Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Thanks Lesley, we must both have been typing at the same time! Xx

I would have made you a cream tea Charys! It’s a beautiful city and a lovely place to live. I was there until a couple of years ago when I bought with my partner about 6 miles away. We are all typing this morning. Lovely to know we are all out there! Xx

One down and 19 to go. No problem having treatment but now sat in the car feeling tearful - why?! Will pull myself together and have coffee with lovely friend as planned. Maybe it’s relief treatment has finally started xx

You’re on Charys! I am now pulled together but (probably stupidly!) thought I wouldn’t feel anything until after skin started to turn but very definitely feeling some heat under arm and some twinges around op site. I’m sure it’s all psychosomatic but … Lovely brunch with a lovely friend who makes me laugh. Such a beautiful day here, I’m out in the garden. Hope your gnashers now sparkly Lesley!! Xx

Another quick post, got to get the dinner on.  Teeth gleaming, or as gleaming as they can at my advanced age.  Janey, when I was at the dentist this morning I read a letter in the mail from someone whose BC consultant advised her (as he’s advised his wife and daughters) never to wear deodorant with aluminium in, and most do, as he thinks it ‘may’ cause BC, and I know your rads Peeps said just wear your usual.  I had read previous threads on here that it’s a no no when having rads to wear deodorant with aluminium in, told the husband and he went to Boots and came back with Pritok, was expensive, about £7.  I took it with me on first session and they took it away to check then gave me the ok.  I’m still using it so pretty good value, think I’ll stick to it in future, or I believe Holland and Barratt do one.  I know how badly I burnt under the arm so personally I wouldn’t risk anything with aluminium in while having rads.  Sorry to poke my nose in, just concerned.


Such a lovely sunny day, been catching a few rays in the garden this pm.  Got something in the diary everyday until we head off for a long weekend on 14th, some hospital appointments, but most nice, lunches etc.


Fourth day off the dreaded Anastrozole and still hoping for a good nights sleep, tonight might be a good good night as the song says.  Janey, I could so do with a record player, the loft is full of old LPs that I can’t play!





Another quick post, got to get the dinner on.  Teeth gleaming, or as gleaming as they can at my advanced age.  Janey, when I was at the dentist this morning I read a letter in the mail from someone whose BC consultant advised her (as he’s advised his wife and daughters) never to wear deodorant with aluminium in, and most do, as he thinks it ‘may’ cause BC, and I know your rads Peeps said just wear your usual.  I had read previous threads on here that it’s a no no when having rads to wear deodorant with aluminium in, told the husband and he went to Boots and came back with Pritok, was expensive, about £7.  I took it with me on first session and they took it away to check then gave me the ok.  I’m still using it so pretty good value, think I’ll stick to it in future, or I believe Holland and Barratt do one.  I know how badly I burnt under the arm so personally I wouldn’t risk anything with aluminium in while having rads.  Sorry to poke my nose in, just concerned.


Such a lovely sunny day, been catching a few rays in the garden this pm.  Got something in the diary everyday until we head off for a long weekend on 14th, some hospital appointments, but most nice, lunches etc.


Fourth day off the dreaded Anastrozole and still hoping for a good nights sleep, tonight might be a good good night as the song says.  Janey, I could so do with a record player, the loft is full of old LPs that I can’t play!






Hello my lovelies

What are you like Janey and Charys - Udder milk and cream teas! You’ve both got an obvious   addiction to udder products me thinks - haha!  Like the “incorrigiblets” 

Janey, why did you buy your boy a record player?? Yes, I’m aware there’s been a massive resurgence (that right spelling?) in vinyl reproductions again, but I can’t help feeling it may have been for your own benefit also! I’m with you on your music taste 'cept for The Jam. Ooooh Carly Simon and Led Zepp. Saw Led Zepp in concert in the mid 70’s, I had hair like Robert Plant at the time.

Had to clear nearly 1000 vinyls (some special editions), + nearly 3000 cds! and some high end hifi stuff when bruv died. He was a bit of a music and hifi buff, but I didn’t have the impetus nor storage space to have it all transported from Devon to the North to dispose of in a more profitable way - however. . .I’m not gonna dwell on that 

What!? - Rubycat 28. Is that right Rubycat??

Lesley - your teeth are going to light up the sky tonight !!

Exeter - agree, lovely city. I think that’s where I perhaps should be. May be too late now.


Janey - it’s first day at school unknowns for you with rads at the mo, I’m guessing. Even tho I’ve not had to go through rads, I can TOTALLY understand your reaction. Awww, Yeh girlie. It must be “traumatic”. An awful reminder of what you’re goin thru when I’m sure you’d just like to “tick it off” and carry on. BUT, you’ve got to go through this on top of what you have already gone through. That right?? Sending you a great big massive, looong, tight, squeezing breath out of you ETHER HUG flower!!  Plus wishing you STRENGTH to fight this horrible disease and to get through these treatments.


Doolallywelly xxxx 

Lesley - yeh, the Mail has recently been full on Aluminium content ref deodorants. I use Clarins body products for special occasions (don’t have many “special” occasions these days, if you get what I mean) but they do a lovely smelling underarm roll on, and it doesn’t have any aluminium + smells fandabidozeely lushously gorgeous, AND lasts ages. Treat yourselves

Do so love yers

Meee xxxx

Ooooo - Lorac. Thank You so much for your post for all of us on here. I must have just pre-empted you.

Good stuff!! Are you well youself??

Mucho Luvo Delly xxx

Hello you lovely ladies. Lorac please please tell me how you added a photo, I’ve tried and failed several times. Thank you for deo hint. I was not convinced by what I was told last week, so thankfully used the Bionsen I’d bought already today, as today’s radiographer very clear no metal deodorant.
Feeling shattered and tender inside but still not sure it’s not psychological, as only day 1! Having stalked your rads thread Lesley, I will take all advice to avoid your experience.
Delly you’ve rumbled me and the stereo! He’s doing music at college and likes “old” - his word - music. Caught the ether hug - brilliant, just what was needed!
Hugs to you all and Rubycat I hope you’re ok? Xx

Oh you lovely ladies, you do cheer me up.  Rubycat, I was laughing so loud at your description on the Mindfulness thingy the husband actually came in from the garden to see what I was watching on telly that was so funny.


Unfortunately Delly no amount of trips to the hygienist would give me teeth that would light up the night sky, still I’m grateful to still have them so I’ll settle for that.


Janey, 2 down so you’re on your way.  I didn’t really feel any effects at first just a bit discombobulated (love that word), I was worse when I finished, but that was ok because I didn’t have the daily trek to endure anymore so mentally could deal with it.  My “blackheads” are improving slowly and now I know what they are I’m not worried about them, poor old nipple is still peeling though, still creaming every day after bath.


Ill look out for that deodorant, lot cheaper that what I’ve got and always use Sanex bath stuff anyway.


Fourth day of not taking Anastrozole, still sweating all night long, guess it’s early days yet.  However, the bar of soap under bottom sheet - I’ve kept it there, AND, don’t want to talk  too soon, but my aching twitchy restless legs do seem a bit better at night.  Might be just a coincidence but I’m leaving it there just in case.


Im enjoying Paranoid Janey.  I’ve got last nights Cold Feet to watch later xx

Ps, Charys, how much dentention did you get?  Think I’ve managed to get away with it this time xx

And - Yes Janey. Ref rads. You’re stuck in a room, on your own, with a big sci-fi type machine, plus all the staff have gone off to hide behind a thick screen because it’s dangerous!! How frightening and upsetting can all of THAT be. I’d feel the same - upset. But, I hope, once you’ve got 2-3 procedures under your belt, you’ll feel more calm about it. But I ain’t had it mesen, so am hoping that and that you don’t suffer too much with poss side effects. xxx Put me straight on something with your boys - How old was your son who just passed out of HMS Raleigh?? and what’s gonna happen with him now?? And what about your other?? Younger? - is he the one you bought the record deck for??

And ref LORAC - I did NOT get the name !!! Glad you’re doing ok.

Rubycat28 - Can I book myself in to yours to have a break from mine. It could possibly kickstart me into getting this place more sorted. Perhaps thats what I need - a break from it, then come back and look at it in a more refreshed state, and get stuck in! I think your rads therapy with chocs in a bowl an expiallydociously fab idea. Think you should give it out on prescription. Oh what!! with your mindfulness course. Isn’t like ANY I’ve been on with regards to “raisins” !! What’s THAT all about. And are you saying my CAPITAL letters are offensive!! Me thinks you have a really good, humerous plot for a sit-com there - farts, snoring n’ all. Ha ha ha. Classic gem. Perhaps name it “Mindfulness and the Wind” !! I’ve done the same - go to classes fired up, and don’t do the homework. then drop out too quickly Don’t get me wrong, I think/feel such classes can have great benefits.


Ooooh Lesley - peeling nipple!! Feel you are also likely to fall prey to de de derrrr “UDDER MILK”. And keep us posted on the bar of soap situation!!!

Honestly, anyone coming on to this thread is bound to think YOU’RE (note not me!) a loada loonies. Rubycat has relieved both you and Charys’s absence

Love to you all

Dellywellydoodah xxxx 

Oooooo, I’ve just posted a very fiery post in the Gay/Lesbian section. Nobody speaks to me in that section any more, because I’ve “challenged” and have revealed many of them to be “prejudiced” towards heterosexual women!!

One of my first reasons in joining this forum was that it had such a section, but it has been a massive let down. The women on there obviously don’t like a challenging woman with “balls”.Just hitching mine up a bit ! Ooooo, I’m afraid one of 'ems gonna come and get me.

Dellywellydingbloomindong xxxx

Well Delly, with a day off to service my sci fi machine I have gone to the gay and lesbian threads and would say a heartfelt hear hear. This is a unifying site for all women and men who have been dealt a blow and we shouldn’t make assumptions about each other - I’m far less feminine or make up obsessed than several lesbian friends - but I am a sucker for a new product! Hairdressers see me coming and get out all the shiny tubes to wave at me! That said, Lesley the Udder Cream is lush and so far so soft, although I know it’s early days.
Rubycat I love the Chocs in a bowl, but would have to hide them from everyone else!
Delly we are the Brady bunch here. I have a daughter who is off being a fabulous pastry chef (21) and my partner has 3. Luckily we have all known each other years, so it made it easy for the kids to get on. His eldest is now off doing further navy training, with the record player son still at local college, as is his youngest.
Lesley check out your restless legs (or fidgety knee as our family calls it!) with GP. Mum has just been given tablets and is amazed.
Charys any update on how you’re doing on your meds break? Xx

  Hi all,  shame your break from rads is so early in Janey, you could probably do with a break a bit later on.  Brilliant idea of the bowl of chocs, I used to head straight to the kitchen and tick that day’s session off my list, became the highlight of my day and was good seeing the dates to go getting shorter and shorter.


With regard to the restless leg syndrome, as with so many drugs, everything GP came up with reacts with  the medication I take for migraine prevention (epilepsy meds).  When I was on hrt it was not really a problem, only got it on occasions when even the hrt didn’t completely stop the flushes.


Enjoyed a lovely lunch today with our friends and when we came home we sat in the garden and had a coffee and all of a sudden a wave of tiredness came over me, went to bed and went into a deep sleep for 2 hours, bliss!  If only I could sleep like that at night.





Hummmmm - I think I should avoid posting on here early hours. I get revved up and outspoken, especially when it comes to people being “sexist”. That was the word I was looking for this morning, with ref to the attitude I kept meeting on the gay/lesbian section. I’m a very “challenging” person (you’ve probably realised that by now!! - I’m using it in a self effacing way here girls, taking the mick out of mesen and I don’t know why I keep goin all Geordie!!)

Sorry, I’m gonna have a rabbit here on this topic, and I’d welcome you’re feedback to this dilemma. Yes, I strongly appreciate what certain people have done to bring about sexual equality, to have us all respected, valued for whatever our sexuality is. But, I’ve never been fiercely political about it - on the occasions I’ve had to go through medical  consultation forms, legal forms, when I “have” been in longterm relationships, I haven’t felt or got offended that it’s often been presumed my other half is male. Have just gently corrected them that it’s a woman.

I have thought to ask our lovely Administrators - Anna and Lizzie (hope you’re reading this girls!! think I need to ask you to have them removed) to remove all my posts from the Gay/Lesbian area, because I’m very conscious, and actually feel guilty that I may have been a direct cause of why no other women post in that area of the Forum any more, which wasn’t anything that I set out to do. I’m disappointed that no one rose to any of my challenging arguments, but NOR came back to me to say such as “Do ya know what Delly, you’re right. Some of us have come out with somewhat sexist remarks on here”. Either is better than silence and being castigated and basically ignored and “cast out”. Frankly I find it all very immature and unnecessary. We should all be “coming together” in this flippin awful disease, not coming out with presumptuous statements that most hetero women would be bothered about losing their hair and most lesbians wouldn’t. My argument being that I’ve known hetero women who haven’t been bothered by it, and I’ve know lesbian women who’ve been highly distressed by it. I certainly would have been mySELF. S’all a Load of bo**ox. 

But, as said, I feel somewhat guilty that no-one posts any more and have left me as “Delly-No-Mates” !!! I’ve finished my rant girlies, you’ll be pleased to know.


May I say Janey - your hair looks fab. Me thinks you’re using your Udder Milk on that too Hahahee. It’ll save you a fortune on those other products your hairdressers keep plying you with. Can you let me know what the tabs were your Mum’s been given for Restless Legs please.


I took part in a survey last year, part of a PhD study by a lovely lady, Cathy Ure at Salford Uni - yey Cathy. All about the value and benefits of Social Media/Support with regards to BC women!! Yeh, I know - look and listen to us right NOW, on here. I spent an hour with her and throughout the whole of it, I had the opportunity to just sit, rave and PROMOTE this Forum and its benefits and felt very privileged to do so. Whoever had the foresight and insight to set it up ought to be knighted or something similar. I DID however, also explain that I’d had a very negative experience with ref to the lesbian/gay section. Hence my mentioning it here. 

Had an update email from Cathy just the other night. Told her that she’d Iiterally caught me between posts on here. So what did that say? Speaks for itself - dunnit.

Thanks for your ears girlies. Am signing off now to catch up with you all

 Loadsa Kisses - Meeee



What an action packed evening!  Charys, so sorry you’re not getting anywhere with the oncologist re your tamoxifen.  I’m almost a week off the Anastrozole and still sweating all night long so thinking it’s probably the menopause back now I’m off hrt and not all down to the pills, still it’s not a week yet do may still be in. Y system.


Read through your posts on the gay/lesbian threads Delly - as ususal, very articulate.  I get what you were saying and don’t see  reason for anyone taking offence, but guess if people have suffered from prejudice in the past they may be  hyper sensitive, whereas you were just raising an interesting point for discussion.  Hey ho, we are all different, but as you say, in this we are all in it together xx

Charys - My god, you are a VERY perceptive woman. I was literally shocked at you’re statement, summing me up so well and finding me out from my earl hour postings. “You’ve been off poo mixing again Delly”. Umph so right. I go off on these RANTS and you soo seem to have sussed me.

Yeh - the Lesbian/Gay sections are empty for over a year. Much of it, I feel is due to my fiery, anti sexist posts!! What can I do about it. Any suggestions gals. I even posted an apology last year. I really do think I need Lizzy and Anna to remove any of my previous posts for it hopefully to regenerate agai. n with the same Sh*t as before, and I’ll well and truely keep out of and away from. Yeh??

I’m with you on the Tamoxifen millarkey. BUT . . Yeh, do please try a high dose of Evening Primrose Oil. Soooo sorry you’ve had such a frustrating day/time flower. Delays with your treatment - Doh, flippin pants for you.

But hey, don’t wish “redness” on our poor Janey. Espesh when she’s doing so well on the Udder regime !!

Thanks for your support Lesley - my thoughts exactly and I have to put it down to ignorant immaturity - Poo Stirring again.


Well, I hope at least I’ve given you all some entertainment - perhaps diverted you away from your medicament and rads dilemmas. And No, I’m not being belittleing to them but DO hope they get sorted and SOON

Love to you all and “Thanks”

Dellywellybloomindingdong xxxx 

Charts Ive gone back on the evening primrose, as I find it helps a bit but I’m so sorry it’s such a struggle. I do wonder about doseage. I’m tall and on the very wrong side of well built and yet on the same dose presumably that you Lesley were on and you’ve mentioned before