lunch and supper, everything made from scratch, but the noise those children made, my poor head is thumping.  She kept saying, hang on, they’ll be going home soon but they out staminered me so home to blissful peace and quiet, painkillers, cuppa and soon to bed hoping for some sleep.


Hope you’re all enjoying your Boxing Day, whether it be dancing on tables or sitting braless in front of the telly stuffing chocolates.


Helena and Charys, you say it’s cold where you are, Not here, or maybe it’s my flushes but haven’t got the heating on and as soon as I got in I peeled off my clothes and am laying on the sofa in my undies feeling like I’m in a sauna xx

It was me lovely lady H :-D. Get roaring xxxx
Just a quick one as I’m playing board games with the family and it’s nearly my turn and I’m losing as always xxxx

Oh dear Helena, just what you need, not!  What a thoughtful present from your boss.  I used to really feel the cold, now I’m just hot, hot hot, hate it.


Yes, if my friend wasnt so lovely it would be easy to hate her, as, as well as being a fantastic cook, she gardens, sews, decorates and is stunning to look at, she has been by my side all through this rotten BC stuff even though her life is so busy.


Really hope you get a good nights sleep xx

Clair, don’t lose, cheat xx

Hello all! I’ve got to the mellow part of Christmas now, the fridge is still full and we’re all stuffed anyway. We went to the beach at Lulworth this afternoon to take Daisy for a paddle, but it was freezing, so we only stayed about twenty minutes. Yesterday we had slight hiccup when the sky box died, so we had no TV all day, but we got it going today and downloaded a couple of things we missed. 

Lesley, I really feel for you with the noisy children, they do my head in every time. So I hope yours recovers quickly.

Helena, another cold or the same one? I got one before I started rads and it’s still hanging around, it feels like forever. I don’t know whether it’s just local, but it seems to have been a really bad winter for colds, I know lots of people who were really poorly with them.

Just to cheer you all up, I saw the first daffodils open today, wish I’d taken a photo. There’s a cute spot by an old mill where the daffodils always come out really early, it always makes me smile. Last year they were out in November, every year I decide I need to find where you can buy the bulbs. All you people who know everything, any ideas? I know you can buy January Gold online, is there an earlier flowering variety?


I seem to have reached a really gross spotty stage with the rads, but I am back to wearing a bra. So the lessons in taking it off while fully dressed haven’t been put into practice yet, but thanks to Beth and Helena for the instructions, we decided you two must have had a misspent youth…

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holiday, don’t suppose Delly is online but sending special wishes for a good time with the auntie and uncle.

Hugs to all


I have some Tete a Tete in the garden, but mine aren’t anywhere near flowering, and they’re in a sunny spot. Besides, I think these were normal size not miniature. Whatever these are, I want them! It’s so nice to see spring flowers already. And they looked so natural, growing in clumps by a stream.

I’ve just done some googling and decided they must be Rijnvelds Early Sensation, full size flowers that open by Christmas. 


Hope the chest is better soon, whisky with honey and lemon is good, or my favourite, whisky Mac (whisky with ginger wine) And at least you’ve got another day off before the fray.

Good morning you lovely lot. Apologies to holder of the register for going AWOL, but a quick hello this morning. I hope that throat is shifting. I wondered if it was connected with rads and/or fatigue, as that’s what I was and still am like - a sense I’m going down with something.
Hope you’ve all had a lovely few days. It’s been a bit full on here with a houseful. Daughter and her partner now back in Padstow and parents off today, so a little quieter around here. Lovely to see everyone though. 2016 doesn’t seem to be done yet with Rick, George and Nana all gone too. I was a closet Wham! fan, even though it wasn’t that cool.
I’m being very lazy and following advice not to scroll down too far, as I think I’ll get confused. I did see you being very kind about me and Charys Delly, so thank you. I hope you had a lovely Boxing Day and I reckon you are definitely ready for change. Brilliant to have neighbours on side and impressed with those lists!
Love to all you beauties xxxx ps my tete a tete not there but snowdrop watch has begun!
Mahoosive hugs xxx

Like Janey just checking in.  Hope you’re feeling better today Helena, and hope you had a lovely day yesterday with aunt and uncle Delly.


Expect most of you are recovering from the exertions of the last few days, whatever you’re doing I hope you’re all feeling well and happy.


Yes Janey, pooey 2016, still at it, sure we will all be glad to kick its a**e goodbye in a few days xx

Hi everyone 

hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Boxing Day. Ours has been really quiet which is just what was needed. We ventured out today and even though we were only up town for an hour, I’m absolutely pooped now. Need to get my strength and energy back somehow. Wearing a bra is still painful and I can’t figure out why the  pressure it puts on that one scar and rads burn makes me feel so sickly. Take the bra off, and within minutes I don’t feel sick anymore. Hope that passes soon. 


Helena, I hope your throat and cold feel better soon. Fighting any kind of bug or infection is harder during rads as your body is already dealing with one set of healing. A visit to your GP is not a bad idea at all, worth getting checked out in case you need antibiotics for your throat. 


Sleep has deserted me again and I resorted to taking a Nytol on Christmas night. Did the trick and slept so well but after googling yesterday I found that it doesn’t go well with tamoxifen so I’d better not take any more just in case. So for now, sleep will remain a luxury that comes and goes!!


time for some TV now, The King and I is on so that’ll do!


beth xx

Oh dear Helena, you probably need antibiotics if it’s an infection.  You’ll have to phone the rads people first thing and see what they say.  I know I read on someone’s post in the Rads thread a while ago that they were told to continue when they had a cold, but not sure if same applies with infection.  Sending you a big hug xx

Hello lovelies, Helena sorry to hear your still feeling poorly I hope it doesn’t turn into an infection xxx
I’m totally shattered from the last couple of days and the run up to it all so I’ve politely cancelled any more get togethers for a bit. I just can’t get used to this tiredness and it’s so frustrating. It’s also making me feel a bit down again. I’m totally panicking about how I’ll cope going back to work. It’s weird how some days I feel great then all of a sudden it hits me and I can’t deal with anything. I know you all get it and I can just vent it out lots of hugs and love Clair xxxxx

He’s much better thanks Helena, Not 100% but with all his health problems that’s never going to happen.  He’s certainly more chirpy.  He went out for supplies today and is now snoozing, between the two of us were a right pair.  


Clair, just rest up, its early days yet.  Same for you Beth, you haven’t even reached “the peak” yet so don’t push yourself, it will get better.


Just poured a vino, was going to stop but thought I’d wait until January, thats my date for getting back to my old walking and healthy eating routine which all went out the window since diagnoses in May.  Got to dig my walking boots and waterproofs out and dust them off.



I’ve got a.meeting with my boss next Tues just to go through a few things and then I’ll be back on a phased return the following Monday it’s only 3 hours for 3 days with a rest day in between then the following week everyday for 4 hours then full time the following week. I totally love what I do but it is physically and mentally draining I just hope I’ll have the stamina to cope.
When I was having rads the team there said they could prescribe other medicines if they needed to, so if you can’t get in to see your Dr just have a word with them and see if they can help. Xxxx
Lesley I’m sadly a very impatient person when it comes to my own goals but I am learning the hard way, we’re having a quiet few days now with no visitors so hopefully I’ll pick up xxx

Just Had the biggest laugh for ages, received an email with photo attached -  one of our friends tripped over the coffee table on Christmas Eve night (he’d had a few) Got a real shiner of a black eye and cut.  This morning they were walking the dog and a cyclist overtook them, looked back and said “bet you wish you’d got her a decent Christmas present now don’t you mate?” Xx

:smiley: :-D. Love it :smiley:

Didn’t enjoy the wine, seem to have gone off it so opened the only chocs I have in the house, small box of Quality Street, now the sweat is running off me like Niagara Falls, obviously I can’t eat chocolate now.  Flipping heck, I know I can’t eat dark chocolate which I love because it can trigger a migraine but usually ok with milk chocolate.  Soon there won’t be any pleasures left to me ?Xx

White wine Helena, prefer red but again when my head is going through a bad spell like the last few months dare not risk it as can trigger migraine.  Haven’t touched red for about six months now.  Remember Janey saying ages ago that sweet things aggravated her menopause symptoms, i don’t often eat chocolaté but when I do it doesent usuall’y  affect me as long as it’s milk, now it seems it does.  Off to bed now to sweat/flush xx



Morning everyone, have a Great day xxx

Right back at you Clair, and to everyone else too.  Helena, hope you get on ok today.  After starting the night sweats early last night, i actually slept 4 hours in one go which is brilliant.


Off to town today to change two shirts I got for himself as gifts, both too small, and he hasn’t put on weight, they must be making them smaller xx

Morning glories! Another quickie from me. One of my favourite days of the year today. OH and I off to Putsborough beach for a walk - well at least I hope so. The eldest boy decided to come home with a “friend” last night and the proverbial is about to hit the fan! I’m keeping clear I think until the shouting subsides. Ho him …
I’m not sure about taking tablets in the morning rather than evening. I think it makes me feel even worse during the day, although I think I’m possibly not as hot at night - definitely don’t think it will be conducive to work sadly. Anyway will persevere, as Christmas busy may have also had impact.
Big hugs and big love to you all. Xxx