Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Dizzy, so it was you who illuminated my private moment on the beach then?  I’ll have you know, you ruined a very special magical moment!


i too keep getting twinges in the “good” boob, it’s reassuring to hear I’m not in my own.  Not that I want you all to have it, just Probably means it’s nothing to worry about, it’s just we’re all a bit nervy now.


Sue, just showed Himself the sky projector thing.  I was expecting him to say, get it if that’s what you want but it will end up in the loft after a week.  But no, he thought it looked wonderful and was full of enthusiasm, thinks it’s just the thing to soothe  me during the night when I’m awake.  We read some really positive reviews on the site, he’s really excited now bless him xx

35new posts!!! 35 !!! It’s gonna take ages…

Hiya again

Delly - got your hug - wonderful as always. Feeling well, ‘working’, as I do most days and the pram race was a bit disappointing - only two crazy prams turned up. Nice glass of wine and I was off home again - too many screaming kids!

Lesley - yes, you are so right - I definitely have the best of both world, and long may it remains so. Great to read that the projector seems on the cards for you - be aware - there are many, many more stars (dots), when it is in the complete dark. But it is a fabulous thing to have - it certainly helps me to dream and drift off.

Knowing by whom it was given and why - it is like going to sleep with a warm big hug around you - without the snorring and bed cover stealing.

It is good to read that others have the twinges, too. Will call my BC nurse after the New Year and ask her, whether they could slip in an ultrasound, too. At least I then know what is going on or not, whatever may be the result. Shall report back in due course…


Sue xx 

Ok think I’ve caught up.?
I get pain in the good one and still get swelling in the boob and underarm and sharp pains in the bad one, the stabbing.pains I knew would continue if I lift any thing to heavy or do what I would consider normal housework, gardening etc it swells up. Right I’m off to do spag bol for tea xxxx

Hi ladies,


just thought id push in here and say, im NOT upset about anything at all…( so far, anyway!)


Re Breast twinges…I sometimes get pains in my good ( only) breast, the bcn said that  - pains without a lump…they arent interested!


maybe sometimes these sensations are akin to someone getting pain in a leg thats been removed? Eg a phantom pain? They are nerve twinges sometimes, or from sleeping on it?


Being very good at hypochondria…I’ve had to  draw up my own private guidelines…a pain that comes and goes away…I ignore, a constant pain I’m more worried about, especially if theres signs of inflammation, redness, pyrexia, etc…then if I cant self medicate,  I see someone asap so any worries can be laid to rest…dont need themxx


Best wishes,





Lovely to see Moijan and Marydan popping on in too! X



Just to share that I too get/got bone pains in my hip, also sciatica when I get stressed.


i go to the chiro now asap, ( I do have spinal/bone mets) anyway, the chiro advised me to sleep with a pillow between my knees( if on my side) and under them if on my back…and it has made an enormous difference! Apparently on our sides theres a tendency for one leg to rest higher up and the pelvis then gets out of place…


I do get less sciatica now and so I keep to that…wonder if a chiro might hrlp you? I was convinced my pains were due to bone mets, but as they are better now it obviously wasn’t thatxxx


Helena, just spotted about the ‘chair’ .  hard chairs also cause sciatica for me…so I try not to sit on benches etc,  again the chiro mentioned that a nerve gets trapped by our ‘sitting bones’, she also said to have my btm higher than knee level…all of which helps me.xx



Good morning ladies,


Sue, the starry starry night magic is on order, can’t wait for it to arrive now xx


Just had a conversation with BCN and asked if ok to have steroid injection on BC side because shoulder frozen again (both sides).  She said very small risk and frozen shoulder intolerable (tell me about it!) and as injections helped before needs doing.  Phoned gp and waiting for call back from duty doctor to discuss.


Misty and murky here today after a few days of lovely sunshine.  Feeling a bit flat :frowning: was going to take the tree and stuff down, bah humbug and all that, but shoulders not up to all that reaching and stretching.  Not even my steel drums cd worked its magic today.  Still, only one and half days of 2016 to get through then a bright brand new wonderful new year begins.


Helena, don’t know what time today’s zapping is but it will be another one crossed off the list, it’s getting shorter and shorter.  I hope you understood about the “dressing” and haven’t gone out starkers!


Wishing you lovely lot a splendid day xx

Helena, I thought you had 15, Not 20 that’s why I thought you were a third of the way through the other day.  Guess you’ve got boosters then.  I didn’t have them.  Looking forward to ringing my bell.  Think you’re the last of us to be done?  Pretty sure anyway but get confused easily these days xx

Afternoon all, hope you’re all well, except poor Lesley, you really don’t deserve two frozen shoulders along with everything else. You’ll disappear under all the hugs, hope they help you feel loved if not pain free. Anyway, I’m adding more hugs to the pile, and hope you get your injections soon.

Helena, hope the chest is on the mend now, and you can look forward to another three days off from the rads.


We went for a very atmospheric walk this morning, we took Daisy to Maidencastle, which is a huge Iron Age hill fort. It was so foggy we were following the path round the ramparts but couldn’t see down the slope on either side, and every now and again we could just make out a sheep in the distance. Very murky and muffled, so we weren’t there for long, but I’m definitely a bit tired now. I went to bed last night at 10.30 because I couldn’t stay awake, and it was 8.45 when I woke up this morning. It’s years since I slept that long. 


Charys, I’m with you in wanting some snow, we had that lovely white Christmas five or six years ago but not too much since here. 


Couldnt agree more Helen Mirren lol.


Thank you all so much for hugs xx. Gp just rang back, re referring me to muscular/skeletal/physio centre.  Discussed hot flushes/sweats, and again stuck between a rock and a hard place, anything that can help has contrawhatsits with my migraine meds.  I really have to be able to take them when one kicks in as the pain is unbearable and they can go on for three days non stop and the meds do stop the pain though not the other yucky symptoms.  Still, if I can get some relief from shoulder/arm pain and my stars arrive in a few days I’ll be happy, I can lay in a pool of sweat, pain free and star gaze.



Oh Dizzy, that must have been so emtional for you both.  However, she’s that much further down the line so hopefully gives you encouragement for the future.


Himself and I have decided to see the new year indoors on our own.  For years dear friends of ours always threw a huge party but sadly he died a few years ago.  Since then we’ve ventured into town to a social club for a dance/buffet do  and meet up with other friends but it’s such a hassle trying to get a taxi home.  Really dont fancy all the noise and crowds.  Nice meal and a bottle of bubbly will do me nicely, wait for  the fireworks to finish (sounds like world war 3 round here at midnight) and go to bed.  What’s everyone else got planned?

Afternoon ladies


still can’t get rid of this nauseous feeling all the time when wearing a bra. Getting me down now. Bought some ginger tea this morning so see if that helps at all. 

Skin is changing and is now dark purple in large parts, especially around the SNB scar which looks like it’s about to peel too. Again. The smallest activity is leaving me totally worn out but trying to push through it or I’ll never cope back in work in a few weeks. Ho hum. 

Slept a bit better the last two nights and when I can’t sleep I’m planning in my head what we will do in the years ahead so not to waste any of it on rubbish. Life is too short and too precious. 

Hope everyone is ok. Helena - third of the way through today. Rampaging through them now!


And hope you feel better Janey, at least when you take to bed you don’t get tempted into doing jobs, hope you’ve got everyone organised for bringing fresh supplies.

Hi Beth. Sorry I can’t remember if you have recently started hormone treatment? For the first month I felt very nauseous and had an upset stomach. Thankfully this has now passed but I wonder if connected? Fatigue is rotten and I hope you’ve got some vigour back soon. Xx

Hi Janey


ive been taking tamoxifen for two months now and other than disturbed sleep and the occasional flush, everything else has settled down. I’ve been feeling nauseous for two weeks now, coinciding around about with rads finishing. Think I’m going to go and see my GP next week for a chat. 


Roll on 2017! Xx

Hellooooo Scrumptiousleys,

Just a quickie before I’ve caught up.


Marydan - I’m late with my “Delly’s (((Hug))) of the day” for you, which means you’ve my arms attention for the rest of the day. Hope you’re feeling better today.

Helena - Hope your rads went ok and that you’re not too sore with your back and skin. Thank you - I do feel a bit better tum wise today, just terribly washed out.

Lesley - I hope the cortisone does the trick for your shoulders. Can take such a long time and persistent execises to sort frozen shoulders. “Wifey’s” got one at the moment too. What’s up with you all. Glad you had a +ve response from hubby on the star projector.

Managed to get some Greek yoghurt with apricots, prunes and nuts down me for some energy + find yoghurt calming on the stomach. Can only take things in small quantities at the mo and it’s got to be tasty and easy to go down, so I’ll have some hummous in a bit.

See you in a short while

DellyBelly xxxxx 


Hi all
Just wanted to say dizzy that I can so associate with your reaction when talking to a neighbour. I did it myself when like you I thought I’d ‘got over it’
the saying it out loud to a new person was quite overwhelming.
You all give such light in this sometimes dim time, humour and support… keep up the good work… You’ve all done very well …to coin an old are you being served phrase!

Glad you popped in to sign the register Delly, was getting concerned about you.  Hope tummy settles soon.  Difficult to eat when you haven’t got much of an appetite to start with (which think you said) so makes it worse when you feel queezy.  Also you also said you haven’t much to spare in the weight department.  When I was first diagnosed, surgery, start of rads I had real trouble eating, and as I didn’t have any surplus became quite underweight.  All back now, plus a but more, but I had someone kept nagging me and putting stuff in front of me, so watch it, keep eating, little and often.  Right lecture over, it’s not even if I know what I’m talking about.


Hello Polly, nice to meet you xx