Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Hi Adele and Helena 

thanks for your kind words about mum. I think this how things are going to be with her now sadly. I am going to remain positive though because you just never know. 


It it was lunch on the run I was on about Adele! Think I need to be more organised and plan ahead. Bottles of water and something to eat other than a darn sandwich. Bread is not my friend. Work life is very busy and I’m all over the place during the day so a little tub of crudités type things sounds good. Got to be better than grabbing a sandwich and choc bar from a garage!!! 


Currently watching ET! Love this film. 


Can I be cheeky and ask the make of the planetarium gadget? I’ve had a look online and there are SO many to choose from. How do you decide? Recommendation is always better!!


thank you everybody xxx

BethyBoo - No, crudites NOT “better” than the sandwich, not nutritious to “replace”, but certainly better than the chocolate bar!! xxxx

  1. IMG_0401.PNGBeth, this is the one Sue has.  I have it on order, hopefully being delivered on Tuesday xx



Beth, my diet lunch on the go is a tub of cubes of apple, grapes and cheese, I weigh out 30g of lower fat cheese, and toss the apple with a few drops of lemon juice to stop it going brown. Then I’ve usually got celery or carrot sticks to go with it. Nothing needs refrigerating and it doesn’t take up any room in a handbag. If I’m still hungry I have a few nuts.


I lost my two and a half stone last year by mostly ditching carbs, except I had porridge for breakfast. But normally no bread, pasta, rice or sugar. And a fixed chocolate ration, three chocolates most evenings.

But we did eat lots of nuts, and lots of pulses, I’m a huge fan of lentils and butterbeans, chickpeas etc.

I’ve put about half a stone on, so I will get back to the diet on Tuesday, and I will go back to Weightwatchers to get weighed as that’s what keeps me on the straight and narrow. 


I found not eating rice and pasta really easy, I just chucked more beans and vegetables in Bolognese sauces and curries, and ate it without anything, I didn’t find it left me hungry. And I have a freezer full of tubs of stewed fruit to have with yogurt, which is my other standby.



that lunch sounds ideal. Something I can dip into in between meetings whether in or out and about or in the office. I’m a Classic comfort eater, Stress, boredom etc. so need to get a grip on that side of things too. This is going to be my new focus!! It can only do me some good!!


Evening lovelies.

Beth I’m so sorry to hear about your mum sending you both lots.of of love xx
Well I’ve been catching up with you all and blimey your a busy lot.
I tried knitting and even made a hot water bottle cover, cushion covers and then I my friend a scarf for Christmas one year but then gave up. I found word searches where my saviour when first diagnosed I can lose a few hours doing them. I also like a bit of colouring and found people brought me a lot and my main love books of course.

I need some advice please, my bad boob has been really tender for the last few days and it’s quite sore in my armpit sometimes I think I can feel a lump there but I’m not sure. So at first I panicked then I thought no stop think. I used to get breast pain period related years ago then I became peri menopausal and it dissappeared now I’m wondering if the tamoxifen is giving me a period of sorts? I had the lining of my womb removed 10 years ago as I suffered from terrible periods so I no longer bleed. Sorry for the essay. Shall I just see if it settles and record the date to see if other happens next month or get checked out?
I also thought it might be because I’d over done it over Christmas?
Lv Clair xxxx

I think I will ring anyway just in case. I just don’t want to waste there time xx

Clair, I think if you’re still feeling sore it would be good to get checked anyway, and then you could feel a bit easier in your mind. It’s horrible to worry about things like this. If they will look at it, that is. I rang my BCN when the wound wouldn’t heal and they were due to reopen it for the second operation, I said I was worried it was infected. Go to your GP or practice nurse was the only answer I got. So I hope they will look, because getting a GP appointment won’t be easy…

Clair, yes do ring BCN.  I’ve had a lump under my arm since surgery.  Asked rads people to have a feel, they said it was scar tissue and nothing to worry about.  Asked oncologist at follow up, he said small blood clot.  Still get pain there and now it feels like skin is tightening/pulling.  It seems there’s always something.


Beth, Have you had a look at the starry night thing yet?  I’m really looking forward to mine arriving.


my New Years resolution has started.  Just gone through a whole pile of paperwork.  Haven’t got a shredder so spent ages ripping it up and plonked it in the washing up wAter and swished it round and squeezed it into paper maiche balls.  Feel so much better.  However, I still can’t find our wills.  Ive looked everywhere.  Most puzzling.

I’ve also succumbed to the starry night courtesy of Sue. Think the Tamoxifen is making me teary & stressed. I could cry you a river at the drop of a hat. Ordered it Friday night & told my hubby today. He said - that looks great, I’ll halve you for it! Looking forward to it ? arriving this week sometime. Here’s hoping it de stresses us - mind and all. Love to all & all the best, Carol xxx

That’s great Carol, I ordered mine Friday too.  The tracking shows it’s at the couriers depot so I’m hoping it’s out for delivery Tuesday.  Just think, Sue, you and I and maybe Beth will all be looking at the stars together when laying in our beds at night, that’s a nice thought xx

It is a nice thought Lesley. Maybes Sue or her partner should be looking for a spot of commission ? xxx

Wow I’m just getting over Sherlock!
Thank you lovelies, I’ll ring the bcn on Tuesday and see what they say xxx

We’re not ignoring you Delly, how could we? We will meet up, promise. This is what’s kept us all going, how could we not want to meet up?

Off to bed now, love to you too Delly!

Clair what a beautiful sight.  Mine are just poking through the soil at the moment.  Glorious day here too, though haven’t poked my head outside except to chuck stuff in the wheelie bin.  More paperwork sorted, wills still not surfaced, and no Delly pretty sure I didn’t make paper mache of them.  On the green fingered bit, a friend bought me a beautiful blue orchid a few days before my op early June, it flowered until end of September.  I cut the empty stems off and it’s had lots of new leaves, now it’s grown a new shoot and it’s covered in buds, Im thrilled as usually I never keep anything alive.


First of my three once a month acupuncture top ups tomorrow morning.  They haven’t helped hot flushes or headaches, however I do enjoy having the pricks, it’s very soothing xx


I don’t get as much chance as I’d like to chip in with you lovely lot but wanted to say what a lovely picture Clair. Sorry didn’t mean to sound stalkerish by watching you all from afar!
Love snowdrops and can’t wait for bluebell wood walks. I’m quite seasonally affected and use a light box in winter so the picture is a swift reminder of brighter days ahead.

Love the kittens, they’re so cute! And yes, we got here, by hook or by crook, battered and bruised but mostly still in one piece.

Clair, you and I go to all the same places, it’s weird to see you sending pictures from all the places we go to.

Perhaps we should have a West country meet up, Janey and Rubycat are both fairly close, possibly even Lily depending on where in Cornwall she is.

And still no sign of Lily, hope she’s okay.

Maybe our meet up will be sooner rather than later, in Cornwall on a search party looking for our Lily, getting worried about her now xx

Lesley that picture is so cute and true :slight_smile: xxx

Polly your always welcome to pop in and chat whenever you can xx I remember doing a bit of stalking for a while before I took the plunge.
I remember someone saying that things look brighter and more alive since going through a tough ordeal and it’s so true, I see every little detail now and marvel in the beauty of life those snowdrops are a sign of regrowth and better days for me. I’m so glad you like it too. Xxxx Dizzy that’s a fab idea.

Where are you Lily? We miss you xxxxx
We’ll have to get the missing posters out!

I’ve got my back to work meeting tomorrow morning so wish me luck. Xxx