Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Can you overdose on 'vine fruits '? I’ve never eaten so many currants , raisins and sultanas! Pudding, Chrissy cake, mince pies and so on…

Morning all ! Incredibly thick frost here this morning…with a low orange ball of sun sitting over it. Odd few days aren’t they, between Christmas and the new year, kind of a limbo type state.

Delly, honestly , your long post about Sue and Moijan and ‘other people’…there are some missing words to explain the context or something ? I remain confused. Who has sussed what ? (And many more questions lol). Anyway, I guess it doesn t really matter , providing you are ok and everything is cool with every one. I think you are watching TV at the same time as writing, so have transfered some of the plot of a show here lol

Hope everyone is ok today…back later to hear abput your days x

I’m off to the apple hospital , with ipad, to be ripped off in the extreme for some minor diagnosis.

Lovely here too today, although I think I’ve caught your bug Helena! Hope rads go quickly today and you’re soon back in the warm. I swear by Lemsip for colds but there seems to have been a family run on them and the cupboard is bare! Clair, I wish I could give you some of my spare tyres LOL - I have more than 3 but clearly not a careful lady owner! I hope iPad is soon fixed Charys. Looking forward to a mooch you day today, as tomorrow off over the border to Cornwall to inlaws. Morning hugs to all x

Hi ladies,

Phew - trying to catch up with all of the posts is quite a challenge lol!

Seems we have all got through the Cristmas period and enjoyed it.

I certainly did! Very peaceful German style Christmas Eve, was just what the doctor ordered. Of course it was a little reflective, as my mammogram recall letter arrived on the 19th December last year. I was told it might happen, so I was not worried about it and then the diagnosis came on Jan 5th. Gt the most amazing Christmas present from my significant other (he does not live with me) to help me go to sleep in the evenings, when it is more challenging than other days. A projector, which projects the night sky onto the ceiling in my bedroom! - And it switches itself off, too! So now I go to sleep under the starry skies, lol. 

My period of being very down seems to have been a combination of the stresses of the active treatments finally rearing their head, when it was all over and a different brand of Letrozole to my usual one. Once I switched back - all became better and I am absolutely fine now. So I shall have to tell the Macmillan Centre, that I will not require the counselling services, they so kindly offered.

I am now looking forward to a hopefully healthy 2017 and welcoming Delly down here in the South - it will be a nice, well deserved break for her and there may be some beach combing to be done on Pevensey Bay beach. A little way to give back - on behalf of so many of us - for the unstinting ‘Delly support’ she gives to so many on the forum.

So my office will change into my guest bedroom and my cat Leo will need some coaching to be able to manage having a ‘whirlwind’ round the flat for a few days, lol. He will love getting a lot of attention and cuddles though.

All being well, Delly may also accompany me to my mammogram on the 13th January and the breast care centre in Brighton. I am considering asking them for an ultrasound scan, too. I wonder, whether they would do that? I have been having the odd twinges in the ‘healthy’ breast and although the oncologist could not feel anything - I’d rather know sooner than later, whether I have to face a further challenge.

My next oncologist appointment is on the 23rd February and I am not sure whether I want to wait nearly 2 months on my mammogram results.

Right - off to the daily tasks in hand - stuff to do and work to be done.

Have a great day all!

Hugs Sue x




Good morning gorgeous girls,


Banging head this morning, still I had a whole day off yesterday, not even a tiny twinge, progress.


Sue, I was really interested about your projector thingy.  You mentioned it over Christmas.  As Himself didn’t know what to get me for Christmas.  I’d told him more jewellery, and definitely do NOT buy me clothes, last time he bought me a dress, it was the right size but I looked like an ageing prostitute (even though he told me I looked stunning in it bless him) he got me Boots (told him which ones, which shop and what size) a couple of little things I’d dropped hints about and money with the strict instructions to buy something special with.  Anyway, I digress, after reading your earlier  post I was fascinated and gooogled it but couldn’t find much info.  What make/description is yours?  It sounds like something that would soothe my restless nights and an ideal thing to spend the money on but would like some guidance before purchasing.


Today, once painkillers kick in going to do some jobs then settle down and watch some Sky+ stuff, looking forward to watching Athens Lady in the Van Janey.


Helena, hope today’s zapping goes ok and you manage not to sneeze.  Ticking off the days, you’ll be over a third of the way through after today xx

Delicious, our posts crossed.  Himselfs really hasn’t put on weight, honest.  If anything he’s lost it.  Had a 32" waist since he was 18, and always been a medium up top, now all of a sudden got to buy a large.  All his old mediums fit.  Wouldn’t mind if they were a cheap make but they were expensive ones from H of F.


im with you in the turkey butties.  We didn’t have a turkey this year as just the two of us and that’s what I’m missing.


Just had a message from my sister.  She’s landed at Heathrow and booked into a hotel before making the journey back to Wales tomorrow.  She’s FREEZING, left 85 degrees in Florida, still, at least the sun is shining. I love these cold sunny frosty days, hope they continue until January when I start my walking programme again xx

Sue, thank you.  Just had a look and wow!  Going to show Himself later (He’s just gone out to play). Know what he’ll say, “another gadget you won’t use” , I do have a tendency to buy the latest toy, then it ends up in the loft, but that looks amazing, and as the nights now are pretty difficult I can’t think of anything more soothing.  The problem with this kind of thing is that they’re never as good as you think they’ll be, that’s why I wanted your input. Xx

That was exactly my problem lady H…it was weeping and crusty and painful at the end. I only warn you of this as I was given cortisone cream near the end, and had to eventually stop all creams and cover with dressings and let it dry for a few weeks. X

Thanks again Sue, I really think that will be very relaxing.  My bedroom is never completely dark as unfortunately I’ve got a Street light right opposite window which even though I’ve got thick curtains does let some light in.  Would it still be effective?


Helena, my nipple is still slightly crispy 4.5 months after finishing rads though not at all sensitive anymore.  I carried on creaming for a couple of months after finishing but found nipple started improving when I stopped.  I’ve still got quite a few blackhead looking thingies all over boob (burnt hair foliciles I think) though nowhere near as many as I had.  Just think, a few more zaps to go and you’ll be halfway through xx

Just heard that Debbie Reynolds has died of a stroke the day after her Daughter Carrie Fisher’s death.  2016 is ending as ii started!

Hooray - my was the last post!! Aaaah, caught up at last.

soo, yes thank you all for asking, I had a lovely couple of days with 2nd best parents. Alans unfortunately got and will gradually get a bit worse with his Dementia, but it doesn’t stop him enjoying my cheeky teasing and affection. I discovered he has the most hairy earlobes I’ve ever seen or come across. Yes, I was nibbling at his earlobes whilst whispering how much I loved him in his ears. No, not at ALL amourously, just being playful and with Margaret watching on and giggling at me. Must take my tweezers next time!! Am gonna again resist the thought to put down here that I suppose I could use my teeth to pull them out, but again, I shalln’t. Margaret’s looking good, just feeling a bit more frail. We had lots of hugs, kisses which I’m most definitely starved of at the mo’ (hint, hint) lots of giggling, plus some serious talk also. Soupadoupa was just okay - put too much pepper in but htankfully not oversalted. Had very Goo-ey dark choc deserts with cream.

Could have stayed a week in the lovely “Guest” room. Just like being in a hotel, tv on wall, tea/coffee making , even a shoe shine sponge. Well impressed. Barely slept at all tho. Need to + still not eating much. Just not getting hungry. So shall go out for a walk this afternoon, see if some fresh air and exercise helps to sharpen lacking appetite


Had a call from the Mental team yesterday - checking on me. Plus give me emergency no’s in the meantime should I be struggling before a given appointment on the 19th of Jan. So I’m sure both Janey and Charys will be pleased about that and impressed that someone’s contacted me so soon after my appointment with the Doctor. Also thanks to his obvious serious concern and speedy referral. Bless him - what a lovely fella  But I still need to go back to Rediscuss and push the weird head pain business as they’re more frequent. Shall get some weak enteric coated Aspirins today whilst out - pre-empt any poss blood thickening/clotty issues and certainly won’t do any harm. Can’t take normal aspirin as my stomach lining is too delicate - bit like me generally, yeh a Dellycat!!


Janey - hello Sunflower. How are you feeling today ??

Loadsa loveydovey

Dellypoos xxxxxx



LadyH - my suggestion with the Aloe would be to put a thin layer on every 3-4 hrs and certainly before you go to bed. Could do to let ot dry before you put your clothes on obviously. Otherwise, are you leaving the area “open” as oppo to dressing?? xxx

Sorry - a P.S.

After New Year, i shall be weilding the “walnut whip” ref MEET UP, for those of you, who like me, are finding it difficult to resist meeting each other. So can we please think on when and where and how e.g. accommodation?? If Sue’s interested, I could actually go pick her up (gently of course), that’s if I’m not working or something more interesting happens, such as being whisked off to Italy to live. In which case I shall instantly DUMP you ALL.

What about Spring?? Have a think or dream on will yers, over the New Year. You all know I shalln’t shut up until something’s arranged. And I’m slightly amazed with and by myself at taking the bull by the horns with ref to tying Sue down to something (soft!). Got loadsa fireworks to take down with me from Jan this year and a party that didn’t happen, but shalln’t go into why not - Corrr yeh, big rockets and multi shot doodahs, all none banging. Mmmmmm excited. Or perhaps I shouls save them for “our” group meet?? But then, that may not happen may it :-((( or likely not to be for a bit. Shall I take them down for Sue n me. Yehhhhhhhh - right. Let off on the beach so no-ones directly disturbed, but can watch if want to. Yehhhhhhhh. Spesh


Hope you’re all doing okay today and enjoying this beautiful day

Dellywelly xxxxxxxxx

Helena, I think by dressing Delly meant plasters, bandages etc not actual clothes, so you have our permission not be naked lol xx

Hi all,

lol! I think I might need to set the record straight, just in case - straight being the operative word!

Please do not let yourselves be ‘fooled’ by Delly’s wonderful leg pulling. She is a mischievious minx and so funny with it. Sorry Delly - your cover has been blown - ooddles of amusement.

I have a male partner, who does not live with me - and so it shall stay. Trust me, I do not make good ‘wife’ material, lol - tried twice and shall never again.

So no ‘date night disasters’, lol. Just hope I can keep up with that much energy and that I do not get beaten up, because I talk too much about my guy…

Delly is becoming a very dear friend - we have a lot in common - hence I am really looking forward to her visit down here. It should be much fun and laughter!


Hugs to all

Sue xx 

Oooops, sorry

Hey Sue, don’t worry about too much about trying to keep up, or you’ll end up Doolally like me. You were Delly’s “Hug of the Day today” - did you receive? and are you all right today?? and how was the “Pram Race”?? Are you working today?? Sorry for the bombardment of questions.

Dellywelly xxxx

Sue, think youve got the best of both worlds, a lovely OH in your life (he must be lovely if he got you such a wonderful Christmas gift) but not the hassle of living under the same roof.   Dear friend of mine has the same arrangement and has had for 29 years, says if they ever moved into together they wouldn’t last longer than two (they just manage that on holiday) xx

Delly, be warned…The last time we set fireworks off on a beach, we lit up a couple in flagrante as they say, they obviously thought they were having a private interlude on a dark and deserted beach until my sister and I arrived with five children, two husbands and one of those single fuse boxes of fireworks that just keep on going once you light the blue touchpaper. No way to turn the show off, and no way for them to disappear. Luckily I don’t think the children noticed, we had to keep turned the other way.

I’m feeling a bit left out in all the rads skin problems, apart from a pink nipple and a slight rash, I haven’t had any effects at all, how do I know this has worked? And although I’m having a bit of a lie down at the moment, we did a fair hike this morning along the south west coastal path, it was a fabulous morning. So it’s either post rads fatigue or the after effects of a good walk with lots of hills and too much lunch (again). Perhaps I can send you some appetite Delly, I have enough to share…By the way, you keep asking where I live, it’s a village about 5 miles outside Dorchester out in the sticks.

Sue, I am with you on the worries about twinges in the other boob, I keep feeling things that side. So far I’ve thought that it’s something I have to learn to live with, I can’t go hot footing off every five minutes because bits twinge. But if I had a mammogram due, it would be a relief to know that things were being checked out.

Annual mammograms seem a long time apart once we’ve all lost that belief that bad things only happen to other people.



Hello girlie’s,
oh I’d love that star projector it looks fabulous. Well good news re tyres We only had to get 2 in the end and they were on offer so I’m a happy bunny.
We’ve just got back from beautiful sunny Swanage after yesterday I needed some sea air.
Thank you for the hug Delly, I get days where I’m totally overwhelmed by everything but I know I’ll be fine when I do go back. I do like my routine so it shouldn’t take long to get in the swing of things xxx
I’m going to grap a slice of Christmas cake and a cuppa and catch up with all your bits catch ya later hugs and love Clair xxxxx