Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Oh for Flips sake - nuther post gone, 1/2 into this time. What’s going on. I realy am gonna end up leaving this Forum, I’m so utterly frustratedly smashing at my keyboard!! 

Calm down Delicious and put your nice blue jacket on for a little while, you’ll feel much better in a while xx

Ohhhhhhhhhh - Yes I AM !!!


just sent another email to poor Bonita, maintained a  Charys diplomacy. To say it was just after 1/2 an hour this time!! Can’t remember what I was rabbittin on about. I’m either going to totally go off my head (you can all shut up with your rude comments there!) OR somebody else is going to “lose theirs”. Had to put a bit of “George” on the music system to calm me down, before I “do” actually have a Stroke.  Sooo, ah Yes :-


Lesley and Charys - My book isn’t likely to be around yet for a few years, at this rate, but it’s more likely be a combination of my favourite Watch with Mother characters - Bill and Ben, Andy Pandy, The Woodentops,and Tales of the Riverbank, with a bit of Captain Pugwash and Hereward the Wake thrown in. Those are what have made me who I am today!

No, it’s what going on with these other ladies at the moment and what’s happening with that, that’s going to be interesting - hopefully it’ll come off (No not the top!! - behave. Altho, we’ve yet to see/hear on Sue’s photo shoot yet, haven’t we? Ohhhh Yes we Have Just practising for Sunday). But . . I am going to continue having myself photographed through out the rest of my reconstruction procedures. Had some taken prior to and after the first op. All were with a view to giving this informative, educational talk, “My New Pair”, to various groups such as Probus, Rotary, Womens Guild/Institutes, ladies luncheon clubs etc. People don’t often get to physically see what’s involved with it all, and lets face it, it’s so bloomin rife now, everyone has SOMEbody in their family or friends that has or had it. I’ll have to blank out my face and give a false name as to who the photo’s are of though, so I don’t get had up for flashing to the public. Not me or “mine” - honest ociffer !


Delly, thank you for the hug, a special Delly hug too!  Most of the time I’m fine, I just have slightly shocking tendency to go from fine to totally despairing in about five minutes. And then I can’t get out of it, it’s like I get stuck. It’s scary for me, and for my family. I don’t know whether to up the antidepressants, at the moment I’m on the lowest dose, or whether to blame the Tamoxifen. But either way, I wish I could find a better way of dealing with it.

I’m interested in the idea of you recording the surgery to reconstruction diary and photos. There isn’t enough information around, when you’re asked to decide between lumpectomy or mastectomy. I didn’t have a clue really what either of them entailed. And googling just brings up some pretty terrifying photos.The most helpful moment for me was when someone I knew slightly hauled up her top to show me her implant reconstruction, I think if I’d seen that before I might have gone down that route. On the other hand, she unexpectedly had to have radiotherapy which meant she had to have some sort of  correction, so it wasn’t straightforward.

What I’m saying is, I think there  are information leaflets out there, but not many real life stories to tell you what it’s really like. When you have to decide between lumpectomy or mastectomy and one of the several kinds of reconstruction, or no recon at at all, it’s just horribly scary and has huge repercussions, and you’re on your own with it. It was probably worse than getting diagnosed in the first place, making that decision.


So I’m all for something which would help other women to understand what they’re signing up to.

Oooh dear!  Charys and Lesley…the fitbit thingy really interests me…I just lurve gadgets…but im afraid it would just tell me how unfit I am and how difficult sleeping is…and im so aware of those already! 


But thank you for the info,i might have a closer lookxxx



oh and Charys, yes thank you im pretty good just at the minute…chemo went well today and the vein bit went wellxxx???

hot flush.jpg

Good morning g,


Hope you like this one, made me chuckle On this  and frosty morning xx

A perfect 10 from Len chortle from me Lesley. Where is a hot flush when you need one? - it’s freezing here too Charys I shall say ooo arr rather than brrr!
I’ve followed fluffy orders and doctor is booked - more importantly coffee with a lovely friend too.
My two penneth on the hormone debate. I had immediate menopause after my ovaries were removed 5 years ago following endometrial cancer. No chemicals or hormone tablets involved and no perimenopause to prepare me. The symptoms I’m getting with the Anastrazole are menopause the 2nd and the same, although not so intense thank you auricular acupuncture! Mood swings are definitely a symptom but I think compounded by my head catching up with the emotional fallout of this year’s diagnosis - Brexit day no less! I am back on heavy duty evening primrose oil and I think it’s helping with some of the pmt stuff going on. At least teenage girls are expected to be irrational - not always going down well in my 50s!
Helena you must be very glad it’s Friday and I hope you’re planning a relaxing weekend. A weekend without children for us - so I’m hoping a long walk, lunch at our favourite pub and watching Exeter Chiefs hopefully win some rugby. My plan is to try and embrace a bit of old me, as I count down to back to work. How are you doing Clair? Big hugs to you lovely bunch. I haven’t name checked everyone, but clearly love you all! Xx

Helena, that’s a lovely gift, so thoughtful,  and I think we should adopt that phrase as our club motto,  very inspiring xx


just seen something that says only four more Mondays until spring,  can’t be right can it?

My favourite poem/words are Desiderata by Max Ehrmann.  I first heard it when I was about 15, I had a copy of it on my bedroom wall then and have a a copy ever since.  I have a laminated one on my fridge.  I’m not a “soppy” type of person, bit of a cynic in some ways, but his words uplift and soothe me.  I always kept a copy pinned up by my desk when I was working and read it at times of stress, always calmed me.  If you don’t know it, google it and have a read xx

So glad you liked it Delly, it’s soothed me through lots of traumatic times and some just oh damn it times xx


Thanks for clarification Helena, I knew that 4 weeks was wrong but didn’t know when Spring officially starts xx

Afternoon lovelies,
another mornings work done and I’m feeling like a different person.
It’s so nice to have some of what I call my normality. I wonder how I’ll feel next week after I’ve been in everyday still only 3 hours.
What an emotional catch today had been I love that winner the pooh quote.
Janey I’m glad your feeling better.
Helena rads will be over before you know it just be aware you’ll keep cooking for a bit longer and I had a couple of down days si watch.out watch.out for those. Delly I can’t keep up with you.
Got to dash and pick up my daughter I’ll pop back later love and hugs everyone xxxxxxxx

Helena, Les Crane spoke the words of Desiderata to music back in the early 70’s.  I remember being thrilled and buying a copy, probably still got it in my old record collection stored in boxes up in the loft xx

Yep Rubycat that satisfies me no end, thank you xx. The only line in Desiderata that I don’t like is “surrender the things of youth gracefully”. NO I will NOT, I intend to be (hopefully I live that long) still be wearing tight jeans in my 80’s.  A few years ago, ok more than a few, when I hit 40 a “friend” told me it was time to cut my hair short as the words mutton and lamb sprang to mind.  Have to say I found it quite amusing as I’m not what you would call a flashy dresser, but when I told Himself later expecting him to laugh him he was furious and wanted to ring her up and give her a piece of his mind lol.



Just taken delivery from Iceland.  Delivery slot was 12-2pm, not only it it arrive at 2.01pm, three out of six eggs were broken.  Still, after a phone call they are refunding me so it’s ok.  Luckily I wasn’t planning a baking session. 

Lily, is that a book?  If so I’ll look out for it, but reading Rubycats comments I think it might be the peom Purple? That’s starts “When I’m old I’ll wear purple” is it? I’ve got a tea towel somewhere with they on, love it.


Think I might get our dinner on too Rubes, haven’t eaten yet and starting to get peckish.  Cottage pie, one I made earlier in true Blue Peter style and froze, now desfrosted so just got to chuck in the halogen oven to heat/brown, then the big decision of the day, wine or no wine?  Got headache anyway so nothing to lose and it’s got to be got rid of before I can start detoxing xx

Afternoon peeps


apologies for the absence last two days. It’s taken me an age to go through all your posts!! Must say I’m loving the words of wisdom today. All very appropriate and meaningful. 

If it’s ok with you, I won’t reply individually as I’d be here all day lol but Im glad that everyone seems to be brighter today, if a little thoughtful. 

Yesterday and today I’ve been trying to increase my activity levels to try and gradually get through the fatigue. I’m due back in work in two weeks and as things stand, I think I’d be asleep on my desk by 11. I’m self employed and promised my business partner that I’d be back as soon as I could and he’s been on his own really since September (apart from the few weeks before rads started) so I need to go back now. The thought is scary but I need the normality back and of course there’s the financial implications  too. I did call in to day to see the staff and make sure they’ve not burned the place down and everything was OK. 

However, this activity lark is tiring. I’ve managed 5000 steps each day which isn’t a lot ( thank u Fitbit) and been absolutely shattered going to bed at night but thanks to the old tamoxifen, a good nights sleep is still a luxury that is missing. Tried to make an appt with my GP and despite my pleading and protestations with gatekeeper of a receptionist (being polite here)  she wouldn’t book me in before the 12th. Lots I want to discuss with her but I guess it’ll have to wait for now. I’ll have to write it all down as the old memory is not what it used to be. 

So for now, I’ll continue trying to do a little more day by day. 

I’ll post below a post that I saw on FB recently. All rather apt and is how I see you lovely ladies. You are the ones that have stayed around now all the dust is settling so thank you. We are putting each other back together again.  I’ll follow it with another pic that makes me laugh and sums up tamoxifen for me lol. You’ll know what I mean when you see it!! 

Xxx image.jpg

image.jpgSays it all!! Lol

:smiley: :smiley: totally true Beth. Love it.

Sometimes I think I should be locked in a dark room so I don’t upset or try to murder anyone. Xxx

Beth, it’s funny, but it’s oh so true (both pics)  still, we’ve got each other.  Must be difficult when your self employed, hard enough to switch of when you’re an employee but when it’s your own business the pressure must be ernormous.


Still brass monkey weather here though it’s starting to drizzle and they did forecast milder weather.  Hoping I’m walking tomorrow but waiting to hear from my friend when she gets back from work whether she’s free tomorrow.  Hope so, need to get some exercise and fresh air, no enthusiasm to go out on my own, lost my mojo. 

Go Rubes, you know good people love a sinner.  I was brought a catholic, and as Billy Connolly said, all Catholics have an A level in guilt.  I’m a convent girl, but my older sister went before me and was so “The Naughtiest Girl in the School” the nuns were dreading me arriving, but I was a piece of cake compared to her so they breathed a big sigh of relief and I was a good girl in comparison.  It does stay with you though, Im very much in awe of authority, im always terrified when I see a policeman and almost faint with terror going through security at airports, always feel guilty for no reason xx