Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Thanks Helena. Just heading off now. Eldest sloped off when not last I king, so think discussions may continue later! I’m through or at least was almost through menopause too pre diagnosis, due to last brush with cancer. I am coping ok with flushes I think thanks to acupuncture but it’s the fatigue. Hoping a stroll along our favourite beach will clear lots of cobwebs. It’s very lovely and hoping sun will stay out!
Have lovely days and hope the sun is shining for everyone xxx

Clair, that sucks!  Honestly, it’s not that difficult is it, just make the appointment on last day of rads.  The last thing anyone needs when dealing with fatigue/after effects of rads is extra stress.


Helena, you should have had your zap by now, hope you managed not to sneeze or cough during it, always a big worry for me when I was having mine as I suffer from random sneezing fits.  Let us know how it went.


Janey, sounds intriguing!  Hope you managed to get your walk in and it made you feel better xx


Managed to change himself’s shirts though the two he chose were more expensive, but he rarely spends anything on himself so I was more than happy to fork out the extra pennies.  Met some friends after for a quick drink in the pub (I stuck to cranberry juice).


Nothing from Delly yet, hoping everything ok xx

Clair…I had exactly the same! Finished rads in June and was told I would have the follow up ‘after summer’. Come October I’d heard nothing , called and I’d been ‘lost’ in the system. …so ended up having a rads follow up in November !! Be careful it doesn’t push your next appointment on too far with the surgeon , it did mine, the referral back to ger beimg so late meant it would have been over a year since diagnosis. So…I made sure they brought that forwards. Glad you’ve managed to get through your rads lady H…quite miserable with a grotty cold as you don’t want to do anything let alone go and be fried. X

As Helena said, it differs so much from area to area.  My follow up with the BC consultant was made for the following year at my appointment with him following my 2 week follow up after op.  My oncologist was at local hospital where I had my surgery (had to travel to next County for rads) and again, rads follow up appointment was made at end of first appointment with him before rads, so organised.  Also because rads were in another County transport door to door was laid on.  However, I haven’t had all the other services others have had, counselling, massage, diet advice etc, just been left to my own devices.


Its freezing here but lovely and sunny.  My sister flies back from Florida tonight, lands here tomorrow morning, think it’s going to a shock to her system, been in the 80’s there, hope she’s got her thermals handy 

Janey, beach walk pictures are just the best xx

Evening all


been catching up on all your posts today. I was told by the Review Radiographer that I won’t be seeing the oncologist again because she doesn’t feel the need to see me apparently. I am booked in to see the surgical team at the start of April but that’s only 7 months from diagnosis so I don’t really know what is happening. Think I might put a call in to my BCN in the new year just to double check what they do around here. 


Helena - I had a head cold before my rads and the nurses on the BCC forum told me that it was ok to take Day and Night Nurse tablets. I always swear by them so could be worth a go.


delly - you’re back!! It’s been quiet on here without you lol 


I’m intrigued by the poor lad who brought a ‘friend’ home!! Oh to be young and carefree!! Think we’ve all lost that feeling of being invincible as a 20 something that’s for sure!! 

Think we may take the pooch down the beach in the next couple of days too. Best way to clear the cobwebs. 

Took a sleeping tablet last night that the doc had given me a few weeks after surgery. Never ever taken one before but did last night. 10 hours sleep later and I’m up!! Wow. Think that’ll be for emergencies only from now on and certainly not a school night!! Wasn’t even aware of any night time flushes! Bliss. 


Saw as this today and thought it very appropriate as I think I’ve eaten my body weight in chocolate the last few days… Xxx image.jpg



Janey, that’s a stunning photo, very arty.  Helena, Havent a clue what  you can and cannot take with tamo.  I was (and am about to start again in the new year) anastrozole.  I took painkillers virtually everyday when I was on it and did take a tickly cough mixture for a few days.  Didnt occur to me to check whether it was ok or not, you’re very sensible checking.


Ive got Lady in the Van still to watch, got so much on Sky+ recorded over the Christmas, going to save it for the dull days in January when it all goes flat and dull.  At the moment I’m quite enjoying just sitting looking at the Christmas tree lights, I’ve really enjoyed them this year, will miss them when it’s time yo take them down.


Delly, Lovely to have you back,  missed you xx

Beth, that’s  hilarious!  Think we can all relate to that. Just listening to the news about how fat and unfit we all are.  Having said that, Im not  overweight but I have become very unfit/untoned over the last few months xx

So sorry, had phone call so got diverted away from ALL OF YOU. Give me a bit of time to catch up or just tell me to bogoff. If the latter - tough tits!!! hahaha xxxx

Hi everyone, loads to catch up on. I’ve just spent the day with my sister and family, about a dozen of us altogether so slightly manic in good way. My younger son went back home this morning, missing him already.

Delly, glad to hear you sounding so positive about things, you must have enjoyed your visit to the uncle and aunt/ friends. We will meet up, let’s do it.

Helena, hope that cold improves quickly, it sounds really rough, and just typical to have one at completely the wrong time.

Follow up appointments…I think I see someone from the rads team in a few weeks but apart from that I don’t think I get any follow up unless I refer myself. But I’m supposed to have the symmetrising surgery six months after the end of rads so I don’t know how that happens. But it sounds like they’re all a bit lackadaisical everywhere about scheduling follow ups. I wish I didn’t have that other surgery hanging over me, I feel like an unfinished project at the moment.


We’re slowly eating our way through the chocolates and all the other Christmas temptations, though I’ve come back from my sister’s with a fresh supply of chocolates. But I’m beginning to think about wanting to clear out all the naughty stuff and start the diet soon.



Yeahhhhhhhhh. …fat…too true lolol I think I’ve gained a couple of pounds , still in normal BMI category though…just.

no idea about covonia Helena, the quickest way to get an answer I find is to speak to a pharmacist/ring them. They are far more astute about things like this the most other medical peeps.

Yo Delly…my frikkin ipad has clapped out, needs apple hospital. Therefore one fingered typing on phone and not able to fully respond with the deserved quantity of vocabulary to your loving post/s. So glad we’ve all made a difference to you…snd YOU have to us too! Sowwyyyy …missed people out here in this post but can’t cope with this sllooowwwwwww one finger thing

Nope …I am not getting it…your long post below about you and moijan. Have I missed something?;

If you ARE’N’T already watching -  DO watch NOW -  BBC1 - “Ethel and Earnest”   c/o Raymond Briggs of The Snowman"  fame. Excellent stuff xxxxxx  

I can’t I’m still trying to figure out what you are referring to in your long post below. Lol I must have missed something major. …or I’m not understanding the things you are alluding to. Something about meeting up , public forum , people have been told something ? Needs explaiming Delly doo dah. Lol

Ethel and Earnest on record and Lady in the Van just wonderful - put it on now Lesley!!
Delly I’m confused too but lovely to have you back.
I re read my post mind you and blooming predictive text very odd and we didn’t have any Kings in the house. Just the eldest step deciding to bring back one of the girls in every port, without checking out first - he seems hellbent on adopting every sailor trait he can!
Clair hope you’re feeling calmer. We will need to do that coffee while we are both phasing returns!
Ps happy New Year’s Eve eve eve eve eve hic (I’ve decided sod the heat - a gin and 2 red wines!). Hugs lovelies xx

Delly, watched Ethel and Ernest, cried at end, so touching and sweet.  Also Im with Charys, puzzled over your post too?  Not sure how/why you think you upset Moija, did I miss something? Xx

I’m in floods of tears Delly at Earnest and Ethel. Just Beautiful xxx Ps glad your back xxx

You too Clair, it was so moving wasn’t it?


Janey, now I understand about “the friend” comment lol.  My eldest nephew used to do that when he was staying at my mothers house, she was was disgusted to find random strange girls coming down to breakfast on a weekend morning and never minced her words letting him (and them) what she thought about it.


Just waiting for Dellys explanation, sure I’ll be more confused after lol xx

Hello lovelies, still haven’t caught up, 

BUT, pretty sure I DIDn’t  say Miojan had “upset” me. Think /hope?? I said, she felt “upset for” meeeee. Massive diff - sure you’ll agree. And ‘I’ apologise to Moijan for any misunderstandings that have been simply misreadings, and am wishing to make that VERY clear to everyone. Moijan and I have been very recently been in touch and she’s been wonderfully supportive to me. 

Sooooo now back to my catching up on your, oh so “boring”!! goss !! xxxxxxx 

Oh, but yeh but sorry,

Am watching “Sex in the City 2” same time as tuning into you’s. Sounds and seems very much like ALL OF YOU’S!!! so pleeeease just IGNORE me and go back to FIVE STAR  tv channel!!! - Yey, laters chums, it’s faaaaar more interesting/funny than meeee    xxxxxx