Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake


We have been to Old Wardour, but quite long time ago, maybe before we moved down here. We’re not members of English Heritage any more, but when we were we did the tour of all the historic remains. I liked Old Sarum and Sherbourne Old Castle.

Our latest find has been the Historic Houses  association, it covers most of the places which aren’t National Trust, and also Abbotsbury Gardens, I think we get our money’s worth each year just going to the Gardens. They floodlight them every October, it’s quite spectacular. But they’re very expensive if you have to pay each time.

This is it for me! We’ve all been through so much, and we’re all different people from different parts of the country but what a gang we are!! I think I’m either the Highland cow or the Llama lol

if you’re reading our crazy posts and are apprehensive to join in…just go for it! We’re all in it together so join our motley crew!! Can’t wait to see who’s the rather spectacular chicken!! ? image.jpeg

I think I’m the cow, the hair colour looks about right! And the size doesn’t look far wrong either…I’m not looking forward to getting on the scales tomorrow.

Evening all! Just about out of my bug fug and made the most of a glorious day for a walk along Exeter Quay - I should have taken another shadow picture but didn’t ?Meet ups sound lovely, although I am going to have to focus on meeting work head on first. I’m beginning to get quite anxious if I’m honest. Hoping I shall benefit from private acupuncture session this week. Clair I hope you are feeling less uncomfortable. I have found getting GP appointments a lot easier when I mention Cancer!
I hope you’ve all had glorious days in all parts of the country. Big hugs xx

Wish her luck Dizzy and good luck to you Clair. My appointment is on 30 Jan and it would be good to know how your sister gets on Dizzy, as it’s not clear what to expect. I head back to work on 16th on a phased return. I’m technically on leave now, so will get proper pay check at the end of the month! Woohoo! Christmas all packed away here, as OH back to work tomorrow. House to myself again - yay the TV remote! Xx

Lily, do you know we’ve had the police, mountain rescue,RNLI, SAS, and the Mounties all out searching for you?  So glad you’re back and enjoyed your Christmas xx

Thank you Helena,
Have a safe journey tomorrow as I know you’ve got an early one love Clair xx

Has anyone heard from Adele today? She’s very quiet xx

Hi Helena, just to wish you a not too cold rads session today and I hope you didn’t have to de ice the car again! Bitter here today and just taken turkey soup out from freezer for lunch later and wondering if it’s bad to put heating on constant! Hope you’re all keeping warm xx

Clair, hope your meeting today goes okay, is this with the manager with no people skills? Anyway, good luck, we’ll be thinking of you.


Morning lovelies, I’ve just got back from my meeting with my nice boss :wink: and I’m going back to work tomorrow for a few hours !!! I thought he’d say start next week… I’m really glad but a bit worried at the same time. It’s turning into a beautiful clear sunny but freezing cold day I even had ice on the inside of the car window. Have a fab day whatever your doing xxxx

Morning all


what a freezing day here in west wales! Deck is like a skating rink still so we’ve banned the dog from the back garden as he keeps falling over. Funny to see but not when he broke his knee couple of years ago bless. 

You’re back work tomorrow Clair!!! Wowwwww. I’m so impressed as the thought of it still scares me somewhat as I still get really tired. I’m going back on the 22nd January - that’s the plan anyway! Omg. 

Helena - how was today’s zapping? Getting there slowly love. When you get to half way, you can really start to count them down!


anyone heard from Adele? Noticeably quiet which isn’t like her at all. Worried here.  


Dizzy & janey - how are you doing this week? I’ve bought myself a Fitbit which reminds me if I’ve not moved in a hour. Omg certainly a prompt to get moving again. Going to try a bra today to see if I can get out and do some walking without it hurting too much. Fingers crossed as I’m worse than a sloth at the mo. 


Lorac - loved the cat pic!! So cute!!


so off to the sols today to sign wills and POA, it’ll be an important job done finally.


catch u all later







Flipping heck Clair, that’s a bit quick, but if you feel up to it then I suppose you might as well get on with it.  Just make sure you ease yourself back in gently. Xx


Beth, I’ve got a fitbit, Had it for two years now.  They’re great as it really encourages you to keep going, especially once you start earning badges, you just want to get the next one.


Went for my acupuncture today, no pricks in the ear this time but she stuck some in my shoulders, arms and hands, wow I put my shirt and jacket on after with hardly any pain.  I know it will only lived but it’s brilliant the magic those little needles can wield.


Why I was out Himself took delivery of my starry night projector.  We’ve just tried it out, in daylight with the curtains closed, and WOW! Even he was thrilled with it, can’t wait for tonight when it’s dark.  Big thank you Sue for telling us about it.


Helena hope today’s frying is done and dusted, another one. Tossed off the list.


So, now Lily has been captured Have we got to send out the troups for Adele aka Delly?  Maybe she sneaked out of the cat flap with Rubycat and they’re off having fun without us xx

Delly, we missed you yesterday, and I’ve sent you yesterday’s hug as well as one for today.


Beth, how did you programme your Fitbit to tell you if you haven’t moved in an hour? That is just what I need, I can sit down with the Scrabble app or my Kindle and not move for a couple of hours without knowing. I am so not one of these people who can’t sit still for more than ten minutes. And if Daisy is curled up asleep on my lap, it’s so easy to think it’s a shame to disturb her. And the tablet or the Kindle rest so easily on her back…!


I thought I’d broken my Fitbit, I left it plugged in on charge when I went into hospital for the first operation, and forgot all about it for four months. Then when I went to use it, it wouldn’t restart. But Mike cleaned up the contacts and charged it again and it was fine, except now it’s refusing to synch. If it really won’t, I’ll get another, because I was so motivated last year to get my ten thousand steps in, and it’s interesting to check your data if you go for a good walk somewhere.

I’m all in a tizz about tomorrow, yes it’ll be nice to go back and I’ve wanted to for a long time but I’m a bit scared. Silly isn’t it. I’m only in for 3 hours and then again Friday so I get a days break inbetween. Next is everyday but only 1/2 days.
I’ve got to get up early!!!
It’s such a weird feeling as it means I’m moving on. Am I ready I just don’t know.
Blimey how silly is this.
Right I need to pull myself together.
Helena I’m pinching your idea for the car I had to de ice inside and out.
Adele your back. Massive big and tight hug coming your way. Lots of love and hugs everyone xxxxxxxx

Hi All!


Happy New Year to you all - so many posts to catch up on.

What have I started with the ‘starry’ projector, lol …

If anyone should ask - I would love to be the crazy chicken on that picture a few pages back!

Great to see the snow drops, too - yes spring will eventually be on the way - and it will be much welcome.

Hoping all are well and will keep popping into the thread - trying to do some ‘work’ as energy levels are very slowly returning. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Looking forward to spend some time with Delly down here. She is also accomanying me to my mammogram.

It will actually be the first time I have anyone with me during all of this - so it might feel a bit strange, but is so welcome. 

I have not been driving too far from home, as it still worries me, due to the fatigue, which can be so unpredictable.

My first longer journey will be on the 17th of this month to a photo shoot, which has been arranged by Breast Cancer Care in London. It will be a good gauge to see how well I am doing. I shall be driving up to London, rather than take the train. If fatigue hits, I’d rather be in my car than on public transport!

Ann-m - if you are up for it - perhaps you, Delly and I could meet up down here, whilst Delly is here? 

PM me…


Sue xx


Thank you Helena that means a lot. Xxxxx

Dizzy, if Fitbit is playing up in anyway, put it in the charger thingy and you will see a hole, uncurl a paper clip and stick it in the hole for few seconds. That usually sorts out any glitches.  If not  email them and they will help xx

Clair, will be thinking of you tomorrow, don’t forget to set the alarm clock.  Get the first day out of the way and it will be as if youve never been away xx. Helena, just read my post from earlier, didnt mean to say tossed off, meant to say crossed off, Honest.


Just eaten the Christmas pudding at last, so that’s it, all unhealthy stuff gone.  Nothing in the house but fish, salad,  veggies and fruit (vino is made from fruit) Xx 

Hello Gorgeouslies,


Helena - THANK YOU, you’re the ONLYONE that’s sent me a HUG on MY HUG DAY!! At least YOU LOVE ME!!


WifeySue - Are you fixing me up on a date with Ann-m?? Ann-m are you fixing me up on a date with Sue?? Or are we all just “friends”, which is also good, because I have Beths hubby as a measuring stick for ANY future partners, and to be honest, I don’t think EITHER of you would match up. So nerrrr nerrrr anyWAY. :smileytongue: and raspberries! Don’t care! Hey - it may do wonders for your bedroom life,  “Ooooh, lets go look at the bedroom stars together”!! I’ve not even got down there and already Wifeys trying to goodness knows what?? Mmmmm, suspicious goings on. Can’t even remember what I’m talking about now!!


LusciousLesley - Wow “pricks” today AND a starry projector!! Even in the Daylight with the curtains closed. “C an’t wait for tonight”  Ooooo,  Now there’s a good start for a porny . . . . oh sorry, have to tone myself down. Slap wrist Delly, BEHAVE!  Sooo glad you “sound” to be better Lesley


Janey - Yey lovey. Sooo glad you surfaced back to us. you’re still a bitg snotty but I told you I don’t mind - it’s salty as oppo to sweet, probably why I don’t mind. Nuther warm gentle hug - mmm. Am really loving all these hugs on MY hug day - hint hint!! Haaa 


Goin girlies - have had message to call Wifey Sue - things are afoot. Will let you know what at some time but major HAPPENINGS goin on between 3 of us from the Forum this afternoon!!


DarlinDizzy - Oooo taa, nuther good hug - and ANOTHER. Corrrrrrrr, lovin it. It’ s like my birfday, but it ain’ yet. Oh all right “isn’t”. Stop spoiling my fun by picking at my “playful” vocabul a  r  y  zzzzzzzz 


LadyHelena - very thoughtful pressie from your partner, BUT think things may get more interesting in an “adult” fashion once you take receipt of your starry bedroom ceiling doodaa - well according to LusciousLesley and even her DAYtime antics. Oooooo - am havin a hot flush. Nuther slapped wrist. Hey on you girl for another one ticked off today - keep on with the slog!! Poor girls, I didn’t have any of rads or chemo to go through. In fact I had a “Thank god I’m  Chemo Freeeee HeeHee” Party - Yeh, literally - quite spontaneously, within a day.Was GREAT.  Reminds me, need to put fireworks down on my Sue list - get from shed. Oh it’s gonna be good firewuk (thats Bolton talk) display - gonna be an organised Delly spectacle. Ooooo - excited.

CorrrClair - First day at school nerves. You’ll be absobloominlutely OK woman, take it from Delly. YEY - to your moving on - tis GOOD sweetpea.


Byeeeee Adele xxxxxxx