Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh Clair, you poor thing, so glad your doc is doing something to help.  I’m pretty sure my gp sees me as a “heart sink patient” I know that phrase from when I was a practice manager, docs heart sinks when they see your name on appointment list.  I go, and have gone at least once a year for about 20 years about my headaches.  Now it’s those, shoulders, sinuses, The "thing"on my arm and the hot flushes a couple of times, plus I went with bad burns and rash after finishing rads.  She doesent know what to do with me except offer me painkillers, nit helpful!  Hope you get a response as quick as Delly did, guess it depends on what area your in.  I think you’ll enjoy you pink bubbles tomorrow night.  We can all toast each and send out.


Oh F, just watching the news and seen a coach on the M40 from Heathrow.  Got to ring my sister now, she was travelling on one today


Beth, your skin problems from rads sound horrible, have the rads team said that’s okay? Dark purple sounds worrying. Are you about a week and a half after finishing, hopefully things will start improving soon. But bless you, having this right over Christmas as well. And I hope your mother is doing okay, no more hospital trips.


Clair, I’m glad your doctor is being helpful, I’m beginning to feel like crying all over the doctor is the new normal. 


Polly, hello, glad you came by. I think my neighbour was surprised that she started crying as well, we were in that stage of comparing notes, so it took both of us back to how it felt getting the diagnosis. It obviously still feels pretty raw to her, so I feel like it’s okay for us to find things a struggle sometimes. This is a long road really.


Helena, glad the aloe vera is working so well, it’s good to find something that works before things get too sore.


Lesley, I’m sure you’re not a heart sink patient, and anyway, it’s not your fault, you don’t choose to have chronic pain and problems. It’s just such a shame you have to keep putting up with it. Hope the night sky is relaxing, it sounds such a lovely idea.

Phew, all ok, Im such a worrier.  My sister arrived back at Heathrow yesterday but spent the night at an hotel and was travelling back to Wales today on a coach.  Was happily typing away on here with news on telly and it came up about a coach crash on the M40 at Oxford today, looked at at telly and saw it was a Heathtow coach.    Phoned her house phone and mobile, both went to voicemail.  She’s just phoned me back, she dumped her cases, jumped in the car and went to pick her dog up and just got back, now BREATHE.  Why do I always think the worse?  I’m such a panicker. Think I need a glass of vino but will settle for tea.


Beth, my boob and surrounding area went purple/maroon colour after rads, looked and felt horrific but after about 2-3 weeks it slowly got a bit better each day, nipple took much longer though, still not 100% though feels ok.  I was lucky because it was summer so could sleep with it completely uncovered airing, window wide open and cool breeze blowing on it which I’m sure helped it.  Xx

Yes pleeeeze ? xxx

Morning Sweetpeas


Big Flashy nose (((Hug))) to LORAC - Nice tight one, Ooooooo

SnottyHelena and SnottyJaney - I hope you both feel better today.

Lesley - Am sooo glad your sis was okay


Hope everyone has good day today

Love to you all, Delly  xxxxxxxxx 


Hi all

good morning - very, very foggy down here in East Sussex.

Lesley - are you seeing a specialist physio re your shoulder? The reason why I am asking is, that initially it was though I might be developing a frozen shoulder, too. I called my BC nurse and she made a specialist referral to the rehab unit in Eastbourne to a specialist physio. And it turns out that I have cording in my arm pit. The shoulder pains, etc. came about as I was, unknowingly, compensating for that restriction. So now I have a specialist massage to start relieving the cording and some excercises, too - to undo the damage my ‘compensating’ has done. 

Clair - just wondering - do you have a Macmillan Centre anywhere near you? The standard NHS counselling may not necessarily help you, as much as you may like. My Macmillan centre, rcently opened in Brighton, has specialist counselling for people with a cancer diagnosis. And it is free and not limited in time, as the NHS services often are. I, too - have the knack of breaking down - however I also found out, that a specific brand of my hormone treatment made everything much worse. Since switching brands - I am much better and my low moments are far, far fewer. So much so, that I am seriously considering not to start with the counselling at the Macmillan centre. 

For many of us today is a day of reflection - how we started 2016 and what happened through the year - 

we all have been truly amazing through the year, coping with what we had thrown  at us.

Hugs to every single one of you - snotty nose or not - 

Here is to a Happy Healthy Positive 2017!



Sue xxx


Sue, that’s very interesting, thank you.  I’ll mention that when they call me to make the appointment.  I have have trouble in both shoulders pre BC, frozen, tendonitis, fluid plus a bit of calcification on left side.



Well, 2016 is not going out without being a hassle.  This morning got up with a thumping head (no change there) and Himself greeted me with “I’ve lost my mobile”. Last seen/used was to call a taxi from town yesterday afternoon.  Rang it, no reply, rang taxi office, not there, phone Virgin and asked them to put a stop in HIS number.  Went into town purchased a new mobile, popped into pub (was on coffee Charys, honest) and a friend there rang his number, taxi office answered, dashed up to office, retrieved phone, got money back on new phone but not until I argued and argued.  Then discovered his phone was still working but mine was not!  They had blocked wrong number.  It’s taken me ages to sort it.  Honestly it’s like having a child, few weeks ago he lost his keys.


Thats my whinging over, well for now anyway.  It’s grey, damp and misty here in Bucks.  Wishing you all a lovely New Years Eve, though Im sure I’ll be back later, just can’t keep away from my gorgeous girls for long xx

Afternoon ladies


just wanted to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR before the madness of it all begins. Thank you for all your advice and support on here, you have helped me through some difficult days and weeks. I am very grateful. 

I feel like today is a momentous day. It’s the last day of one hell of a s**t year and I’m amazed I’ve got here in relatively one piece…ok a few pieces then held  tentatively together with glue. It’s been a bit of an emotional morning with hubby and I both declaring ‘We made it’ and now we must look ahead to 2017. I know between his work and my Mums health, we will have challenges ahead next year but I have survived this so onwards and upwards it must be. 


Have a a wondeful new year lovelies. I’ll check in later to see how you are all doing. It’ll be Harry Potter and a glass of baileys for me! Living the high life heh?!!

love you all


It is becoming evening

                                 Fog 311216.jpg

                                 Fog 2 311216.jpg


The view out of my living room window!

Have a great evening all…


Sue xx



Sue, the view from your window, really?  How lucky are you?  The view from mine is a road, street lamp and identical houses opposite,  mind you, in the distance I can see up the hill to the woods.  Lyme Regis looked stunning, I so envy those of you near the coast, always been a dream of mine to live near the sea.


Yes, Delly, himself may well be the cause of my bad heads, but I love him anyway, well, most of the time, sometimes…


I too am about to slip into something more comfortable and get some food going.  As we’re staying in tonight I was planning on either a lazy takeaway or cooking something really special, but I fancy salad, yes really, so got some nice salmon and prawns, fresh crusty wholemeal bread and tons of salad.  Bubbly is chilling in the fridge but not sure if I even fancy it, might see 2017 in with a nice cup of tea - now _I know _I’m  getting old! Xx

Hi Delly - Lesley

Well Delly - you are booked in! and I take the photos with my iphone…

Lesley - yes I was more than lucky when I found this place three years ago - it is exactly 3 years since I first viewed it and said - can I please rent it. It cartainly is the most beautiful place I have ever lived and I do count my blessings. Through this horrible year - it has given me much strength.

The sea is about 30 minutes drive away - and, of course, it is the busy south east coast. But if one knows where to go…you can still find some more natural beaches. No sand here though - tough on the feet, lol - mostly pebbles…

Onwards and upwards!!!


Sue x

Happy New Year to all of you and a positive one for everyone - as long as we don’t think about the orange man with his finger on the button!
Thank you for all the care and support. Clair, I love Lyme Regis - it remains the only place I can beat other half at crazy golf! Xx

Delly, took me a minute to figure out who the orange man with his finger on the button was too, then it hit me like a punch to the stomach.  Oh boy, too too scary to even think about!


Had dinner already, but haven’t eaten all day so ready for it, very nice it was too.  Had a small glass of Pinot Grigio with it, think that’s me done with the alcohol for this year, that sounds good doesent it?


Feeling very chilled, could do with a early night, no point though with the fireworks due later, plus really should greet the new year xx

It’s not just that he’ll have his finger on the button, it’s wondering who he’ll be aiming at! Not his new best friend Putin anyway…


Now Sue’s been showing off, with where she lives ;), Me thinks we should ask permission of Sue’s landlord and landlady if we can hire/rent a piece of their estate for a 3 day weekend/week. Those of you who lucky to have campers, caravans or use tents could use your own. Rest of us can hire or could stay nearby. I’d hire a camper for a week, I don’t mind breakfast cheffing for anyone. And there are two pubs close to Sue’s, The Kings Arms and Foresters Arms - both do lunches and dinners. Yeh, see, have been doing some checking out prior to my break in January. We enjoy a girlie meet-up at last. Brighton’s not too difficult to get to, coach, car or train. Was it yourself Helena, that said you’d only be able to make a day?? Train/coach?

What do yers think? Sue can get to work on persuading said landlords, I could no doubt work some of my “charm” when down. We wouldn’t leave any mess would at all would we?? Noooooo. We’d be extremely conscientious of noise, and rubbish, wouldn’t we?? Yessss. Or we find a decent campsite nearby that’s also has nearby accomodation places. Or even somewhere that has wooden chalet accomodation like Centre Parks has. Or even a caravan park like the Haven chain ones - quite upmarket but inexpensive. Trouble with chalet and caravan parks, is that they don’t tend to take short term bookings and I doubt ANY of you could put up with me for a whole week!!


Right that’s that sor 'ed then. Icould go on to do the rest of my road trip, catching up on Southern friends and even get to scatters all my family’s ashes down at Salcombe. Might need to drag someone with me to hold my hand and to keep me up for that one.

Yehhh Can we - pleeease -awww come on - lets - Yehhhhh

Dellywelly xxxxxxxx



What a beautiful view Sue your place sounds amazing.
Delly he’s my favourite muppet too he’s called animal and I often feel like he acts.

Sorry I made you cry Helena <3. Xxx

Beth I really hope that both you and your mum have a better year too. Xxxx

I know I definitely won’t be awake to see the new year in as I’m struggling with tiredness now.
Let’s hope 2017 is kinder all
Much love to everyone xxxxxxxx

Right, going to do this now, want to mention you all by name, and say a huge heartfelt massive thankyou for the help, support and love youve given me and each other through the bad times, and for the  laughter, always the best medicine, so Beth, Carol,Charys, Clair, Delly, Dizzy, Helena, Janey, Lily, Rubycat and Sue, wishing you all the healthiest happiest 2017 imaginable.  Same to Marydan, Moijan and anyone else reading this.  Really hope I haven’t missed anyone, my memory is … what was I saying?


ps. Nothing from Lily for ages.  Know she was heading off for Christmas but thought she’d be back by now xx

Wasn’t the last time we heard from Lily Christmas Eve? I remember she was leaving on Christmas morning at silly o clock.  I hope she’s okay, when she went off the radar before it was when she was having a bad time.


To you all, without getting too sentimental, thank you. You’ve given me something that I can only get here, not in my bricks and mortar world, people who understand, who know what it’s like to be where we are. You make me feel it’s okay not to be doing so well sometimes, and to need a hand up.


And goodness haven’t we had some good laughs along the way, and some great photos!


Now I just need some advice to get past my prosthetics phobia and I can start 2017 in a positive frame of mind.


Lesley, full marks on the alphabetical order by the way!

That’s right, Believe to Kent.  Think she lives in Cornwall?  So may be staying a while as it’s quite a distance, though she didn’t mention how long she’d be away.  That’s the downside of this, can’t just pop round and knock on the door to check everything’s ok.  Lily, if you’re listening let us know how you are xx

Fireworks going off like crazy here already.  Poor animals must be terrified.  Lovely to see them but why do they have to go bang? they would be just as spectacular to watch without the noise and the animals wouldn’t get so frightened.