Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Thank you for my hugs. Much appreciated!


im going to rest a bit over the weekend to recharge the batteries a little. Hubby has returned to work this week so I’ve been in the house on my own. Amazing how many times a day you get up and down with the dog…In and out…Out and in…Can you let me in cause I want to go out again. He doesn’t stop. I took him out on my own for the first time since September yesterday. We didn’t go far and probably wasn’t out more than 20 mins in total but it was enough for me (not him). Then I toddled off to Aldi for a few bits and before you knew it I was pooped. 

Im hoping if i do a little every day I’ll soon start to feel a bit stronger. Wishful thinking maybe. Good news is that I can wear a really soft bra without feeling sick now but still have dressings on the old nip and underneath the breast as my lovely new pink skin is showing through as the purple/grey stuff peels off. Things are definitely healing. Yayyy. 

Think I need to look whether there is somewhere around here that can help with fatigue - like the gym fatigue sessions someone mentioned. 

Hey ho I’ll get there!!

Rubycat, speaking as an atheist who got married in church (the other option being a grim registry office) and a republican who went to a garden party at Buckingham Palace ( couldn’t spoil the OH’s day, and okay, I’m nosey!) I think you should go if you think you’ll enjoy it.

I’m another atheist brought up as a Catholic, I think there’s a theme here. But I have vivid memories of being smacked round the legs with a ruler by the terrifying Sister Joseph. I would have been about five, different times. And in another school (I changed primary schools several times) being shut in the paint cupboard in the dark because they caught me reading instead of listening to the story. So I was put off Catholic schools, they had a very punitive attitude, must be all that worrying about sin.


Well, I finally got my Christmas decorations put àway in the eaves today, so I’m feeling dead chuffed with myself.

Delly, if my will ever turns up, which is looking very doubtful now, it’s in there that Desiderata is read at my funereal.  Oh boy, real cheerful stuff for a cold and gloomy January evening.


Dinner eaten, dishes waiting for himself to wash up, then me to rewash because he never does it properly, I could just do it myself in the first place but he thinks he’s helping and I don’t want to discourage him.  Might be better once he gets his eyes tested and new specs which we both need badly.  My eye sight is getting worse by the day, now need them to watch telly which is new.


Nothing planned for the weekend, hate this time of the year, always feels flat after Christmas.  Wish I was rich and could fly off to the Carriebean for a couple of weeks xx

Delly, I did get your reply, and pm’d you back.


Rubycat, I agree with you about afternoons, apart from they’re often for dog walking as well.



I’m here!!! Wooooo hooooooo

Hi Lily, they’ve all gone clubbing, heard them all discussing what they were wearing etc, you and I not invited.  They tried to make out that it’s for our own good because they’re worried the noise will give us a headache.  Not sure I believe them though.

Oh ok, Beth not invited to the rave either

Yes Lily, nice glass of Pinot Grigio, funny thing is, had a mild headache anyway so thought might as well, and now heads ok.  Expect it will come back later but enjoying the break from it, got enough with the painful shoulders.  Probably just as well I’m not invited to the nightclub, Not up to doing mad aunt dancing.

Have they now? Well I wasn’t invited either, but thats fine as THIS is where it’s at ! Everning Lily and Lesley…shall we talk about them ?

Oh Beth here too…hiyyeeerrrrr

They went without us??!!! Charming!! ??

im OK this evening. Tired as per usual though. 

Hubby has the footie on and I’ve been reading the news online. Another mass shooting in America…serious crime squad looking in to George Michael’s death…nothing cheery. 

Think I may finish off the Baileys later. ?

How are you three ladies doing?


No problemo. …will wool be ok or will we stretch them to the ground? Lol

Serious crime squad. …really. …off to read that…

I can’t find anything bout the George Michael thing ?

It’s fine Lily …my husband has loads of frequent flyer points thingies. …we will use those. OR we could sell all their possessions to raise the money whilst they are at the club/rave ?

I saw it on sky news earlier on one of those moving banner thingy’s. I googled it too and it came up from earlier in the day. Thought from the beginning that it just didn’t sound right. Hope they get to the bottom of it. 

Im up for a trip to the Caribbean!! Lol every group needs a beached whale lol…right lot we’d be tanning after everyone having rads and sitting plastered in factor 50!!!

my skin is soooo White it’s almost blue!!!


I’ll fall out of a hammock, I’ll sleep on a lilo.  We could stow away on a ship.  Think I’ll give the news a miss tonight, sounds too grim, don’t want the bit of sleep I get ruined by bad dreams.  I’ll lay looking at my stars and pretend I’m on my lilo on a tropical beach watching you lot falling out of your hammocks.

Hi Helena

hows the counting down going? Getting there!!! Xx

Lol watching us fall out of hammocks…hope it helps you sleep imaginin g our misfortune Lesley !! Lol

Yeah…Beth…Xmas day and all , and I’ve just found the boyfriend is bring questioned too…thry found no medical cause of death did they?

Yooo hooooooo Helena too! Hold on, so WHO has gone then ???



each and everyday you are there and each delay means it’s another milestone achieved on the countdown and getting to that magic number. It’s a hard slog that feels never ending AND of course you are still working which can’t be making things any easier. I’ve been amazed how well you’ve done so far. 

Proud of you!!! Xxx

Nooo, I didn’t sneak off, promise. I’m about to get the jimjams on and have a glass of wine…