Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Poor Helena, but over halfway, soon all be tossed off.  It’s is bad though.  There was 6 machines where I was zapped, all my appointments were around 10ish, and only got very short delays as they moved us to other machines if one got behind or had problems.  Still, two days rest now xx


it could be worth asking them for some dressings to cover the nip. Mine was sooooo very sore and went a funny texture and shape and anything touching it, like clothing just hurt like hell. The dressings just gave it a bit of protection. I had Mepilex Lite ones - they’re sticky but don’t damage the skin and are gentle to remove. I still wear one now on my nip as its still too tender to go without. 


well, thought I would just pop in again as definitely not out with a nice glass of wine on the sofa.
Helena, sorry to hear about the delays, sounds like a local problem - I was generally in & out within half an hour, apart from one day when someones ‘burnt toast’ set of the fire alarm, arrived to find the unit evacuated, with everone outside - oh well, it provided a talking point!
hugs to all
ann x

Oh I wish I wish I wish I were out! Do you remember I posted about long walks, pub lunches and child free weekend ahead - well … a day of completely b******* washing machine and a blocked drain now compounded by second eldest’s car going bang and now spending tomorrow panic looking for a replacement to get him back to base on Sunday. All the cheap run arounds are at the furthest 4 corners of the county … never mind.
Anyway you’ve been a busy old philosophical lot today. I love the “when I am old I shall wear purple” … a friend gave me the little book when I got my decree absolut. She reckoned I was halfway there, as my shoes are always unsuitable (a girl is limited with size 9s!) and purple is my favourite colour!
I shall volunteer to be a beached whale, sipping G&T to down the lemsips with!
Helena a gentle hug from me too. The delays are hard going when they happen. I hope nipple holds and they can get you sorted with the right cream. Enjoy a peaceful weekend relaxing I hope.
You are a lovely bunch. First smile in a few hours reading through all your posts xx

Ps I think you’ll find Rubycat has one of those newfangled microchips and catflaps magically open as she nears ? x


you keep the dressings on all the time but must take them off for the rads itself. One dressing is sticky enough to last a few days and can be removed and replaced a few times. My rads team said that they give them to prevent the skin from breaking down and as my nip was so sore they said it would help to protect it and give me some relief. They can prescribe you boxes of them and they really do help. 

I had a thicker one that they stuck under my breast and it helped the skin heal. That area peeled around number 10/12 and that dressing did a great job - I still have to wear one now if I put a bra on as it rubs too much on the new skin. 

Definietly worth asking about - especially the one for your nip. Xx

And while we’re having nipple conversations, mine is changing colour and shrivelling like a prune. I’m not sure how that’s only happening now. It isn’t painful, but I don’t have much feeling in since it’s been rearranged and replaced somewhere else twice, poor thing is still traumatised.


In my hospital, every machine had a name and number, mine was Varian 1. It was only when I did some googling about radiotherapy and I saw a photo that I realised that was the model of machine, I thought it was just someone being creative.


One thing in the room that puzzled me, there was a rack of white mesh head and chest shapes, they looked like they were moulds for women having radiotherapy, did anyone else see those and know what they are? They were all labelled as if they were individually made to fit.


The things I saw were all one piece, from waist to head covering the face, I thought they looked like they were for breast patients because they obviously moulded the breasts. And they were all female, no flat ones. Just curious anyway.


So we’re off to the Caribbean, I’m up for it January and February are pretty grim here, let’s go away and stay till the spring comes. 

Those masks things used to freak me out.  I often saw people taking  them home as souvenirs when they finished theirs rads, don’t think I’d Want a reminder thank you, my tattoos are bad enough.


Walk into town for breakfast, bit  of shopping and walk back with friends is on  for tomorrow, looking forward to it.  We walk the scenic route along a stream, bit of woods then the park, only the first and last bit is on the road.  Really looking forward to it.  Fitbit will be shocked, it’s actually going to be clocking up some proper mileage for the first time in ages.

Glad to see you following doctor’s orders Helena!

I think I might be a glass or two behind you…But working on it!

Morning everyone,
I wish I had been out last night but sadly I was fast asleep by 8, I thought I’d just have a lie down and the next thing I knew it was 3 in the morning. This going back to work lark is shattering and I’ve only done a few hours! Thank goodness for phased return. I’m really going to have to learn to have some patience and take a slower pace in life. I hate how this has changed my life!!!

I missed all the fun here too, holidays, hammocks, wine and news on poor George my hubby said there was something dodgy about his death and the story the boyfriend came out with!

Have a lovely day whatever your doing & catch up later
love and gentle hugs Clair xxx

Right, back from walk, clocked up 8.25 miles, shattered, gone are the days when I could do 12 miles without stopping.  Lovely breakfast then a bit of sale shopping.  Lots of bikinis and sparkly flip flops for our carribean Hollibob.  Think it’s probably going to be a virtual one, still will be lots of fun though.  Janey, remember our virtual nighttime swimming pool in the summer?  You and Sue used to bring along the cucumbers and gin, me the wine and cake lol.


Hope you’re all enjoying your Saturdays, and Clair and Helena getting plenty of rest xx 

Afternoon lovelies.
Ruby your just ace and Helena my cat does the let me in the back door to get to the front door routine, she’ll also wake me up to take her to her food bowl in the middle of the night as she doesn’t like going down on her own and I’m daft enough to do it!
Today I’ve managed to do a small tidy up, walk around the shop and that was it total collapse on the sofa since. I know they warn you about being tired but I really didn’t think it would be like this

In my sane moments I know I’ve got to take it easy and just go with the flow so why do I get so worked up about it all.
It’s been so lovely being normal for a bit and I’ve missed it so much.
I used to love winter but I’m really looking forward to a bit of sun.

Thought for the day xx

It never gets easier.jpg

<3 xxxxx

A quick hello from me - off on car hunt! Ruby your sewing story got me laughing on two fronts, as I have one long leg too! Clair I hope you’ve slowed down a bit this afternoon. Love to all you amazing women xxx

Rubycat, sending you a hug. And making a new rule, that no one is allowed to compare themselves to someone else, there are enough people out there doing it for us. The person who is able to do amazing things is doing it because they feel amazing, we just have to do the best we can with the way we’re feeling now.

And we’ll celebrate all the steps along the way. So a big hug for Lesley too, that walk sounds like a real milestone.

Helena, where I’m puzzled, is how come you hadn’t noticed??!!


Hope all the Fluffies are having a lazy weekend, particularly Moijan after the latest chemo.

Yeah. …I don’t get how Helena didn’t notice…I mean !!! Lolol how could there be enough keftcto sort it out…he coukdnt maje them longer again? Or wwre they turned into shorts lol Hey,;who has had pants fall out of their jeans leg in front of a work colleague ? I bet some of you have…jeans you wore the day before and a pair of pants get left behind on the leg…

Okayyyyy off to read the posts. …

Oh crikey. …sorry for all typos on phone with wrong glasses lol

Oh Helena that made me smile :slight_smile:
Janey I’ve literally sat on the sofa watching my inspector morse box set all afternoon.
Fab rule Dizzybee xx
Massive hugs and gentle back.rubs for Ruby
Don’t know what I’d do without you all xxxxx
I’m hoping to stay awake and watch Taboo but I’ve got it on record just in case x