Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Sitting here with bubbly in hand & just popping in again to wish all of you lovely ladies health & happiness for 2017.
Crikey, what a 2016 on more ways than one!
This time last year I was in blissful ignorance & “shall I go for my mammo or postpone it, it will be fine anyway,”…“no, go & get it over with” says hubby, “oh…alright then…”
Sooooo here I am! & so good to have been on here.
love to all
ann xxx

Goodness, I didn’t realise it was only three months for you Helena, that’s really quick. And you’re nearly finished, really.

So it’ll be a better year for all of us, has anyone made any interesting new year’s resolutions?



Resolutions yeh

Get back to taking better care of myself

Get this fffflippin house straight and get someone in to do a major Winter tidy up, whilst nowt growing.



And I will be up, it’s years since I missed seeing the new year in. And I need to look after Daisy if there are fireworks outside.

The prosthetics thing, Delly, is me being a wuss and not wanting to go to the prosthetics people and finding out what if anything is available to stuff in a bra, it’s not something I can avoid any longer.


Anyway, not much longer now, I’m watching fireworks on TV with a glass of vino to hand. I have a bottle of champagne but decided I’m not quite celebrating that much yet. When the last surgery is done maybe.

7 mins Helena. am watching Jools Holland for his countdown. Cr*p tv on for it.You’ve given me just as much back chummy - honest,

See you for the countdown and anyone else.  xxxxx

So happy new year to everyone, let’s hope this one’s an improvement!

Yeeee Heeeeeee girls and thank bloomin goodness 2016 is over. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It’s here, 2017, Happy New Year gorgeous girls xx. Watching the fireworks on telly, fireworks exploding like Trump has hit the button outside and Himself is fast asleep!  Great company he is.  Sipping bubbles but it’s only tonic water, heads not up to champers.  Hope you’re all enjoying yourselves whatever you’re doing xx

Happy New Year to you all too - You Gorgeous Scrumptiousleys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What a magnificent display, well done London, and welcome 2017, it’s going to be a good one.  Sweet dreams dear friends xx

Yes, this will be a good one, I’ve decided!


The fireworks are amazing, I think we can compete with anywhere.

Okay, I’m off to bed now, sleep well beauties!

Good morning and here’s to a happy and healthy 2017 - well once the bug shifts!! I hope you all saw the New Year in. I felt quite emotional as I heard the chimes. 2016 definitely a game of two halves but also some lovely things happened, including this forum. Love to all xx




Good morning all,


Janey and Helena hope bugs go quickly.  


Christmas tree and stuff down and back in the loft.  Always do it 1st Jan as although not working any longer, when I was working long hours and only had the weekend to do stuff I didn’t want that task hanging over me after a hard week at work, especially as everything feels flat after the festivities.  My sitting room looks very bare now.


i think we need to send out a search party to find our Lily if she doesent make an appearance soon xx

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! <3 xxx

Morning lovelies, I got up on a mission this morning I’ve packed the Christmas decorations away and had a good clean up with help from the hubby :smiley: and now I’m shattered.
I’m going to have a relaxing day so I’m ready for sherlock tonight.
Have a great day what ever your doing lots of love xxx

Happy New Year all!

You’re making me feel very lazy, we always treat New Year’s Day like another holiday, so lazy day, roast dinner and more board games. And tomorrow is the last day before the two remaining offspring depart, so we’ll eat up the last chocolates and cheese ready to resume normal life on Tuesday. And the decorations will stay up till at least Wednesday, because they make me feel good.


And after tomorrow, I’ll start the diet, start to up the exercise and generally plan on a healthier year than last!

Well Good Morning Flowers,

Hey, thanks for the company last night. Earlier evening, I didn’t think I’d last and stay up, but picked up and then felt like going dancing - didn’t, but “was” up till early hours. Am sure these machines stimulate.


'Ey up - LadyH is already back in her tapestry filled tower. Glad your feeling a bit better. 

Marydan - Thanks for your message and “Thank You” too for being there.

Janey-ums - Awwww, sorry you’re still feeling so rough. U wanna warm gentle hug? I’m sending one anyway, whether you like it or not

Lesley and Clair - what yerr like you two with ripping down your Xmas decs. How are you both feeling today?? Clair - it cracks me up every time I see your Animal avatar !!

Dizz - 4I’m with you on the getting healthier again. Never been so skinny and un fit in my life - see you down at the pool, gym or walking up and down hills then.


Well, I hope everyone has an enjoyable and restful day. I’m going to get cleaned up (of myself) and get down to cleaning up (of the house), tick off some Janey jobs. Despite not much sleep, am feeling quite sparky. Just phoned my one legged Uncle Gordy, one of my best buddy’s and that I cherish, to wish a Happy New Year. Have a few others to wish the same and  hoping to catch Sue for a chat to hear about how her evening was with the Lord and Lady of the manor she lives in. Swanky or what.

Probaly see you’s laters.

Lots of love

Adele xxxxxxx



Okay, sounds like you need to leave work and set up a website straight away, LadyBowlers Tapestries it is.

I admire you crafty sorts, I have two left thumbs when it comes to anything like that. I love craft fairs and art galleries, my house is full of pottery and coloured glass and textile pictures, but I’m hopeless at actually doing anything myself.

Happy New Year to all my ether lovelies!!


for the first time in years we stayed up past midnight and watched the fireworks on the tv. Have to admit that I found the whole thing really emotional and we both shed a few tears but today it really does feel like a new year and hopefully I can keep the door to 2016 firmly shut.  What a horror of a year it was too and like the rest of you wonderful ladies, my feet haven’t touched the ground since my diagnosis August bank holiday. 

We did it. We made it. We beat the b****ard and 2017 lays ahead to enjoy. 


Lesiurely day for us today - if you ignore cooking a New Year Roast Dinner - and you cannot beat the joy of finding an unopened box of After Eights that we had forgotten were there!!


2017 is full of plans and hopes - lose weight (again. I’m worse than a piggin yoyo), join the gym (again), get out more, see family more, go to Canada in June (we’d planned for last September but couldn’t go for obvious reasons) and just generally live it to the full.


mum is back in hospital again - admitted last night after coughing up blood. Things aren’t going to improve here but somehow I need to find a way to deal with it and accomplish everything I want to do too. I spent so much time in hospitals last year and ended up eating too much rubbish and having no exercise so the challenge this year is to do it all. Any tips on will power would be much appreciated!! I once asked a dietician for tips for ‘food on the go’ when I was spending large parts of my day travelling around west wales with work…she suggested couscous!! Who eats couscous in a car??? Pmsl 


anyway…happy new year to all you amazing ladies. Hope we all still hang out on here as we continue on this journey. 

Love to to you all xxx