Progesterone, assorted other hormones and fluffy cake

Evening lovelies


been giggling reading Helena’s trouser escapades! The worst thing I’ve done like that is this… I had two identical pairs of work shoes, except one pair was navy and the other black. There was an occasion when I went to work with one of each on. I was horrified as the navy one wasnt that dark either so it was blatantly obvious. I did go and buy another pair mid morning to spare myself any further humiliation!! 


Bit of of a quieter day today. Hubby and I have been to the cinema to see the new Star Wars film Rogue One. It was brilliant and so enjoyed. After that we went for a bite to eat and then home. Tired now but no change there. Was really lovely to do something so normal for a change. The table in harvester are a little high for me in my post rads state and my node scar is aching again from having to have my arm a bit higher to eat but feeling very happy all the same. 


Dont know what to watch tonight - The Voice is back so might give that a shout. 


Hope everyone is ok this evening


Oh Helena, bless you, that is so funny, and yes, Charys, done the knickers falling out of trouser leg several times.


Feeling stuffed, just finished seafood spaghetti, was yummy even if I say so myself.  Tried crusty cornbread to go with it to wipe up the sauce, that was scrummy too.  Had to undo jeans so think I’ll put dressing gown on, bet someone rings the bell the minute I do.


Just watched last nights episode of Delicious starring Dawn French, she’s so good, this is very different to anything else I’ve seen her in xx

Doh! Sorry Helena and fellow odd leg woman. That’ll teach me to speed read messages! I do realise the only vision. Ow of me is a wonky big foot, it’s the long arm and blouses I struggle with most! Ruby how could a woman on the honours list not have perfectly proportioned pins! Well it looks like I have time to post sensibly. I am in the wilds of Devon somewhere - not quite the mystery date night planned. I’m assuming the car is not a waste of viewing time as OH and sailor boy have been gone ages - well unless they’ve been kidnapped by a cult! Radio 2, jigsaws and scrabble my Saturday night fun. Haha Life in the Fast Lane has just come on - very apt!
Lesley I’m determined we will at least get a walk in tomorrow, but probably not 8 miles! My phone counts my steps but I’m now tempted by a Fitbit - I am gadget queen! Sailor has bought car, so I’m driving home in my own. Bye bye for now xx

Charys, many years ago himself and I were visiting my mother in the hospice where she spent the last few weeks of her life and one of the nurses was sorting patient laundry out.  Himself picked up a pair of scanty frilly pants and passed them to her saying “you dropped these” she said don’t think anyone here would be wearing those!  I snatched them and shoved them in my pocket and with a bright red face hustled him into my mums room pdq lol xx

Anyone one accidently tucked the back of their dress in their knickers?  I did that once in the loo of a restaurant and walked all the way back to the table to join my friends wondering why everyone was giggling.  I was tiddly at the time and was very young at the time, but still blush at the memory xx

Ohhhh Lesley. …lolololol The frilly knickers and hospice. …Oh my word.

I’ve done skirt in knickers a few times. The worst was I went to the toilet at home before going to the local recycling centre, aka the tip. Went round all the skips with my knickers on show and nobody told me. Then I drove to town and only found out when stood at the ticket machine !

Lady H …I can imagine you haven’t done it…you are a LADDddYyýyyy

Oh boy, our posts all crossed, Im giggling like mad, himself is in his man cave and opened the door to see what was so funny.  Charys, the tip, you beat me in the restaurant, and Lily on a date, NO, you poor thing!  This is so much better than the telly tonight.  I too love Lewis, I really fancy, oh senior moment, can’t remember his name, help? The young one, real name something Fox.  Now, Im going to make a confession, please, please don’t judge me, but I’m a Celeb Big Brother fan, I know, Im so sorry, but think it’s the voyuer in me.  So at 9pm tonight I’ll be tuning in for my daily fix.  Now Ive got my chest ill wait for you all to give me my penance (once a catholic always a catholic)


Glad the painkillers worked Lily.  Had one this morning but only mild, if I’d been staying at home I’d have seen how it went but as I was going out walking I didn’t want to take any chances of it getting bad and spoiling my morning so took painkillers before heading out and they worked straight away, since then, so far so good, touch wood xx

I’m totally Pmsl :smiley:
I spilt my trousers at work last year it was a massive tear right up the back side but I had no idea I even went after work to get a few bits. It was only when I got home.and went to the loo I noticed. When I said about it the next day my friend said oh I thought you knew!!! all I can say is I’m glad I had my good undies on.
Lesley I think he’s called laurence Fox, Lewis wing man.
Lily I’m so excited for the new series of endeavour and then Sherlock straight after.

That’s him Clair.  Fancy your friend not telling you about your trousers, you’d think she’d have told you.  It’s funny, when things like that happen to you, you think you’re the only one but it seems we all have these oops moments, great to share them and realise you’re not the only one xx

I’ve just been watching Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game, the Alan Turing story, we recorded it the other day. And it was just like watching Sherlock again, the part must have been written for him. I wonder if he feels typecast? Or just very rich…

Getting concerned about my pooch. He’s now taking every evening to sitting on one side of the couch, propping himself up on the arm of the chair, on one ‘elbow’ like an old man and just watches tv. I swear he’s just like a human. 

Currently glued to Tabboo and before that was enjoying The Voice. Crazy Mac! ?

Yes Lily, sometimes can sometimes stop the b****r before it gets a grip, sometimes not.  Can Just picture Mac in his viewing position Beth.


Think Delly must still be in the nightclub doing a double shift.

At the end of The Imitation Game there’s a scene where he’s been convicted of indecency and is taking the chemical castration drugs, and he’s in such an emotional mess, and I caught myself thinking, that’s what we’re doing too, these damn hormone drugs…

Ha Charys that is brilliant, I can just imagine Miranda using that one in one of her sketches, maybe you could sell it to her.  Well, that’s sending me off to bed with a laugh.  Himself is watching a David Bowie on telly getting all nostalgic.  Night all xx

Mac seriously watches A LOT of TV. He will watch anything and everything. His humfs and growls at animal shows or Countryfile ( right in front of the tv) but for general tv he will just prop himself up in the couch and watch. I have NEVER known a dog like it. 

Currently watching Bourne supremacy. Omg. Maybe there is such a thing as reincarnation lol

Yeay I managed to stay awake through Taboo not sure it was worth it though.
Time for bed night night all xxxx

Sunday’s cheery picture xx


cats in box.jpg

Good morning gorgeous girls,


After a hilarious fun evening spent with some of you I toddled off to bed in a good mood, had a dreadful night, new addition to the nighttime fun, as well as painful shoulders/arms, hot flushes and banging head in the early hours new friend joined in the fun, right leg was so painful, never had that before, hope it was a one off.


Beth, all of my dogs used to watch telly if an animal came on, but only for a few seconds, never before have I heard of another dog like my sisters Westie Dolly who watches telly like a human until I heard about magnificent Mac.  Think I mentioned before, her favourite programme is the night garden.  Do you remember the tea adverts with a Monkey?  She hated him and used to charge at the telly barking and snarling when he came on.  I was at a craft Fayre and saw a knitted version of him and bought it for her Christmas present one year. On Christmas morning on receiving it she went berserk, attacked it and tipped it to shreds in minutes whereas normally she loves her cuddly toys, it was so funny, she was not amused!


Horrible wet and grey day here, hope it’s nicer where you all are xx

It has Dizzy! I’m heeeerrrrreeeeee lol

At last, I thought everyone had found somewhere new to play and gone off and left me!


It’s funny how you expect to find you need to catch up on several pages if you’ve been away for a few hours.