Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Delicious, you just gave me a huge big belly laugh, thank you, so heres a hug xx

Good luck tossing off tomorrow Helena lol.  Now see if I get banned from the site xx

Poor thing Helena,  bad enough having rads without a cold an cough.  Yes, make sure you drink lots, and I dont mean wine lol.  I tried to drink at least litre and a half of water every day when having mine as was told it helps, Also drank a can of Diet Coke as also told that has something in it which helps with the nasties they’re zapping you with.  Mind you, it was really really hot when I had mine so easy to get through,  much  tougher when it’s cold like now.  Xx

When they say a hot drink before bed helps you sleep, did they mean mulled wine because this is lovely…?

Oh that sounds really lovely and yep I’m sure it counts :-). I’m having a nice cup of tea and an early night.xx

Yes Beth, that’s exactly what they mean.


Good luck tomorrow Clair xx

Mulled wine sounds great on night like this!


Hope you sleep well tonight and everything goes well tomorrow Clair.


I bought a Fitbit Charge 2 and if you don’t move for an hour it automatically buzzes with a reminder. If you still don’t move it get a bit sarcastic and tells you to put your right foot in front of your left and move lol

i like the sleep monitoring - last night it told me that I had 24 restless episodes and some awake time too. If it gets me moving a bit more then I’m all for it. Going to be interesting to see if my heart rate goes down as my stress levels reduce (living in hope lol)

On sale in Currys just now. 



Helena, I haven’t got the new super duper Fitbit Beth has,  I’ve got the original.  If you wear it to bed, when you log on to your app on the dashboard there’s a sleep bit that tells you how many hours youve been asleep, how many time you’ve been awake during the night and how many times you’ve been restless.  That’s how I know I get hot flushes every hour, they wake me up xx

Sending hugs to all and a biggy to you today Clair. Hope work goes well and you can pass on handy hints! Xx

Thinking About yuo today Clair. Hope your first return to work goes well. Xx

Just checking in so I don’t get lines.  Hope it goes ok today Clair.  You’re probably almost finished your first shift, bet you’re tired but relieved.


Helena, not sure what time today’s zapping is, but hope it’s either another one tossed off the list or will be very shortly.  The halfway line is in sight now, one you reach that the rest just flies past.


Big hug to everyone else, and I hope it’s as lovely and sunny where you are as it is here xx

Dizzy, fitbit - Have you tried “rebooting” like I suggested?  It’s worth a try, after all they are expensive things.  The charger, the one that plugs into the mains, if you look really closely you’ll see a tiny hole just under where you slot The fitbit In to charge.  Put The fitbit In, then stick end of paperclip in hole and hold for a few seconds.  That’s what they told me to do when mine stopped working properly after a few months, they said it’s like rebooting a computer and usually sorts any problems out.  My sisters one stopped working after almost two years, The support team tried to help her sort it out with no luck, they sent her a new one even though it was well out of warranty xx

Lesley, is yours a Charge? 

I put my charger plug in. Next to the slot in my Fitbit is a little hole I’d never noticed before, and I assumed that’s what you meant. I put the paperclip in the hole for a few seconds, and the word Faster came up on screen. And now the clock on my Fitbit is completely wrong, it was exactly an hour out, as if it missed the hour change in October. Now it’s an hour and twenty minutes wrong, and it still won’t synch.

It never occurred to me they might do anything once it’s out of warranty, most companies don’t want to know.

No Dizzy is not the  charge, just the basic one.  When I had problems I emailed them and they told me to clean the contacts  then stick a paper clip in the hole,  they said that’s the same as rebooting and usually fixes things.  Trying cleaning the contacts and do it again.  If no joy, email them, they are really helpful, though sometimes they do take a bit of a while to come back to you.  As I said, my sisters one was nearly 2 years old and they spent ages trying to sort it out, both giving her advice and trying their end.  Eventually they sent her a new one which was great as they didn’t have to.  She knows  someone who lost  theirs While out walking, she contacted them and complained saying the bracelet was hard to do up and they sent her a new one.  Worth a try xx

Hello :-D.
Thank you for all you lovely words and hands to hold today, it wasn’t quicker than I thought and was all ok.
I had lots of hugs and welcome backs.
I’m looking forward to going back Friday.
Janey tip 1… watch out for squashed boobs
from the hugs.

I’m totally shattered now and have a headache as I’m not used to the noise. I also made the mistake of coming home and tiding up!

tip 2 just go home and do nothing.

Thank goodness I’ve got tomorrow off.

Mary how did you get on today?
Nearly half way through Helena and the weather is looking better so hopefully you won’t need to clear anymore ice of the car.
Right I’m off for a cuppa and a lie down xxxxx lots of love and hugs xxxx

I meant to say it went quicker than.I thought my phone is awful. Xx

Glad. It went well Clair, and now you get a day off to recover.


Lesley, thanks for the Fitbit tips, I will contact them, I tried it another twice, the first time the  screen said Hi There and the second time Hug Me, it’s like a packet of Love Hearts!

Dizzy, that lovehearts comment made me laugh.  Do contact them though.


Clair, so glad it went ok.  Bet you are tired though, physically and emotionally.  As you say, tomorrow off, So rest xx


Delicious, don’t want to talk too soon and tempt fate, but haven’t had to take painkillers for head since New Year’s Eve evening, Havent gone that long for months.


Shoulders/arms were so much better yesterday after the pricks, still a little bit better today though gradually getting bad again.  However, I’ve had a call from the muscular/skeletal centre and I’ve got an appointment with a specialist physiotherapist on 19th, pretty good as only spoke to gp on Friday.


Helena, big big hug to you, you poor thing.  Bad enough having to go and be zapped but having to wait an extra two plus hours, not good.  At least tomorrow’s one is early os you’ll have the rest of the day not waiting about to go.  Hang on in there, soon be over xx